====== Wolf goat cabbage ====== {{tag>puzzle}} ===== Description ===== Solving the wolf, goat, and cabbage problem **Source**: The Art of Prolog ===== Download ===== Program source code: {{wolf_goat_cabbage.pl}} ===== Listing ===== /* States for the wolf, goat and cabbage problem are a structure wgc(Boat,Left,Right), where Boat is the bank on which the boat currently is, Left is the list of occupants on the left bank of the river, and Right is the list of occupants on the right bank. */ initial_state(wgc,wgc(left,[wolf,goat,cabbage],[])). final_state(wgc(right,[],[wolf,goat,cabbage])). move(wgc(left,L,R),Cargo) :- member(Cargo,L). move(wgc(right,L,R),Cargo) :- member(Cargo,R). move(wgc(B,L,R),alone). update(wgc(B,L,R),Cargo,wgc(B1,L1,R1)) :- update_boat(B,B1), update_banks(Cargo,B,L,R,L1,R1). update_boat(left,right). update_boat(right,left). update_banks(alone,B,L,R,L,R). update_banks(Cargo,left,L,R,L1,R1) :- select(Cargo,L,L1), insert(Cargo,R,R1). update_banks(Cargo,right,L,R,L1,R1) :- select(Cargo,R,R1), insert(Cargo,L,L1). insert(X,[Y|Ys],[X,Y|Ys]) :- precedes(X,Y). insert(X,[Y|Ys],[Y|Zs]) :- precedes(Y,X), insert(X,Ys,Zs). insert(X,[],[X]). precedes(wolf,X). precedes(X,cabbage). legal(wgc(left,L,R)) :- not(illegal(R)). legal(wgc(right,L,R)) :- not(illegal(L)). illegal(Bank) :- member(wolf,Bank), member(goat,Bank). illegal(Bank) :- member(goat,Bank), member(cabbage,Bank). select(X,[X|Xs],Xs). select(X,[Y|Ys],[Y|Zs]) :- select(X,Ys,Zs). % Program 20.2: Solving the wolf, goat, and cabbage problem ===== Comments =====