-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 9.0.3 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.0.3 -- Started on 2011-06-19 17:45:15 SET statement_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = off; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET escape_string_warning = off; -- -- TOC entry 340 (class 2612 OID 11574) -- Name: plpgsql; Type: PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE; Schema: -; Owner: postgres -- CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql; ALTER PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql OWNER TO postgres; SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- TOC entry 1541 (class 1259 OID 17649) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: fth_abstract; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fth_abstract ( created integer, created_time date, modified integer, modified_time date ); ALTER TABLE public.fth_abstract OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1548 (class 1259 OID 17883) -- Dependencies: 5 1541 -- Name: fth_match_set; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fth_match_set ( mset_id integer NOT NULL, mset_match integer NOT NULL, mset_player integer NOT NULL, mset_team integer NOT NULL, mset_position character(1), mset_intime integer, mset_outtime integer ) INHERITS (fth_abstract); ALTER TABLE public.fth_match_set OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1547 (class 1259 OID 17868) -- Dependencies: 1541 5 -- Name: fth_matches; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fth_matches ( mts_id integer NOT NULL, mts_host integer NOT NULL, mts_guest integer NOT NULL, mts_city character varying(40), mts_hscore integer NOT NULL, mts_gscore integer NOT NULL, mts_hposs integer, mts_gposs integer, mts_haccu integer, mts_gaccu integer ) INHERITS (fth_abstract); ALTER TABLE public.fth_matches OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1552 (class 1259 OID 17951) -- Dependencies: 1541 5 -- Name: fth_notes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fth_notes ( nt_id integer NOT NULL, nt_date date, nt_text text, nt_usr_id integer NOT NULL ) INHERITS (fth_abstract); ALTER TABLE public.fth_notes OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1546 (class 1259 OID 17853) -- Dependencies: 5 1541 -- Name: fth_players; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fth_players ( pl_id integer NOT NULL, pl_birthdate date, pl_city character varying(30), pl_footed character(1), pl_weight integer, pl_speed integer, pl_mot_perf integer, pl_goals integer, pl_matches integer, pl_ycards integer, pl_rcards integer, pl_usr_id integer NOT NULL, pl_tm_id integer NOT NULL ) INHERITS (fth_abstract); ALTER TABLE public.fth_players OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1544 (class 1259 OID 17832) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: fth_roles; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fth_roles ( rol_id integer NOT NULL, rol_name character varying(255), rol_description character varying(255) ); ALTER TABLE public.fth_roles OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1549 (class 1259 OID 17903) -- Dependencies: 5 1541 -- Name: fth_stats; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fth_stats ( sts_id integer NOT NULL, sts_match integer NOT NULL, sts_player integer NOT NULL, sts_team integer NOT NULL, sts_event character(1), sts_time integer ) INHERITS (fth_abstract); ALTER TABLE public.fth_stats OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1542 (class 1259 OID 17811) -- Dependencies: 5 1541 -- Name: fth_teams; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fth_teams ( tm_id integer NOT NULL, tm_name character varying(40), tm_city character varying(40) ) INHERITS (fth_abstract); ALTER TABLE public.fth_teams OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1550 (class 1259 OID 17923) -- Dependencies: 5 1541 -- Name: fth_transfers; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fth_transfers ( trf_id integer NOT NULL, trf_player integer NOT NULL, trf_seller integer NOT NULL, trf_buyer integer NOT NULL ) INHERITS (fth_abstract); ALTER TABLE public.fth_transfers OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1545 (class 1259 OID 17840) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: fth_user_roles; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fth_user_roles ( urol_user_id integer NOT NULL, urol_rol_id integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE public.fth_user_roles OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1543 (class 1259 OID 17816) -- Dependencies: 1541 5 -- Name: fth_users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fth_users ( usr_id integer NOT NULL, usr_login character varying(255) NOT NULL, usr_password character varying(255) NOT NULL, usr_firstname character varying(255) NOT NULL, usr_lastname character varying(255) NOT NULL, usr_tm_id integer NOT NULL ) INHERITS (fth_abstract); ALTER TABLE public.fth_users OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1532 (class 1259 OID 17569) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: mset_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE mset_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE MAXVALUE 65535 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.mset_seq OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1881 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1532 -- Name: mset_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('mset_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 1533 (class 1259 OID 17571) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: mts_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE mts_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE MAXVALUE 65535 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.mts_seq OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1882 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1533 -- Name: mts_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('mts_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 1551 (class 1259 OID 17949) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: nt_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE nt_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE MAXVALUE 65535 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.nt_seq OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1883 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1551 -- Name: nt_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('nt_seq', 2, true); -- -- TOC entry 1534 (class 1259 OID 17573) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: pl_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE pl_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE MAXVALUE 65535 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.pl_seq OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1884 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1534 -- Name: pl_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('pl_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 1535 (class 1259 OID 17575) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: rol_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE rol_seq START WITH 2 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE MAXVALUE 65535 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.rol_seq OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1885 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1535 -- Name: rol_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('rol_seq', 2, false); -- -- TOC entry 1536 (class 1259 OID 17577) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: sts_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE sts_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE MAXVALUE 65535 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.sts_seq OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1886 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1536 -- Name: sts_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('sts_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 1537 (class 1259 OID 17579) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: tm_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE tm_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE MAXVALUE 65535 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.tm_seq OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1887 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1537 -- Name: tm_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('tm_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 1538 (class 1259 OID 17581) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: trf_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE trf_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE MAXVALUE 65535 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.trf_seq OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1888 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1538 -- Name: trf_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('trf_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 1539 (class 1259 OID 17583) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: urol_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE urol_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE MAXVALUE 65535 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.urol_seq OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1889 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1539 -- Name: urol_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('urol_seq', 1, false); -- -- TOC entry 1540 (class 1259 OID 17585) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: usr_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- CREATE SEQUENCE usr_seq START WITH 2 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE MAXVALUE 65535 CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE public.usr_seq OWNER TO postgres; -- -- TOC entry 1890 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1540 -- Name: usr_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('usr_seq', 2, false); -- -- TOC entry 1865 (class 0 OID 17649) -- Dependencies: 1541 -- Data for Name: fth_abstract; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- COPY fth_abstract (created, created_time, modified, modified_time) FROM stdin; \. -- -- TOC entry 1872 (class 0 OID 17883) -- Dependencies: 1548 -- Data for Name: fth_match_set; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- COPY fth_match_set (created, created_time, modified, modified_time, mset_id, mset_match, mset_player, mset_team, mset_position, mset_intime, mset_outtime) FROM stdin; 1 2011-05-17 1 2011-05-17 1 1 196 14 O 0 90 2 2011-05-17 2 2011-05-17 2 1 197 14 O 0 90 3 2011-05-17 3 2011-05-17 3 1 198 14 O 0 90 4 2011-05-17 4 2011-05-17 4 1 199 14 O 0 90 5 2011-05-17 5 2011-05-17 5 1 200 14 P 0 90 6 2011-05-17 6 2011-05-17 6 1 201 14 P 0 90 7 2011-05-17 7 2011-05-17 7 1 202 14 P 0 46 8 2011-05-17 8 2011-05-17 8 1 203 14 P 0 90 9 2011-05-17 9 2011-05-17 9 1 204 14 A 0 90 10 2011-05-17 10 2011-05-17 10 1 205 14 A 0 90 11 2011-05-17 11 2011-05-17 11 1 206 14 B 0 90 12 2011-05-17 12 2011-05-17 12 1 76 6 O 0 90 13 2011-05-17 13 2011-05-17 13 1 77 6 O 0 90 14 2011-05-17 14 2011-05-17 14 1 78 6 O 0 90 15 2011-05-17 15 2011-05-17 15 1 79 6 O 0 90 16 2011-05-17 16 2011-05-17 16 1 80 6 P 0 90 17 2011-05-17 17 2011-05-17 17 1 81 6 P 0 90 18 2011-05-17 18 2011-05-17 18 1 82 6 P 0 90 19 2011-05-17 19 2011-05-17 19 1 83 6 P 0 90 20 2011-05-17 20 2011-05-17 20 1 84 6 A 0 90 21 2011-05-17 21 2011-05-17 21 1 85 6 A 0 76 22 2011-05-17 22 2011-05-17 22 1 86 6 B 0 90 25 2011-05-17 25 2011-05-17 25 1 209 14 A 46 90 28 2011-05-17 28 2011-05-17 28 1 90 6 A 76 90 30 2011-05-17 30 2011-05-17 30 2 181 13 O 0 90 31 2011-05-17 31 2011-05-17 31 2 182 13 O 0 90 32 2011-05-17 32 2011-05-17 32 2 183 13 O 0 90 33 2011-05-17 33 2011-05-17 33 2 184 13 O 0 90 34 2011-05-17 34 2011-05-17 34 2 185 13 P 0 90 35 2011-05-17 35 2011-05-17 35 2 186 13 P 0 90 36 2011-05-17 36 2011-05-17 36 2 187 13 P 0 90 37 2011-05-17 37 2011-05-17 37 2 188 13 P 0 90 38 