====== Geometric objects ====== {{tag>geometry OOP}} ===== Description ===== An object-oriented program about geometric figures. **Source**: PROLOG programming for artificial intelligence, 3rd Edition, Harlow, 2001, ISBN 0-201-40375-7. ===== Download ===== Program source code: {{geometric_objects.pl}} ===== Listing ===== % Figure 23.6 An object-oriented program about geometric figures. /* polygon( [Side1, Side2, ...]) / \ / \ rectangle( Length, Width) reg_polygon( Side, N) \ / \ \ / \ square( Side) pentagon( Side) */ object( polygon( Sides), [ ( perimeter( P) :- sum( Sides, P) ) ] ). object( reg_polygon( Side, N), [ ( perimeter( P) :- P is Side * N), ( describe :- write( 'Regular polygon') ) ] ). object( square( Side), [ ( describe :- write( 'Square with side '), write( Side) ) ] ). object( rectangle( Length, Width), [ ( area( A) :- A is Length * Width), ( describe :- write( 'Rectangle of size '), write( Length * Width) ) ] ). object( pentagon( Side), [ ( describe :- write( 'Pentagon') ) ] ). isa( square( Side), rectangle( Side, Side)). isa( square( Side), reg_polygon( Side, 4)). isa( rectangle( Length, Width), polygon( [Length,Width,Length,Width])). isa( pentagon( Side), reg_polygon( Side, 5)). isa( reg_polygon( Side, N), polygon( L)) :- makelist( Side, N, L). % makelist( Item, N, List) if % List is the list in which Item appears N times makelist( _, 0, []). makelist( Item, N, [Item | List]) :- N > 0, N1 is N - 1, makelist( Item, N1, List). % sum( ListOfNumbers, Sum) if % Sum is the sum of numbers in ListOfNumbers sum( [], 0). sum( [Number | Numbers], Sum) :- sum( Numbers, Sum1), Sum is Sum1 + Number. ===== Comments =====