/* Created: 2011-05-23 Modified: 2011-05-25 Model: PostgreSQL 8.4 Database: PostgreSQL 8.4 */ -- Create sequences section ------------------------------------------------- CREATE SEQUENCE "eventid" INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1 ; CREATE SEQUENCE "userid" INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1 ; CREATE SEQUENCE "categoryid" INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1 ; -- Create sequences section ------------------------------------------------- CREATE SEQUENCE "markid" INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1 ; CREATE SEQUENCE "commentid" INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1 ; CREATE SEQUENCE "externalparticipanid" INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1 ; CREATE SEQUENCE "eventnotification" INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1 ; -- Create tables section ------------------------------------------------- -- Table users CREATE TABLE "users"( "email" Character(50) NOT NULL, "active_account" Boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL, "currently_logged_in" Boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, "blocked_account" Boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, "creation_date" Timestamp DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, "notify_about_changes_in_my_events" Boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL, "user_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') NOT NULL, "is_admin" Boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, "age" Bigint NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "not_negative_age" CHECK (age>=0), "is_man" Boolean NOT NULL ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table users ALTER TABLE "users" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key3" PRIMARY KEY ("user_id") ; ALTER TABLE "users" ADD CONSTRAINT "login" UNIQUE ("email") ; ALTER TABLE "users" ADD CONSTRAINT "user_id" UNIQUE ("user_id") ; -- Create tables section ------------------------------------------------- -- Table events CREATE TABLE "events"( "event_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('eventid') NOT NULL, "name" Character(50) NOT NULL, "start_time" Timestamp DEFAULT now() NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "not_in_past" CHECK (start_time>=now()), "stop_time" Timestamp NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "stop_after_start" CHECK (stop_time>start_time), "location" Point NOT NULL, "is_event_private" Boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, "max_nr_people" Smallint CONSTRAINT "bigger_than_zero" CHECK (max_nr_people>0), "required_gender" Character(20) DEFAULT 0 CONSTRAINT "correct_gender" CHECK (required_gender='no' or required_gender='man' or required_gender='woman'), "min_age" Smallint CONSTRAINT "min_age_bigger_than_zero" CHECK (min_age>0), "show_participants" Boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL, "sing_in_deadline" Timestamp NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "correct_sign_in_deadline" CHECK (sing_in_deadline>now() and sing_in_deadline<=stop_time), "info" Text, "is_event_cyclic" Boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, "repetition_time" Bigint DEFAULT 7 CONSTRAINT "correct_repetition_time_in_days" CHECK (repetition_time>=1), "creation_date" Timestamp DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, "is_canceled" Boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, "event_category" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('categoryid') NOT NULL, "event_owner" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') NOT NULL ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table events ALTER TABLE "events" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key1" PRIMARY KEY ("event_id") ; ALTER TABLE "events" ADD CONSTRAINT "event_id" UNIQUE ("event_id") ; -- Table categories CREATE TABLE "categories"( "category_name" Character(50) NOT NULL, "creation_date" Timestamp DEFAULT now(), "category_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('categoryid') NOT NULL, "user_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') NOT NULL ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table categories ALTER TABLE "categories" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key2" PRIMARY KEY ("category_id") ; ALTER TABLE "categories" ADD CONSTRAINT "category_name" UNIQUE ("category_name") ; ALTER TABLE "categories" ADD CONSTRAINT "cat_id" UNIQUE ("category_id") ; -- Table event_comments CREATE TABLE "event_comments"( "creation_date" Timestamp(6) DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, "comment" Text NOT NULL, "comment_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('commentid') NOT NULL, "event_id" Bigint, "comment_author_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table event_comments ALTER TABLE "event_comments" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key5" PRIMARY KEY ("comment_id") ; ALTER TABLE "event_comments" ADD CONSTRAINT "ev_comment_id" UNIQUE ("comment_id") ; -- Table new_event_by_user_notifications CREATE TABLE "new_event_by_user_notifications"( "event_organizer_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') NOT NULL, "user_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') NOT NULL ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table new_event_by_user_notifications ALTER TABLE "new_event_by_user_notifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key7" PRIMARY KEY ("event_organizer_id","user_id") ; -- Table event_marks CREATE TABLE "event_marks"( "creation_date" Timestamp(6) DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, "mark" Smallint NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "mark_in_scale" CHECK (mark>0 and mark<=10), "event_mark_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('markid') NOT NULL, "marked_event_id" Bigint, "mark_author_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; COMMENT ON COLUMN "event_marks"."creation_date" IS 'wartość obliczana' ; -- Add keys for table event_marks ALTER TABLE "event_marks" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key8" PRIMARY KEY ("event_mark_id") ; ALTER TABLE "event_marks" ADD CONSTRAINT "event_mark_id" UNIQUE ("event_mark_id") ; -- Table event_black_lists CREATE TABLE "event_black_lists"( "event_id" Bigint NOT NULL, "user_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') NOT NULL ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table event_black_lists ALTER TABLE "event_black_lists" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key9" PRIMARY KEY ("event_id","user_id") ; -- Table participants_and_invited_users CREATE TABLE "participants_and_invited_users"( "event_id" Bigint NOT NULL, "user_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') NOT NULL, "is_taking_part" Character(20) DEFAULT 'unknown' NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "enum" CHECK (is_taking_part='no' or is_taking_part='yes' or is_taking_part='unknown') ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table participants_and_invited_users ALTER TABLE "participants_and_invited_users" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key10" PRIMARY KEY ("event_id","user_id") ; -- Table free_places_watchers CREATE TABLE "free_places_watchers"( "event_id" Bigint NOT NULL, "user_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') NOT NULL ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table free_places_watchers ALTER TABLE "free_places_watchers" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key11" PRIMARY KEY ("event_id","user_id") ; -- Table invitations CREATE TABLE "invitations"( "event_id" Bigint NOT NULL, "user_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') NOT NULL ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table invitations ALTER TABLE "invitations" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key12" PRIMARY KEY ("event_id","user_id") ; -- Table invited_external_users CREATE TABLE "invited_external_users"( "event_id" Bigint NOT NULL, "participant_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('externalparticipanid') NOT NULL ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table invited_external_users ALTER TABLE "invited_external_users" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key13" PRIMARY KEY ("event_id","participant_id") ; -- Table new_ev_in_cat_notifications CREATE TABLE "new_ev_in_cat_notifications"( "user_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') NOT NULL, "category_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('categoryid') NOT NULL ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table new_ev_in_cat_notifications ALTER TABLE "new_ev_in_cat_notifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key15" PRIMARY KEY ("user_id","category_id") ; -- Table new_event_in_loc_notifications CREATE TABLE "new_event_in_loc_notifications"( "events_to_notify_location" Polygon NOT NULL, "notification_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('eventnotification') NOT NULL, "user_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('userid') ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table new_event_in_loc_notifications ALTER TABLE "new_event_in_loc_notifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key16" PRIMARY KEY ("notification_id") ; ALTER TABLE "new_event_in_loc_notifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "notification_id" UNIQUE ("notification_id") ; -- Table external_event_participants CREATE TABLE "external_event_participants"( "participant_id" Bigint DEFAULT nextval('externalparticipanid') NOT NULL, "email" Character(50) NOT NULL ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) ; -- Add keys for table external_event_participants ALTER TABLE "external_event_participants" ADD CONSTRAINT "Key17" PRIMARY KEY ("participant_id") ; -- Create relationships section ------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE "event_marks" ADD CONSTRAINT "markedEvent" FOREIGN KEY ("marked_event_id") REFERENCES "events" ("event_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "invitations" ADD CONSTRAINT "event_to_invite" FOREIGN KEY ("event_id") REFERENCES "events" ("event_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "participants_and_invited_users" ADD CONSTRAINT "event_to_participate_in" FOREIGN KEY ("event_id") REFERENCES "events" ("event_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "invited_external_users" ADD CONSTRAINT "event_to_invite_for" FOREIGN KEY ("event_id") REFERENCES "events" ("event_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "invited_external_users" ADD CONSTRAINT "externalEvent" FOREIGN KEY ("participant_id") REFERENCES "external_event_participants" ("participant_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "free_places_watchers" ADD CONSTRAINT "watched_event" FOREIGN KEY ("event_id") REFERENCES "events" ("event_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "event_comments" ADD CONSTRAINT "commenteEvnet" FOREIGN KEY ("event_id") REFERENCES "events" ("event_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "events" ADD CONSTRAINT "catEv" FOREIGN KEY ("event_category") REFERENCES "categories" ("category_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "new_ev_in_cat_notifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "category_to_notify_about" FOREIGN KEY ("category_id") REFERENCES "categories" ("category_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "new_ev_in_cat_notifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "user_to_notify" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "categories" ADD CONSTRAINT "CatOwner" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "events" ADD CONSTRAINT "eventOwner" FOREIGN KEY ("event_owner") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "event_marks" ADD CONSTRAINT "eventMarkAuthor" FOREIGN KEY ("mark_author_id") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "event_comments" ADD CONSTRAINT "commentAuthor" FOREIGN KEY ("comment_author_id") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "free_places_watchers" ADD CONSTRAINT "user" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "invitations" ADD CONSTRAINT "invited_user" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "participants_and_invited_users" ADD CONSTRAINT "event_participant_i" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "event_black_lists" ADD CONSTRAINT "event_for_which_black_list_created" FOREIGN KEY ("event_id") REFERENCES "events" ("event_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "event_black_lists" ADD CONSTRAINT "user_on_black_list" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "new_event_by_user_notifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "event_irganizer" FOREIGN KEY ("event_organizer_id") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "new_event_by_user_notifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "notification_receiver" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ; ALTER TABLE "new_event_in_loc_notifications" ADD CONSTRAINT "notification_receiver_id" FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("user_id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ;