====== Yesno question ====== {{tag>interactive}} ===== Description ===== Menu that obtains 'yes' or 'no' answer **Source**: PROLOG str. 136 Wydawnictwo PLJ Warszawa 1991 ISBN 83-85190-63-5 ===== Download ===== Program source code: {{yesno_question.pl}} ===== Listing ===== getstring([H|T]) :- get0(H), (not(H=10), getstring(T); !). pobr_odp(Znak) :- write(Znak), getstring([H|T]), pobr_odp_1(H). pobr_odp_1(84) :- !. pobr_odp_1(116) :- !. pobr_odp_1(78) :- !, fail. pobr_odp_1(110) :- !, fail. pobr_odp_1 :- write('[Wprowadz T lub N]: '), getstring([H|T]), pobr_odp_1(H). ===== Comments ===== RTERR: *.pl:9:0: Syntax error: Illegal start of term usuniecie ()