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-====== Description Logics and OWL in the Semantic Web ====== 
- ​Weronika T. Furmańska <​wtf@agh.edu.pl>,​ Grzegorz J. Nalepa <​gjn@agh.edu.pl>​ 
-\\ \\ \\ 
-{{:​hekate:​semweb:​sw-rubik.png?​120x120 |SW logo}} {{ :​hekate:​semweb:​dl-small.gif?​130x120|DL logo}} ​ 
-===== Outline ===== 
-  * SemanticWeb 
-    * Vision, goals and methods. Layer cake architecture. URI, XML, RDF, Ontologies, Rules... 
-  * Description Logics 
-    * Introduction 
-      * History and background. A DL system. Basic notation and features. Applications of DL and DL-based systems. Relations to other formalisms ​ 
-    * Basic DL 
-      * AL Syntax. AL Semantics. DL families. ALC. TBox - Terminologies. ABox - World Description. Language extensions 
-    * Reasoning in DL 
-      * Inference tasks. Reasoning algorithms. ​ 
-  * OWL - Web Ontology Languages 
-    * OWL and DL. Reasoning on the Web. Current state and remaining challenges. 
-===== Semantic Web =====  
-  * a vision of the Semantic Web first proposed in May 2001 in an [[http://​www.sciam.com/​article.cfm?​id=the-semantic-web|article]] by [[wp>Tim Berners-Lee]],​ [[wp>​James Hendler]] and [[wp>Ora Lassila]] published by Scientific American as //"an extension of the current one, in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation."//​ 
-++++ | 
-  * //"If HTML and the Web made all the online documents look like one huge book, RDF, schema, and inference languages will make all the data in the world look like one huge database"//​ - Tim Berners-Lee,​ Weaving the Web, 1999  ​ 
-  * the idea was to make the Web content "​understandable"​ for machines and enable automated reasoning over it 
-  * the goal was to create an environment where software agents could solve complex searching and reasoning tasks 
-  * the way to do it is to present information in some standarized formats (markup languages) and give the means to reason about it 
-  * ++ the world wide research began... ​ | e.g., just to start with: [[http://​www.w3.org/​2001/​sw/​|W3C Semantic Web Activity Website]] ++ 
-===== Semantic Web Layer Cake(s) =====  
-{{ :​hekate:​semweb:​sw_layer_cakes.png |sw layer cakes}} 
-  * web content encoded in [[wp>​Unicode]],​ resources identified by [[wp>​URI]] 
-  * the structure provided by -> [[http://​www.w3schools.com/​Xml/​|XML]] tags 
-    * the grammar by -> [[http://​www.w3schools.com/​Schema/​default.asp|XML Schema]] 
-  * metadata (basic/​primitive semantics) encoded in -> [[http://​w3schools.com/​rdf/​default.asp|RDF]] 
-  * semantics (meaning and relations between concepts) given by means of -> [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Ontology_(computer_science)|Ontologies]]:​ [[http://​www.w3.org/​2004/​OWL/​|OWL]],​ (somehow also [[http://​www.w3.org/​TR/​rdf-schema/​|RDFS]]) 
-  * rule languages are being developed -> e.g. [[http://​www.ruleml.org/​|RuleML]],​ [[http://​oxygen.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/​rewerse-i1/?​q=R2ML|R2ML]],​ [[http://​www.w3.org/​Submission/​SWRL/​|SWRL]] 
-    * they should be compatible with [[http://​www.w3.org/​2005/​rules/​wiki/​RIF_Working_Group|Rule Interchange Format]] 
-===== Resource Description Framework =====  
-  * [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Resource_Description_Framework|RDF]] is a framework for describing resources on the web 
-  * written in XML and designed to be read by computers 
-  * uses Web identifiers (URIs) to identify resources (documents, pictures, paragraphs, books, ...) 
-  * describes resources with properties and property values ​ 
-    * Properties themselves are also resources (URIs) - they point to a particular definition on the Web 
-  * RDF Statements are **<​subject,​ predicate, object>​** triples 
-  * a graphical formalism for representing metadata 
-    * triple statements can be represented as a graph 
-  * for an example [[http://​w3schools.com/​rdf/​RDFvalidationresult.htm|let'​s go to W3Schools]] 
-===== RDF Schema ===== 
-  * [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​RDF_schema|RDFS]] extends RDF with "​schema vocabulary"​ such as:  
-    * Class, Property 
-    * type, subClassOf, subPropertyOf 
-    * range, domain 
-  * allows to define vocabulary terms and the relations between those terms - therefore is recognized as an ontology language 
-    * it gives "extra meaning"​(semantics) to particular RDF predicates and resources and thus specifies how a term should be interpreted 
-    * RDFS constructors: ​ 
-      * **<​Person,​type,​Class>,​ <​hasColleague,​type,​Property>,​ <​Professor,​subClassOf,​Person>,​ <​Carole,​type,​Professor>,​ , <​hasColleague,​range,​Person>,​ <​hasColleague,​domain,​Person>​** 
-===== RDFS - difficulties ===== 
-  * RDFS too weak to describe resources in sufficient detail 
-    * ++No localised range and domain constraints|Can’t say that the range of hasChild is person when applied to persons and elephant when applied to elephants++ 
-    * ++ existence/​cardinality constraints|Can’t say that all instances of person have a mother that is also a person, or that persons have exactly 2 parents++ 
-    * ++No transitive, inverse or symmetrical properties|Can’t say that isPartOf is a transitive property, that //hasPart// is the inverse of //​isPartOf//​ or that //touches// is symmetrical++ 
-  * Difficult to provide reasoning support 
-    * ++non-standard semantics| [[http://​student.agh.edu.pl/​~ikaf/​wiki/​lib/​exe/​detail.php?​id=semantic_web%3Ardf_s&​cache=cache&​media=semantic_web:​rdf_rdfs_weird_semantics.jpg|see a scheme ]] 8-)++ 
-  * [[http://​www.cs.man.ac.uk/​~horrocks/​ISWC2003/​Tutorial/​introduction.ppt|learn more...]] 
