====== Generalization ====== {{tag>rules}} ===== Description ===== Explanation-based generalization. **Source**: PROLOG programming for artificial intelligence, 3rd Edition, Harlow, 2001, ISBN 0-201-40375-7. ===== Download ===== Program source code: {{generalization.pl}} ===== Listing ===== % Figure 23.4 Explanation-based generalization. :- op( 900, fy, not). % not Goal): negation as failure; % Note: This is often available as a built-in predicate, % often written as prefix operator "\+", e.g. \+ likes(mary,snakes) not Goal :- Goal, !, fail ; true. % ebg( Goal, GeneralizedGoal, SufficientCondition) if % SufficientCondition in terms of operational predicates % guarantees that generalization of Goal, GeneralizedGoal, is true. % GeneralizedGoal must not be a variable ebg( true, true, true) :- !. ebg( Goal, GenGoal, GenGoal) :- operational( GenGoal), call( Goal). ebg( (Goal1,Goal2), (Gen1,Gen2), Cond) :- !, ebg( Goal1, Gen1, Cond1), ebg( Goal2, Gen2, Cond2), and( Cond1, Cond2, Cond). % Cond = (Cond1,Cond2) simplified ebg( Goal, GenGoal, Cond) :- not operational( Goal), clause( GenGoal, GenBody), copy_term( (GenGoal,GenBody), (Goal,Body)), % Fresh copy of (GenGoal,GenBody) ebg( Body, GenBody, Cond). % and( Cond1, Cond2, Cond) if % Cond is (possibly simplified) conjunction of Cond1 and Cond2 and( true, Cond, Cond) :- !. % (true and Cond) <==> Cond and( Cond, true, Cond) :- !. % (Cond and true) <==> Cond and( Cond1, Cond2, ( Cond1, Cond2)). ===== Comments =====