% Figure 20.3 Qualitative modelling program for simple circuits. % Modelling simple electric circuits % Qualitative values of voltages and currents are: neg, zero, pos % Definition of switch % switch( SwitchPosition, Voltage, Current) switch( on, zero, AnyCurrent). % Switch on: zero voltage switch( off, AnyVoltage, zero). % Switch off: zero current % Definition of bulb % bulb( BulbState, Lightness, Voltage, Current) bulb( blown, dark, AnyVoltage, zero). bulb( ok, light, pos, pos). bulb( ok, light, neg, neg). bulb( ok, dark, zero, zero). % A simple circuit consisting of a bulb, switch and battery circuit1( SwitchPos, BulbState, Lightness) :- switch( SwitchPos, SwVolt, Curr), bulb( BulbState, Lightness, BulbVolt, Curr), qsum( SwVolt, BulbVolt, pos). % Battery voltage = pos % A more interesting circuit made of a battery, three bulbs and % three switches circuit2( Sw1, Sw2, Sw3, B1, B2, B3, L1, L2, L3) :- switch( Sw1, VSw1, C1), bulb( B1, L1, VB1, C1), switch( Sw2, VSw2, C2), bulb( B2, L2, VB2, C2), qsum( VSw2, VB2, V3), switch( Sw3, V3, CSw3), bulb( B3, L3, V3, CB3), qsum( VSw1, VB1, V1), qsum( V1, V3, pos), qsum( CSw3, CB3, C3), qsum( C2, C3, C1). % qsum( Q1, Q2, Q3): % Q3 = Q1 + Q2, qualitative sum over domain [pos,zero,neg] qsum( pos, pos, pos). qsum( pos, zero, pos). qsum( pos, neg, pos). qsum( pos, neg, zero). qsum( pos, neg, neg). qsum( zero, pos, pos). qsum( zero, zero, zero). qsum( zero, neg, neg). qsum( neg, pos, pos). qsum( neg, pos, zero). qsum( neg, pos, neg). qsum( neg, zero, neg). qsum( neg, neg, neg).