-===== Desirable features identified for Web Ontology Language ===== 
-  * Extends existing Web standards such as XML, RDF, RDFS 
-  * Easy to understand and use 
-  * Should be based on familiar KR idioms 
-  * Formally specified ​ 
-  * Of "​adequate"​ expressive power 
-  * Possible to provide automated reasoning support 
-===== Towards Web Ontology Language... ===== 
-  * Two languages were developed to satisfy above requirements 
-    * [[http://​www.ontoknowledge.org/​oil/​|OIL]]:​ developed by group of (largely) European researchers (several from EU OntoKnowledge project) 
-    * [[http://​www.daml.org/​|DAML]]:​ developed by group of (largely) US researchers (in [[wp>​DARPA]] DAML programme) 
-  * Efforts were merged to produce [[http://​www.w3.org/​TR/​daml+oil-reference|DAML+OIL]] 
-  * Development was carried out by "Joint EU/US Committee on Agent Markup Languages"​ 
-  * [[http://​www.w3.org/​TR/​daml+oil-reference|DAML+OIL]] submitted to W3C as basis for standardisation 
-    * Web-Ontology (WebOnt) Working Group formed 
-    * WebOnt group developed [[http://​www.w3.org/​2004/​OWL/​|OWL]] language based on DAML+OIL 
-  * **[[http://​www.w3.org/​2004/​OWL/​|OWL]] language now a W3C Recommendation** 
-  * __**OWL is based on Description Logics **__ 
-===== Ontology in Computer Science ===== 
-  * An ontology is an engineering artefact consisting of:  
-    * A **vocabulary** used to describe (a particular view of) some domain 
-    * An explicit specification of the intended **meaning** of the vocabulary. ​ 
-      * Often includes **classification** based information 
-    * **Constraints** capturing additional knowledge about the domain 
-  * Ideally, an ontology should: 
-    * Capture a shared understanding of a domain of interest 
-    * Provide a formal and machine manipulable **model of the domain** 
-  * OWL Ontology Browser: [[http://​pellet.owldl.com/​owlsight/​|OWLSight]] 
-====== Description Logics ====== 
-===== Description Logics ===== 
-  * DL are a family of Knowledge Representation formalisms 
-  * they describe world of interest by means of concepts and relations between them 
-  * they provide formal semantics and inference services 
-++++ | 
-Description Logics are a family of knowledge representation formalisms. 
-Their underlying idea is to represent the world of interest in terms of concepts, individuals and relations between them. 
-Description Logics are related to semantic networks and frame systems. 
-Contrary to them, thanks to their connection to First Order Logic, they provide a formal semantics and inference services. 
-===== History and Background ===== 
-  * DLs are related to [[wp>​Semantic networks]] and [[wp>​frame language]]s 
-  * basic idea is to represent knowledge in a network form where 
-    * nodes -> characterize concepts (or more complex relationships) 
-    * links -> describe relationships among concepts 
-{{ :​hekate:​semweb:​dl_pp_repr.png?​500 |semantic network example}} 
-  * Semantic networks were not equipped with formal logic-based semantics. 
-===== Examples of DL expressions ===== 
-  * assertions about individuals ​ 
-    * concept assertions e.g.  
-      * <​latex>​ person(Fred) </​latex>​ - Fred is a person 
-      * <​latex> ​ cat(Tibbs)</​latex>​ Tibbs is a cat 
-    * role assertions e.g. 
-      * <​latex> ​ has\_pet(Fred,​ Tibbs)</​latex>​ - Fred has a pet which is Tibbs 
-  * statements about concepts 
-    * concept definitions (__necessary and sufficient__ conditions) e.g.  
-      * <​latex> ​ man \equiv person \sqcap adult \sqcap male</​latex>​ - A man is an adult male person ​ 
-      * <​latex> ​ cat\_liker \equiv person \sqcap \exists likes.cat</​latex>​ - A cat liker is a person and there exists a cat that he/she likes 
-    * relations between concepts e.g. 
-      * <​latex>​ likes(cat\_liker,​ cat)</​latex>​ - (every) cat liker likes a cat 
-      * <​latex>​ eats\_only(sheep,​ grass)</​latex>​ - (every) sheep eats only grass 
-    * axioms e.g.  
