digraph G { 1 [label="Month", shape = ellipse]; 2 [label="Hour", shape = ellipse]; 3 [label="t14", shape = record]; 2 -> 3[ label = 0 ]; 4 [label="t18", shape = record]; 2 -> 4[ label = 1 ]; 5 [label="t18", shape = record]; 2 -> 5[ label = 2 ]; 6 [label="t18", shape = record]; 2 -> 6[ label = 3 ]; 7 [label="t14", shape = record]; 2 -> 7[ label = 4 ]; 8 [label="t18", shape = record]; 2 -> 8[ label = 6 ]; 9 [label="t14", shape = record]; 2 -> 9[ label = 8 ]; 1 -> 2[ label = 0 ]; 10 [label="Hour", shape = ellipse]; 11 [label="t15", shape = record]; 10 -> 11[ label = 0 ]; 12 [label="t20", shape = record]; 10 -> 12[ label = 1 ]; 13 [label="t20", shape = record]; 10 -> 13[ label = 6 ]; 14 [label="Day", shape = ellipse]; 15 [label="t20", shape = record]; 14 -> 15[ label = 0 ]; 10 -> 14[ label = 7 ]; 16 [label="t15", shape = record]; 10 -> 16[ label = 8 ]; 1 -> 10[ label = 1 ]; 17 [label="Hour", shape = ellipse]; 18 [label="t27", shape = record]; 17 -> 18[ label = 0 ]; 19 [label="t24", shape = record]; 17 -> 19[ label = 2 ]; 20 [label="t24", shape = record]; 17 -> 20[ label = 3 ]; 21 [label="t24", shape = record]; 17 -> 21[ label = 4 ]; 22 [label="Day", shape = ellipse]; 23 [label="t27", shape = record]; 22 -> 23[ label = 0 ]; 17 -> 22[ label = 5 ]; 24 [label="t24", shape = record]; 17 -> 24[ label = 7 ]; 25 [label="t27", shape = record]; 17 -> 25[ label = 8 ]; 1 -> 17[ label = 2 ]; 26 [label="Hour", shape = ellipse]; 27 [label="t16", shape = record]; 26 -> 27[ label = 0 ]; 28 [label="t20", shape = record]; 26 -> 28[ label = 1 ]; 29 [label="Day", shape = ellipse]; 30 [label="t20", shape = record]; 29 -> 30[ label = 0 ]; 26 -> 29[ label = 2 ]; 31 [label="t20", shape = record]; 26 -> 31[ label = 4 ]; 32 [label="t20", shape = record]; 26 -> 32[ label = 5 ]; 33 [label="Day", shape = ellipse]; 34 [label="t20", shape = record]; 33 -> 34[ label = 0 ]; 26 -> 33[ label = 6 ]; 35 [label="t20", shape = record]; 26 -> 35[ label = 7 ]; 36 [label="t16", shape = record]; 26 -> 36[ label = 8 ]; 1 -> 26[ label = 3 ]; 37 [label="Hour", shape = ellipse]; 38 [label="t14", shape = record]; 37 -> 38[ label = 0 ]; 39 [label="t14", shape = record]; 37 -> 39[ label = 2 ]; 40 [label="t18", shape = record]; 37 -> 40[ label = 6 ]; 41 [label="t14", shape = record]; 37 -> 41[ label = 8 ]; 1 -> 37[ label = 4 ]; Widzimy tutaj że atrybut Day został zagregowany w jedną wartość. Praktycznie więc, zostało wyliczone że ten atrybut w żaden sposób nie powinien wpływać na wynik. Najprościej byłoby nie brać tego atrybutu w procesie budowy drzewa, ale byłoby to zbyt skomplikowane do implementowanie na etapie napisanego już kodu. Nie wpływa to jednak na wyniki testów i funkcjonowanie (chociaż wydłuża czas obliczeń)