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Description Logics and OWL in the Semantic Web

Weronika T. Furmańska, Grzegorz J. Nalepa

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Semantic Web

Semantic Web Layer Cake(s)

sw layer cakes

Resource Description Framework

RDF Schema

RDFS - difficulties

Desirable features identified for Web Ontology Language

Towards Web Ontology Language...

Ontology in Computer Science

Description Logics

Description Logics

History and Background

semantic network example

Examples of DL expressions

KR system based on DL


Relation to First Order Logic

DL and FOPL Compared

Description DL syntax FOL syntax Set algebra
A man is a male and an adult and a person  C_{1} \sqcap ... \sqcap C_{n}  C_{1}(x) \land ... \land C_{n}(x)  C_{1} \cap ... \cap C_{n}
A newspaper is a broadsheet or a tabloid  C_{1} \sqcup ... \sqcup C_{n}  C_{1}(x) \lor ... \lor C_{n}(x)  C_{1} \cup ... \cup C_{n}
Everything a vegetarian eats is not an animal   \neg C   \neg C(x)  C^c (complement of set)
EU countries are: Germany, France, …, Poland   \lbrace x_{1} \rbrace \sqcup ... \sqcup \lbrace x_{n} \rbrace   x=x_{1} \lor ... \lor x=x_{n}   \lbrace x_{1} \rbrace \cup ... \cup \lbrace x_{n} \rbrace
An old lady has only cats   \forall P.C   \forall y.P(x,y) \rightarrow C(y)  \pi_Y(P) \subseteq C
A dog owner has some dog(s)   \exists P.C   \exists y.P(x,y) \land C(y) \pi_Y(P) \cap C \neq \emptyset (Π - projection)
A reasonable man has maximum 1 woman ;-)   \leq nP   \exists^{\leq n}y.P(x,y)  card(P)\leq n (card - cardinality)
An animal lover has minimun 3 pets   \geq nP   \exists^{\geq n}y.P(x,y)   card(P) \geq n
A kid is the same as a young person   C \equiv D   \forall x.C(x) \leftrightarrow D(x)   C \equiv D
Every cat is an animal   C \sqsubseteq D   \forall x.C(x) \rightarrow D(x)  C \subseteq D

Applications of DL and DL-based systems

Basic DL

AL syntax

AL semantics

AL syntax and semantics table

Constructor Syntax Semantics
(atomic concept)   A        A^{\mathcal{I}} = A^{\mathcal{I}} \subseteq \Delta^{\mathcal{I}}
(atomic role)   R        R^{\mathcal{I}} = R^{\mathcal{I}} \subseteq \Delta^{\mathcal{I}} \times \Delta^{\mathcal{I}}
(universal concept)    \top    \top^{\mathcal{I}} = \Delta^{\mathcal{I}}
(bottom concept)    \bot    \bot^{\mathcal{I}} = \emptyset
(atomic negation)    \neg A   (\neg A)^{\mathcal{I}} = \Delta^{\mathcal{I}} \setminus A^{\mathcal{I}}
(intersection)    C \sqcap D      (C \sqcap D)^{\mathcal{I}} = C^{\mathcal{I}} \cap D^{\mathcal{I}}
(value restriction)    \forall R.C     (\forall R.C)^\mathcal{I} = \lbrace a \in \Delta^\mathcal{I} \vert \forall b, (a,b) \in R^\mathcal{I} \rightarrow b \in C^{\mathcal{I}} \rbrace
(limited existential quantification)   \exists R.\top    (\exists R.\top)^\mathcal{I} = \lbrace a \in \Delta^\mathcal{I} \vert \exists b, (a,b) \in R^\mathcal{I} } \rbrace


DL "families"


Terminologies (TBox)

Selected definitions...

TBox semantics

TBox Example

Animal \sqsubseteq \exists eats. \top \\
\mathit{Giraffe}  \sqsubseteq  Animal\\
Giraffe  \sqsubseteq  \forall eats.Leaf\\

Vegetarian \equiv (\forall eats.(\neg (\exists partOf.Animal))) \sqcap (\forall eats.(\neg Animal)) \sqcap Animal\\
Cow \sqsubseteq Vegetarian\\
MadCow \equiv \exists eats.(\exists partOf.Sheep \sqcap Brain) \sqcap Cow \\

Elderly \sqsubseteq  Adult\\
OldLady \equiv Elderly \sqcap Female \sqcap Person \\