-      * <​latex>​ cat \sqsubseteq animal</​latex>​ a cat is an animal (hierarchy of concepts) 
-      * <​latex> ​ sheep \sqsubseteq animal \sqcap \forall eats.grass</​latex>​ a sheep is an animal which eats only grass (it's a __necessary but not sufficient__ condition) 
-===== KR system based on DL ===== 
-  * A Knowledge Representation System based on DL provides means to set up a knowledge base, to manipulate it and reason about it 
-  * The knowledge base consists of 
-    * TBox - terminology,​ intensional representation 
-    * ABox - assertions about individuals,​ extensional representation 
-{{ :​hekate:​semweb:​dl_krs.png?​500 |KRS}} 
-===== Relation to First Order Logic ===== 
-  * ++mostly DL are subsets of first-order logic | but not all of DL (e.g. those with transitive closure of rules are not) ++ 
-    * concept names ⇔ unary predicates 
-    * atomic roles ⇔ binarty predicates 
-    * concepts ⇔ formulae with one free variable ​ 
-===== DL and FOPL Compared ===== 
-^ Description ^ DL syntax ^ FOL syntax ^ Set algebra ^ 
-|A man is **a male and an adult and a person** | <​latex>​ C_{1} \sqcap ... \sqcap C_{n}</​latex>​ | <​latex>​ C_{1}(x) \land ... \land C_{n}(x)</​latex>​ |<​latex>​ C_{1} \cap ... \cap C_{n}</​latex>​ | 
-|A newspaper is **a broadsheet or a tabloid** | <​latex>​ C_{1} \sqcup ... \sqcup C_{n}</​latex>​ | <​latex>​ C_{1}(x) \lor ... \lor C_{n}(x)</​latex>​ |<​latex>​ C_{1} \cup ... \cup C_{n}</​latex>​ | 
-|Everything a vegetarian eats is **not an animal** | <​latex> ​ \neg C</​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ \neg C(x)</​latex>​ | <​latex>​ C^c</​latex>​ (complement of set)| 
-|EU countries are: **Germany, France, ..., Poland** | <​latex> ​ \lbrace x_{1} \rbrace \sqcup ... \sqcup \lbrace x_{n} \rbrace </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ x=x_{1} \lor ... \lor x=x_{n}</​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ \lbrace x_{1} \rbrace \cup ... \cup \lbrace x_{n} \rbrace </​latex>​ | 
-|An old lady **has only cats** | <​latex> ​ \forall P.C </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ \forall y.P(x,y) \rightarrow C(y)</​latex>​ | <​latex>​ \pi_Y(P) \subseteq C</​latex>​ | 
-|A dog owner **has some dog(s)**| <​latex> ​ \exists P.C </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ \exists y.P(x,y) \land C(y)</​latex>​ | <​latex>​\pi_Y(P) \cap C \neq \emptyset</​latex>​ (Π - projection)| 
-|A reasonable man **has maximum 1 woman** ;-) | <​latex> ​ \leq nP </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ \exists^{\leq n}y.P(x,​y)</​latex>​ | <​latex>​ card(P)\leq n </​latex>​ (card - cardinality)| 
-|An animal lover **has minimun 3 pets** | <​latex> ​ \geq nP </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ \exists^{\geq n}y.P(x,​y)</​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ card(P) \geq n </​latex>​ | 
-|A kid **is the same as** a young person |<​latex> ​ C \equiv D </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ \forall x.C(x) \leftrightarrow D(x) </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ C \equiv D </​latex>​ | 
-|**Every cat is an animal** | <​latex> ​ C \sqsubseteq D </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ \forall x.C(x) \rightarrow D(x) </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ C \subseteq D </​latex>​ | 
-===== Applications of DL and DL-based systems ===== 
-  * Software Engineering ++ |1 of the first: CLASSIC - Software Information System ++ 
-  * Configuration ​ 
-    * design of complex systems created by multiple components 
-  * Medicine (decision support, ontologies) 
-  * Natural Language processing 
-  * Database management ​ 
-    * reasoning about ++ ERD | Entity Relationship Diagrams ++  
-    * query processing and optimization 
-  * Creating ontologies for Semantic Web 
-===== Basic DL ===== 
-  * elementary descriptions are //atomic concepts// and //atomic roles// 
-  * complex descriptions built from them inductively with //concept constructors//​ 
-  * Description Languages are **distinguished by the constructors they provide** 
-  * AL (Attributive Language) - is a minimal language of practical interest 
-===== AL syntax ===== 
-  * Symbols 
-    * A, B - atomic concepts 
-    * R - atomic role 
-    * C, D - concept descriptions 
-  * construction syntax rule: <​latex> ​ C, D \rightarrow A  \vert \top  \vert \bot  \vert \neg A \vert C \sqcap D  \vert    \forall R.C  \vert     ​\exists R.\top </​latex>​ 
-  * ++ atomic negation and limited existential quantification | negation can only be applied to __atomic concepts__, and only the __top concept__ is allowed in the scope of an existential quantification ++ 
-===== AL semantics ===== 
-  * given by means of //​interpretation//​ which consists of two parts: 
-  * domain of interpretation:​ <​latex> ​ \Delta^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​ - a non-empty set to which all the symbols and relations are mapped 
-  * an interpretation function which assigns ​ 
-    * to every atomic concept a set: <​latex> ​ A \rightarrow A^{\mathcal{I}} \subseteq \Delta^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex> ​ 
-    * to every atomic role a binary relation: <​latex> ​ R^{\mathcal{I}} \rightarrow \Delta^{\mathcal{I}} \times \Delta^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​ 
-===== AL syntax and semantics table ===== 
-^ Constructor ^ Syntax ^ Semantics ^ 