2011-05-17 38 2011-05-17 38 2 189 13 A 0 90 39 2011-05-17 39 2011-05-17 39 2 190 13 A 0 90 40 2011-05-17 40 2011-05-17 40 2 191 13 B 0 90 41 2011-05-17 41 2011-05-17 41 2 166 12 O 0 90 42 2011-05-17 42 2011-05-17 42 2 167 12 O 0 90 43 2011-05-17 43 2011-05-17 43 2 168 12 O 0 90 44 2011-05-17 44 2011-05-17 44 2 169 12 O 0 90 45 2011-05-17 45 2011-05-17 45 2 170 12 P 0 90 46 2011-05-17 46 2011-05-17 46 2 171 12 P 0 90 47 2011-05-17 47 2011-05-17 47 2 172 12 P 0 90 48 2011-05-17 48 2011-05-17 48 2 173 12 P 0 90 49 2011-05-17 49 2011-05-17 49 2 174 12 A 0 90 50 2011-05-17 50 2011-05-17 50 2 175 12 A 0 56 51 2011-05-17 51 2011-05-17 51 2 176 12 B 0 90 54 2011-05-17 54 2011-05-17 54 2 180 12 A 56 90 56 2011-05-17 56 2011-05-17 56 3 16 2 O 0 90 57 2011-05-17 57 2011-05-17 57 3 17 2 O 0 90 58 2011-05-17 58 2011-05-17 58 3 18 2 O 0 90 59 2011-05-17 59 2011-05-17 59 3 19 2 O 0 90 60 2011-05-17 60 2011-05-17 60 3 20 2 P 0 90 61 2011-05-17 61 2011-05-17 61 3 21 2 P 0 56 62 2011-05-17 62 2011-05-17 62 3 22 2 P 0 90 63 2011-05-17 63 2011-05-17 63 3 23 2 P 0 90 64 2011-05-17 64 2011-05-17 64 3 24 2 A 0 90 65 2011-05-17 65 2011-05-17 65 3 25 2 A 0 90 66 2011-05-17 66 2011-05-17 66 3 26 2 B 0 90 67 2011-05-17 67 2011-05-17 67 3 271 19 O 0 90 68 2011-05-17 68 2011-05-17 68 3 272 19 O 0 90 69 2011-05-17 69 2011-05-17 69 3 273 19 O 0 90 70 2011-05-17 70 2011-05-17 70 3 274 19 O 0 90 71 2011-05-17 71 2011-05-17 71 3 275 19 P 0 90 72 2011-05-17 72 2011-05-17 72 3 276 19 P 0 90 73 2011-05-17 73 2011-05-17 73 3 277 19 P 0 90 74 2011-05-17 74 2011-05-17 74 3 278 19 P 0 90 75 2011-05-17 75 2011-05-17 75 3 279 19 A 0 90 76 2011-05-17 76 2011-05-17 76 3 280 19 A 0 90 77 2011-05-17 77 2011-05-17 77 3 281 19 B 0 90 80 2011-05-17 80 2011-05-17 80 3 29 2 A 56 90 82 2011-05-17 82 2011-05-17 82 4 46 4 O 0 90 83 2011-05-17 83 2011-05-17 83 4 47 4 O 0 90 84 2011-05-17 84 2011-05-17 84 4 48 4 O 0 90 85 2011-05-17 85 2011-05-17 85 4 49 4 O 0 90 86 2011-05-17 86 2011-05-17 86 4 50 4 P 0 90 87 2011-05-17 87 2011-05-17 87 4 51 4 P 0 90 88 2011-05-17 88 2011-05-17 88 4 52 4 P 0 90 89 2011-05-17 89 2011-05-17 89 4 53 4 P 0 90 90 2011-05-17 90 2011-05-17 90 4 54 4 A 0 90 91 2011-05-17 91 2011-05-17 91 4 55 4 A 0 33 92 2011-05-17 92 2011-05-17 92 4 56 4 B 0 90 93 2011-05-17 93 2011-05-17 93 4 196 14 O 0 90 94 2011-05-17 94 2011-05-17 94 4 197 14 O 0 90 95 2011-05-17 95 2011-05-17 95 4 198 14 O 0 90 96 2011-05-17 96 2011-05-17 96 4 199 14 O 0 90 97 2011-05-17 97 2011-05-17 97 4 200 14 P 0 78 98 2011-05-17 98 2011-05-17 98 4 201 14 P 0 90 99 2011-05-17 99 2011-05-17 99 4 202 14 P 0 90 100 2011-05-17 100 2011-05-17 100 4 203 14 P 0 90 101 2011-05-17 101 2011-05-17 101 4 204 14 A 0 90 102 2011-05-17 102 2011-05-17 102 4 205 14 A 0 90 103 2011-05-17 103 2011-05-17 103 4 206 14 B 0 90 106 2011-05-17 106 2011-05-17 106 4 209 14 A 78 90 108 2011-05-17 108 2011-05-17 108 5 241 17 O 0 90 109 2011-05-17 109 2011-05-17 109 5 242 17 O 0 90 110 2011-05-17 110 2011-05-17 110 5 243 17 O 0 90 111 2011-05-17 111 2011-05-17 111 5 244 17 O 0 90 112 2011-05-17 112 2011-05-17 112 5 245 17 P 0 90 113 2011-05-17 113 2011-05-17 113 5 246 17 P 0 90 114 2011-05-17 114 2011-05-17 114 5 247 17 P 0 90 115 2011-05-17 115 2011-05-17 115 5 248 17 P 0 90 116 2011-05-17 116 2011-05-17 116 5 249 17 A 0 59 117 2011-05-17 117 2011-05-17 117 5 250 17 A 0 27 118 2011-05-17 118 2011-05-17 118 5 251 17 B 0 90 119 2011-05-17 119 2011-05-17 119 5 106 8 O 0 90 120 2011-05-17 120 2011-05-17 120 5 107 8 O 0 90 121 2011-05-17 121 2011-05-17 121 5 108 8 O 0 90 122 2011-05-17 122 2011-05-17 122 5 109 8 O 0 90 123 2011-05-17 123 2011-05-17 123 5 110 8 P 0 90 124 2011-05-17 124 2011-05-17 124 5 111 8 P 0 60 125 2011-05-17 125 2011-05-17 125 5 112 8 P 0 90 126 2011-05-17 126 2011-05-17 126 5 113 8 P 0 90 127 2011-05-17 127 2011-05-17 127 5 114 8 A 0 90 128 2011-05-17 128 2011-05-17 128 5 115 8 A 0 90 129 2011-05-17 129 2011-05-17 129 5 116 8 B 0 90 132 2011-05-17 132 2011-05-17 132 5 252 17 A 59 90 135 2011-05-17 135 2011-05-17 135 5 120 8 A 60 90 137 2011-05-17 137 2011-05-17 137 6 76 6 O 0 90 138 2011-05-17 138 2011-05-17 138 6 77 6 O 0 90 139 2011-05-17 139 2011-05-17 139 6 78 6 O 0 90 140 2011-05-17 140 2011-05-17 140 6 79 6 O 0 90 141 2011-05-17 141 2011-05-17 141 6 80 6 P 0 90 142 2011-05-17 142 2011-05-17 142 6 81 6 P 0 90 143 2011-05-17 143 2011-05-17 143 6 82 6 P 0 90 144 2011-05-17 144 2011-05-17 144 6 83 6 P 0 90 145 2011-05-17 145 2011-05-17 145 6 84 6 A 0 90 146 2011-05-17 146 2011-05-17 146 6 85 6 A 0 90 147 2011-05-17 147 2011-05-17 147 6 86 6 B 0 36 148 2011-05-17 148 2011-05-17 148 6 121 9 O 0 90 149 2011-05-17 149 2011-05-17 149 6 122 9 O 0 90 150 2011-05-17 150 2011-05-17 150 6 123 9 O 0 90 151 2011-05-17 151 2011-05-17 151 6 124 9 O 0 67 152 2011-05-17 152 2011-05-17 152 6 125 9 P 0 90 153 2011-05-17 153 2011-05-17 153 6 126 9 P 0 90 154 2011-05-17 154 2011-05-17 154 6 127 9 P 0 90 155 2011-05-17 155 2011-05-17 155 6 128 9 P 0 90 156 2011-05-17 156 2011-05-17 156 6 129 9 A 0 90 157 2011-05-17 157 2011-05-17 157 6 130 9 A 0 90 158 2011-05-17 158 2011-05-17 158 6 131 9 B 0 90 160 2011-05-17 160 2011-05-17 160 7 16 2 O 0 90 161 2011-05-17 161 2011-05-17 161 7 17 2 O 0 90 162 2011-05-17 162 2011-05-17 162 7 18 2 O 0 90 163 2011-05-17 163 2011-05-17 163 7 19 2 O 0 90 164 2011-05-17 164 2011-05-17 164 7 20 2 P 0 90 165 2011-05-17 165 2011-05-17 165 7 21 2 P 0 90 166 2011-05-17 166 2011-05-17 166 7 22 2 P 0 90 167 2011-05-17 167 2011-05-17 167 7 23 2 P 0 90 168 2011-05-17 168 2011-05-17 168 7 24 2 A 0 90 169 2011-05-17 169 2011-05-17 169 7 25 2 A 0 90 170 2011-05-17 170 2011-05-17 170 7 26 2 B 0 90 171 2011-05-17 171 2011-05-17 171 7 76 6 O 0 90 172 2011-05-17 172 2011-05-17 172 7 77 6 O 0 90 173 2011-05-17 173 2011-05-17 173 7 78 6 O 0 90 174 2011-05-17 174 2011-05-17 174 7 79 6 O 0 90 175 2011-05-17 175 2011-05-17 175 7 80 6 P 0 90 176 2011-05-17 176 2011-05-17 176 7 81 6 P 0 90 177 2011-05-17 177 2011-05-17 177 7 82 6 P 0 90 178 2011-05-17 178 2011-05-17 178 7 83 6 P 0 90 179 2011-05-17 179 2011-05-17 179 7 84 6 A 0 90 180 2011-05-17 180 2011-05-17 180 7 85 6 A 0 90 181 2011-05-17 181 2011-05-17 181 7 86 6 B 0 90 184 2011-05-17 184 2011-05-17 184 8 166 12 O 0 90 185 2011-05-17 185 2011-05-17 185 8 167 12 O 0 90 186 2011-05-17 186 2011-05-17 186 8 168 12 O 0 90 187 2011-05-17 187 2011-05-17 187 8 169 12 O 0 90 188 2011-05-17 188 2011-05-17 188 8 170 12 P 0 90 189 2011-05-17 189 2011-05-17 189 8 171 12 P 0 90 190 2011-05-17 190 2011-05-17 190 8 172 12 P 0 90 191 2011-05-17 191 2011-05-17 191 8 173 12 P 0 16 192 2011-05-17 192 2011-05-17 192 8 174 12 A 0 90 193 2011-05-17 193 2011-05-17 193 8 175 12 A 0 90 194 2011-05-17 194 2011-05-17 194 8 176 12 B 0 90 195 2011-05-17 195 2011-05-17 195 8 16 2 O 0 90 196 2011-05-17 196 2011-05-17 196 8 17 2 O 0 90 197 2011-05-17 197 2011-05-17 197 8 18 2 O 0 90 198 2011-05-17 198 2011-05-17 198 8 19 2 O 0 80 199 2011-05-17 199 2011-05-17 199 8 20 2 P 0 39 200 2011-05-17 200 2011-05-17 200 8 21 2 P 0 90 201 2011-05-17 201 2011-05-17 201 8 22 2 P 0 90 202 2011-05-17 202 2011-05-17 202 8 23 2 P 0 90 203 2011-05-17 203 2011-05-17 203 8 24 2 A 0 90 204 2011-05-17 204 2011-05-17 204 8 25 2 A 0 90 205 2011-05-17 205 2011-05-17 205 8 26 2 B 0 90 208 2011-05-17 208 2011-05-17 208 8 30 2 A 80 90 210 2011-05-17 210 2011-05-17 210 9 211 15 O 0 90 211 2011-05-17 211 2011-05-17 211 9 212 15 O 0 90 212 2011-05-17 212 2011-05-17 212 9 213 15 O 0 90 213 2011-05-17 213 2011-05-17 213 9 214 15 O 0 90 214 2011-05-17 214 2011-05-17 214 9 215 15 P 0 90 215 2011-05-17 215 2011-05-17 215 9 216 15 P 0 90 216 2011-05-17 216 2011-05-17 216 9 217 15 P 0 90 217 2011-05-17 217 2011-05-17 217 9 218 15 P 0 90 218 2011-05-17 218 2011-05-17 218 9 219 15 A 0 90 219 2011-05-17 219 2011-05-17 219 9 220 15 A 0 90 220 2011-05-17 220 2011-05-17 220 9 221 15 B 0 9 221 2011-05-17 221 2011-05-17 221 9 46 4 O 0 90 222 2011-05-17 222 2011-05-17 222 9 47 4 O 0 90 223 2011-05-17 223 2011-05-17 223 9 48 4 O 0 90 224 2011-05-17 224 2011-05-17 224 9 49 4 O 0 90 225 2011-05-17 225 2011-05-17 225 9 50 4 P 0 90 226 2011-05-17 226 2011-05-17 226 9 51 4 P 0 90 227 2011-05-17 227 2011-05-17 227 9 52 4 P 0 48 228 2011-05-17 228 2011-05-17 228 9 53 4 P 0 90 229 2011-05-17 229 2011-05-17 229 9 54 4 A 0 90 230 2011-05-17 230 2011-05-17 230 9 55 4 A 0 90 231 2011-05-17 231 2011-05-17 231 9 56 4 B 0 90 233 2011-05-17 233 2011-05-17 233 10 241 17 O 0 90 234 2011-05-17 234 2011-05-17 234 10 242 17 O 0 90 235 2011-05-17 235 2011-05-17 235 10 243 17 O 0 90 236 2011-05-17 236 2011-05-17 236 10 244 17 O 0 90 237 2011-05-17 237 2011-05-17 237 10 245 17 P 0 90 238 2011-05-17 238 2011-05-17 238 10 246 17 P 0 90 239 2011-05-17 239 2011-05-17 239 10 247 17 P 0 90 240 2011-05-17 240 2011-05-17 240 10 248 17 P 0 90 241 2011-05-17 241 2011-05-17 241 10 249 17 A 0 90 242 2011-05-17 242 2011-05-17 242 10 250 17 A 0 90 243 2011-05-17 243 2011-05-17 243 10 251 17 B 0 90 244 2011-05-17 244 2011-05-17 244 10 196 14 O 0 90 245 2011-05-17 245 2011-05-17 245 10 197 14 O 0 90 246 2011-05-17 246 2011-05-17 246 10 198 14 O 0 90 247 2011-05-17 247 2011-05-17 247 10 199 14 O 0 90 248 2011-05-17 248 2011-05-17 248 10 200 14 P 0 90 249 2011-05-17 249 2011-05-17 249 10 201 14 P 0 90 250 2011-05-17 250 2011-05-17 250 10 202 14 P 0 90 251 2011-05-17 251 2011-05-17 251 10 203 14 P 0 90 252 2011-05-17 252 2011-05-17 252 10 204 14 A 0 90 253 2011-05-17 253 2011-05-17 253 10 205 14 A 0 90 254 2011-05-17 254 2011-05-17 254 10 206 14 B 0 90 256 2011-05-17 256 2011-05-17 256 11 211 15 O 0 90 257 2011-05-17 257 2011-05-17 257 11 212 15 O 0 90 258 2011-05-17 258 2011-05-17 258 11 213 15 O 0 90 259 2011-05-17 259 2011-05-17 259 11 214 15 O 0 90 260 2011-05-17 260 2011-05-17 260 11 215 15 P 0 90 261 2011-05-17 261 2011-05-17 261 11 216 15 P 0 90 262 2011-05-17 262 2011-05-17 262 11 217 15 P 0 90 263 2011-05-17 263 2011-05-17 263 11 218 15 P 0 30 264 2011-05-17 264 2011-05-17 264 11 219 15 A 0 90 265 2011-05-17 265 2011-05-17 265 11 220 15 A 0 90 266 2011-05-17 266 2011-05-17 266 11 221 15 B 0 90 267 2011-05-17 267 2011-05-17 267 11 196 14 O 0 90 268 2011-05-17 268 2011-05-17 268 11 197 14 O 0 90 269 2011-05-17 269 2011-05-17 269 11 198 14 O 0 9 270 2011-05-17 270 2011-05-17 270 11 199 14 O 0 90 271 2011-05-17 271 2011-05-17 271 11 200 14 P 0 90 272 2011-05-17 272 2011-05-17 272 11 201 14 P 0 90 273 2011-05-17 273 2011-05-17 273 11 202 14 P 0 90 274 2011-05-17 274 2011-05-17 274 11 203 14 P 0 90 275 2011-05-17 275 2011-05-17 275 11 204 14 A 0 90 276 2011-05-17 276 2011-05-17 276 11 205 14 A 0 90 277 2011-05-17 277 2011-05-17 277 11 206 14 B 0 51 280 2011-05-17 280 2011-05-17 280 11 222 15 A 30 90 283 2011-05-17 283 2011-05-17 283 11 210 14 A 9 90 285 2011-05-17 285 2011-05-17 285 12 286 20 O 0 90 286 2011-05-17 286 2011-05-17 286 12 287 20 O 0 90 287 2011-05-17 287 2011-05-17 287 12 288 20 O 0 90 288 2011-05-17 288 2011-05-17 288 12 289 20 O 0 90 289 2011-05-17 289 2011-05-17 289 12 290 20 P 0 90 290 2011-05-17 290 2011-05-17 290 12 291 20 P 0 90 291 2011-05-17 291 2011-05-17 291 12 292 20 P 0 90 292 2011-05-17 292 2011-05-17 292 12 293 20 P 0 90 293 2011-05-17 293 2011-05-17 293 12 294 20 A 0 81 294 2011-05-17 294 2011-05-17 294 12 295 20 A 0 90 295 2011-05-17 295 2011-05-17 295 12 296 20 B 0 90 296 2011-05-17 296 2011-05-17 296 12 256 18 O 0 90 297 2011-05-17 297 2011-05-17 297 12 257 18 O 0 90 298 2011-05-17 298 2011-05-17 298 12 258 18 O 0 7 299 2011-05-17 299 2011-05-17 299 12 259 18 O 0 90 300 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 300 12 260 18 P 0 90 301 2011-05-17 301 2011-05-17 301 12 261 18 P 0 90 302 2011-05-17 302 2011-05-17 302 12 262 18 P 0 90 303 2011-05-17 303 2011-05-17 303 12 263 18 P 0 90 304 2011-05-17 304 2011-05-17 304 12 264 18 A 0 90 305 2011-05-17 305 2011-05-17 305 12 265 18 A 0 90 306 2011-05-17 306 2011-05-17 306 12 266 18 B 0 90 308 2011-05-17 308 2011-05-17 308 13 226 16 O 0 90 309 2011-05-17 309 2011-05-17 309 13 227 16 O 0 90 310 2011-05-17 310 2011-05-17 310 13 228 16 O 0 90 311 2011-05-17 311 2011-05-17 311 13 229 16 O 0 90 312 2011-05-17 312 2011-05-17 312 13 230 16 P 0 90 313 2011-05-17 313 2011-05-17 313 13 231 16 P 0 90 314 2011-05-17 314 2011-05-17 314 13 232 