====== Semantic Web Programming 1: Programming with Jena ====== ===== Before the lab ===== - Please read **Chapter1** and **Chapter2** from the [[http://code.google.com/p/ia1213/downloads/detail?name=semantic-web-programming.9780470418017.47881.pdf|Semantic Web Programming]] book - Install the following software on your computer: - Compiling and execution tools: [[http://java.sun.com/javase/|Java 1.6 Software Development Kit (SDK)]] (or newer) - Code-editing tools: [[http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/|Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE)]] (or equivalent) - Semantic Web Programming Framework: [[http://jena.apache.org/|Jena Semantic Web Framework]] 2.5.6 (or newer) - Ontology Reasoner: [[http://clarkparsia.com/pellet/download|Pellet]] 1.5.2 (or newer) Optionally you can download: * Ontology editing tool: [[http://protege.stanford.edu/download/registered.html|Protege Ontology Editor]] 4.0 Alpha (or newer) ===== Lab instructions ===== - Download [[http://semwebprogramming.org/?page_id=11|Chapter2]] project files. - Create a new project - Add downloaded files to the project (''HelloSemanticWeb.java'' and ''Ontologies'' folder with all the files). - Add downloaded Jena libraries to the project. - Compile and run the project. (//WARNING:// most common error comes from resolving the paths to local files). ===== Control questions ===== 8-) Answer the following questions in the report: * From what sources can data be read into Jena Model? * How to add a statement to a model in Jena? * What query language is used in Jena? * How can one state that two (OWL) classes are equivalent? * How can one state that two (OWL) properties are equivalent? * How can one state that two (OWL) individuals are equivalent? * What are the two reasoners that can be used in Jena? ===== Materials ===== Semantic Web Programming book: * [[http://semwebprogramming.org/|Main Page]] * [[http://semwebprogramming.org/?page_id=11|Downloads]]