-| (atomic concept) | <​latex> ​ A      </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ A^{\mathcal{I}} = A^{\mathcal{I}} \subseteq \Delta^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​ | 
-| (atomic role) | <​latex> ​ R      </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ R^{\mathcal{I}} = R^{\mathcal{I}} \subseteq \Delta^{\mathcal{I}} \times \Delta^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​ | 
-| (universal concept) | <​latex> ​  ​\top ​  </​latex>​ | <​latex>​ \top^{\mathcal{I}} = \Delta^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​ | 
-| (bottom concept) | <​latex> ​  ​\bot ​  </​latex>​ | <​latex>​ \bot^{\mathcal{I}} = \emptyset</​latex>​ | 
-| (__**atomic**__ negation) | <​latex> ​  \neg A </​latex>​ | <​latex> ​ (\neg A)^{\mathcal{I}} = \Delta^{\mathcal{I}} \setminus A^{\mathcal{I}} ​ </​latex>​ | 
-| (intersection) | <​latex> ​  C \sqcap D     </​latex>​ | <​latex>​ (C \sqcap D)^{\mathcal{I}} = C^{\mathcal{I}} \cap D^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​ | 
-| (value restriction) | <​latex> ​  ​\forall R.C    </​latex>​ | <​latex>​ (\forall R.C)^\mathcal{I} = \lbrace a \in \Delta^\mathcal{I} \vert \forall b, (a,b) \in R^\mathcal{I} \rightarrow b \in C^{\mathcal{I}} \rbrace</​latex>​ | 
-| (limited existential quantification) | <​latex> ​ \exists R.\top</​latex>​ |<​latex> ​  ​(\exists R.\top)^\mathcal{I} = \lbrace a \in \Delta^\mathcal{I} \vert \exists b, (a,b) \in R^\mathcal{I} } \rbrace</​latex>​ | 
-===== Examples ===== 
-  * atomic concepts: //Person//, //Female//, //​Elephant//​ ++|note: without stating it explicitly there is no relation between Person, Female and Elephant, they just denote some sets ++ 
-    * a female person: <​latex> ​ Person \sqcap Female</​latex>​ 
-    * a female elephant: <​latex> ​ Elephant \sqcap Female</​latex>​ 
-    * a not-female person: <​latex> ​ Person \sqcap \neg Female</​latex>​ 
-  * atomic role: //​hasChild//​ 
-    * a person with children <​latex> ​ Person \sqcap \exists hasChild. \top </​latex>​ 
-    * a person all of whose children are female <​latex> ​ Person \sqcap \forall hasChild.Female </​latex>​ 
-    * a person without children <​latex> ​ Person \sqcap \forall hasChild. \bot </​latex>​ 
-===== DL "​families"​ ===== 
-  * distinguished by the constructors they provide 
-  * <​latex>​ \mathcal{U}</​latex>​ - union : <​latex>​ (C \sqcup D)^\mathcal{I} = C^\mathcal{I} \cup D^\mathcal{I}</​latex>​ 
-  * <​latex>​ \mathcal{E}</​latex>​ - full existential quantification : <​latex>​ (\exists R.C)^\mathcal{I} = \lbrace a \in \Delta^\mathcal{I} \vert \exists b, (a,b) \in R^\mathcal{I} \land b \in C^{\mathcal{I}} \rbrace </​latex>​ 
-  * <​latex>​ \mathcal{N}</​latex>​ - number restrictions:​ 
-    * <​latex>​ (\geq n R)^\mathcal{I} = \lbrace a \in \Delta^\mathcal{I} \arrowvert { \mid\lbrace b \mid (a,b) \in R^\mathcal{I} \rbrace \mid \geq n } \rbrace </​latex>​ 
-    * <​latex>​ (\leq n R)^\mathcal{I} = \lbrace a \in \Delta^\mathcal{I} \arrowvert { \mid\lbrace b \mid (a,b) \in R^\mathcal{I} \rbrace \mid \leq n } \rbrace </​latex>​ 
-  * <​latex>​ \mathcal{C}</​latex>​ - negation : <​latex>​ ( \neg C)^\mathcal{I} = \Delta^\mathcal{I} \setminus C^\mathcal{I}</​latex>​ 
-  * resulting languages: <​latex> ​ \mathcal{AL} [ \mathcal{U}][ \mathcal{E} ][\mathcal{N} ][\mathcal{C} ] </​latex>​ 
-===== ALC ===== 
-  * Smallest ++propositionally closed | (propositionally closed languages provide, either implicitly or explicitly, conjunction,​ union and negation of class descriptions++ DL is <​latex> ​ \mathcal{ALC}</​latex> ​ 
-  * equivalence with <​latex> ​ \mathcal{ALUE}</​latex>: ​ 
-    * <​latex>​ C \sqcup D \equiv \neg(\neg C \sqcap \neg D)</​latex>​ 
-    * <​latex> ​ \exists R.C \equiv \neg \forall R.\neg C</​latex>​ 
-  * Concepts constructed using booleans: <​latex>​ \sqcup, \sqcap, \neg</​latex>​ 
-  * restricted quantifiers:​ <​latex>​ \exists, \forall</​latex>​ 
-  * Only atomic roles 
-  * <​latex>​ \mathcal{ALC} </​latex>​ corresponds to a fragment of FOL obtained by restricting the syntax to formulas containing only 2 variables 
-===== Terminologies (TBox) ===== 
-  * a TBox is a finite set of terminological axioms about concepts 
-  * terminological axioms: <​latex> ​ C \sqsubseteq D (R \sqsubseteq S) </​latex>​ or <​latex>​ C \equiv D (R \equiv S) </​latex>​ 
-  * definitions - an equality that has an atomic concept on the left-hand side  
-  * terminologies may be ++ cyclic or acyclic |acyclic terminologies have definitiorial impact. Their semantics is called //​descriptive//​ semantics. Cyclic terminologies (used e.g. to model recursive structures ) needs fixed point semantics... (see F.Baader,​W.Nutt - //Basic Description Logics// in DL Handbook.)++ 
-  * terminologies may include //​specialization//​ statements - axioms of the form <​latex> ​ C \sqsubseteq D </​latex>​ 
-  ​ 
-++++ Selected definitions... |  
-  * Name symbols - symbols that occur on the left-hand side of axioms 
-  * Base symbols - symbols that occur ONLY on the right-hand side of axioms 
-  * Base interpretations - interpretation that interprets only base symbols 
-  * Extension - interpretation that interpret also the name symbols and <​latex>​ \Delta^\mathcal{I}=\Delta^\mathcal{J}</​latex>​ 
-  * Terminology is definitorial if every base interpretation has exactly one extension that is a model of T. 
