====== The HeKatE RunTime ====== HeKatE Run Time ([[hekate:HeaRT]]) is a dedicated inference engine for the XTT2 rule bases. The engine implements the inference based on [[ALSVfd]] logic. It is implemented in Prolog in order to directly interpret the [[HMR]] representation which is generated by [[HQEd]]. [[HMR]] (HeKatE Meta Representation) is a textual representation of the [[XTT2]] logic designed by [[HQEd]]. It is a human readable form, as opposed to the machine readable HML ([[HeKatE Markup Language]]) format. HeaRT allows to: store and export models in [[HMR]] files, and verify [[HMR]] syntax and logic. Currently the runtime is in a beta stage. HeaRT is part of [[HaDEs]]. See also the [[hekatedev:heart|developemnt page.]] ====== Getting it ====== Just download a HeaRT milestone file below. You need a SWI-Prolog environment. ===== Releases ===== ==== M6 ==== Download the {{:hekate:heart-m6.tar.gz}} file. ==== M5 ==== Download the {{:hekate:heart-m5.tar.gz}} file. ==== M4 ==== Download the {{:hekate:heart-m4.tar.gz}} file. ==== M3 ==== Download the {{:hekate:heart-m3.tar.gz}} file. ==== Previous ==== Download the {{:hekate:heart-m2_1.tar.gz}} file.\\ Download the {{:hekate:heart-m2.tar.gz}} file.\\ Download the {{:hekate:heart-m1.tar.gz}} file. ====== HeaRT Quick Start ====== ===== What is HeaRT ===== HeaRT is an inference engine for XTT2 rule based systems. More about HeaRT and XTT2: [[http://ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/wiki/hekate:heart_howto|here]], {{:student:winter_of_code_2012:praca.pdf|here}} and [[http://ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/wiki/_media/hekate:bib:csltr-4_2009.pdf?cache=|here]] HeaRT uses HMR language. More about the language: [[http://ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/wiki/hekate:hmr|here]] HeaRT uses TCP/IP protocol when running in server mode to communicate. more about it [[http://ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/wiki/hekate:heart_howto#tcp_protocol_how_to|here]] ==== Documentation ==== See the [[HeaRT Overview]] as well as the more technical [[HeaRT HowTo]]. For a detailed documentation see [[hekate:bib:hekate_bibliography#gjn2009csltr-heart|the HeaRT technical report]]. ===== How to install and run HeaRT ===== - Download and install [[http://www.swi-prolog.org/|SWI-Prolog]]. On Linux, you can install ''swipl'' from repository. - Download HeaRT from one of the obove distributions - Run HeaRT: - Linux: \\ cd ''HEART_DIR \\ ./heart'' - Windows:\\ ''File->Consult->heart.pl'' - Run HeaRT in server mode. Type in SWI-Prolog console: ''srv.'' Check the simplest example of HMR model - [[http://ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/wiki/hekate:cases:hekate_case_thermostat:start|Thermostat]]. ({{:student:winter_of_code_2012:thermostat.pl|Download}}) ===== How to use TCP/IP Protocol ===== Run it in different modes: * Fixed order inference (run tables given as a parameter. In this case **ms,dt,th,os**): ''?- gox(init,[ms,dt,th,os],foi).'' * Data-driven (give only start tables): ''?- gox(init,[ms,dt,th],ddi).'' * Goal-driven (give only goal table): ''?- gox(init,[os],gdi).'' * Token-driven (given goal table, follow links): ''?- gox(init,[os],tdi).'' Check the TCP/IP protocol: * Run model. We assume that models are stored in **storage** directory. Each user have his own directory inside **storage**. For example user called **user2** that owns **thermostat.pl** model, willhave it stored in HEART_DIR/storage/user2/thermostat.pl. - Run heart in server mode: ''srv'' - Run telnet on port 8090 (default HeaRT port) - Request list of all models: [model, getlist]. - Run model for a given state: [model,run,'thermostat','user2',ddi, [ms,dt,th,os], [ [day,mon], [hour,13], [month, 3] ] ]. ====== News ====== * **2009.11.30** -- HeaRT M3, important bug fixes and improvements after cases implementation, trajectory, attribute domains handling, hqed integration. * **2009.08.19** -- HeaRT M2_1, server invocation and documentation fixes. * **2009.08.14** -- HeaRT M2, beta stage, most of the functionality implemented, halva framework and integration libraries provided. * **2009.05.13** -- HeaRT M1, alpha stage, needs testing, support by ====== Report bugs ====== Please report the bugs, suggestions to the [[https://hekate.ia.agh.edu.pl/webtrac/hades/trac.vc|CVStrac]] system. Login: * access the system with the wiki user/pass * do not extra login to the CVStrac itself * submit new //Tickets// anonymously, use //HeaRT// subsystem * please leave your contact information, as well as other reference, e.g. MIW project ID