OldLady \sqsubseteq  \exists hasPet.Animal \sqcap \forall hasPet.Cat \\ 
DogOwner \equiv Person \sqcap \exists hasPet.Dog \\
AnimalLover \equiv Person \sqcap \geq 3 hasPet \\

World Description (ABox)

ABox semantics

ABox Example

\leq 1 hasPet(Joe)\\
hasPet(Joe, Fido)\\
reads(Mick, DailyMirror)\\
drives(Mick, Q123ABC)\\

Nominals in TBox

Constructor Semantics
 \lbrace a_{1}, ..., a_{n} \rbrace  \lbrace a_{1}, ..., a_{n} \rbrace^{\mathcal{I}} = \lbrace a_{1}^{\mathcal{I}}, ..., a_{n}^{\mathcal{I}} \rbrace
 R : a (R : a)^{\mathcal{I}} = \lbrace d \in \Delta^{\mathcal{I}} \vert (d,a)^{\mathcal{I}} \in R^{\mathcal{I}}

DL Inference

Reasoning tasks for TBox

Reasoning tasks for ABox

Reduction of reasoning tasks

Open World semantics


Structural subsumption algorithms


Tableau algorithms

  1. use of the fact that: C is subsumed by D ⇔ C \sqcap \neg D is unsatisfiable
  2. start from ground facts (ABox axioms)
  3. syntactic decomposition using tableaux expansion rules
    • Tableau rules correspond to constructors in logic ( \sqcap, \sqcup, ...)
    • Some rules are nondeterministic (e.g.,   \sqcup, \leq ) (In practice, this means search)
  4. Inferring constraints on (elements of) model
  5. Stop when no more rules applicable or clash occurs
    • Cycle check (blocking) often needed to ensure termination

Inference Example

Language extensions

DL family vs. reasoning complexity

OWL - Web Ontology Language


DL and OWL

3 species of OWL

  1. OWL Full is union of OWL syntax and RDF
    • RDF semantics extended with relevant semantic conditions and axiomatic triples
  2. OWL DL is restricted to FOL fragment (≈ DAML+OIL)
    • Has standard (First Order) model theoretic semantics
    • Equivalent to SHOIN(D)
  3. OWL Lite is “simpler” subset of OWL DL
    • Equivalent to SHIF(D)

OWL and DL Syntax Compared

OWL Constructor DL syntax OWL Axiom DL syntax
Thing  \top equivalentClass   C \equiv D
Nothing  \bot suClassOf  C \sqsubseteq D
complementOf  (\neg) equivalentProperty  S \equiv R
intersectionOf  (C \sqcap D) subPropertyOf  S \sqsubseteq R
unionOf  (C \sqcup D) inverseOf  S \equiv R^-
allValuesFrom  (\forall R.C) transitiveProperty  R^+ \sqsubseteq R
someValuesFrom  (\exists R.C) functionalProperty  \top \sqsubseteq \leq 1 R
minCardinality  (\geq n R) sameIndividualAs  a = b
maxCardinality  (\leq n R) differentFrom  a \neq b
oneOf  \lbrace a_1, ..., a_n \rbrace

OWL - Abstract syntax

 Class(pp:male partial)
 Class(pp:adult partial)
 Class(pp:elderly partial pp:adult)

 Class(pp:pet complete restriction(pp:is_pet_of someValuesFrom(owl:Thing)))

 Class(pp:animal partial restriction(pp:eats someValuesFrom(owl:Thing)))

 /* Vegetarians do not eat animals or parts of animals */

 Class(pp:vegetarian complete 
      restriction(pp:eats allValuesFrom(complementOf(pp:animal)))

 DisjointClasses(pp:dog pp:cat)

 ObjectProperty(pp:eats inverseOf(pp:eaten_by) domain(pp:animal)) 

 SubPropertyOf(pp:has_pet pp:likes)

 Individual(pp:Tom type(owl:Thing))
 Individual(pp:Tibbs type(pp:cat))

OWL - XML syntax

  <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="collection">
    <owl:Class rdf:about="#Person"/>
      <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasChild"/>
        <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="collection">
          <owl:Class rdf:about="#Doctor"/>
            <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasChild"/>
            <owl:hasClass rdf:resource="#Doctor"/>

Increased Expressive Power - Datatypes and Nominals

Reasoning in OWL DL

Future challenges

Rule languages over OWL

If you want to know more


Thank you

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