-===== TBox semantics ===== 
-  * an interpretation (function) <​latex>​ \mathcal{I} </​latex>​ maps each concept name to a subset of the domain 
-  * an interpretation satisfies an axiom <​latex> ​ C \sqsubseteq D (R \sqsubseteq S) </​latex>​ if: <​latex> ​ C^{\mathcal{I}} \subseteq D^{\mathcal{I}} </​latex>​ or <​latex> ​ R^{\mathcal{I}} \subseteq S^{\mathcal{I}} </​latex>​ 
-  * an interpretation //I// satisfies a concept definition <​latex>​ C \equiv D (R \equiv S) </​latex>​ if: <​latex> ​ C^{\mathcal{I}} = D^{\mathcal{I}} </​latex>​ or <​latex> ​ R^{\mathcal{I}} = S^{\mathcal{I}} </​latex> ​ 
-  * an interpretation satisfies a TBox (Terminology) if it satisfies all definitions and all axioms -> I is a //model// of T 
-===== TBox Example ===== 
-<​latex> ​ 
-Animal \sqsubseteq \exists eats. \top \\ 
-\mathit{Giraffe} ​ \sqsubseteq ​ Animal\\ 
-Giraffe ​ \sqsubseteq ​ \forall eats.Leaf\\ ​ 
-Vegetarian \equiv (\forall eats.(\neg (\exists partOf.Animal))) \sqcap (\forall eats.(\neg Animal)) \sqcap Animal\\ 
-Cow \sqsubseteq Vegetarian\\ 
-MadCow \equiv \exists eats.(\exists partOf.Sheep \sqcap Brain) \sqcap Cow \\ 
-</​latex> ​ 
-<​latex> ​ 
-Elderly \sqsubseteq ​ Adult\\ 
-OldLady \equiv Elderly \sqcap Female \sqcap Person \\ 
-<​latex> ​ 
-OldLady \sqsubseteq ​ \exists hasPet.Animal \sqcap \forall hasPet.Cat \\  
-DogOwner \equiv Person \sqcap \exists hasPet.Dog \\ 
-AnimalLover \equiv Person \sqcap \geq 3 hasPet \\ 
-===== World Description (ABox) ===== 
-  * an ABox contains extensional knowledge about the domain of interest (individuals) 
-  * concept assertions, e.g. C(a) 
-  * role assertions, R(b,c) 
-===== ABox semantics ===== 
-  * an interpretation I maps each individual name to an element in the domain 
-  * an interpretation satisfies (with regards to terminology T): 
-    * a concept assertion C(a) iff <​latex>​ a^{\mathcal{I}} \in C^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​ 
-    * a role assertion R(b,c) iff <​latex>​ < b^{\mathcal{I}},​ c^{\mathcal{I}} > \in R^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​ 
-    * an ABox iff it satisfies all assertions in ABox A -> I is a model of A 
-===== ABox Example ===== 
-<​latex> ​ 
-\leq 1 hasPet(Joe)\\ 
-hasPet(Joe, Fido)\\ 
-reads(Mick, DailyMirror)\\ 
-drives(Mick,​ Q123ABC)\\ 
-===== Nominals in TBox ===== 
-  * in some DL individual names (nominals) can be used also in TBox 
-  * there exists //concept constructors//​ using nominals e.g. 
-    * Set (//one-of// constructor) 
-    * //fills// constructor for a role 
-^ Constructor ^ Semantics ^ 
-| <​latex>​ \lbrace a_{1}, ..., a_{n} \rbrace</​latex>​ | <​latex>​ \lbrace a_{1}, ..., a_{n} \rbrace^{\mathcal{I}} = \lbrace a_{1}^{\mathcal{I}},​ ..., a_{n}^{\mathcal{I}} \rbrace</​latex>​ | 
-|<​latex>​ R : a</​latex>​|<​latex>​ (R : a)^{\mathcal{I}} = \lbrace d \in \Delta^{\mathcal{I}} \vert (d,​a)^{\mathcal{I}} \in R^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​| 
-===== DL Inference ===== 
-  * Reasoning tasks 
-  * Open World Assuption 
-  * Rules 
-  * Reasoning algorithms 
-    * Structural subsumption algorithms 
-    * Tableau algorithms 
-===== Reasoning tasks for TBox ===== 
-  * satisfiability 
-    * a concept C is satisfiable with respect to T if there exists a model (an interpretation) I of T such that <​latex>​ C^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​ is not empty 
-  * subsumption 
-    * a concept C is subsumed by a concept D w.r.t. T if <​latex>​ C^{\mathcal{I}} \subseteq D^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​ for every model I of T 
-  * equivalence 
-    * two concepts C and D are equivalent w.r.t. T if <​latex>​ C^{\mathcal{I}} = D^{\mathcal{I}}</​latex>​ for every model I of T 
-  * disjointness 
-    * two concepts C and D are disjoint w.r.t. T if <​latex>​ C^{\mathcal{I}} \cap D^{\mathcal{I}} = \emptyset</​latex>​ for every model I of T 
-===== Reasoning tasks for ABox ===== 
-  * consistency checking 
-    * an ABox is consistent w.r.t. a TBox T, if there is an interpretation that is a model of both A and T. 
