Spis treści

Semantic Web Programming 1: Programming with Jena

Before the lab

  1. Please read Chapter1 and Chapter2 from the Semantic Web Programming book
  2. Install the following software on your computer:
    1. Compiling and execution tools: Java 1.6 Software Development Kit (SDK) (or newer)
    2. Code-editing tools: Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (or equivalent)
    3. Semantic Web Programming Framework: Jena Semantic Web Framework 2.5.6 (or newer)
    4. Ontology Reasoner: Pellet 1.5.2 (or newer)

Optionally you can download:

Lab instructions

  1. Download Chapter2 project files.
  2. Create a new project
    1. Add downloaded files to the project (HelloSemanticWeb.java and Ontologies folder with all the files).
    2. Add downloaded Jena libraries to the project.
  3. Compile and run the project. (WARNING: most common error comes from resolving the paths to local files).

Control questions

8-) Answer the following questions in the report:


Semantic Web Programming book: