/* prolog tutorial 2.17 Animal identification game. start with ?- go. */ go :- hypothesize(Animal), write('I guess that the animal is: '), write(Animal), nl, undo. /* hypotheses to be tested */ hypothesize(cheetah) :- cheetah, !. hypothesize(tiger) :- tiger, !. hypothesize(giraffe) :- giraffe, !. hypothesize(zebra) :- zebra, !. hypothesize(ostrich) :- ostrich, !. hypothesize(penguin) :- penguin, !. hypothesize(albatross) :- albatross, !. hypothesize(unknown). /* no diagnosis */ /* animal identification rules */ cheetah :- mammal, carnivore, verify(has_tawny_color), verify(has_dark_spots). tiger :- mammal, carnivore, verify(has_tawny_color), verify(has_black_stripes). giraffe :- ungulate, verify(has_long_neck), verify(has_long_legs). zebra :- ungulate, verify(has_black_stripes). ostrich :- bird, verify(does_not_fly), verify(has_long_neck). penguin :- bird, verify(does_not_fly), verify(swims), verify(is_black_and_white). albatross :- bird, verify(appears_in_story_Ancient_Mariner), verify(flys_well). /* classification rules */ mammal :- verify(has_hair), !. mammal :- verify(gives_milk). bird :- verify(has_feathers), !. bird :- verify(flys), verify(lays_eggs). carnivore :- verify(eats_meat), !. carnivore :- verify(has_pointed_teeth), verify(has_claws), verify(has_forward_eyes). ungulate :- mammal, verify(has_hooves), !. ungulate :- mammal, verify(chews_cud). /* how to ask questions */ ask(Question) :- write('Does the animal have the following attribute: '), write(Question), write('? '), read(Response), nl, ( (Response == yes ; Response == y) -> assert(yes(Question)) ; assert(no(Question)), fail). :- dynamic yes/1,no/1. /* How to verify something */ verify(S) :- (yes(S) -> true ; (no(S) -> fail ; ask(S))). /* undo all yes/no assertions */ undo :- retract(yes(_)),fail. undo :- retract(no(_)),fail. undo.