16 P 0 90 315 2011-05-17 315 2011-05-17 315 13 233 16 P 0 90 316 2011-05-17 316 2011-05-17 316 13 234 16 A 0 90 317 2011-05-17 317 2011-05-17 317 13 235 16 A 0 67 318 2011-05-17 318 2011-05-17 318 13 236 16 B 0 90 319 2011-05-17 319 2011-05-17 319 13 286 20 O 0 90 320 2011-05-17 320 2011-05-17 320 13 287 20 O 0 90 321 2011-05-17 321 2011-05-17 321 13 288 20 O 0 90 322 2011-05-17 322 2011-05-17 322 13 289 20 O 0 90 323 2011-05-17 323 2011-05-17 323 13 290 20 P 0 90 324 2011-05-17 324 2011-05-17 324 13 291 20 P 0 90 325 2011-05-17 325 2011-05-17 325 13 292 20 P 0 90 326 2011-05-17 326 2011-05-17 326 13 293 20 P 0 90 327 2011-05-17 327 2011-05-17 327 13 294 20 A 0 90 328 2011-05-17 328 2011-05-17 328 13 295 20 A 0 90 329 2011-05-17 329 2011-05-17 329 13 296 20 B 0 90 332 2011-05-17 332 2011-05-17 332 13 238 16 A 67 90 334 2011-05-17 334 2011-05-17 334 14 16 2 O 0 90 335 2011-05-17 335 2011-05-17 335 14 17 2 O 0 90 336 2011-05-17 336 2011-05-17 336 14 18 2 O 0 90 337 2011-05-17 337 2011-05-17 337 14 19 2 O 0 90 338 2011-05-17 338 2011-05-17 338 14 20 2 P 0 90 339 2011-05-17 339 2011-05-17 339 14 21 2 P 0 90 340 2011-05-17 340 2011-05-17 340 14 22 2 P 0 90 341 2011-05-17 341 2011-05-17 341 14 23 2 P 0 90 342 2011-05-17 342 2011-05-17 342 14 24 2 A 0 61 343 2011-05-17 343 2011-05-17 343 14 25 2 A 0 90 344 2011-05-17 344 2011-05-17 344 14 26 2 B 0 90 345 2011-05-17 345 2011-05-17 345 14 271 19 O 0 55 346 2011-05-17 346 2011-05-17 346 14 272 19 O 0 90 347 2011-05-17 347 2011-05-17 347 14 273 19 O 0 90 348 2011-05-17 348 2011-05-17 348 14 274 19 O 0 90 349 2011-05-17 349 2011-05-17 349 14 275 19 P 0 90 350 2011-05-17 350 2011-05-17 350 14 276 19 P 0 90 351 2011-05-17 351 2011-05-17 351 14 277 19 P 0 90 352 2011-05-17 352 2011-05-17 352 14 278 19 P 0 90 353 2011-05-17 353 2011-05-17 353 14 279 19 A 0 90 354 2011-05-17 354 2011-05-17 354 14 280 19 A 0 90 355 2011-05-17 355 2011-05-17 355 14 281 19 B 0 90 358 2011-05-17 358 2011-05-17 358 14 29 2 A 61 90 360 2011-05-17 360 2011-05-17 360 15 16 2 O 0 90 361 2011-05-17 361 2011-05-17 361 15 17 2 O 0 90 362 2011-05-17 362 2011-05-17 362 15 18 2 O 0 90 363 2011-05-17 363 2011-05-17 363 15 19 2 O 0 90 364 2011-05-17 364 2011-05-17 364 15 20 2 P 0 90 365 2011-05-17 365 2011-05-17 365 15 21 2 P 0 90 366 2011-05-17 366 2011-05-17 366 15 22 2 P 0 90 367 2011-05-17 367 2011-05-17 367 15 23 2 P 0 90 368 2011-05-17 368 2011-05-17 368 15 24 2 A 0 90 369 2011-05-17 369 2011-05-17 369 15 25 2 A 0 90 370 2011-05-17 370 2011-05-17 370 15 26 2 B 0 90 371 2011-05-17 371 2011-05-17 371 15 151 11 O 0 90 372 2011-05-17 372 2011-05-17 372 15 152 11 O 0 90 373 2011-05-17 373 2011-05-17 373 15 153 11 O 0 45 374 2011-05-17 374 2011-05-17 374 15 154 11 O 0 36 375 2011-05-17 375 2011-05-17 375 15 155 11 P 0 90 376 2011-05-17 376 2011-05-17 376 15 156 11 P 0 90 377 2011-05-17 377 2011-05-17 377 15 157 11 P 0 90 378 2011-05-17 378 2011-05-17 378 15 158 11 P 0 90 379 2011-05-17 379 2011-05-17 379 15 159 11 A 0 90 380 2011-05-17 380 2011-05-17 380 15 160 11 A 0 90 381 2011-05-17 381 2011-05-17 381 15 161 11 B 0 90 384 2011-05-17 384 2011-05-17 384 15 164 11 A 45 90 \. -- -- TOC entry 1871 (class 0 OID 17868) -- Dependencies: 1547 -- Data for Name: fth_matches; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- COPY fth_matches (created, created_time, modified, modified_time, mts_id, mts_host, mts_guest, mts_city, mts_hscore, mts_gscore, mts_hposs, mts_gposs, mts_haccu, mts_gaccu) FROM stdin; 1 2011-05-17 1 2011-05-17 1 14 6 Gliwice 0 1 62 38 47 11 2 2011-05-17 2 2011-05-17 2 13 12 Stawiski 0 3 36 64 23 25 3 2011-05-17 3 2011-05-17 3 2 19 Błażowa 2 1 19 81 26 8 4 2011-05-17 4 2011-05-17 4 4 14 Sokołów Małopolski 3 3 22 78 42 31 5 2011-05-17 5 2011-05-17 5 17 8 Świętochłowice 4 0 98 2 8 21 6 2011-05-17 6 2011-05-17 6 6 9 Szadek 3 0 87 13 16 12 7 2011-05-17 7 2011-05-17 7 2 6 Błażowa 1 0 9 91 2 49 8 2011-05-17 8 2011-05-17 8 12 2 Tarnobrzeg 0 0 43 57 28 27 9 2011-05-17 9 2011-05-17 9 15 4 Konstancin-Jeziorna 4 1 24 76 46 29 10 2011-05-17 10 2011-05-17 10 17 14 Świętochłowice 0 4 30 70 30 36 11 2011-05-17 11 2011-05-17 11 15 14 Konstancin-Jeziorna 2 4 34 66 30 30 12 2011-05-17 12 2011-05-17 12 20 18 Otmuchów 1 4 82 18 43 7 13 2011-05-17 13 2011-05-17 13 16 20 Sędziszów 1 3 97 3 28 36 14 2011-05-17 14 2011-05-17 14 2 19 Błażowa 1 0 10 90 24 37 15 2011-05-17 15 2011-05-17 15 2 11 Błażowa 0 4 63 37 10 7 \. -- -- TOC entry 1875 (class 0 OID 17951) -- Dependencies: 1552 -- Data for Name: fth_notes; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- COPY fth_notes (created, created_time, modified, modified_time, nt_id, nt_date, nt_text, nt_usr_id) FROM stdin; \N \N \N \N 50 2011-06-19 'Notatkia #1' 301 \N \N \N \N 51 2011-06-19 'Notatka #2' 301 \N \N \N \N 100 2011-06-19 nowa notatka #3 301 \. -- -- TOC entry 1870 (class 0 OID 17853) -- Dependencies: 1546 -- Data for Name: fth_players; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- COPY fth_players (created, created_time, modified, modified_time, pl_id, pl_birthdate, pl_city, pl_footed, pl_weight, pl_speed, pl_mot_perf, pl_goals, pl_matches, pl_ycards, pl_rcards, pl_usr_id, pl_tm_id) FROM stdin; 1 2011-05-17 1 2011-05-17 1 1983-07-28 Nowogard P 61 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2011-05-17 2 2011-05-17 2 1996-01-06 Nowogard P 63 13 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 2011-05-17 3 2011-05-17 3 1997-05-16 Nowogard L 76 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 4 2011-05-17 4 2011-05-17 4 1998-03-12 Nowogard L 61 15 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 5 2011-05-17 5 2011-05-17 5 1993-07-29 Nowogard L 74 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 6 2011-05-17 6 2011-05-17 6 1988-01-26 Nowogard L 79 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 7 2011-05-17 7 2011-05-17 7 1985-09-19 Nowogard L 64 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 8 2011-05-17 8 2011-05-17 8 1985-08-06 Nowogard L 76 5 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 9 2011-05-17 9 2011-05-17 9 1993-11-11 Nowogard L 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 10 2011-05-17 10 2011-05-17 10 1998-06-14 Nowogard L 76 14 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 11 2011-05-17 11 2011-05-17 11 1987-07-31 Nowogard P 75 8 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 12 2011-05-17 12 2011-05-17 12 1996-02-21 Nowogard L 61 13 0 0 0 0 0 12 1 13 2011-05-17 13 2011-05-17 13 1988-03-08 Nowogard P 60 10 0 0 0 0 0 13 1 14 2011-05-17 14 2011-05-17 14 1987-10-14 Nowogard L 64 13 0 0 0 0 0 14 1 15 2011-05-17 15 2011-05-17 15 1985-03-14 Nowogard P 70 17 0 0 0 0 0 15 1 16 2011-05-17 16 2011-05-17 16 1987-05-01 Błażowa P 61 19 0 0 5 0 0 16 2 17 2011-05-17 17 2011-05-17 17 1997-03-01 Błażowa P 67 16 0 0 5 1 0 17 2 18 2011-05-17 18 2011-05-17 18 1985-09-18 Błażowa P 77 18 0 0 5 1 0 18 2 19 2011-05-17 19 2011-05-17 19 1999-05-11 Błażowa P 79 8 0 1 5 1 0 19 2 20 2011-05-17 20 2011-05-17 20 1986-04-18 Błażowa P 75 0 0 0 5 0 0 20 2 21 2011-05-17 21 2011-05-17 21 1993-11-23 Błażowa L 68 2 0 1 5 1 1 21 2 22 2011-05-17 22 2011-05-17 22 1992-08-26 Błażowa L 76 0 0 1 5 0 0 22 2 23 2011-05-17 23 2011-05-17 23 1992-02-19 Błażowa P 66 15 0 0 5 2 0 23 2 24 2011-05-17 24 2011-05-17 24 1994-05-05 Błażowa P 77 11 0 0 5 1 0 24 2 25 2011-05-17 25 2011-05-17 25 1994-06-21 Błażowa P 78 11 0 0 5 0 0 25 2 26 2011-05-17 26 2011-05-17 26 1999-05-21 Błażowa P 66 19 0 0 5 1 0 26 2 27 2011-05-17 27 2011-05-17 27 1983-06-11 Błażowa P 66 15 0 1 0 0 0 27 2 28 2011-05-17 28 2011-05-17 28 1990-07-08 Błażowa P 60 12 0 0 0 0 0 28 2 29 2011-05-17 29 2011-05-17 29 1992-09-25 Błażowa P 73 3 0 0 0 0 0 29 2 30 2011-05-17 30 2011-05-17 30 1994-08-06 Błażowa P 64 2 0 0 0 0 0 30 2 31 2011-05-17 31 2011-05-17 31 1997-04-21 Łeba P 78 13 0 0 0 0 0 31 3 32 2011-05-17 32 2011-05-17 32 1993-01-02 Łeba L 79 17 0 0 0 0 0 32 3 33 2011-05-17 33 2011-05-17 33 1991-07-03 Łeba P 67 12 0 0 0 0 0 33 3 34 2011-05-17 34 2011-05-17 34 1996-10-23 Łeba P 65 5 0 0 0 0 0 34 3 35 2011-05-17 35 2011-05-17 35 1992-01-01 Łeba P 62 1 0 0 0 0 0 35 3 36 2011-05-17 36 2011-05-17 36 1987-01-01 Łeba L 79 7 0 0 0 0 0 36 3 37 2011-05-17 37 2011-05-17 37 1994-10-28 Łeba P 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 3 38 2011-05-17 38 2011-05-17 38 1980-11-28 Łeba P 64 9 0 0 0 0 0 38 3 39 2011-05-17 39 2011-05-17 39 1992-10-02 Łeba P 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 3 40 2011-05-17 40 2011-05-17 40 1987-04-21 Łeba L 66 1 0 0 0 0 0 40 3 41 2011-05-17 41 2011-05-17 41 1993-03-09 Łeba L 68 17 0 0 0 0 0 41 3 42 2011-05-17 42 2011-05-17 42 1990-01-05 Łeba P 75 6 0 0 0 0 0 42 3 43 2011-05-17 43 2011-05-17 43 1985-02-04 Łeba L 68 15 0 0 0 0 0 43 3 44 2011-05-17 44 2011-05-17 44 1990-02-27 Łeba L 60 9 0 0 0 0 0 44 3 45 2011-05-17 45 2011-05-17 45 1999-05-26 Łeba P 75 7 0 0 0 0 0 45 3 46 2011-05-17 46 2011-05-17 46 1992-09-05 Sokołów Małopolski L 71 18 0 0 2 0 0 46 4 47 2011-05-17 47 2011-05-17 47 1989-11-02 Sokołów Małopolski L 68 6 0 1 2 0 0 47 4 48 2011-05-17 48 2011-05-17 48 1986-04-02 Sokołów Małopolski P 78 3 0 3 2 0 0 48 4 49 2011-05-17 49 2011-05-17 49 1983-02-10 Sokołów Małopolski P 65 10 0 0 2 0 0 49 4 50 2011-05-17 50 2011-05-17 50 1982-05-07 Sokołów Małopolski P 63 0 0 0 2 1 0 50 4 51 2011-05-17 51 2011-05-17 51 1992-07-08 Sokołów Małopolski P 73 15 0 0 2 0 0 51 4 52 2011-05-17 52 2011-05-17 52 1994-03-22 Sokołów Małopolski P 71 3 0 0 2 0 0 52 4 53 2011-05-17 53 2011-05-17 53 1990-09-18 Sokołów Małopolski P 65 8 0 0 2 0 1 53 4 54 2011-05-17 54 2011-05-17 54 1990-03-08 Sokołów Małopolski L 60 12 0 0 2 0 0 54 4 55 2011-05-17 55 2011-05-17 55 1982-05-17 Sokołów Małopolski P 71 0 0 0 2 0 0 55 4 56 2011-05-17 56 2011-05-17 56 1991-11-17 Sokołów Małopolski P 63 11 0 0 2 1 1 56 4 57 2011-05-17 57 2011-05-17 57 1997-01-29 Sokołów Małopolski L 60 1 0 0 0 0 0 57 4 58 2011-05-17 58 2011-05-17 58 1983-11-06 Sokołów Małopolski P 67 14 0 0 0 0 0 58 4 59 2011-05-17 59 2011-05-17 59 1992-10-24 Sokołów Małopolski P 64 3 0 0 0 0 0 59 4 60 2011-05-17 60 2011-05-17 60 1984-10-04 Sokołów Małopolski P 68 9 0 0 0 0 0 60 4 61 2011-05-17 61 2011-05-17 61 1997-11-14 Rzeszów P 78 10 0 0 0 0 0 61 5 62 2011-05-17 62 2011-05-17 62 1982-10-16 Rzeszów P 63 14 0 0 0 0 0 62 5 63 2011-05-17 63 2011-05-17 63 1994-08-25 Rzeszów P 75 1 0 0 0 0 0 63 5 64 2011-05-17 64 2011-05-17 64 1990-11-09 Rzeszów P 64 12 0 0 0 0 0 64 5 65 2011-05-17 65 2011-05-17 65 1996-05-05 Rzeszów L 66 13 0 0 0 0 0 65 5 66 2011-05-17 66 2011-05-17 66 1983-02-20 Rzeszów L 74 5 0 0 0 0 0 66 5 67 2011-05-17 67 2011-05-17 67 1999-05-20 Rzeszów P 76 12 0 0 0 0 0 67 5 68 2011-05-17 68 2011-05-17 68 1989-05-05 Rzeszów L 67 16 0 0 0 0 0 68 5 69 2011-05-17 69 2011-05-17 69 1991-02-05 Rzeszów L 72 13 0 0 0 0 0 69 5 70 2011-05-17 70 2011-05-17 70 1998-01-15 Rzeszów P 60 5 0 0 0 0 0 70 5 71 2011-05-17 71 2011-05-17 71 1980-05-11 Rzeszów L 72 16 0 0 0 0 0 71 5 72 2011-05-17 72 2011-05-17 72 1985-10-12 Rzeszów P 69 16 0 0 0 0 0 72 5 73 2011-05-17 73 2011-05-17 73 1984-01-12 Rzeszów P 60 5 0 0 0 0 0 73 5 74 2011-05-17 74 2011-05-17 74 1981-04-05 Rzeszów L 77 2 0 0 0 0 0 74 5 75 2011-05-17 75 2011-05-17 75 1995-05-15 Rzeszów L 75 4 0 0 0 0 0 75 5 76 2011-05-17 76 2011-05-17 76 1985-02-28 Szadek L 66 8 0 0 3 0 0 76 6 77 2011-05-17 77 2011-05-17 77 1997-07-02 Szadek P 63 15 0 0 3 0 0 77 6 78 2011-05-17 78 2011-05-17 78 1981-07-07 Szadek P 61 13 0 0 3 1 0 78 6 79 2011-05-17 79 2011-05-17 79 1980-06-24 Szadek L 76 12 0 0 3 0 1 79 6 80 2011-05-17 80 2011-05-17 80 1983-11-26 Szadek P 77 6 0 1 3 0 0 80 6 81 2011-05-17 81 2011-05-17 81 1999-07-10 Szadek P 68 13 0 0 3 0 0 81 6 82 2011-05-17 82 2011-05-17 82 1980-04-15 Szadek L 73 4 0 1 3 0 0 82 6 83 2011-05-17 83 2011-05-17 83 1989-10-15 Szadek P 77 7 0 1 3 0 0 83 6 84 2011-05-17 84 2011-05-17 84 1992-02-01 Szadek L 61 6 0 0 3 1 0 84 6 85 2011-05-17 85 2011-05-17 85 1987-08-11 Szadek L 60 19 0 0 3 0 0 85 6 86 2011-05-17 86 2011-05-17 86 1997-02-25 Szadek L 77 3 0 0 3 0 0 86 6 87 2011-05-17 87 2011-05-17 87 1980-01-03 Szadek L 66 15 0 0 0 0 1 87 6 88 2011-05-17 88 2011-05-17 88 1980-02-10 Szadek P 67 2 0 0 0 0 0 88 6 89 2011-05-17 89 2011-05-17 89 1980-10-01 Szadek L 73 6 0 0 0 0 0 89 6 90 2011-05-17 90 