====== Hanoi 2 ====== {{tag>problem_solving}} ===== Description ===== Towers of Hanoi using a memo-function **Source**: The Art of Prolog ===== Download ===== Program source code: {{hanoi_2.pl}} ===== Listing ===== /* hanoi(N,A,B,C,Moves) :- Moves is the sequence of moves required to move N discs from peg A to peg B using peg C as an intermediary according to the rules of the Towers of Hanoi puzzle */ :- op(100, xfx, [to]). hanoi(1,A,B,C,[A to B]). hanoi(N,A,B,C,Moves) :- N > 1, N1 is N -1, lemma(hanoi(N1,A,C,B,Ms1)), hanoi(N1,C,B,A,Ms2), append(Ms1,[A to B|Ms2],Moves). lemma(P):- P, asserta((P :- !)). /* Testing */ test_hanoi(N,Pegs,Moves) :- hanoi(N,A,B,C,Moves), Pegs = [A,B,C]. % Program 12.3: Towers of Hanoi using a memo-function ===== Comments =====