/* explain(Goal) :- Explains how the goal Goal was proved. */ explain(Goal) :- monitor(Goal,Proof), interpret(Proof). :- op(40,xfy,&). :- op(30,xf,is_true). :- op(40,xfy,because). :- op(40,xfy,with). % monitor(Goal,Proof) See Program 17.21. interpret(ProofA&ProofB) :- interpret(ProofA), interpret(ProofB). interpret(failed(A,Branches)) :- nl, writeln([A,' has failed with the following failure branches:']), interpret(Branches). interpret([Fail|Fails]) :- interpret(Fail), nl, write('NEW BRANCH'), nl, interpret(Fails). interpret([ ]). interpret(fact(A)) :- nl, writeln([A,' is a fact in the database.']). interpret(A because B with Proof) :- nl, writeln([A,' is proved using the rule']), display_rule(rule(A,B)), interpret(Proof). interpret(no_match(A)) :- nl, writeln([A,' has no matching fact or rule in the rule base.']). interpret(unsearched) :- nl, writeln(['The rest of the conjunct is unsearched.']). display_rule(rule(A,B)) :- write('IF '), write_conjunction(B), writeln(['THEN ',A ]). write_conjunction(A&B) :- write_conjunction(A), write(' AND '), write_conjunction(B). write_conjunction(A is_true) :- write(A). writeln([X|Xs]) :- write(X), writeln(Xs). writeln([]) :- nl. % Program 17.22: Explaining a proof