2011-05-17 90 1999-05-27 Szadek P 64 3 0 0 0 0 0 90 6 91 2011-05-17 91 2011-05-17 91 1994-11-27 Wyrzysk P 76 1 0 0 0 0 0 91 7 92 2011-05-17 92 2011-05-17 92 1998-02-24 Wyrzysk L 63 4 0 0 0 0 0 92 7 93 2011-05-17 93 2011-05-17 93 1994-04-22 Wyrzysk P 60 3 0 0 0 0 0 93 7 94 2011-05-17 94 2011-05-17 94 1995-03-18 Wyrzysk P 64 15 0 0 0 0 0 94 7 95 2011-05-17 95 2011-05-17 95 1999-01-23 Wyrzysk L 71 13 0 0 0 0 0 95 7 96 2011-05-17 96 2011-05-17 96 1991-07-13 Wyrzysk L 76 16 0 0 0 0 0 96 7 97 2011-05-17 97 2011-05-17 97 1998-01-28 Wyrzysk P 79 3 0 0 0 0 0 97 7 98 2011-05-17 98 2011-05-17 98 1992-01-14 Wyrzysk P 70 1 0 0 0 0 0 98 7 99 2011-05-17 99 2011-05-17 99 1981-01-23 Wyrzysk L 77 18 0 0 0 0 0 99 7 100 2011-05-17 100 2011-05-17 100 1986-06-18 Wyrzysk P 63 18 0 0 0 0 0 100 7 101 2011-05-17 101 2011-05-17 101 1986-01-09 Wyrzysk L 74 8 0 0 0 0 0 101 7 102 2011-05-17 102 2011-05-17 102 1993-09-16 Wyrzysk L 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 7 103 2011-05-17 103 2011-05-17 103 1996-06-17 Wyrzysk P 68 12 0 0 0 0 0 103 7 104 2011-05-17 104 2011-05-17 104 1991-09-04 Wyrzysk P 70 1 0 0 0 0 0 104 7 105 2011-05-17 105 2011-05-17 105 1999-03-17 Wyrzysk P 61 3 0 0 0 0 0 105 7 106 2011-05-17 106 2011-05-17 106 1986-02-06 Puck P 68 3 0 0 1 0 0 106 8 107 2011-05-17 107 2011-05-17 107 1987-11-01 Puck P 72 15 0 0 1 0 0 107 8 108 2011-05-17 108 2011-05-17 108 1994-02-25 Puck L 65 5 0 0 1 0 0 108 8 109 2011-05-17 109 2011-05-17 109 1990-08-17 Puck P 71 2 0 0 1 0 0 109 8 110 2011-05-17 110 2011-05-17 110 1989-05-09 Puck P 73 19 0 0 1 0 0 110 8 111 2011-05-17 111 2011-05-17 111 1991-11-29 Puck L 75 7 0 0 1 0 0 111 8 112 2011-05-17 112 2011-05-17 112 1993-08-27 Puck P 61 15 0 0 1 0 0 112 8 113 2011-05-17 113 2011-05-17 113 1999-03-01 Puck P 76 7 0 0 1 0 0 113 8 114 2011-05-17 114 2011-05-17 114 1993-09-15 Puck P 67 8 0 0 1 0 0 114 8 115 2011-05-17 115 2011-05-17 115 1995-06-14 Puck L 67 18 0 0 1 0 0 115 8 116 2011-05-17 116 2011-05-17 116 1983-05-01 Puck L 64 7 0 0 1 0 0 116 8 117 2011-05-17 117 2011-05-17 117 1981-10-04 Puck P 79 11 0 0 0 0 0 117 8 118 2011-05-17 118 2011-05-17 118 1990-09-29 Puck P 63 2 0 0 0 0 0 118 8 119 2011-05-17 119 2011-05-17 119 1992-09-11 Puck L 75 7 0 0 0 0 0 119 8 120 2011-05-17 120 2011-05-17 120 1993-08-07 Puck L 79 18 0 0 0 0 0 120 8 121 2011-05-17 121 2011-05-17 121 1980-04-26 Racibórz L 61 3 0 0 1 0 0 121 9 122 2011-05-17 122 2011-05-17 122 1985-08-25 Racibórz L 76 1 0 0 1 0 0 122 9 123 2011-05-17 123 2011-05-17 123 1995-08-14 Racibórz P 65 12 0 0 1 0 0 123 9 124 2011-05-17 124 2011-05-17 124 1989-04-29 Racibórz P 68 2 0 0 1 0 0 124 9 125 2011-05-17 125 2011-05-17 125 1980-11-06 Racibórz L 76 12 0 0 1 0 1 125 9 126 2011-05-17 126 2011-05-17 126 1997-06-29 Racibórz L 69 14 0 0 1 0 0 126 9 127 2011-05-17 127 2011-05-17 127 1985-03-31 Racibórz L 71 0 0 0 1 0 0 127 9 128 2011-05-17 128 2011-05-17 128 1986-11-26 Racibórz L 75 11 0 0 1 0 0 128 9 129 2011-05-17 129 2011-05-17 129 1997-05-13 Racibórz L 69 5 0 0 1 0 0 129 9 130 2011-05-17 130 2011-05-17 130 1982-03-17 Racibórz P 76 11 0 0 1 0 0 130 9 131 2011-05-17 131 2011-05-17 131 1983-02-13 Racibórz P 61 2 0 0 1 0 0 131 9 132 2011-05-17 132 2011-05-17 132 1995-10-22 Racibórz P 76 1 0 0 0 0 0 132 9 133 2011-05-17 133 2011-05-17 133 1992-05-24 Racibórz L 64 12 0 0 0 0 0 133 9 134 2011-05-17 134 2011-05-17 134 1984-06-03 Racibórz L 62 1 0 0 0 0 0 134 9 135 2011-05-17 135 2011-05-17 135 1982-09-05 Racibórz L 74 8 0 0 0 0 0 135 9 136 2011-05-17 136 2011-05-17 136 1994-09-22 Płońsk L 72 17 0 0 0 0 0 136 10 137 2011-05-17 137 2011-05-17 137 1997-06-13 Płońsk L 67 19 0 0 0 0 0 137 10 138 2011-05-17 138 2011-05-17 138 1999-09-25 Płońsk L 61 6 0 0 0 0 0 138 10 139 2011-05-17 139 2011-05-17 139 1988-06-21 Płońsk L 65 9 0 0 0 0 0 139 10 140 2011-05-17 140 2011-05-17 140 1992-05-31 Płońsk L 63 6 0 0 0 0 0 140 10 141 2011-05-17 141 2011-05-17 141 1981-05-29 Płońsk L 62 10 0 0 0 0 0 141 10 142 2011-05-17 142 2011-05-17 142 1981-02-16 Płońsk L 73 10 0 0 0 0 0 142 10 143 2011-05-17 143 2011-05-17 143 1987-09-25 Płońsk L 67 8 0 0 0 0 0 143 10 144 2011-05-17 144 2011-05-17 144 1997-02-14 Płońsk L 69 19 0 0 0 0 0 144 10 145 2011-05-17 145 2011-05-17 145 1980-11-14 Płońsk P 74 16 0 0 0 0 0 145 10 146 2011-05-17 146 2011-05-17 146 1992-11-10 Płońsk L 61 19 0 0 0 0 0 146 10 147 2011-05-17 147 2011-05-17 147 1983-10-19 Płońsk L 67 1 0 0 0 0 0 147 10 148 2011-05-17 148 2011-05-17 148 1998-12-31 Płońsk L 77 12 0 0 0 0 0 148 10 149 2011-05-17 149 2011-05-17 149 1986-04-14 Płońsk P 76 7 0 0 0 0 0 149 10 150 2011-05-17 150 2011-05-17 150 1983-06-11 Płońsk L 73 7 0 0 0 0 0 150 10 151 2011-05-17 151 2011-05-17 151 1989-02-04 Skarżysko-Kamienna L 64 17 0 0 1 0 0 151 11 152 2011-05-17 152 2011-05-17 152 1981-02-09 Skarżysko-Kamienna P 61 14 0 0 1 0 0 152 11 153 2011-05-17 153 2011-05-17 153 1993-09-29 Skarżysko-Kamienna L 75 17 0 0 1 0 0 153 11 154 2011-05-17 154 2011-05-17 154 1997-11-03 Skarżysko-Kamienna P 71 14 0 0 1 0 0 154 11 155 2011-05-17 155 2011-05-17 155 1986-10-28 Skarżysko-Kamienna P 75 5 0 0 1 0 1 155 11 156 2011-05-17 156 2011-05-17 156 1981-10-18 Skarżysko-Kamienna L 76 3 0 1 1 0 0 156 11 157 2011-05-17 157 2011-05-17 157 1982-08-15 Skarżysko-Kamienna P 77 4 0 0 1 0 0 157 11 158 2011-05-17 158 2011-05-17 158 1997-08-12 Skarżysko-Kamienna L 60 14 0 0 1 0 0 158 11 159 2011-05-17 159 2011-05-17 159 1997-11-07 Skarżysko-Kamienna P 75 5 0 0 1 0 0 159 11 160 2011-05-17 160 2011-05-17 160 1980-11-15 Skarżysko-Kamienna L 73 2 0 2 1 0 0 160 11 161 2011-05-17 161 2011-05-17 161 1994-06-09 Skarżysko-Kamienna L 75 4 0 0 1 0 0 161 11 162 2011-05-17 162 2011-05-17 162 1987-02-18 Skarżysko-Kamienna L 65 8 0 1 0 0 0 162 11 163 2011-05-17 163 2011-05-17 163 1992-11-23 Skarżysko-Kamienna P 64 14 0 0 0 0 0 163 11 164 2011-05-17 164 2011-05-17 164 1995-10-22 Skarżysko-Kamienna P 76 9 0 0 0 0 0 164 11 165 2011-05-17 165 2011-05-17 165 1988-01-23 Skarżysko-Kamienna P 69 16 0 0 0 0 0 165 11 166 2011-05-17 166 2011-05-17 166 1982-09-20 Tarnobrzeg P 66 19 0 0 2 0 0 166 12 167 2011-05-17 167 2011-05-17 167 1994-10-27 Tarnobrzeg L 67 6 0 0 2 0 0 167 12 168 2011-05-17 168 2011-05-17 168 1983-04-27 Tarnobrzeg L 78 9 0 1 2 0 0 168 12 169 2011-05-17 169 2011-05-17 169 1988-08-10 Tarnobrzeg L 79 0 0 0 2 0 0 169 12 170 2011-05-17 170 2011-05-17 170 1981-03-31 Tarnobrzeg P 69 6 0 0 2 1 0 170 12 171 2011-05-17 171 2011-05-17 171 1999-07-23 Tarnobrzeg L 66 15 0 0 2 0 0 171 12 172 2011-05-17 172 2011-05-17 172 1985-03-31 Tarnobrzeg L 62 7 0 0 2 0 0 172 12 173 2011-05-17 173 2011-05-17 173 1986-11-06 Tarnobrzeg P 78 18 0 0 2 0 0 173 12 174 2011-05-17 174 2011-05-17 174 1995-07-04 Tarnobrzeg P 73 0 0 1 2 0 1 174 12 175 2011-05-17 175 2011-05-17 175 1998-05-14 Tarnobrzeg P 77 19 0 0 2 0 0 175 12 176 2011-05-17 176 2011-05-17 176 1982-05-19 Tarnobrzeg L 65 4 0 1 2 1 0 176 12 177 2011-05-17 177 2011-05-17 177 1986-05-31 Tarnobrzeg P 61 2 0 0 0 0 0 177 12 178 2011-05-17 178 2011-05-17 178 1998-02-28 Tarnobrzeg L 61 11 0 0 0 0 0 178 12 179 2011-05-17 179 2011-05-17 179 1992-03-10 Tarnobrzeg L 72 13 0 0 0 0 0 179 12 180 2011-05-17 180 2011-05-17 180 1993-01-07 Tarnobrzeg P 73 14 0 0 0 0 0 180 12 181 2011-05-17 181 2011-05-17 181 1994-06-23 Stawiski P 69 15 0 0 1 0 0 181 13 182 2011-05-17 182 2011-05-17 182 1984-04-21 Stawiski P 68 4 0 0 1 0 0 182 13 183 2011-05-17 183 2011-05-17 183 1992-05-20 Stawiski P 71 6 0 0 1 1 0 183 13 184 2011-05-17 184 2011-05-17 184 1994-04-30 Stawiski P 61 16 0 0 1 0 0 184 13 185 2011-05-17 185 2011-05-17 185 1997-11-17 Stawiski P 60 9 0 0 1 0 0 185 13 186 2011-05-17 186 2011-05-17 186 1987-02-15 Stawiski L 65 17 0 0 1 0 0 186 13 187 2011-05-17 187 2011-05-17 187 1981-09-25 Stawiski P 76 11 0 0 1 0 0 187 13 188 2011-05-17 188 2011-05-17 188 1996-10-22 Stawiski P 70 7 0 0 1 0 0 188 13 189 2011-05-17 189 2011-05-17 189 1981-11-02 Stawiski P 68 8 0 0 1 1 0 189 13 190 2011-05-17 190 2011-05-17 190 1992-08-05 Stawiski L 60 8 0 0 1 0 0 190 13 191 2011-05-17 191 2011-05-17 191 1988-07-05 Stawiski L 75 10 0 0 1 0 0 191 13 192 2011-05-17 192 2011-05-17 192 1995-06-12 Stawiski L 71 3 0 0 0 0 0 192 13 193 2011-05-17 193 2011-05-17 193 1993-08-04 Stawiski L 73 10 0 0 0 0 0 193 13 194 2011-05-17 194 2011-05-17 194 1991-09-01 Stawiski P 78 18 0 0 0 0 0 194 13 195 2011-05-17 195 2011-05-17 195 1986-02-16 Stawiski L 63 6 0 0 0 0 0 195 13 196 2011-05-17 196 2011-05-17 196 1984-02-19 Gliwice L 71 18 0 0 4 0 0 196 14 197 2011-05-17 197 2011-05-17 197 1998-09-13 Gliwice P 74 8 0 0 4 1 0 197 14 198 2011-05-17 198 2011-05-17 198 1981-08-28 Gliwice P 67 12 0 0 4 0 0 198 14 199 2011-05-17 199 2011-05-17 199 1987-07-25 Gliwice P 68 8 0 2 4 0 0 199 14 200 2011-05-17 200 2011-05-17 200 1997-07-25 Gliwice L 67 16 0 2 4 0 0 200 14 201 2011-05-17 201 2011-05-17 201 1984-04-22 Gliwice L 70 12 0 0 4 0 0 201 14 202 2011-05-17 202 2011-05-17 202 1989-10-04 Gliwice L 67 14 0 0 4 1 0 202 14 203 2011-05-17 203 2011-05-17 203 1996-02-17 Gliwice L 78 9 0 2 4 0 0 203 14 204 2011-05-17 204 2011-05-17 204 1982-03-16 Gliwice L 70 7 0 3 4 0 0 204 14 205 2011-05-17 205 2011-05-17 205 1986-06-17 Gliwice P 75 19 0 1 4 0 0 205 14 206 2011-05-17 206 2011-05-17 206 1984-05-06 Gliwice L 70 13 0 1 4 0 0 206 14 207 2011-05-17 207 2011-05-17 207 1997-06-16 Gliwice L 67 14 0 0 0 0 1 207 14 208 2011-05-17 208 2011-05-17 208 1987-11-24 Gliwice P 76 11 0 0 0 0 0 208 14 209 2011-05-17 209 2011-05-17 209 1985-07-25 Gliwice P 64 17 0 0 0 0 0 209 14 210 2011-05-17 210 2011-05-17 210 1998-06-28 Gliwice L 67 19 0 0 0 0 0 210 14 211 2011-05-17 211 2011-05-17 211 1994-11-16 Konstancin-Jeziorna P 62 10 0 0 2 0 0 211 15 212 2011-05-17 212 2011-05-17 212 1999-09-21 Konstancin-Jeziorna P 70 16 0 0 2 0 0 212 15 213 2011-05-17 213 2011-05-17 213 1998-08-25 Konstancin-Jeziorna P 67 19 0 0 2 0 0 213 15 214 2011-05-17 214 2011-05-17 214 1991-10-26 Konstancin-Jeziorna P 60 18 0 2 2 1 0 214 15 215 2011-05-17 215 2011-05-17 215 1995-06-13 Konstancin-Jeziorna P 79 19 0 1 2 0 0 215 15 216 2011-05-17 216 2011-05-17 216 1992-10-03 Konstancin-Jeziorna L 63 11 0 1 2 1 0 216 15 217 2011-05-17 217 2011-05-17 217 1991-03-10 Konstancin-Jeziorna L 60 3 0 1 2 0 0 217 15 218 2011-05-17 218 2011-05-17 218 1986-02-07 Konstancin-Jeziorna P 74 19 0 0 2 0 0 218 15 219 2011-05-17 219 2011-05-17 219 1992-03-07 Konstancin-Jeziorna P 70 8 0 0 2 1 0 219 15 220 2011-05-17 220 2011-05-17 220 1993-10-21 Konstancin-Jeziorna P 60 16 0 0 2 1 0 220 15 221 2011-05-17 221 2011-05-17 221 1992-02-02 Konstancin-Jeziorna L 69 2 0 0 2 0 0 221 15 222 2011-05-17 222 2011-05-17 222 1986-08-25 Konstancin-Jeziorna L 72 12 0 0 0 0 1 222 15 223 2011-05-17 223 2011-05-17 223 1997-04-02 Konstancin-Jeziorna P 60 1 0 0 0 0 0 223 15 224 2011-05-17 224 2011-05-17 224 1999-01-16 Konstancin-Jeziorna L 78 17 0 0 0 0 0 224 15 225 2011-05-17 225 2011-05-17 225 1998-04-24 Konstancin-Jeziorna P 67 6 0 0 0 0 0 225 15 226 2011-05-17 226 2011-05-17 226 1982-08-23 Sędziszów P 74 4 0 0 1 0 0 226 16 227 2011-05-17 227 2011-05-17 227 1981-03-31 Sędziszów P 62 1 0 0 1 0 0 227 16 228 2011-05-17 228 2011-05-17 228 1996-07-09 Sędziszów P 64 8 0 0 1 1 0 228 16 229 2011-05-17 229 2011-05-17 229 1981-05-22 Sędziszów L 63 14 0 0 1 0 0 229 16 230 2011-05-17 230 2011-05-17 230 1997-04-08 Sędziszów L 78 15 0 0 1 0 0 230 16 231 2011-05-17 231 2011-05-17 231 1993-02-24 Sędziszów P 72 14 0 0 1 0 0 231 16 232 2011-05-17 232 2011-05-17 232 1994-03-04 Sędziszów L 76 17 0 0 1 1 0 232 16 233 2011-05-17 233 2011-05-17 233 1986-04-26 Sędziszów P 60 19 0 0 1 0 0 233 16 234 2011-05-17 234 2011-05-17 234 1982-10-18 Sędziszów L 66 16 0 0 1 0 0 234 16 235 2011-05-17 235 2011-05-17 235 1983-07-20 Sędziszów P 61 16 0 0 1 0 0 235 16 236 2011-05-17 236 2011-05-17 236 1989-11-19 Sędziszów P 63 13 0 0 1 0 0 236 16 237 2011-05-17 237 2011-05-17 237 1986-04-08 Sędziszów L 75 16 0 1 0 0 0 237 16 238 2011-05-17 238 2011-05-17 238 1988-07-09 Sędziszów P 71 1 0 0 0 0 0 238 16 239 2011-05-17 239 2011-05-17 239 1989-01-04 Sędziszów P 78 7 0 0 0 0 0 239 16 240 2011-05-17 240 2011-05-17 240 1997-06-25 Sędziszów L 69 10 0 0 0 0 0 240 16 241 2011-05-17 241 2011-05-17 241 1981-06-04 Świętochłowice P 67 19 0 0 2 0 0 241 17 242 2011-05-17 242 2011-05-17 242 1999-02-01 Świętochłowice P 63 2 0 0 2 0 0 242 17 