-    * ++an ABox is consistent, if it is consistent w.r.t. the empty TBox.|one can get rid of acyclic TBox by expanding concepts in TBox (replacing concepts with the right-hand side of their definitions) ++ 
-  * instance checking 
-    * <​latex>​ A \models \alpha</​latex>​ iff every interpretation I which satisfies A also satisfies α 
-  * realization - the most specific concept for a given individual 
-  * retrieval - individuals which are instances of a given concept 
-===== Reduction of reasoning tasks ===== 
-  * all TBox tasks can be reduced to subsumption or satisfiability 
-    * C and D are disjoint ⇔ <​latex>​ C \sqcap D</​latex>​ is subsumed by ⊥ 
-    * e.g. C is subsumed by D ⇔ <​latex>​ C \sqcap \neg D </​latex>​ is unsatisfiable (**this is used in //​tableau-based algorithms//​**) 
-  * all inferences can be reduced to //​consistency checking// of an ABox 
-===== Open World semantics ===== 
-  * DL Knowledge Base vs. Relational Database 
-    * database schema <-> TBox 
-    * instance with data <-> ABox 
-    * contrary to relational databases, absence of information in ABox means **lack of knowledge**,​ not a negative information 
-  * ABox represents possibly infinitely many interpretations 
-  * open-world semantics requires nontrivial reasoning, answering queries is more complex ​ 
-===== Rules ===== 
-  * in some DL systems in addition to TBox and ABox one can use //trigger rules// to express knowledge 
-  * C ⇒ D 
-  * if an individual is proved to be an instance of C, then derive that it is also an instance of D 
-  * **C ⇒ D is not a logical implication**,​ it does not mean that ¬D  -> ¬C :!: 
-===== Structural subsumption algorithms ===== 
-  * these algorithms compare the syntactic structure of concept descriptions 
-  * they are very efficient ​ 
-  * only complete for simple languages 
-    * e.g. cannot handle full negation and disjuntion 
-===== Tableau algorithms ===== 
-  - use of the fact that: C is subsumed by D ⇔ <​latex>​C \sqcap \neg D </​latex>​ is unsatisfiable 
-  - start from ground facts (ABox axioms) 
-  - syntactic decomposition using tableaux expansion rules 
-    * Tableau rules correspond to constructors in logic (<​latex>​ \sqcap, \sqcup, ...</​latex>​) 
-    * Some rules are nondeterministic (e.g., <​latex> ​ \sqcup, \leq </​latex>​) (In practice, this means search) 
-  - Inferring constraints on (elements of) model 
-  - Stop when no more rules applicable or clash occurs ​ 
-    * Cycle check (blocking) often needed to ensure termination 
-===== Inference Example ===== 
-  * We know that: 
-    * <​latex>​ OldLady \equiv Elderly \sqcap Female \sqcap Person</​latex>​ 
-    * <​latex>​ OldLady \sqsubseteq ​ \exists hasPet.Animal </​latex><​latex>​ \sqcap </​latex><​latex>​ \forall hasPet. Cat </​latex>​ 
-    * <​latex>​ hasPet(Minnie,​Tom)</​latex>,<​latex> ​ Elderly(Minnie)</​latex>,<​latex> ​ Female(Minnie)</​latex>​ 
-  * We can infer that: 
-    * Every old lady must have a pet cat.(Because she must have some pet and all her pets must be cats.) 
-    * Minnie is an old lady 
-    * Tom is a cat 
-  * We know that: 
-    * <​latex>​Vegetarian \equiv (\forall eats.(\neg (\exists partOf.Animal))) \sqcap (\forall eats.(\neg Animal)) \sqcap Animal</​latex>​ 
-    * <​latex>​Cow \sqsubseteq Vegetarian</​latex>​ 
-    * <​latex>​MadCow \equiv \exists eats.(\exists partOf.Sheep \sqcap Brain) \sqcap Cow </​latex>​ 
-  * We can infer that: 
-    * **there are no mad cows!** ​ 
-  * [[http://​www.cs.man.ac.uk/​~horrocks/​ISWC2003/​Tutorial/​examples.pdf|More examples with this ontology here...]] ​ 
-  * see [[http://​pellet.owldl.com/​owlsight/​|OwlSight Ontology Browser]] for explanation... 
