% Figure 11.7 A depth-first search program that avoids cycling. :- op( 900, fy, not). % not Goal): negation as failure; % Note: This is often available as a built-in predicate, % often written as prefix operator "\+", e.g. \+ likes(mary,snakes) not Goal :- Goal, !, fail ; true. % solve( Node, Solution): % Solution is an acyclic path (in reverse order) between Node and a goal solve( Node, Solution) :- depthfirst( [], Node, Solution). % depthfirst( Path, Node, Solution): % extending the path [Node | Path] to a goal gives Solution depthfirst( Path, Node, [Node | Path] ) :- goal( Node). depthfirst( Path, Node, Sol) :- s( Node, Node1), not member( Node1, Path), % Prevent a cycle depthfirst( [Node | Path], Node1, Sol).