====== Process mining in Python ====== ===== Requirements ===== Python 3.x, opyenxes, pygraphviz (or graphviz). For this class you can use any Python environment available having the abovementioned libraries. \\ It is also possible to use: https://colab.research.google.com. The codes in this lab instruction are based on the codes from the book \\ [[https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319564272|A Primer on Process Mining. Practical Skills with Python and Graphviz]]. \\ The codes are not optimized and they are supposed to show a step by step process mining solution. ===== Implementing a simple heuristic miner ===== Using [[https://opyenxes.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/opyenxes/data_in/XUniversalParser.html|XUniversalParser]] in the following excerpt of code, import a {{ :pl:dydaktyka:dss:lab:repairexample.txt |repairexample.xes}} file into your Python script: from opyenxes.data_in.XUniversalParser import XUniversalParser path = 'repairExample.xes' with open(path) as log_file: # parse the log log = XUniversalParser().parse(log_file)[0] Take a look at the ''log'' variable. Using ''log.get_features()'' or ''log.get_attributes()'', you can check some information about the log. As the parsed log consists of lists of events, you can also select a single event and check its attributes: event = log[0][0] event.get_attributes() For ease of further work, we will create a ''workflow_log'' consisting of names of events: workflow_log = [] for trace in log: workflow_trace = [] for event in trace[0::2]: # get the event name from the event in the log event_name = event.get_attributes()['Activity'].get_value() workflow_trace.append(event_name) workflow_log.append(workflow_trace) To create a simple heuristic net of task (simplified process model like in Disco tool), we will create a structure in which for each event, we gather a set of all events that precede this event: w_net = dict() for w_trace in workflow_log: for i in range(0, len(w_trace)-1): ev_i, ev_j = w_trace[i], w_trace[i+1] if ev_i not in w_net.keys(): w_net[ev_i] = set() w_net[ev_i].add(ev_j) Take a closer look at the ''w_net'' dictionary: {'Analyze Defect': {'Inform User', 'Repair (Complex)', 'Repair (Simple)'}, 'Archive Repair': {'End'}, 'Inform User': {'Archive Repair', 'End', ...}, ...} It represents the connections between events: | | Analyze Defect | Archive Repair | Inform User | ... | End | | Analyze Defect | | | -> | | | | Archive Repair | | | | | -> | | Inform User | -> | | | | -> | | ... | | End | ===== Visualizing results using Pygraphviz ===== Using [[https://pygraphviz.github.io/|Pygraphviz]], we can render an image depicting the process: import pygraphviz as pgv G = pgv.AGraph(strict=False, directed=True) G.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR' G.node_attr['shape'] = 'Mrecord' for event in w_net: G.add_node(event, style="rounded,filled", fillcolor="#ffffcc") for preceding in w_net[event]: G.add_edge(event, preceding) G.draw('simple_heuristic_net.png', prog='dot') {{:pl:dydaktyka:dss:lab:simple_heuristic_net.png?550|}} If you don't have pygraphviz, you can use graphviz ([[#graphviz_instead_of_pygraphviz|check instruction at the bottom of the page]]). ===== Diagram enhancing ===== In Disco, we could see the frequencies of tasks. Let's count such frequency: ev_counter = dict() for w_trace in workflow_log: for ev in w_trace: ev_counter[ev] = ev_counter.get(ev, 0) + 1 Then, in our model, we can just change the label to include the result of calculation: text = event + ' (' + str(ev_counter[event]) + ")" G.add_node(event, label=text, style="rounded,filled", fillcolor="#ffffcc") # code for Pygraphviz We can also change the transparency of the discovered tasks based on their frequencies (code for Pygraphviz, so for graphviz, it should be adjusted): color_min = min(ev_counter.values()) color_max = max(ev_counter.values()) G = pgv.AGraph(strict=False, directed=True) G.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR' G.node_attr['shape'] = 'Mrecord' for event in w_net: value = ev_counter[event] color = int(float(color_max-value)/float(color_max-color_min)*100.00) my_color = "#ff9933"+str(hex(color))[2:] G.add_node(event, style="rounded,filled", fillcolor=my_color) for preceding in w_net[event]: G.add_edge(event, preceding) G.draw('simple_heuristic_net_with_colors.png', prog='dot') We can also try to discover start and end events and correct the model: from functools import reduce ev_source = set(w_net.keys()) ev_target = reduce(lambda x,y: x|y, w_net.values()) ev_start_set = ev_source - ev_target print("start set: {}".format(ev_start_set)) ev_end_set = ev_target - ev_source print("end set: {}".format(ev_end_set)) for ev_end in ev_end_set: end = G.get_node(ev_end) end.attr['shape']='circle' end.attr['label']='' G.add_node("start", shape="circle", label="") for ev_start in ev_start_set: G.add_edge("start", ev_start) G.draw('simple_heuristic_net_with_events.png', prog='dot') {{:pl:dydaktyka:dss:lab:simple_heuristic_net_colors.png?570|}} ===== graphviz instead of pygraphviz ===== It is possible to use graphviz instead of pygraphviz, but it has different syntax, e.g.: import graphviz G = graphviz.Digraph() for event in w_net: G.node(event, style="rounded,filled", fillcolor="#ffffcc") for preceding in w_net[event]: G.edge(event, preceding) G.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR' G.node_attr['shape'] = 'Mrecord' G.edge_attr.update(penwidth='2') G.node("End", shape="circle", label="") G.render('simple_graphviz_graph') display(G) {{:pl:dydaktyka:dss:lab:graphviz-example.png?570|}} ===== Excercise ===== Extend process discovery with additional features: - Try to discover the frequency of each transition (flow) and render the number of occurrences both as a label and the thickness of the line. - Add some filtering option to show or hide tasks or flows according to the chosen threshold. - Optimize code by avoiding creating additional lists, e.g. using ''itertools'', ''more_itertools'' or other Python tools. - 8-o Only for interested students: Try to implement and discover relations according to the Alpha algorithm. There is no report required after this lab. However, it is possible to submit an additional report for 5 points (for a very good score) presenting the implementation of at least two of the above exercises.