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mindstorms:plnxt:plnxtdev:start [2009/02/24 12:51]
holownia preliminary milostones and schedule
mindstorms:plnxt:plnxtdev:start [2019/06/27 15:50]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== PlNXT Development ====== 
-A page dedicated to the coordination of the Hekate Project Prolog API for Mindstorms, a.ka. //PlNXT// 
-===== CVS access ===== 
-Some docs: a sane [[http://​furryland.org/​~mikec/​cvs.html|CVS Howto]], [[http://​ximbiot.com/​cvs/​manual/​|CVS Manual]]. 
-  export CVSROOT=:​ext:​pholownia@charon.ia.agh.edu.pl/​mnt/​cvs/​cvs-hades 
-  export CVS_RSH=ssh 
-Example (from student): 
-  export CVSROOT=:​ext:​pholownia@charon.ia.agh.edu.pl/​mnt/​cvs/​cvs-hades 
-  export CVS_RSH=ssh 
-  cvs co plnxt 
-Locally on charon: 
-  export CVSROOT=/​mnt/​cvs/​cvs-hades 
-  cvs co plnxt 
-When updating from CVS: 
-  cvs update 
-Commiting changes 
-  cvs ci 
-Adding files (before commit!): 
-  cvs add file 
-===== Source OnLine Access ===== 
-The [[https://​hekate.ia.agh.edu.pl/​webcvs/​cvs-hades/​view.vc|Hades CVS]] online. 
-Log in with the same user/​password as in wiki, you need to be in the appropriate cvs group at charon for this to work! 
-The //plnxt docs//, automagically regenereted while you sleep :-) 
-===== Trac ===== 
-Test the new [[https://​hekate.ia.agh.edu.pl/​webtrac/​hades/​trac.vc|CVStrac]] here. 
-Log in with the same user/​password as in wiki, you need to be in the appropriate cvs group at charon for this to work! 
-When making a commit related to a Trac ticket, write something like 
-  Fix for ticket #N, such as... 
-where ''​N''​ is the ticker number! 
-See example [[https://​hekate.ia.agh.edu.pl/​webtrac/​hades/​trac.vc/​chngview?​cn=94|here]] 
-===== Milestones ===== 
-==== M0 ==== 
-20.02.2009: __DONE__ initial 
-===== Functionality ===== 
-==== F ==== 
-  * fix jsi2008 bugs 
-  * make sure icommand works 
-==== F ==== 
-==== F ==== 
-==== F ==== 
-==== F ==== 
-===== Technicals ===== 
-==== T1 ==== 
-  * on-line docs 
-===== SPOOL ===== 
-==== NXT USB Linux ==== 
-  * linux+ usb http://​forums.nxtasy.org/​index.php?​showtopic=2143 http://​forums.nxtasy.org/​index.php?​s=114db3461178f97b9e60e6505172e10c&​showtopic=2240&​st=0&​p=17166&#​entry17166 
-  * libnxt http://​jgraef.bplaced.de/​libnxt/​ http://​forums.nxtasy.org/​index.php?​s=bfec39b7cf29627892175f8a1d8dd819&​showtopic=1417&​st=0&​p=11726&#​entry11726 
-  * nxtfs http://​jgraef.bplaced.net/​nxtfs/​doc.html http://​forums.nxtasy.org/​index.php?​s=bdb63f5b93dbefc8c4a428be53e5a157&​showtopic=2083&​st=0&​p=16248&#​entry16248 
-  * http://​www.juju.org/​articles/​2006/​10/​22/​bluetooth-serial-port-to-nxt-in-linux 
-  * solution: copy and paste {{:​mindstormsdev:​nxt-lego.txt|this scrpit}} to root console :-) 
-  * test the ''​nexttool''​ form nbc, register and [[http://​forums.nxtasy.org/​index.php?​showtopic=2143&​st=0|download here]] 
-  * [[http://​home.comcast.net/​~dplau/​nxt_python/​index.html|NXT in Python]], could be a reference for Prolog? 
-   * a simple [[http://​xorff.blogspot.com/​2007/​01/​introducing-nxtsh-command-line.html|shell]] using the above 
-=== Extra links === 
-  * http://​www.jstuber.net/​lego/​nxt-programming/​index.html 
-  * http://​www.teamhassenplug.org/​NXT/​NXTSoftware.html 
-  * http://​www.techbricks.nl/​index.php?​option=com_weblinks&​view=category&​id=19&​Itemid=63&​limitstart=2 
-FIXME move to the mindstorms hp 
mindstorms/plnxt/plnxtdev/start.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:50 (external edit)
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