Table of Contents

Attribute Specification


booleannumeric{0; 1}- 1 0 boolean
integernumeric[-2147483648; 2147483647]
- 10 0 integer
defaultsymbolicnoneyes - -
hournumeric[0; 24]
- 10 0
greetingsymbolic{Good Morning; Good Afternoon; Good Evening; Good Night}no - -
gendersymbolic{Female; Male}no - -
marital_statussymbolic{Single; Married}no - -
agenumeric[0; 120]
- 10 0
salutationsymbolic{Mrs.; Ms.; Mr.; Little}no - -


GreetingConceptsimpledefaultinput/output - Gree1
HelloSystemsimpledefaultinput/output - Hell1
SalutationConceptsimpledefaultinput/output - Salu1
agesimpleageinput - ageAge of a person
gendersimplegenderinput - gend1Gender of a person
greetingsimplegreetinginput/output - gree1Greeting presented to the user
hoursimplehourinput - hourHour 0-24
marital_statussimplemarital_statusinput - mari1Marital status of a person
salutationsimplesalutationinput/output - salu1Salutation presented to the user
user_messagegeneraloutput - userMessage displayed to the user (greeting+salutation)