-===== Language extensions ===== 
-  * base DL is ALC (≈ALUE) 
-  * Additional letters indicate language extensions: 
-    * regarding concept constructors 
-      * <​latex>​ \mathcal{F}</​latex> ​ for functional number restrictions (e.g., ≤1//​hasMother//​) 
-      * <​latex>​ \mathcal{N}</​latex> ​ for number restrictions (graded modalities, e.g., ≥2//​hasChild//,​ ≤//​3hasChild//​) 
-      * <​latex>​ \mathcal{Q}</​latex> ​ for qualified number restrictions (graded modalities, e.g., ≥2//​hasChild//​.Doctor)) 
-      * <​latex>​ \mathcal{O}</​latex> ​ for nominals/​singleton classes (e.g., {Italy}) 
-    * regarding role constructors 
-      * role intersection:​ R∩S, role union: R∪S, complement roles: ¬R, chain (composition) of roles: RoS 
-      * <​latex>​ \mathcal{I}</​latex> ​ for inverse roles (e.g., <​latex>​ isChildOf \equiv hasChild^{–}</​latex>​) 
-    * additional role axioms 
-      * <​latex>​ \mathcal{S}</​latex>​ Role transitivity - often used for <​latex>​ \mathcal{ALC}</​latex>​ extended with transitive roles 
-      * <​latex>​ \mathcal{H}</​latex>​ Role hierarchy (e.g., <​latex>​ hasDaughter \sqsubseteq hasChild</​latex>​) 
-      * <​latex>​ \mathcal{R}</​latex>​ Complex role inclusions: RoS ⊆ R, RoS ⊆ S 
-    * other 
-      * <​latex> ​ ^{(\mathcal{D})}</​latex>​ Use of datatype properties, data values or data types 
-===== DL family vs. reasoning complexity ===== 
-  * [[http://​www.cs.man.ac.uk/​~ezolin/​dl/​|DL complexity navigator]] 
-====== OWL - Web Ontology Language ====== 
-===== OWL ===== 
-  * [[http://​www.w3.org/​2004/​OWL/​|Web Ontology Language]], ​ 
-  * [[http://​www.w3.org/​TR/​daml+oil-walkthru/​|DAML+OIL]] 
-  * 3 species: [[http://​www.w3.org/​TR/​owl-ref/#​Sublanguages|OWL Lite, OWL DL and OWL Full]] 
-  * [[http://​www.w3.org/​2007/​OWL/​wiki/​OWL_Working_Group|OWL Working Group]] works on [[http://​www.w3.org/​2007/​OWL/​wiki/​Primer|OWL 2]] 
-===== DL and OWL ===== 
-  * OWL exploits results of 15+ years of DL research 
-    * Well defined (model theoretic) semantics 
-    * Formal properties well understood (complexity,​ decidability) 
-    * Known reasoning algorithms 
-    * Implemented systems (highly optimised) 
-  * OWL ontology equivalent to DL KB (Tbox + Abox) 
-  * OWL DL based equivalent to SHOIN(D) DL 
-===== 3 species of OWL ===== 
-  - //OWL Full// is union of OWL syntax and RDF 
-    * RDF semantics extended with relevant semantic conditions and axiomatic triples 
-  - //OWL DL// is restricted to FOL fragment (≈ DAML+OIL) 
-    * Has standard (First Order) model theoretic semantics 
-    * Equivalent to ++ SHOIN(D)| role transitivity(S) + role hierarchy (H) + nominals (O) + inverse (I) + number restrictions (N) + datatype properties, data values or data types (D) = SHOIN(D) ++ 
-  - //OWL Lite// is "​simpler"​ subset of OWL DL  
-    * Equivalent to ++ SHIF(D) | role transitivity(S) + role hierarchy (H) + inverse (I) + functionality (F) + datatype properties, data values or data types (D)= SHIF(D) ++ 
-  * [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Web_Ontology_Language#​Sublanguages|learn more about OWL species...]] 
-  * [[http://​www.w3.org/​2007/​OWL/​wiki/​OWL_Working_Group|OWL Working Group]] is working on a new version of OWL based on the propositions of [[http://​www.w3.org/​Submission/​2006/​10/​|OWL 1.1. Submission Request]]: [[http://​www.w3.org/​TR/​2008/​WD-owl2-quick-reference-20081202/​|OWL 2]] which (according to Wikipedia) corresponds to SROIQ(D) 
-    * R - complex roles inclusion (RoS ⊆ R, RoS ⊆ S) 
-===== OWL and DL Syntax Compared ===== 
-^ OWL Constructor ^ DL syntax ^ ^ OWL Axiom ^ DL syntax ^ 
-| ''​Thing''​ | <​latex>​ \top</​latex>​ | | ''​equivalentClass''​ | <​latex> ​ C \equiv D</​latex>​ | 
-| ''​Nothing''​ | <​latex>​ \bot</​latex>​ | | ''​suClassOf''​ | <​latex>​ C \sqsubseteq D</​latex>​ | 
-| ''​complementOf''​ | <​latex>​ (\neg)</​latex>​ | | ''​equivalentProperty''​ | <​latex>​ S \equiv R</​latex>​ | 
-| ''​intersectionOf''​ | <​latex>​ (C \sqcap D)</​latex>​ | | ''​subPropertyOf''​ | <​latex>​ S \sqsubseteq R</​latex>​ | 
-| ''​unionOf''​ | <​latex>​ (C \sqcup D)</​latex>​ | | ''​inverseOf''​ | <​latex>​ S \equiv R^-</​latex>​ | 
-| ''​allValuesFrom''​ | <​latex>​ (\forall R.C)</​latex>​ | | ''​transitiveProperty''​ | <​latex>​ R^+ \sqsubseteq R</​latex>​ | 
-| ''​someValuesFrom''​ | <​latex>​ (\exists R.C)</​latex>​ | | ''​functionalProperty''​ | <​latex>​ \top \sqsubseteq \leq 1 R</​latex>​ | 
-| ''​minCardinality''​ | <​latex>​ (\geq n R)</​latex>​ | | ''​sameIndividualAs''​ | <​latex>​ a = b</​latex>​ | 
-| ''​maxCardinality''​ | <​latex>​ (\leq n R)</​latex>​ | | ''​differentFrom''​ | <​latex>​ a \neq b</​latex>​ | 
-| ''​oneOf''​ | <​latex>​ \lbrace a_1, ..., a_n \rbrace</​latex>​ | 
