Spis treści

Subterm substitution


A procedure for substituting a subterm of a term by another subterm.

Source: PROLOG programming for artificial intelligence, 3rd Edition, Harlow, 2001, ISBN 0-201-40375-7.


Program source code: subterm_substitution.pl


%  Figure 7.3  A procedure for substituting a subterm of a term by another subterm.
% substitute( Subterm, Term, Subterm1, Term1):
%    if all occurrences of Subterm in Term are substituted
%    with Subterm1 then we get Term1.
% Case 1: Substitute whole term
substitute( Term, Term, Term1, Term1)  :-  !.
% Case 2: Nothing to substitute
substitute( _, Term, _, Term)  :-
   atomic(Term), !.
% Case 3: Do substitution on arguments
substitute( Sub, Term, Sub1, Term1)  :-
   Term  =..  [F|Args],                        % Get arguments
   substlist( Sub, Args, Sub1, Args1),         % Perform substitution on them
   Term1  =..  [F|Args1].
substlist( _, [], _, []).
substlist( Sub, [Term|Terms], Sub1, [Term1|Terms1])  :-
   substitute( Sub, Term, Sub1, Term1),
   substlist( Sub, Terms, Sub1, Terms1).