243 2011-05-17 243 2011-05-17 243 1981-09-23 Świętochłowice P 68 2 0 1 2 1 0 243 17 244 2011-05-17 244 2011-05-17 244 1981-04-14 Świętochłowice L 74 14 0 1 2 0 0 244 17 245 2011-05-17 245 2011-05-17 245 1986-02-19 Świętochłowice P 73 12 0 0 2 0 0 245 17 246 2011-05-17 246 2011-05-17 246 1994-10-31 Świętochłowice L 71 18 0 0 2 0 0 246 17 247 2011-05-17 247 2011-05-17 247 1995-04-14 Świętochłowice P 79 10 0 0 2 1 0 247 17 248 2011-05-17 248 2011-05-17 248 1987-09-12 Świętochłowice L 75 14 0 0 2 1 0 248 17 249 2011-05-17 249 2011-05-17 249 1989-11-03 Świętochłowice P 78 9 0 1 2 0 0 249 17 250 2011-05-17 250 2011-05-17 250 1996-08-10 Świętochłowice L 66 1 0 0 2 0 0 250 17 251 2011-05-17 251 2011-05-17 251 1996-01-23 Świętochłowice L 77 4 0 0 2 1 1 251 17 252 2011-05-17 252 2011-05-17 252 1993-02-24 Świętochłowice L 75 3 0 1 0 0 0 252 17 253 2011-05-17 253 2011-05-17 253 1983-07-09 Świętochłowice P 72 19 0 0 0 0 0 253 17 254 2011-05-17 254 2011-05-17 254 1995-04-27 Świętochłowice P 76 13 0 0 0 0 0 254 17 255 2011-05-17 255 2011-05-17 255 1994-03-24 Świętochłowice L 72 1 0 0 0 0 0 255 17 256 2011-05-17 256 2011-05-17 256 1994-03-19 Poręba P 66 10 0 0 1 0 0 256 18 257 2011-05-17 257 2011-05-17 257 1993-03-22 Poręba L 74 2 0 0 1 0 0 257 18 258 2011-05-17 258 2011-05-17 258 1980-05-10 Poręba P 63 17 0 0 1 0 0 258 18 259 2011-05-17 259 2011-05-17 259 1996-06-10 Poręba P 78 11 0 0 1 0 1 259 18 260 2011-05-17 260 2011-05-17 260 1986-07-05 Poręba L 75 3 0 0 1 0 0 260 18 261 2011-05-17 261 2011-05-17 261 1991-05-18 Poręba P 74 9 0 1 1 0 0 261 18 262 2011-05-17 262 2011-05-17 262 1993-02-24 Poręba P 72 16 0 1 1 0 0 262 18 263 2011-05-17 263 2011-05-17 263 1992-11-27 Poręba P 77 5 0 0 1 0 0 263 18 264 2011-05-17 264 2011-05-17 264 1983-03-24 Poręba P 77 8 0 0 1 0 0 264 18 265 2011-05-17 265 2011-05-17 265 1991-06-20 Poręba P 73 14 0 1 1 0 0 265 18 266 2011-05-17 266 2011-05-17 266 1989-11-26 Poręba L 79 15 0 1 1 0 0 266 18 267 2011-05-17 267 2011-05-17 267 1983-07-17 Poręba L 72 15 0 0 0 0 0 267 18 268 2011-05-17 268 2011-05-17 268 1987-07-06 Poręba P 67 5 0 0 0 0 0 268 18 269 2011-05-17 269 2011-05-17 269 1982-08-27 Poręba P 62 18 0 0 0 0 0 269 18 270 2011-05-17 270 2011-05-17 270 1996-09-27 Poręba P 74 5 0 0 0 0 0 270 18 271 2011-05-17 271 2011-05-17 271 1993-09-17 Kórnik P 77 5 0 0 2 0 0 271 19 272 2011-05-17 272 2011-05-17 272 1991-04-19 Kórnik L 64 9 0 0 2 0 1 272 19 273 2011-05-17 273 2011-05-17 273 1995-03-25 Kórnik L 64 14 0 0 2 0 0 273 19 274 2011-05-17 274 2011-05-17 274 1980-07-18 Kórnik P 76 0 0 0 2 0 0 274 19 275 2011-05-17 275 2011-05-17 275 1987-09-30 Kórnik L 74 8 0 1 2 0 0 275 19 276 2011-05-17 276 2011-05-17 276 1988-01-01 Kórnik L 60 14 0 0 2 0 0 276 19 277 2011-05-17 277 2011-05-17 277 1983-07-25 Kórnik P 67 12 0 0 2 0 0 277 19 278 2011-05-17 278 2011-05-17 278 1984-11-26 Kórnik P 60 19 0 0 2 0 0 278 19 279 2011-05-17 279 2011-05-17 279 1993-03-08 Kórnik L 72 2 0 0 2 0 0 279 19 280 2011-05-17 280 2011-05-17 280 1987-08-04 Kórnik P 76 5 0 0 2 0 0 280 19 281 2011-05-17 281 2011-05-17 281 1982-10-25 Kórnik P 75 5 0 0 2 0 0 281 19 282 2011-05-17 282 2011-05-17 282 1999-05-26 Kórnik P 63 12 0 0 0 0 0 282 19 283 2011-05-17 283 2011-05-17 283 1995-02-28 Kórnik L 66 14 0 0 0 0 0 283 19 284 2011-05-17 284 2011-05-17 284 1988-06-08 Kórnik L 66 5 0 0 0 0 0 284 19 285 2011-05-17 285 2011-05-17 285 1981-04-04 Kórnik L 62 17 0 0 0 0 0 285 19 286 2011-05-17 286 2011-05-17 286 1983-05-24 Otmuchów L 74 12 0 0 2 0 0 286 20 287 2011-05-17 287 2011-05-17 287 1982-02-01 Otmuchów P 61 4 0 1 2 0 0 287 20 288 2011-05-17 288 2011-05-17 288 1985-02-03 Otmuchów L 78 6 0 0 2 0 0 288 20 289 2011-05-17 289 2011-05-17 289 1997-04-04 Otmuchów L 74 10 0 0 2 0 0 289 20 290 2011-05-17 290 2011-05-17 290 1981-08-03 Otmuchów L 69 16 0 0 2 1 0 290 20 291 2011-05-17 291 2011-05-17 291 1988-08-15 Otmuchów P 69 9 0 0 2 0 0 291 20 292 2011-05-17 292 2011-05-17 292 1998-01-26 Otmuchów P 76 14 0 2 2 0 0 292 20 293 2011-05-17 293 2011-05-17 293 1993-02-17 Otmuchów L 63 9 0 0 2 0 0 293 20 294 2011-05-17 294 2011-05-17 294 1991-05-15 Otmuchów P 68 17 0 0 2 1 0 294 20 295 2011-05-17 295 2011-05-17 295 1988-09-29 Otmuchów P 68 16 0 0 2 0 1 295 20 296 2011-05-17 296 2011-05-17 296 1988-09-09 Otmuchów L 65 2 0 0 2 0 0 296 20 297 2011-05-17 297 2011-05-17 297 1997-11-04 Otmuchów P 67 8 0 1 0 0 0 297 20 298 2011-05-17 298 2011-05-17 298 1997-03-05 Otmuchów L 73 12 0 0 0 0 0 298 20 299 2011-05-17 299 2011-05-17 299 1995-10-06 Otmuchów L 61 7 0 0 0 0 0 299 20 300 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 300 1997-08-03 Otmuchów P 79 13 0 0 0 0 0 300 20 \. -- -- TOC entry 1868 (class 0 OID 17832) -- Dependencies: 1544 -- Data for Name: fth_roles; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- COPY fth_roles (rol_id, rol_name, rol_description) FROM stdin; 50 ADM admin 52 PLR player 51 TRN trainer 1 USR logged_user \. -- -- TOC entry 1873 (class 0 OID 17903) -- Dependencies: 1549 -- Data for Name: fth_stats; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- COPY fth_stats (created, created_time, modified, modified_time, sts_id, sts_match, sts_player, sts_team, sts_event, sts_time) FROM stdin; 1 2011-05-17 1 2011-05-17 1 1 78 6 R 86 2 2011-05-17 2 2011-05-17 2 1 197 14 Y 14 3 2011-05-17 3 2011-05-17 3 1 82 6 Y 41 4 2011-05-17 4 2011-05-17 4 1 83 6 K 42 5 2011-05-17 5 2011-05-17 5 1 85 6 F 8 6 2011-05-17 6 2011-05-17 6 1 86 6 O 65 7 2011-05-17 7 2011-05-17 7 1 79 6 S 10 8 2011-05-17 8 2011-05-17 8 1 81 6 S 85 9 2011-05-17 9 2011-05-17 9 1 82 6 S 66 10 2011-05-17 10 2011-05-17 10 1 85 6 S 18 11 2011-05-17 11 2011-05-17 11 1 84 6 S 5 12 2011-05-17 12 2011-05-17 12 1 86 6 S 57 13 2011-05-17 13 2011-05-17 13 1 77 6 S 66 14 2011-05-17 14 2011-05-17 14 1 77 6 S 46 15 2011-05-17 15 2011-05-17 15 1 205 14 F 16 16 2011-05-17 16 2011-05-17 16 1 199 14 F 26 17 2011-05-17 17 2011-05-17 17 1 197 14 O 65 18 2011-05-17 18 2011-05-17 18 1 199 14 O 77 19 2011-05-17 19 2011-05-17 19 1 196 14 O 3 20 2011-05-17 20 2011-05-17 20 1 198 14 O 4 21 2011-05-17 21 2011-05-17 21 1 196 14 O 77 22 2011-05-17 22 2011-05-17 22 1 206 14 O 82 23 2011-05-17 23 2011-05-17 23 1 202 14 O 31 24 2011-05-17 24 2011-05-17 24 1 203 14 S 32 25 2011-05-17 25 2011-05-17 25 1 199 14 S 45 26 2011-05-17 26 2011-05-17 26 1 206 14 S 66 27 2011-05-17 27 2011-05-17 27 1 204 14 S 35 28 2011-05-17 28 2011-05-17 28 1 204 14 S 6 29 2011-05-17 29 2011-05-17 29 1 201 14 S 80 30 2011-05-17 30 2011-05-17 30 1 199 14 S 85 31 2011-05-17 31 2011-05-17 31 1 205 14 S 30 32 2011-05-17 32 2011-05-17 32 1 206 14 S 80 33 2011-05-17 33 2011-05-17 33 1 204 14 S 11 34 2011-05-17 34 2011-05-17 34 1 77 6 C 13 35 2011-05-17 35 2011-05-17 35 1 77 6 C 6 36 2011-05-17 36 2011-05-17 36 1 77 6 C 11 37 2011-05-17 37 2011-05-17 37 1 203 14 C 68 38 2011-05-17 38 2011-05-17 38 1 206 14 C 35 39 2011-05-17 39 2011-05-17 39 1 201 14 C 24 40 2011-05-17 40 2011-05-17 40 1 202 14 C 45 41 2011-05-17 41 2011-05-17 41 1 79 6 G 55 42 2011-05-17 42 2011-05-17 42 1 197 14 F 15 43 2011-05-17 43 2011-05-17 43 1 203 14 F 68 44 2011-05-17 44 2011-05-17 44 1 203 14 F 69 45 2011-05-17 45 2011-05-17 45 1 81 6 F 76 46 2011-05-17 46 2011-05-17 46 1 84 6 F 34 47 2011-05-17 47 2011-05-17 47 1 86 6 F 18 48 2011-05-17 48 2011-05-17 48 1 80 6 F 59 49 2011-05-17 49 2011-05-17 49 1 86 6 F 66 50 2011-05-17 50 2011-05-17 50 1 82 6 F 68 51 2011-05-17 51 2011-05-17 51 1 79 6 F 86 52 2011-05-17 52 2011-05-17 52 1 84 6 F 30 53 2011-05-17 53 2011-05-17 53 1 83 6 F 17 54 2011-05-17 54 2011-05-17 54 1 82 6 F 20 55 2011-05-17 55 2011-05-17 55 1 86 6 F 17 56 2011-05-17 56 2011-05-17 56 1 79 6 F 19 57 2011-05-17 57 2011-05-17 57 1 84 6 F 23 58 2011-05-17 58 2011-05-17 58 1 84 6 F 28 59 2011-05-17 59 2011-05-17 59 1 81 6 F 66 60 2011-05-17 60 2011-05-17 60 1 85 6 F 80 61 2011-05-17 61 2011-05-17 61 1 84 6 F 34 62 2011-05-17 62 2011-05-17 62 1 81 6 F 76 64 2011-05-17 64 2011-05-17 64 2 183 13 Y 0 65 2011-05-17 65 2011-05-17 65 2 174 12 Y 4 66 2011-05-17 66 2011-05-17 66 2 186 13 K 70 67 2011-05-17 67 2011-05-17 67 2 170 12 F 57 68 2011-05-17 68 2011-05-17 68 2 175 12 F 30 69 2011-05-17 69 2011-05-17 69 2 174 12 O 83 70 2011-05-17 70 2011-05-17 70 2 171 12 O 56 71 2011-05-17 71 2011-05-17 71 2 175 12 S 67 72 2011-05-17 72 2011-05-17 72 2 170 12 S 51 73 2011-05-17 73 2011-05-17 73 2 172 12 S 52 74 2011-05-17 74 2011-05-17 74 2 172 12 S 39 75 2011-05-17 75 2011-05-17 75 2 175 12 S 30 76 2011-05-17 76 2011-05-17 76 2 171 12 S 27 77 2011-05-17 77 2011-05-17 77 2 175 12 S 27 78 2011-05-17 78 2011-05-17 78 2 187 13 F 36 79 2011-05-17 79 2011-05-17 79 2 189 13 O 68 80 2011-05-17 80 2011-05-17 80 2 188 13 O 83 81 2011-05-17 81 2011-05-17 81 2 187 13 O 38 82 2011-05-17 82 2011-05-17 82 2 191 13 S 43 83 2011-05-17 83 2011-05-17 83 2 183 13 S 87 84 2011-05-17 84 2011-05-17 84 2 175 12 C 47 85 2011-05-17 85 2011-05-17 85 2 175 12 C 48 86 2011-05-17 86 2011-05-17 86 2 187 13 C 77 87 2011-05-17 87 2011-05-17 87 2 173 12 G 33 88 2011-05-17 88 2011-05-17 88 2 167 12 G 72 89 2011-05-17 89 2011-05-17 89 2 175 12 G 20 90 2011-05-17 90 2011-05-17 90 2 189 13 F 30 91 2011-05-17 91 2011-05-17 91 2 191 13 F 56 92 2011-05-17 92 2011-05-17 92 2 168 12 F 60 93 2011-05-17 93 2011-05-17 93 2 176 12 F 69 94 2011-05-17 94 2011-05-17 94 2 172 12 F 18 95 2011-05-17 95 2011-05-17 95 2 167 12 F 64 97 2011-05-17 97 2011-05-17 97 3 24 2 Y 53 98 2011-05-17 98 2011-05-17 98 3 272 19 Y 88 99 2011-05-17 99 2011-05-17 99 3 26 2 K 76 100 2011-05-17 100 2011-05-17 100 3 276 19 O 23 101 2011-05-17 101 2011-05-17 101 3 276 19 O 60 102 2011-05-17 102 2011-05-17 102 3 276 19 O 31 103 2011-05-17 103 2011-05-17 103 3 277 19 O 41 104 2011-05-17 104 2011-05-17 104 3 273 19 O 2 105 2011-05-17 105 2011-05-17 105 3 274 19 O 69 106 2011-05-17 106 2011-05-17 106 3 280 19 O 55 107 2011-05-17 107 2011-05-17 107 3 278 19 S 74 108 2011-05-17 108 2011-05-17 108 3 276 19 S 36 109 2011-05-17 109 2011-05-17 109 3 271 19 S 59 110 2011-05-17 110 2011-05-17 110 3 16 2 F 25 111 2011-05-17 111 2011-05-17 111 3 22 2 F 88 112 2011-05-17 112 2011-05-17 112 3 22 2 O 11 113 2011-05-17 113 2011-05-17 113 3 16 2 O 85 114 2011-05-17 114 2011-05-17 114 3 26 2 S 55 115 2011-05-17 115 2011-05-17 115 3 22 2 S 1 116 2011-05-17 116 2011-05-17 116 3 25 2 S 69 117 2011-05-17 117 2011-05-17 117 3 20 2 S 74 118 2011-05-17 118 2011-05-17 118 3 26 2 S 88 119 2011-05-17 119 2011-05-17 119 3 26 2 S 59 120 2011-05-17 120 2011-05-17 120 3 25 2 S 9 121 2011-05-17 121 2011-05-17 121 3 271 19 C 24 122 2011-05-17 122 2011-05-17 122 3 271 19 C 32 123 2011-05-17 123 2011-05-17 123 3 23 2 C 87 124 2011-05-17 124 2011-05-17 124 3 20 2 C 35 125 2011-05-17 125 2011-05-17 125 3 20 2 C 72 126 2011-05-17 126 2011-05-17 126 3 23 2 C 75 127 2011-05-17 127 2011-05-17 127 3 23 2 C 29 128 2011-05-17 128 2011-05-17 128 3 20 2 G 39 129 2011-05-17 129 2011-05-17 129 3 26 2 G 75 130 2011-05-17 130 2011-05-17 130 3 274 19 G 9 131 2011-05-17 131 2011-05-17 131 3 16 2 F 16 132 2011-05-17 132 2011-05-17 132 3 22 2 F 65 133 2011-05-17 133 2011-05-17 133 3 19 2 F 35 134 2011-05-17 134 2011-05-17 134 3 22 2 F 38 135 2011-05-17 135 2011-05-17 135 3 21 2 F 79 136 2011-05-17 136 2011-05-17 136 3 274 19 F 82 137 2011-05-17 137 2011-05-17 137 3 273 19 F 29 138 2011-05-17 138 2011-05-17 138 3 272 19 F 51 139 2011-05-17 139 2011-05-17 139 3 281 19 F 22 140 2011-05-17 140 2011-05-17 140 3 272 19 F 50 141 2011-05-17 141 2011-05-17 141 3 280 19 F 43 143 2011-05-17 143 2011-05-17 143 4 55 4 R 33 144 2011-05-17 144 2011-05-17 144 4 56 4 Y 87 145 2011-05-17 145 2011-05-17 145 4 200 14 Y 66 146 2011-05-17 146 2011-05-17 146 4 202 14 F 74 147 2011-05-17 147 2011-05-17 147 4 203 14 F 31 148 2011-05-17 148 2011-05-17 148 4 197 14 F 73 149 2011-05-17 149 2011-05-17 149 4 199 14 F 73 150 2011-05-17 150 2011-05-17 150 4 196 14 O 87 151 2011-05-17 151 2011-05-17 151 4 200 14 O 35 152 2011-05-17 152 2011-05-17 152 4 199 14 O 22 153 2011-05-17 153 2011-05-17 153 4 205 14 O 83 154 2011-05-17 154 2011-05-17 154 4 206 14 S 66 155 2011-05-17 155 2011-05-17 155 4 46 4 F 3 156 2011-05-17 156 2011-05-17 156 4 46 4 F 73 157 2011-05-17 157 2011-05-17 157 4 51 4 O 25 158 2011-05-17 158 2011-05-17 158 4 51 4 O 42 159 2011-05-17 159 2011-05-17 159 4 50 4 O 0 160 2011-05-17 