-===== OWL - Abstract syntax ===== 
- ​Class(pp:​male partial) 
- ​Class(pp:​adult partial) 
- ​Class(pp:​elderly partial pp:adult) 
- ​Class(pp:​pet complete restriction(pp:​is_pet_of someValuesFrom(owl:​Thing))) 
- ​Class(pp:​animal partial restriction(pp:​eats someValuesFrom(owl:​Thing))) 
- /* Vegetarians do not eat animals or parts of animals */ 
- ​Class(pp:​vegetarian complete ​ 
-    intersectionOf(pp:​animal 
-      restriction(pp:​eats allValuesFrom(complementOf(pp:​animal))) 
-      restriction(pp:​eats ​ 
- allValuesFrom(complementOf(restriction(pp:​part_of ​ 
-         someValuesFrom(pp:​animal))))))) 
- ​DisjointClasses(pp:​dog pp:cat) 
- ​ObjectProperty(pp:​eaten_by) 
- ​ObjectProperty(pp:​eats inverseOf(pp:​eaten_by) domain(pp:​animal)) ​ 
- ​SubPropertyOf(pp:​has_pet pp:likes) 
- ​Individual(pp:​Tom type(owl:​Thing)) 
- ​Individual(pp:​Tibbs type(pp:​cat)) 
-===== OWL - XML syntax ===== 
-  * OWL is layered over RDFS and uses some RDF(S) syntax (e.g. ''​rdfs:​subClassOf''​) 
-<code xml> 
-  <​owl:​intersectionOf rdf:​parseType="​collection">​ 
-    <​owl:​Class rdf:​about="#​Person"/>​ 
-    <​owl:​Restriction>​ 
-      <​owl:​onProperty rdf:​resource="#​hasChild"/>​ 
-      <​owl:​toClass>​ 
-        <​owl:​unionOf rdf:​parseType="​collection">​ 
-          <​owl:​Class rdf:​about="#​Doctor"/>​ 
-          <​owl:​Restriction>​ 
-            <​owl:​onProperty rdf:​resource="#​hasChild"/>​ 
-            <​owl:​hasClass rdf:​resource="#​Doctor"/>​ 
-          </​owl:​Restriction>​ 
-        </​owl:​unionOf>​ 
-      </​owl:​toClass>​ 
-    </​owl:​Restriction>​ 
-  </​owl:​intersectionOf>​ 
-===== Increased Expressive Power - Datatypes and Nominals ===== 
-  * OWL supports XML Schema **primitive datatypes** 
-  * there is a clean separation between "​object"​ classes and datatypes (the domains are disjoint) 
-  * **Nominals** are used in extensionally defined classes 
-    * Written in OWL as oneOf(Austria,​ ..., UnitedKingdom) 
-    * Equivalent to a disjunction of nominals: {Austria ∪ ... ∪ UnitedKingdom} 
-  * Used in extended OWL Abox axioms 
-  * using Datatypes and Nominals in Ontologies increase the complexity of reasoning and remains a challenge 
-===== Reasoning in OWL DL ===== 
-  * why? 
-    * Semantic Web's aim is to enable automated reasoning using knowledge specified in Ontologies 
-  * what can we do? 
-    * Design and maintenance of ontologies 
-    * Integration of ontologies 
-    * **Querying class and instance data w.r.t. ontologies** 
-  * reasoning with lots of nominals 
-    * the presence ​ of individuals in KB makes reasoning more complex computationally,​ may require extensions of some TBox reasoning techniques 
-===== Future challenges ===== 
-  * OWL not expressive enough for some applications 
-  * Role box (SROIQ) ​ 
-  * Concrete domains/​datatypes ​ 
-    * role box + concrete domains is basis for OWL 2 
-  * Database style keys  
-  * [[http://​www.cs.man.ac.uk/​~horrocks/​Slides/​cisa06.ppt|learn more...]] 
-===== Rule languages over OWL ===== 
-  * [[wp>​SWRL]] ​ 
-    * union of OWL DL and Horn logic (Horn clauses) 
-    * looses decidability 
-  * [[wp>​RuleML]],​ [[wp>​R2ML]] 
-===== If you want to know more ===== 
-  * [[http://​www.w3.org/​2001/​sw/​|W3C Semantic Web Activity Website]] 
-  * [[http://​dl.kr.org/​|Description Logics Website]] 
-  * [[http://​www.cs.man.ac.uk/​~horrocks/​Slides/​index.html|Ian Horrocks'​s presentations]] 
-  * [[http://​protege.stanford.edu/​|Protege]] - a tool for creating/​editing ontologies 
-  * [[http://​clarkparsia.com/​pellet|Pellet]] - a DL reasoner 
-  * [[http://​pellet.owldl.com/​owlsight/​|OwlSight]] - an ontology browser 
-==== btw. ==== 
-  * [[http://​www.sfu.ca/​~dgasevic/​projects/​PNO/​Download.htm|Ontologies for Petri Nets]] 
-  * [[http://​xmlns.com/​foaf/​spec/​index.rdf|FOAF spec. ontology]] 
-  * [[https://​mywebspace.wisc.edu/​jpthielman/​web/​DaycareOntology.htm| small child daycare ontology]] :-) 
-===== References ===== 
-  * [[http://​www.cambridge.org/​uk/​catalogue/​catalogue.asp?​isbn=0521781760|The Description Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation and Applications]] 
-    * D. Nardi and R. J. Brachman -  An introduction to description logics ​ 
-    * F. Baader and W. Nutt - Basic description logics ​ 
-  * http://​dl.kr.org/​ 
-  * http://​www.cs.man.ac.uk/​~horrocks/​Slides/​index.html 
-  * www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/​~brewka/​papers/​semweb/​DL_vortrag.pdf 
-  * http://​www.cs.man.ac.uk/​~horrocks/​ISWC2003/​Tutorial/​ 
-===== Thank you ===== 
-  * Any questions? 
- ​{{:​hekate:​semweb:​sw-rubik.png?​120x120 |SW logo}} ​ {{ :​hekate:​semweb:​dl-small.gif?​130x120|DL logo}}  ​ 
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