% Figure 16.1 A simple knowledge base for identifying animals. % Adapted from Winston (1984). The relation 'askable' defines those things % that can be asked of the user. The operators '::', if, then, 'and', 'or' % are declared as in Figure 16.6. % A small knowledge base for identifying animals :- op( 100, xfx, [ has, gives, 'does not', eats, lays, isa]). :- op( 100, xf, [ swims, flies]). :- op( 200, xfy, [:, ::]). :- op( 185, fx, if). :- op( 190, xfx, then). :- op( 180, xfy, or). :- op( 160, xfy, and). rule1 :: if Animal has hair or Animal gives milk then Animal isa mammal. rule2 :: if Animal has feathers or Animal flies and Animal lays eggs then Animal isa bird. rule3 :: if Animal isa mammal and ( Animal eats meat or Animal has 'pointed teeth' and Animal has claws and Animal has 'forward pointing eyes' ) then Animal isa carnivore. rule4 :: if Animal isa carnivore and Animal has 'tawny color' and Animal has 'dark spots' then Animal isa cheetah. rule5 :: if Animal isa carnivore and Animal has 'tawny color' and Animal has 'black stripes' then Animal isa tiger. rule6 :: if Animal isa bird and Animal 'does not' fly and Animal swims then Animal isa penguin. rule7 :: if Animal isa bird and Animal isa 'good flyer' then Animal isa albatross. fact :: X isa animal :- member( X, [cheetah, tiger, penguin, albatross]). askable( _ gives _, 'Animal' gives 'What'). askable( _ flies, 'Animal' flies). askable( _ lays eggs, 'Animal' lays eggs). askable( _ eats _, 'Animal' eats 'What'). askable( _ has _, 'Animal' has 'Something'). askable( _ 'does not' _, 'Animal' 'does not' fly). askable( _ swims, 'Animal' swims). askable( _ isa 'good flyer', 'Animal' isa 'good flyer').