160 2011-05-17 160 4 46 4 O 74 161 2011-05-17 161 2011-05-17 161 4 51 4 S 77 162 2011-05-17 162 2011-05-17 162 4 51 4 S 83 163 2011-05-17 163 2011-05-17 163 4 51 4 S 69 164 2011-05-17 164 2011-05-17 164 4 49 4 S 65 165 2011-05-17 165 2011-05-17 165 4 49 4 S 52 166 2011-05-17 166 2011-05-17 166 4 53 4 S 35 167 2011-05-17 167 2011-05-17 167 4 206 14 C 37 168 2011-05-17 168 2011-05-17 168 4 51 4 C 75 169 2011-05-17 169 2011-05-17 169 4 47 4 G 29 170 2011-05-17 170 2011-05-17 170 4 46 4 G 61 171 2011-05-17 171 2011-05-17 171 4 47 4 G 44 172 2011-05-17 172 2011-05-17 172 4 198 14 G 81 173 2011-05-17 173 2011-05-17 173 4 199 14 G 88 174 2011-05-17 174 2011-05-17 174 4 205 14 G 36 175 2011-05-17 175 2011-05-17 175 4 53 4 F 43 176 2011-05-17 176 2011-05-17 176 4 56 4 F 77 177 2011-05-17 177 2011-05-17 177 4 206 14 F 45 178 2011-05-17 178 2011-05-17 178 4 202 14 F 49 179 2011-05-17 179 2011-05-17 179 4 204 14 F 36 181 2011-05-17 181 2011-05-17 181 5 250 17 R 27 182 2011-05-17 182 2011-05-17 182 5 243 17 Y 21 183 2011-05-17 183 2011-05-17 183 5 113 8 Y 2 184 2011-05-17 184 2011-05-17 184 5 241 17 K 25 185 2011-05-17 185 2011-05-17 185 5 107 8 F 83 186 2011-05-17 186 2011-05-17 186 5 115 8 F 71 187 2011-05-17 187 2011-05-17 187 5 109 8 O 68 188 2011-05-17 188 2011-05-17 188 5 111 8 O 33 189 2011-05-17 189 2011-05-17 189 5 109 8 O 56 190 2011-05-17 190 2011-05-17 190 5 113 8 O 24 191 2011-05-17 191 2011-05-17 191 5 111 8 O 22 192 2011-05-17 192 2011-05-17 192 5 248 17 F 23 193 2011-05-17 193 2011-05-17 193 5 245 17 O 46 194 2011-05-17 194 2011-05-17 194 5 241 17 O 16 195 2011-05-17 195 2011-05-17 195 5 247 17 S 33 196 2011-05-17 196 2011-05-17 196 5 248 17 S 50 197 2011-05-17 197 2011-05-17 197 5 251 17 S 35 198 2011-05-17 198 2011-05-17 198 5 242 17 S 32 199 2011-05-17 199 2011-05-17 199 5 249 17 S 76 200 2011-05-17 200 2011-05-17 200 5 111 8 C 37 201 2011-05-17 201 2011-05-17 201 5 111 8 C 80 202 2011-05-17 202 2011-05-17 202 5 111 8 C 42 203 2011-05-17 203 2011-05-17 203 5 244 17 C 66 204 2011-05-17 204 2011-05-17 204 5 251 17 C 26 205 2011-05-17 205 2011-05-17 205 5 243 17 C 15 206 2011-05-17 206 2011-05-17 206 5 243 17 G 0 207 2011-05-17 207 2011-05-17 207 5 248 17 G 68 208 2011-05-17 208 2011-05-17 208 5 242 17 G 59 209 2011-05-17 209 2011-05-17 209 5 251 17 G 10 210 2011-05-17 210 2011-05-17 210 5 246 17 F 76 211 2011-05-17 211 2011-05-17 211 5 251 17 F 29 212 2011-05-17 212 2011-05-17 212 5 249 17 F 2 213 2011-05-17 213 2011-05-17 213 5 106 8 F 72 214 2011-05-17 214 2011-05-17 214 5 109 8 F 39 215 2011-05-17 215 2011-05-17 215 5 113 8 F 41 216 2011-05-17 216 2011-05-17 216 5 107 8 F 1 217 2011-05-17 217 2011-05-17 217 5 109 8 F 2 218 2011-05-17 218 2011-05-17 218 5 106 8 F 71 219 2011-05-17 219 2011-05-17 219 5 114 8 F 5 220 2011-05-17 220 2011-05-17 220 5 112 8 F 25 221 2011-05-17 221 2011-05-17 221 5 112 8 F 68 222 2011-05-17 222 2011-05-17 222 5 115 8 F 20 223 2011-05-17 223 2011-05-17 223 5 108 8 F 82 224 2011-05-17 224 2011-05-17 224 5 115 8 F 72 225 2011-05-17 225 2011-05-17 225 5 107 8 F 73 226 2011-05-17 226 2011-05-17 226 5 106 8 F 38 227 2011-05-17 227 2011-05-17 227 5 108 8 F 42 228 2011-05-17 228 2011-05-17 228 5 110 8 F 76 229 2011-05-17 229 2011-05-17 229 5 110 8 F 27 230 2011-05-17 230 2011-05-17 230 5 107 8 F 68 231 2011-05-17 231 2011-05-17 231 5 106 8 F 26 232 2011-05-17 232 2011-05-17 232 5 114 8 F 62 233 2011-05-17 233 2011-05-17 233 5 110 8 F 33 234 2011-05-17 234 2011-05-17 234 5 115 8 F 74 235 2011-05-17 235 2011-05-17 235 5 109 8 F 72 236 2011-05-17 236 2011-05-17 236 5 114 8 F 47 238 2011-05-17 238 2011-05-17 238 6 124 9 R 67 239 2011-05-17 239 2011-05-17 239 6 86 6 R 36 241 2011-05-17 241 2011-05-17 241 6 129 9 Y 6 242 2011-05-17 242 2011-05-17 242 6 127 9 K 53 243 2011-05-17 243 2011-05-17 243 6 84 6 K 33 244 2011-05-17 244 2011-05-17 244 6 123 9 F 63 245 2011-05-17 245 2011-05-17 245 6 128 9 O 17 246 2011-05-17 246 2011-05-17 246 6 122 9 O 58 247 2011-05-17 247 2011-05-17 247 6 123 9 O 42 248 2011-05-17 248 2011-05-17 248 6 121 9 O 87 249 2011-05-17 249 2011-05-17 249 6 127 9 S 7 250 2011-05-17 250 2011-05-17 250 6 130 9 S 50 251 2011-05-17 251 2011-05-17 251 6 129 9 S 69 252 2011-05-17 252 2011-05-17 252 6 130 9 S 57 253 2011-05-17 253 2011-05-17 253 6 125 9 S 45 254 2011-05-17 254 2011-05-17 254 6 128 9 S 26 255 2011-05-17 255 2011-05-17 255 6 122 9 S 73 256 2011-05-17 256 2011-05-17 256 6 130 9 S 22 257 2011-05-17 257 2011-05-17 257 6 121 9 S 5 258 2011-05-17 258 2011-05-17 258 6 84 6 F 39 259 2011-05-17 259 2011-05-17 259 6 81 6 O 69 260 2011-05-17 260 2011-05-17 260 6 82 6 O 56 261 2011-05-17 261 2011-05-17 261 6 80 6 S 55 262 2011-05-17 262 2011-05-17 262 6 85 6 S 88 263 2011-05-17 263 2011-05-17 263 6 80 6 S 76 264 2011-05-17 264 2011-05-17 264 6 85 6 S 8 265 2011-05-17 265 2011-05-17 265 6 76 6 S 82 266 2011-05-17 266 2011-05-17 266 6 121 9 C 41 267 2011-05-17 267 2011-05-17 267 6 121 9 C 59 268 2011-05-17 268 2011-05-17 268 6 121 9 C 46 269 2011-05-17 269 2011-05-17 269 6 83 6 C 88 270 2011-05-17 270 2011-05-17 270 6 83 6 C 50 271 2011-05-17 271 2011-05-17 271 6 84 6 C 76 272 2011-05-17 272 2011-05-17 272 6 77 6 C 58 273 2011-05-17 273 2011-05-17 273 6 76 6 C 62 274 2011-05-17 274 2011-05-17 274 6 82 6 G 84 275 2011-05-17 275 2011-05-17 275 6 81 6 G 58 276 2011-05-17 276 2011-05-17 276 6 76 6 F 63 277 2011-05-17 277 2011-05-17 277 6 76 6 F 15 278 2011-05-17 278 2011-05-17 278 6 131 9 F 84 279 2011-05-17 279 2011-05-17 279 6 130 9 F 76 280 2011-05-17 280 2011-05-17 280 6 128 9 F 19 281 2011-05-17 281 2011-05-17 281 6 127 9 F 6 282 2011-05-17 282 2011-05-17 282 6 126 9 F 30 283 2011-05-17 283 2011-05-17 283 6 129 9 F 39 284 2011-05-17 284 2011-05-17 284 6 126 9 F 36 285 2011-05-17 285 2011-05-17 285 6 130 9 F 39 286 2011-05-17 286 2011-05-17 286 6 121 9 F 1 287 2011-05-17 287 2011-05-17 287 6 130 9 F 83 288 2011-05-17 288 2011-05-17 288 6 123 9 F 43 289 2011-05-17 289 2011-05-17 289 6 126 9 F 15 291 2011-05-17 291 2011-05-17 291 7 21 2 Y 58 292 2011-05-17 292 2011-05-17 292 7 83 6 Y 87 293 2011-05-17 293 2011-05-17 293 7 79 6 K 23 294 2011-05-17 294 2011-05-17 294 7 79 6 F 71 295 2011-05-17 295 2011-05-17 295 7 77 6 F 86 296 2011-05-17 296 2011-05-17 296 7 84 6 F 36 297 2011-05-17 297 2011-05-17 297 7 81 6 O 3 298 2011-05-17 298 2011-05-17 298 7 82 6 O 54 299 2011-05-17 299 2011-05-17 299 7 80 6 O 2 300 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 300 7 82 6 O 69 301 2011-05-17 301 2011-05-17 301 7 76 6 O 73 302 2011-05-17 302 2011-05-17 302 7 85 6 S 31 303 2011-05-17 303 2011-05-17 303 7 79 6 S 36 304 2011-05-17 304 2011-05-17 304 7 77 6 S 18 305 2011-05-17 305 2011-05-17 305 7 26 2 F 36 306 2011-05-17 306 2011-05-17 306 7 24 2 F 26 307 2011-05-17 307 2011-05-17 307 7 16 2 F 18 308 2011-05-17 308 2011-05-17 308 7 17 2 O 4 309 2011-05-17 309 2011-05-17 309 7 21 2 O 6 310 2011-05-17 310 2011-05-17 310 7 23 2 O 43 311 2011-05-17 311 2011-05-17 311 7 25 2 O 26 312 2011-05-17 312 2011-05-17 312 7 20 2 O 66 313 2011-05-17 313 2011-05-17 313 7 26 2 O 67 314 2011-05-17 314 2011-05-17 314 7 26 2 O 19 315 2011-05-17 315 2011-05-17 315 7 24 2 S 66 316 2011-05-17 316 2011-05-17 316 7 77 6 C 43 317 2011-05-17 317 2011-05-17 317 7 26 2 C 85 318 2011-05-17 318 2011-05-17 318 7 17 2 C 68 319 2011-05-17 319 2011-05-17 319 7 25 2 C 26 320 2011-05-17 320 2011-05-17 320 7 21 2 C 17 321 2011-05-17 321 2011-05-17 321 7 21 2 G 22 322 2011-05-17 322 2011-05-17 322 7 24 2 F 9 323 2011-05-17 323 2011-05-17 323 7 21 2 F 43 324 2011-05-17 324 2011-05-17 324 7 18 2 F 15 325 2011-05-17 325 2011-05-17 325 7 21 2 F 53 326 2011-05-17 326 2011-05-17 326 7 16 2 F 69 327 2011-05-17 327 2011-05-17 327 7 23 2 F 70 328 2011-05-17 328 2011-05-17 328 7 81 6 F 16 329 2011-05-17 329 2011-05-17 329 7 82 6 F 34 330 2011-05-17 330 2011-05-17 330 7 76 6 F 80 331 2011-05-17 331 2011-05-17 331 7 79 6 F 6 332 2011-05-17 332 2011-05-17 332 7 79 6 F 45 333 2011-05-17 333 2011-05-17 333 7 77 6 F 36 334 2011-05-17 334 2011-05-17 334 7 81 6 F 21 335 2011-05-17 335 2011-05-17 335 7 79 6 F 55 336 2011-05-17 336 2011-05-17 336 7 82 6 F 83 337 2011-05-17 337 2011-05-17 337 7 84 6 F 33 338 2011-05-17 338 2011-05-17 338 7 85 6 F 48 339 2011-05-17 339 2011-05-17 339 7 82 6 F 5 340 2011-05-17 340 2011-05-17 340 7 77 6 F 43 341 2011-05-17 341 2011-05-17 341 7 76 6 F 86 342 2011-05-17 342 2011-05-17 342 7 80 6 F 85 343 2011-05-17 343 2011-05-17 343 7 84 6 F 16 344 2011-05-17 344 2011-05-17 344 7 82 6 F 54 345 2011-05-17 345 2011-05-17 345 7 80 6 F 60 346 2011-05-17 346 2011-05-17 346 7 83 6 F 76 347 2011-05-17 347 2011-05-17 347 7 84 6 F 12 348 2011-05-17 348 2011-05-17 348 7 79 6 F 44 350 2011-05-17 350 2011-05-17 350 8 20 2 R 39 351 2011-05-17 351 2011-05-17 351 8 173 12 R 16 352 2011-05-17 352 2011-05-17 352 8 176 12 Y 55 354 2011-05-17 354 2011-05-17 354 8 17 2 K 6 355 2011-05-17 355 2011-05-17 355 8 24 2 F 67 356 2011-05-17 356 2011-05-17 356 8 23 2 F 32 357 2011-05-17 357 2011-05-17 357 8 23 2 F 87 358 2011-05-17 358 2011-05-17 358 8 24 2 O 2 359 2011-05-17 359 2011-05-17 359 8 22 2 S 86 360 2011-05-17 360 2011-05-17 360 8 21 2 S 34 361 2011-05-17 361 2011-05-17 361 8 19 2 S 73 362 2011-05-17 362 2011-05-17 362 8 21 2 S 59 363 2011-05-17 363 2011-05-17 363 8 19 2 S 62 364 2011-05-17 364 2011-05-17 364 8 23 2 S 25 365 2011-05-17 365 2011-05-17 365 8 172 12 F 41 366 2011-05-17 366 2011-05-17 366 8 166 12 F 56 367 2011-05-17 367 2011-05-17 367 8 171 12 S 43 368 2011-05-17 368 2011-05-17 368 8 169 12 S 62 369 2011-05-17 369 2011-05-17 369 8 172 12 S 9 370 2011-05-17 370 2011-05-17 370 8 23 2 C 10 371 2011-05-17 371 2011-05-17 371 8 170 12 C 7 372 2011-05-17 372 2011-05-17 372 8 166 12 C 67 373 2011-05-17 373 2011-05-17 373 8 169 12 F 39 374 2011-05-17 374 2011-05-17 374 8 169 12 F 24 375 2011-05-17 375 2011-05-17 375 8 24 2 F 4 376 2011-05-17 376 2011-05-17 376 8 16 2 F 66 377 2011-05-17 377 2011-05-17 377 8 26 2 F 84 378 2011-05-17 378 2011-05-17 378 8 16 2 F 68 379 2011-05-17 379 2011-05-17 379 8 25 2 F 57 380 2011-05-17 380 2011-05-17 380 8 17 2 F 25 381 2011-05-17 381 2011-05-17 381 8 22 2 F 81 382 2011-05-17 382 2011-05-17 382 8 26 2 F 87 383 2011-05-17 383 2011-05-17 383 8 25 2 F 2 384 2011-05-17 384 2011-05-17 384 8 17 2 F 76 386 2011-05-17 386 2011-05-17 386 9 52 4 R 48 387 2011-05-17 387 2011-05-17 387 9 221 15 R 9 388 2011-05-17 388 2011-05-17 388 9 220 15 Y 54 389 2011-05-17 389 2011-05-17 389 9 51 4 Y 57 390 2011-05-17 390 2011-05-17 390 9 48 4 K 33 391 2011-05-17 391 2011-05-17 391 9 50 4 F 30 392 2011-05-17 392 2011-05-17 392 9 50 4 O 55 393 2011-05-17 393 2011-05-17 393 9 50 4 O 59 394 2011-05-17 394 2011-05-17 394 9 49 4 O 42 395 2011-05-17 395 2011-05-17 395 9 56 4 O 30 396 2011-05-17 396 2011-05-17 396 9 56 4 O 52 397 2011-05-17 397 2011-05-17 397 9 53 4 O 57 398 2011-05-17 398 2011-05-17 398 9 51 4 O 34 399 2011-05-17 399 2011-05-17 399 9 215 15 F 69 400 2011-05-17 400 2011-05-17 400 9 214 15 F 43 401 2011-05-17 401 2011-05-17 401 9 220 15 O 57 402 2011-05-17 402 2011-05-17 402 9 211 15 O 33 403 2011-05-17 403 2011-05-17 403 9 220 15 O 71 404 2011-05-17 404 2011-05-17 404 9 215 15 O 87 405 2011-05-17 405 2011-05-17 405 9 216 15 O 6 406 2011-05-17 406 2011-05-17 406 9 218 15 O 60 407 2011-05-17 407 2011-05-17 407 9 211 15 S 46 408 2011-05-17 408 2011-05-17 408 9 212 15 S 20 409 2011-05-17 409 2011-05-17 409 9 217 15 S 56 410 2011-05-17 410 2011-05-17 410 9 216 15 S 8 411 2011-05-17 411 2011-05-17 411 9 215 15 S 27 412 2011-05-17 412 2011-05-17 412 9 51 4 C 8 413 2011-05-17 413 2011-05-17 413 9 51 4 C 84 414 2011-05-17 414 2011-05-17 414 9 220 15 C 66 415 2011-05-17 415 2011-05-17 415 9 218 15 C 17 416 2011-05-17 416 2011-05-17 416 9 211 15 C 49 417 2011-05-17 417 2011-05-17 417 9 215 15 C 11 418 2011-05-17 418 2011-05-17 418 9 217 15 C 79 419 2011-05-17 419 2011-05-17 419 9 214 15 G 72 420 2011-05-17 420 2011-05-17 420 9 213 15 G 32 421 2011-05-17 421 2011-05-17 421 9 215 15 G 18 422 2011-05-17 422 2011-05-17 422 9 47 4 G 4 423 2011-05-17 423 2011-05-17 423 9 214 15 F 51 424 2011-05-17 424 2011-05-17 424 9 214 15 F 1 425 2011-05-17 425 2011-05-17 425 9 56 4 F 16 426 2011-05-17 426 2011-05-17 426 9 54 4 F 19 427 2011-05-17 427 2011-05-17 427 9 48 4 F 29 428 2011-05-17 