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Hekate Case Telco

Paweł Grzesiak,

:!: Find, analyze, reverse engineer some telco billing/services systems. Model rules using the HeKatE process.


  • Plus
  • Era
  • Play
  • Orange




:?: :!: How to describe (ARD chart as well as original rules) services management - dependency between time, duration, payment and packets?

:?: :!: Concept of ARD diagram


VARDA / ARD+ Research

Read available materials and documentation about VARDA and ARD+ which are to be found here:


Learn VARDA modelling language by analysis of the hekate_case_thermostat

VARDA Installation

Installation according to the instructions available here was successfully conducted on a machine running Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Business 64-bit.

The only problem to overcome was that the Windows installer available on the official Graphviz website does not add the folder where these tools are installed (e.g. C:\Program Files\Graphviz 2.21\bin) to the Windows %PATH% environmental variable so I could not run dot.exe directly from the command line.

The solution was as follows:

  • Right-click on My Computer | Properties | Advanced | Environment Variables
  • Find and edit the Path environmental variable in that dialog
  • Add the full path of the Graphviz\bin folder (should be appended to the value of the Path variable, preceded by a semicolon (;))

HQED Installation

Compillation according to the instructions available here was successfully conducted under Kubuntu 9.04 32-bit


  • Use HJEd tool to build ARD+ and TPH diagrams for PlusGSM Case


PlusGSM - Taryfy Syberyjskie

Original Rules

// Free calls and messaging
Rule: 1   
if     the tariff is ts_25
then   free_calls_or_messages is 30

Rule: 2   
if     the tariff is ts_40
then   free_calls_or_messages is 60

Rule: 3   
if     the tariff is ts_55
then   free_calls_or_messages is 90

Rule: 4   
if     the tariff is ts_75
then   free_calls_or_messages is 120

Rule: 5   
if     the tariff is ts_90
then   free_calls_or_messages is 150

Rule: 6   
if     the tariff is ts_120
then   free_calls_or_messages is 220

// Base standing cahrges
Rule: 7
if     the tariff is ts_25
then   base_standing_charge is 25

Rule: 8   
if     the tariff is ts_40
then   base_standing_charge is 40

Rule: 9  
if     the tariff is ts_55
then   base_standing_charge is 55

Rule: 10   
if     the tariff is ts_75
then   base_standing_charge is 75

Rule: 11 
if     the tariff is ts_90
then   base_standing_charge is 90

Rule: 12   
if     the tariff is ts_120
then   base_standing_charge is 120

// Call and messaging charges
Rule: 13
       sms_charge is 0,18

Rule: 14
       mms_charge is 0,40

Rule: 15
if    the tariff is ts_25
  or    the tariff is ts_40
then  call_charge is 0,58

Rule: 16
if    the tariff is ts_55
  or    the tariff is ts_75
  or    the tariff is ts_90
  or    the tariff is ts_120
then  call_charge is 0,48

Rule: 17
      P4_call_charge is 0,72

// Additional packets 
Rule: 18
if        pakiet_wszyscy is active
then      extra_packets_charge is extra_packets_charge + 10
  if        the tariff is ts_25 
    or        the tariff is ts_40
  then      pakiet_wszyscy is 30
  else if   the tariff is ts_55 
    or        the tariff is ts_75
  then      pakiet_wszyscy is 50
  else if   the tariff is ts_90 
    or        the tariff is ts_12,
  then      pakiet_wszyscy is 70

Rule: 19
if        pakiet_wszyscy_w_plusie is active
then      extra_packets_charge is extra_packets_charge + 10
  if        the tariff is ts_25 
  then      pakiet_wszyscy_w_plusie is 30
  else if   the tariff is ts_40
  then      pakiet_wszyscy_w_plusie is 50
  if        the tariff is ts_55
  then      pakiet_wszyscy_w_plusie is 100
  else if   the tariff is ts_75
  then      pakiet_wszyscy_w_plusie is 200
  if        the tariff is ts_90
  then      pakiet_wszyscy_w_plusie is 400
  else if   the tariff is ts_120
  then      pakiet_wszyscy_w_plusie is 600

Rule: 20
if        pakiet_wieczory_weekendy is active
then      extra_packets_charge is extra_packets_charge + 10
  if        the tariff is ts_25 
  then      pakiet_wieczory_weekendy is 50
  else if   the tariff is ts_40
  then      pakiet_wieczory_weekendy is 100
  if        the tariff is ts_55
  then      pakiet_wieczory_weekendy is 200
  else if   the tariff is ts_75
  then      pakiet_wieczory_weekendy is 400
  if        the tariff is ts_90
  then      pakiet_wieczory_weekendy is 900
  else if   the tariff is ts_120
  then      pakiet_wieczory_weekendy is 1800

Rule: 21
if        pakiet_5_numerow is active
then      extra_packets_charge is extra_packets_charge + 10
  if        the tariff is ts_25 
  then      pakiet_5_numerow  is 100
  else if   the tariff is ts_40
  then      pakiet_5_numerow  is 200
  if        the tariff is ts_55
  then      pakiet_5_numerow  is 400
  else if   the tariff is ts_75
  then      pakiet_5_numerow  is 900
  if        the tariff is ts_90
  then      pakiet_5_numerow  is 1800
  else if   the tariff is ts_120
  then      pakiet_5_numerow  is 3500

Rule: 22
if        pakiet_wybrany_numer is active
then      extra_packets_charge is extra_packets_charge + 10
  if        the tariff is ts_25 
  then      pakiet_wybrany_numer is 200
  else if   the tariff is ts_40
  then      pakiet_wybrany_numer is 400
  if        the tariff is ts_55
  then      pakiet_wybrany_numer is 800
  else if   the tariff is ts_75
  then      pakiet_wybrany_numer is 2000
  if        the tariff is ts_90
  then      pakiet_wybrany_numer is 3500
  else if   the tariff is ts_120
  then      pakiet_wybrany_numer is 5000

Rule: 23
          standing_charge is base_standing_charge + extra_packets_charge 

Rule: 24
          used_services_charge is messaging_charge + calls_charge + data_charge

Rule: 25
          payment is standing_charge + used_services_charge


Rule: 26


Rule: 27


  • Further analysis of the tarrifs - write rules describing services (phone calls, messaging, data transfer, etc.), payment, free and extra packets management
  • Corresponding ARD concept


Revision 1:




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