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Concepts: symptoms, bradycardia_treatment, tachycardia_treatment, blood_pressure, heart_parameters, qrs_parameter, sinus_rythm, treatment_response

Relations: bradycrdia_treatment → symptoms, tachycardia_treatment → symptoms, symptoms → blood_pressure, symptoms → heart_parameters, symptoms → qrs_parameters, treatment_response → bradycardia_treatment, sinus_rythm → tachycardia_treatment

Original Rules


  1. Many different attributes have influence on the same attribute.
  2. There are two main ways that inference can go: the bradycardia path, and tachycardia path. Those paths are disjoint.
  3. There are decision that depends on patient response to the treatment, which cannot be determined at the beginning of the inference process, such as response to given medicaments - the inference will be dynamic.
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