428 2011-05-17 428 9 46 4 F 26 429 2011-05-17 429 2011-05-17 429 9 50 4 F 9 430 2011-05-17 430 2011-05-17 430 9 47 4 F 47 431 2011-05-17 431 2011-05-17 431 9 46 4 F 68 432 2011-05-17 432 2011-05-17 432 9 54 4 F 14 433 2011-05-17 433 2011-05-17 433 9 48 4 F 50 434 2011-05-17 434 2011-05-17 434 9 46 4 F 82 436 2011-05-17 436 2011-05-17 436 10 247 17 Y 1 437 2011-05-17 437 2011-05-17 437 10 206 14 Y 19 438 2011-05-17 438 2011-05-17 438 10 204 14 K 80 439 2011-05-17 439 2011-05-17 439 10 206 14 F 23 440 2011-05-17 440 2011-05-17 440 10 199 14 F 15 441 2011-05-17 441 2011-05-17 441 10 204 14 O 15 442 2011-05-17 442 2011-05-17 442 10 204 14 S 37 443 2011-05-17 443 2011-05-17 443 10 196 14 S 89 444 2011-05-17 444 2011-05-17 444 10 197 14 S 55 445 2011-05-17 445 2011-05-17 445 10 197 14 S 53 446 2011-05-17 446 2011-05-17 446 10 248 17 O 62 447 2011-05-17 447 2011-05-17 447 10 246 17 O 10 448 2011-05-17 448 2011-05-17 448 10 246 17 O 61 449 2011-05-17 449 2011-05-17 449 10 251 17 S 14 450 2011-05-17 450 2011-05-17 450 10 246 17 S 15 451 2011-05-17 451 2011-05-17 451 10 241 17 S 53 452 2011-05-17 452 2011-05-17 452 10 251 17 S 7 453 2011-05-17 453 2011-05-17 453 10 197 14 C 80 454 2011-05-17 454 2011-05-17 454 10 197 14 C 48 455 2011-05-17 455 2011-05-17 455 10 197 14 C 9 456 2011-05-17 456 2011-05-17 456 10 197 14 C 46 457 2011-05-17 457 2011-05-17 457 10 244 17 C 77 458 2011-05-17 458 2011-05-17 458 10 204 14 G 30 459 2011-05-17 459 2011-05-17 459 10 198 14 G 46 460 2011-05-17 460 2011-05-17 460 10 199 14 G 57 461 2011-05-17 461 2011-05-17 461 10 203 14 G 81 462 2011-05-17 462 2011-05-17 462 10 241 17 F 26 463 2011-05-17 463 2011-05-17 463 10 243 17 F 61 464 2011-05-17 464 2011-05-17 464 10 243 17 F 15 465 2011-05-17 465 2011-05-17 465 10 198 14 F 8 466 2011-05-17 466 2011-05-17 466 10 199 14 F 21 467 2011-05-17 467 2011-05-17 467 10 196 14 F 7 468 2011-05-17 468 2011-05-17 468 10 198 14 F 14 469 2011-05-17 469 2011-05-17 469 10 201 14 F 52 470 2011-05-17 470 2011-05-17 470 10 198 14 F 35 471 2011-05-17 471 2011-05-17 471 10 197 14 F 52 472 2011-05-17 472 2011-05-17 472 10 204 14 F 39 473 2011-05-17 473 2011-05-17 473 10 198 14 F 17 474 2011-05-17 474 2011-05-17 474 10 204 14 F 5 475 2011-05-17 475 2011-05-17 475 10 202 14 F 46 476 2011-05-17 476 2011-05-17 476 10 205 14 F 28 478 2011-05-17 478 2011-05-17 478 11 206 14 R 51 479 2011-05-17 479 2011-05-17 479 11 214 15 Y 1 480 2011-05-17 480 2011-05-17 480 11 204 14 Y 88 481 2011-05-17 481 2011-05-17 481 11 203 14 K 45 482 2011-05-17 482 2011-05-17 482 11 197 14 F 43 483 2011-05-17 483 2011-05-17 483 11 201 14 F 57 484 2011-05-17 484 2011-05-17 484 11 201 14 O 56 485 2011-05-17 485 2011-05-17 485 11 203 14 O 7 486 2011-05-17 486 2011-05-17 486 11 205 14 O 55 487 2011-05-17 487 2011-05-17 487 11 202 14 O 19 488 2011-05-17 488 2011-05-17 488 11 200 14 O 37 489 2011-05-17 489 2011-05-17 489 11 200 14 O 52 490 2011-05-17 490 2011-05-17 490 11 199 14 S 49 491 2011-05-17 491 2011-05-17 491 11 204 14 S 86 492 2011-05-17 492 2011-05-17 492 11 196 14 S 87 493 2011-05-17 493 2011-05-17 493 11 205 14 S 66 494 2011-05-17 494 2011-05-17 494 11 205 14 S 65 495 2011-05-17 495 2011-05-17 495 11 198 14 S 68 496 2011-05-17 496 2011-05-17 496 11 204 14 S 80 497 2011-05-17 497 2011-05-17 497 11 216 15 F 64 498 2011-05-17 498 2011-05-17 498 11 213 15 F 33 499 2011-05-17 499 2011-05-17 499 11 216 15 O 51 500 2011-05-17 500 2011-05-17 500 11 213 15 O 1 501 2011-05-17 501 2011-05-17 501 11 216 15 O 23 502 2011-05-17 502 2011-05-17 502 11 220 15 O 37 503 2011-05-17 503 2011-05-17 503 11 218 15 O 29 504 2011-05-17 504 2011-05-17 504 11 212 15 O 29 505 2011-05-17 505 2011-05-17 505 11 217 15 O 0 506 2011-05-17 506 2011-05-17 506 11 211 15 S 72 507 2011-05-17 507 2011-05-17 507 11 220 15 S 51 508 2011-05-17 508 2011-05-17 508 11 212 15 S 74 509 2011-05-17 509 2011-05-17 509 11 219 15 S 37 510 2011-05-17 510 2011-05-17 510 11 211 15 S 48 511 2011-05-17 511 2011-05-17 511 11 219 15 S 16 512 2011-05-17 512 2011-05-17 512 11 220 15 S 23 513 2011-05-17 513 2011-05-17 513 11 213 15 S 59 514 2011-05-17 514 2011-05-17 514 11 214 15 S 81 515 2011-05-17 515 2011-05-17 515 11 212 15 S 47 516 2011-05-17 516 2011-05-17 516 11 214 15 S 81 517 2011-05-17 517 2011-05-17 517 11 204 14 C 22 518 2011-05-17 518 2011-05-17 518 11 204 14 C 89 519 2011-05-17 519 2011-05-17 519 11 218 15 C 26 520 2011-05-17 520 2011-05-17 520 11 216 15 C 86 521 2011-05-17 521 2011-05-17 521 11 212 15 C 55 522 2011-05-17 522 2011-05-17 522 11 216 15 G 83 523 2011-05-17 523 2011-05-17 523 11 213 15 G 26 524 2011-05-17 524 2011-05-17 524 11 202 14 G 13 525 2011-05-17 525 2011-05-17 525 11 203 14 G 31 526 2011-05-17 526 2011-05-17 526 11 202 14 G 5 527 2011-05-17 527 2011-05-17 527 11 203 14 G 36 528 2011-05-17 528 2011-05-17 528 11 216 15 F 51 529 2011-05-17 529 2011-05-17 529 11 220 15 F 5 530 2011-05-17 530 2011-05-17 530 11 203 14 F 62 531 2011-05-17 531 2011-05-17 531 11 202 14 F 50 532 2011-05-17 532 2011-05-17 532 11 203 14 F 36 533 2011-05-17 533 2011-05-17 533 11 202 14 F 1 534 2011-05-17 534 2011-05-17 534 11 197 14 F 33 535 2011-05-17 535 2011-05-17 535 11 196 14 F 73 536 2011-05-17 536 2011-05-17 536 11 202 14 F 54 537 2011-05-17 537 2011-05-17 537 11 200 14 F 57 538 2011-05-17 538 2011-05-17 538 11 196 14 F 65 539 2011-05-17 539 2011-05-17 539 11 201 14 F 87 541 2011-05-17 541 2011-05-17 541 12 258 18 R 7 542 2011-05-17 542 2011-05-17 542 12 294 20 R 81 543 2011-05-17 543 2011-05-17 543 12 290 20 Y 21 544 2011-05-17 544 2011-05-17 544 12 264 18 Y 58 545 2011-05-17 545 2011-05-17 545 12 263 18 F 80 546 2011-05-17 546 2011-05-17 546 12 262 18 O 89 547 2011-05-17 547 2011-05-17 547 12 265 18 O 32 548 2011-05-17 548 2011-05-17 548 12 259 18 S 64 549 2011-05-17 549 2011-05-17 549 12 264 18 S 13 550 2011-05-17 550 2011-05-17 550 12 293 20 F 3 551 2011-05-17 551 2011-05-17 551 12 293 20 O 50 552 2011-05-17 552 2011-05-17 552 12 291 20 O 1 553 2011-05-17 553 2011-05-17 553 12 295 20 S 17 554 2011-05-17 554 2011-05-17 554 12 295 20 S 79 555 2011-05-17 555 2011-05-17 555 12 291 20 S 27 556 2011-05-17 556 2011-05-17 556 12 293 20 S 11 557 2011-05-17 557 2011-05-17 557 12 264 18 C 51 558 2011-05-17 558 2011-05-17 558 12 289 20 C 38 559 2011-05-17 559 2011-05-17 559 12 286 20 G 73 560 2011-05-17 560 2011-05-17 560 12 264 18 G 8 561 2011-05-17 561 2011-05-17 561 12 261 18 G 9 562 2011-05-17 562 2011-05-17 562 12 260 18 G 65 563 2011-05-17 563 2011-05-17 563 12 265 18 G 81 564 2011-05-17 564 2011-05-17 564 12 291 20 F 78 565 2011-05-17 565 2011-05-17 565 12 290 20 F 65 566 2011-05-17 566 2011-05-17 566 12 295 20 F 68 567 2011-05-17 567 2011-05-17 567 12 260 18 F 15 568 2011-05-17 568 2011-05-17 568 12 263 18 F 2 569 2011-05-17 569 2011-05-17 569 12 259 18 F 43 570 2011-05-17 570 2011-05-17 570 12 263 18 F 13 571 2011-05-17 571 2011-05-17 571 12 256 18 F 11 572 2011-05-17 572 2011-05-17 572 12 256 18 F 6 573 2011-05-17 573 2011-05-17 573 12 263 18 F 44 574 2011-05-17 574 2011-05-17 574 12 265 18 F 86 575 2011-05-17 575 2011-05-17 575 12 256 18 F 30 576 2011-05-17 576 2011-05-17 576 12 261 18 F 22 578 2011-05-17 578 2011-05-17 578 13 232 16 Y 52 579 2011-05-17 579 2011-05-17 579 13 288 20 Y 35 580 2011-05-17 580 2011-05-17 580 13 236 16 K 3 581 2011-05-17 581 2011-05-17 581 13 293 20 F 6 582 2011-05-17 582 2011-05-17 582 13 293 20 O 40 583 2011-05-17 583 2011-05-17 583 13 286 20 O 82 584 2011-05-17 584 2011-05-17 584 13 293 20 O 68 585 2011-05-17 585 2011-05-17 585 13 295 20 S 49 586 2011-05-17 586 2011-05-17 586 13 286 20 S 72 587 2011-05-17 587 2011-05-17 587 13 293 20 S 76 588 2011-05-17 588 2011-05-17 588 13 291 20 S 64 589 2011-05-17 589 2011-05-17 589 13 292 20 S 47 590 2011-05-17 590 2011-05-17 590 13 233 16 F 68 591 2011-05-17 591 2011-05-17 591 13 226 16 O 14 592 2011-05-17 592 2011-05-17 592 13 233 16 O 36 593 2011-05-17 593 2011-05-17 593 13 236 16 O 38 594 2011-05-17 594 2011-05-17 594 13 227 16 O 77 595 2011-05-17 595 2011-05-17 595 13 230 16 S 23 596 2011-05-17 596 2011-05-17 596 13 233 16 S 28 597 2011-05-17 597 2011-05-17 597 13 226 16 S 15 598 2011-05-17 598 2011-05-17 598 13 229 16 S 13 599 2011-05-17 599 2011-05-17 599 13 232 16 S 46 600 2011-05-17 600 2011-05-17 600 13 230 16 S 85 601 2011-05-17 601 2011-05-17 601 13 292 20 C 45 602 2011-05-17 602 2011-05-17 602 13 292 20 C 56 603 2011-05-17 603 2011-05-17 603 13 292 20 C 5 604 2011-05-17 604 2011-05-17 604 13 231 16 C 3 605 2011-05-17 605 2011-05-17 605 13 227 16 C 77 606 2011-05-17 606 2011-05-17 606 13 236 16 G 75 607 2011-05-17 607 2011-05-17 607 13 296 20 G 83 608 2011-05-17 608 2011-05-17 608 13 291 20 G 41 609 2011-05-17 609 2011-05-17 609 13 291 20 G 48 610 2011-05-17 610 2011-05-17 610 13 236 16 F 49 611 2011-05-17 611 2011-05-17 611 13 231 16 F 88 612 2011-05-17 612 2011-05-17 612 13 236 16 F 37 613 2011-05-17 613 2011-05-17 613 13 287 20 F 25 614 2011-05-17 614 2011-05-17 614 13 296 20 F 3 615 2011-05-17 615 2011-05-17 615 13 289 20 F 57 616 2011-05-17 616 2011-05-17 616 13 286 20 F 5 617 2011-05-17 617 2011-05-17 617 13 293 20 F 29 618 2011-05-17 618 2011-05-17 618 13 290 20 F 25 619 2011-05-17 619 2011-05-17 619 13 292 20 F 23 620 2011-05-17 620 2011-05-17 620 13 288 20 F 67 621 2011-05-17 621 2011-05-17 621 13 292 20 F 55 622 2011-05-17 622 2011-05-17 622 13 287 20 F 2 623 2011-05-17 623 2011-05-17 623 13 293 20 F 37 625 2011-05-17 625 2011-05-17 625 14 271 19 R 55 626 2011-05-17 626 2011-05-17 626 14 26 2 Y 32 627 2011-05-17 627 2011-05-17 627 14 273 19 Y 55 628 2011-05-17 628 2011-05-17 628 14 273 19 K 56 629 2011-05-17 629 2011-05-17 629 14 24 2 K 61 630 2011-05-17 630 2011-05-17 630 14 274 19 O 60 631 2011-05-17 631 2011-05-17 631 14 276 19 O 60 632 2011-05-17 632 2011-05-17 632 14 272 19 S 65 633 2011-05-17 633 2011-05-17 633 14 277 19 S 83 634 2011-05-17 634 2011-05-17 634 14 280 19 S 1 635 2011-05-17 635 2011-05-17 635 14 18 2 O 57 636 2011-05-17 636 2011-05-17 636 14 24 2 O 53 637 2011-05-17 637 2011-05-17 637 14 22 2 O 35 638 2011-05-17 638 2011-05-17 638 14 21 2 O 74 639 2011-05-17 639 2011-05-17 639 14 21 2 O 52 640 2011-05-17 640 2011-05-17 640 14 23 2 O 41 641 2011-05-17 641 2011-05-17 641 14 25 2 S 41 642 2011-05-17 642 2011-05-17 642 14 280 19 C 44 643 2011-05-17 643 2011-05-17 643 14 280 19 C 15 644 2011-05-17 644 2011-05-17 644 14 25 2 C 79 645 2011-05-17 645 2011-05-17 645 14 18 2 G 78 646 2011-05-17 646 2011-05-17 646 14 18 2 F 58 647 2011-05-17 647 2011-05-17 647 14 276 19 F 17 648 2011-05-17 648 2011-05-17 648 14 280 19 F 77 649 2011-05-17 649 2011-05-17 649 14 275 19 F 35 650 2011-05-17 650 2011-05-17 650 14 281 19 F 69 651 2011-05-17 651 2011-05-17 651 14 281 19 F 57 652 2011-05-17 652 2011-05-17 652 14 278 19 F 80 653 2011-05-17 653 2011-05-17 653 14 272 19 F 83 654 2011-05-17 654 2011-05-17 654 14 281 19 F 80 655 2011-05-17 655 2011-05-17 655 14 274 19 F 62 656 2011-05-17 656 2011-05-17 656 14 272 19 F 23 658 2011-05-17 658 2011-05-17 658 15 154 11 R 36 659 2011-05-17 659 2011-05-17 659 15 23 2 Y 9 661 2011-05-17 661 2011-05-17 661 15 160 11 O 35 662 2011-05-17 662 2011-05-17 662 15 159 11 S 43 663 2011-05-17 663 2011-05-17 663 15 156 11 S 47 664 2011-05-17 664 2011-05-17 664 15 161 11 S 0 665 2011-05-17 665 2011-05-17 665 15 161 11 S 38 666 2011-05-17 666 2011-05-17 666 15 161 11 S 56 667 2011-05-17 667 2011-05-17 667 15 159 11 S 37 668 2011-05-17 668 2011-05-17 668 15 159 11 S 37 669 2011-05-17 669 2011-05-17 669 15 155 11 S 54 670 2011-05-17 670 2011-05-17 670 15 155 11 S 35 671 2011-05-17 671 2011-05-17 671 15 19 2 F 25 672 2011-05-17 672 2011-05-17 672 15 18 2 F 57 673 2011-05-17 673 2011-05-17 673 15 26 2 F 49 674 2011-05-17 674 2011-05-17 674 15 22 2 O 63 675 2011-05-17 675 2011-05-17 675 15 22 2 O 50 676 2011-05-17 676 2011-05-17 676 15 22 2 O 78 677 2011-05-17 677 2011-05-17 677 15 17 2 O 2 678 2011-05-17 678 2011-05-17 678 15 22 2 S 5 679 2011-05-17 679 2011-05-17 679 15 21 2 S 13 680 2011-05-17 680 2011-05-17 680 15 21 2 S 7 681 2011-05-17 681 2011-05-17 681 15 18 2 S 86 682 2011-05-17 682 2011-05-17 682 15 22 2 S 52 683 2011-05-17 683 2011-05-17 683 15 26 2 S 32 684 2011-05-17 684 2011-05-17 684 15 21 2 S 34 685 2011-05-17 685 2011-05-17 685 15 25 2 S 44 686 2011-05-17 686 