====== Polygon area ====== {{tag>geometry recursion lists geometry recursion lists}} ===== Description ===== Area is the area of the polygon enclosed by the list of points chain, where the coordinates of each point are represented by a pair (X,Y) of integers. **Source**: The Art of Prolog ===== Download ===== Program source code: {{polygon_area.pl}} ===== Listing ===== /* area(Chain,Area) :- Area is the area of the polygon enclosed by the list of points Chain, where the coordinates of each point are represented by a pair (X,Y) of integers. */ area([Tuple],0). area([(X1,Y1),(X2,Y2)|XYs],Area) :- area([(X2,Y2)|XYs],Area1), Area is (X1*Y2-Y1*X2)/2 + Area1. % Program 8.8 Computing the area of polygons ===== Comments =====