2011-05-17 686 15 155 11 C 88 687 2011-05-17 687 2011-05-17 687 15 17 2 C 26 688 2011-05-17 688 2011-05-17 688 15 23 2 C 67 689 2011-05-17 689 2011-05-17 689 15 155 11 G 50 690 2011-05-17 690 2011-05-17 690 15 161 11 G 61 691 2011-05-17 691 2011-05-17 691 15 159 11 G 40 692 2011-05-17 692 2011-05-17 692 15 159 11 G 25 693 2011-05-17 693 2011-05-17 693 15 24 2 F 82 694 2011-05-17 694 2011-05-17 694 15 18 2 F 62 695 2011-05-17 695 2011-05-17 695 15 25 2 F 37 696 2011-05-17 696 2011-05-17 696 15 160 11 F 42 697 2011-05-17 697 2011-05-17 697 15 161 11 F 74 698 2011-05-17 698 2011-05-17 698 15 156 11 F 73 699 2011-05-17 699 2011-05-17 699 15 160 11 F 42 700 2011-05-17 700 2011-05-17 700 15 160 11 F 77 701 2011-05-17 701 2011-05-17 701 15 156 11 F 74 702 2011-05-17 702 2011-05-17 702 15 152 11 F 18 703 2011-05-17 703 2011-05-17 703 15 160 11 F 32 704 2011-05-17 704 2011-05-17 704 15 151 11 F 28 705 2011-05-17 705 2011-05-17 705 15 157 11 F 11 706 2011-05-17 706 2011-05-17 706 15 160 11 F 65 707 2011-05-17 707 2011-05-17 707 15 159 11 F 2 708 2011-05-17 708 2011-05-17 708 15 159 11 F 82 709 2011-05-17 709 2011-05-17 709 15 156 11 F 31 710 2011-05-17 710 2011-05-17 710 15 155 11 F 63 711 2011-05-17 711 2011-05-17 711 15 159 11 F 68 712 2011-05-17 712 2011-05-17 712 15 160 11 F 25 713 2011-05-17 713 2011-05-17 713 15 158 11 F 77 714 2011-05-17 714 2011-05-17 714 15 152 11 F 42 715 2011-05-17 715 2011-05-17 715 15 156 11 F 55 716 2011-05-17 716 2011-05-17 716 15 156 11 F 36 717 2011-05-17 717 2011-05-17 717 15 160 11 F 37 718 2011-05-17 718 2011-05-17 718 15 158 11 F 7 \. -- -- TOC entry 1866 (class 0 OID 17811) -- Dependencies: 1542 -- Data for Name: fth_teams; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- COPY fth_teams (created, created_time, modified, modified_time, tm_id, tm_name, tm_city) FROM stdin; 1 2011-05-17 1 2011-05-17 1 Zagłębie Nowogard 2 2011-05-17 2 2011-05-17 2 Zdrój Błażowa 3 2011-05-17 3 2011-05-17 3 GTS Łeba 4 2011-05-17 4 2011-05-17 4 Burza Sokołów Małopolski 5 2011-05-17 5 2011-05-17 5 Warta Rzeszów 6 2011-05-17 6 2011-05-17 6 Kmita Szadek 7 2011-05-17 7 2011-05-17 7 Kotwica Wyrzysk 8 2011-05-17 8 2011-05-17 8 Arka Puck 9 2011-05-17 9 2011-05-17 9 Handy Racibórz 10 2011-05-17 10 2011-05-17 10 Bayern Płońsk 11 2011-05-17 11 2011-05-17 11 Bałtyk Skarżysko-Kamienna 12 2011-05-17 12 2011-05-17 12 Zatoka Tarnobrzeg 13 2011-05-17 13 2011-05-17 13 AKS Stawiski 14 2011-05-17 14 2011-05-17 14 Iskra Gliwice 15 2011-05-17 15 2011-05-17 15 Czarn Konstancin-Jeziorna 16 2011-05-17 16 2011-05-17 16 Cedat Sędziszów 17 2011-05-17 17 2011-05-17 17 Jurand Świętochłowice 18 2011-05-17 18 2011-05-17 18 Błękitni Poręba 19 2011-05-17 19 2011-05-17 19 Cartusia Kórnik 20 2011-05-17 20 2011-05-17 20 Legia Otmuchów \. -- -- TOC entry 1874 (class 0 OID 17923) -- Dependencies: 1550 -- Data for Name: fth_transfers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- COPY fth_transfers (created, created_time, modified, modified_time, trf_id, trf_player, trf_seller, trf_buyer) FROM stdin; \. -- -- TOC entry 1869 (class 0 OID 17840) -- Dependencies: 1545 -- Data for Name: fth_user_roles; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- COPY fth_user_roles (urol_user_id, urol_rol_id) FROM stdin; 1 1 1 52 2 1 2 52 3 1 3 52 4 1 4 52 5 1 5 52 6 1 6 52 7 1 7 52 8 1 8 52 9 1 9 52 10 1 10 52 11 1 11 52 12 1 12 52 13 1 13 52 14 1 14 52 15 1 15 52 16 1 16 52 17 1 17 52 18 1 18 52 19 1 19 52 20 1 20 52 21 1 21 52 22 1 22 52 23 1 23 52 24 1 24 52 25 1 25 52 26 1 26 52 27 1 27 52 28 1 28 52 29 1 29 52 30 1 30 52 31 1 31 52 32 1 32 52 33 1 33 52 34 1 34 52 35 1 35 52 36 1 36 52 37 1 37 52 38 1 38 52 39 1 39 52 40 1 40 52 41 1 41 52 42 1 42 52 43 1 43 52 44 1 44 52 45 1 45 52 46 1 46 52 47 1 47 52 48 1 48 52 49 1 49 52 50 1 50 52 51 1 51 52 52 1 52 52 53 1 53 52 54 1 54 52 55 1 55 52 56 1 56 52 57 1 57 52 58 1 58 52 59 1 59 52 60 1 60 52 61 1 61 52 62 1 62 52 63 1 63 52 64 1 64 52 65 1 65 52 66 1 66 52 67 1 67 52 68 1 68 52 69 1 69 52 70 1 70 52 71 1 71 52 72 1 72 52 73 1 73 52 74 1 74 52 75 1 75 52 76 1 76 52 77 1 77 52 78 1 78 52 79 1 79 52 80 1 80 52 81 1 81 52 82 1 82 52 83 1 83 52 84 1 84 52 85 1 85 52 86 1 86 52 87 1 87 52 88 1 88 52 89 1 89 52 90 1 90 52 91 1 91 52 92 1 92 52 93 1 93 52 94 1 94 52 95 1 95 52 96 1 96 52 97 1 97 52 98 1 98 52 99 1 99 52 100 1 100 52 101 1 101 52 102 1 102 52 103 1 103 52 104 1 104 52 105 1 105 52 106 1 106 52 107 1 107 52 108 1 108 52 109 1 109 52 110 1 110 52 111 1 111 52 112 1 112 52 113 1 113 52 114 1 114 52 115 1 115 52 116 1 116 52 117 1 117 52 118 1 118 52 119 1 119 52 120 1 120 52 121 1 121 52 122 1 122 52 123 1 123 52 124 1 124 52 125 1 125 52 126 1 126 52 127 1 127 52 128 1 128 52 129 1 129 52 130 1 130 52 131 1 131 52 132 1 132 52 133 1 133 52 134 1 134 52 135 1 135 52 136 1 136 52 137 1 137 52 138 1 138 52 139 1 139 52 140 1 140 52 141 1 141 52 142 1 142 52 143 1 143 52 144 1 144 52 145 1 145 52 146 1 146 52 147 1 147 52 148 1 148 52 149 1 149 52 150 1 150 52 151 1 151 52 152 1 152 52 153 1 153 52 154 1 154 52 155 1 155 52 156 1 156 52 157 1 157 52 158 1 158 52 159 1 159 52 160 1 160 52 161 1 161 52 162 1 162 52 163 1 163 52 164 1 164 52 165 1 165 52 166 1 166 52 167 1 167 52 168 1 168 52 169 1 169 52 170 1 170 52 171 1 171 52 172 1 172 52 173 1 173 52 174 1 174 52 175 1 175 52 176 1 176 52 177 1 177 52 178 1 178 52 179 1 179 52 180 1 180 52 181 1 181 52 182 1 182 52 183 1 183 52 184 1 184 52 185 1 185 52 186 1 186 52 187 1 187 52 188 1 188 52 189 1 189 52 190 1 190 52 191 1 191 52 192 1 192 52 193 1 193 52 194 1 194 52 195 1 195 52 196 1 196 52 197 1 197 52 198 1 198 52 199 1 199 52 200 1 200 52 201 1 201 52 202 1 202 52 203 1 203 52 204 1 204 52 205 1 205 52 206 1 206 52 207 1 207 52 208 1 208 52 209 1 209 52 210 1 210 52 211 1 211 52 212 1 212 52 213 1 213 52 214 1 214 52 215 1 215 52 216 1 216 52 217 1 217 52 218 1 218 52 219 1 219 52 220 1 220 52 221 1 221 52 222 1 222 52 223 1 223 52 224 1 224 52 225 1 225 52 226 1 226 52 227 1 227 52 228 1 228 52 229 1 229 52 230 1 230 52 231 1 231 52 232 1 232 52 233 1 233 52 234 1 234 52 235 1 235 52 236 1 236 52 237 1 237 52 238 1 238 52 239 1 239 52 240 1 240 52 241 1 241 52 242 1 242 52 243 1 243 52 244 1 244 52 245 1 245 52 246 1 246 52 247 1 247 52 248 1 248 52 249 1 249 52 250 1 250 52 251 1 251 52 252 1 252 52 253 1 253 52 254 1 254 52 255 1 255 52 256 1 256 52 257 1 257 52 258 1 258 52 259 1 259 52 260 1 260 52 261 1 261 52 262 1 262 52 263 1 263 52 264 1 264 52 265 1 265 52 266 1 266 52 267 1 267 52 268 1 268 52 269 1 269 52 270 1 270 52 271 1 271 52 272 1 272 52 273 1 273 52 274 1 274 52 275 1 275 52 276 1 276 52 277 1 277 52 278 1 278 52 279 1 279 52 280 1 280 52 281 1 281 52 282 1 282 52 283 1 283 52 284 1 284 52 285 1 285 52 286 1 286 52 287 1 287 52 288 1 288 52 289 1 289 52 290 1 290 52 291 1 291 52 292 1 292 52 293 1 293 52 294 1 294 52 295 1 295 52 296 1 296 52 297 1 297 52 298 1 298 52 299 1 299 52 300 1 300 52 301 1 301 51 302 1 302 51 303 1 303 51 304 1 304 51 305 1 305 51 306 1 306 51 307 1 307 51 308 1 308 51 309 1 309 51 310 1 310 51 311 1 311 51 312 1 312 51 313 1 313 51 314 1 314 51 315 1 315 51 316 1 316 51 317 1 317 51 318 1 318 51 319 1 319 51 320 1 320 51 \. -- -- TOC entry 1867 (class 0 OID 17816) -- Dependencies: 1543 -- Data for Name: fth_users; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- COPY fth_users (created, created_time, modified, modified_time, usr_id, usr_login, usr_password, usr_firstname, usr_lastname, usr_tm_id) FROM stdin; 1 2011-05-17 1 2011-05-17 1 colenkiew admin Cezary Olenkiewicz 1 2 2011-05-17 2 2011-05-17 2 mdzobiń admin Maksymilian Dzobiński 1 3 2011-05-17 3 2011-05-17 3 rmat admin Radosław Matios 1 4 2011-05-17 4 2011-05-17 4 lkł admin Lucjan Kłagz 1 5 2011-05-17 5 2011-05-17 5 fmi admin Fryderyk Miśki 1 6 2011-05-17 6 2011-05-17 6 kdiemjańc admin Kajetan Diemjańczuk 1 7 2011-05-17 7 2011-05-17 7 adawydow admin Alfons Dawydowycz 1 8 2011-05-17 8 2011-05-17 8 wmaże admin Wincenty Mażelis 1 9 2011-05-17 9 2011-05-17 9 zkarid admin Zygmunt Kariduła 1 10 2011-05-17 10 2011-05-17 10 tdrin admin Tadeusz Dringos 1 11 2011-05-17 11 2011-05-17 11 gkrumi admin Gwidon Kruminis 1 12 2011-05-17 12 2011-05-17 12 dkorn admin Dionizy Kornuta 1 13 2011-05-17 13 2011-05-17 13 zosp admin Zbigniew Ospelt 1 14 2011-05-17 14 2011-05-17 14 jomiljańc admin Jakub Omiljańczyk 1 15 2011-05-17 15 2011-05-17 15 ldajłow admin Leopold Dajłowski 1 16 2011-05-17 16 2011-05-17 16 eodlanie admin Emil Odlaniecka 2 17 2011-05-17 17 2011-05-17 17 akonwi admin Apolinary Konwiego 2 18 2011-05-17 18 2011-05-17 18 mkorn admin Maciej Kornuta 2 19 2011-05-17 19 2011-05-17 19 dkisti admin Dominik Kistinow 2 20 2011-05-17 20 2011-05-17 20 kdzobiń admin Krzysztof Dzobiński 2 21 2011-05-17 21 2011-05-17 21 mortal admin Marcin Ortalak 2 22 2011-05-17 22 2011-05-17 22 lmiżełow admin Lech Miżełowski 2 23 2011-05-17 23 2011-05-17 23 bol admin Bolesław Olkis 2 24 2011-05-17 24 2011-05-17 24 sokienc admin Stefan Okienczuk 2 25 2011-05-17 25 2011-05-17 25 dde admin Damian Derpa 2 26 2011-05-17 26 2011-05-17 26 so admin Sebastian Ogor 2 27 2011-05-17 27 2011-05-17 27 łobie admin Łukasz Obierek 2 28 2011-05-17 28 2011-05-17 28 lkonwi admin Leopold Konwiego 2 29 2011-05-17 29 2011-05-17 29 womiljańc admin Wojciech Omiljańczyk 2 30 2011-05-17 30 2011-05-17 30 łdeme admin Łukasz Demento 2 31 2011-05-17 31 2011-05-17 31 wmajc admin Wincenty Majcher 3 32 2011-05-17 32 2011-05-17 32 wdzierzaw admin Wincenty Dzierzawiec 3 33 2011-05-17 33 2011-05-17 33 zdziewiaktows admin Zbigniew Dziewiaktowska 3 34 2011-05-17 34 2011-05-17 34 pmajc admin Patryk Majcher 3 35 2011-05-17 35 2011-05-17 35 amatylo admin Adam Matylowic 3 36 2011-05-17 36 2011-05-17 36 jmat admin Jan Matroś 3 37 2011-05-17 37 2011-05-17 37 amajeranow admin Antoni Majeranowski 3 38 2011-05-17 38 2011-05-17 38 bmoj admin Bartosz Mojsza 3 39 2011-05-17 39 2011-05-17 39 mdzióbkiew admin Mirosław Dzióbkiewicz 3 40 2011-05-17 40 2011-05-17 40 skrzywie admin Sebastian Krzywiecki 3 41 2011-05-17 41 2011-05-17 41 mobie admin Mirosław Obierek 3 42 2011-05-17 42 2011-05-17 42 okicmanow admin Oskar Kicmanowski 3 43 2011-05-17 43 2011-05-17 43 bobernikow admin Bogdan Obernikowska 3 44 2011-05-17 44 2011-05-17 44 rdzióbkiew admin Remigiusz Dzióbkiewicz 3 45 2011-05-17 45 2011-05-17 45 zmajeranow admin Zenon Majeranowski 3 46 2011-05-17 46 2011-05-17 46 mortalak admin Maksymilian Ortalak 4 47 2011-05-17 47 2011-05-17 47 cdrze admin Cyprian Drzewuś 4 48 2011-05-17 48 2011-05-17 48 kobie admin Kajetan Obierek 4 49 2011-05-17 49 2011-05-17 49 fk admin Feliks Knab 4 50 2011-05-17 50 2011-05-17 50 omatylo admin Oskar Matylowic 4 51 2011-05-17 51 2011-05-17 51 bdawydow admin Bolesław Dawydowycz 4 52 2011-05-17 52 2011-05-17 52 docie admin Dawid Ociepko 4 53 2011-05-17 53 2011-05-17 53 fdiemjańc admin Feliks Diemjańczuk 4 54 2011-05-17 54 2011-05-17 54 wdzióbkiew admin Wit Dzióbkiewicz 4 55 2011-05-17 55 2011-05-17 55 wmażeli admin Wacław Mażelis 4 56 2011-05-17 56 2011-05-17 56 kmiżełow admin Kazimierz Miżełowski 4 57 2011-05-17 57 2011-05-17 57 nokienc admin Norbert Okienczuk 4 58 2011-05-17 58 2011-05-17 58 łolszani admin Łukasz Olszanicki 4 59 2011-05-17 59 2011-05-17 59 okonwi admin Oskar Konwiego 4 60 2011-05-17 60 2011-05-17 60 emulla admin Eryk Mullauer 4 61 2011-05-17 61 2011-05-17 61 emajcz admin Emil Majczyna 5 62 2011-05-17 62 2011-05-17 62 ikasziń admin Ireneusz Kasziński 5 63 2011-05-17 63 2011-05-17 63 pdajłow admin Paweł Dajłowski 5 64 2011-05-17 64 2011-05-17 64 ioksanie admin Ireneusz Oksanienki 5 65 2011-05-17 65 2011-05-17 65 fdrze admin Filip Drzewuś 5 66 2011-05-17 66 2011-05-17 66 adajcz admin Albert Dajczman 5 67 2011-05-17 67 2011-05-17 67 wobernikow admin Władysław Obernikowska 5 68 2011-05-17 68 2011-05-17 68 łolenkiew admin Łukasz Olenkiewicz 5 69 2011-05-17 69 2011-05-17 69 aomiljańc admin Ambroży Omiljańczyk 5 70 2011-05-17 70 2011-05-17 70 aostw admin Arkadiusz Ostwald 5 71 2011-05-17 71 2011-05-17 71 zorzy admin Zbigniew Orzysyk 5 72 2011-05-17 72 2011-05-17 72 rdzobiń admin Remigiusz Dzobiński 5 73 2011-05-17 73 2011-05-17 73 odzumy admin Olgierd Dzumyjło 5 74 2011-05-17 74 2011-05-17 74 amatuszew admin Alojzy Matuszewicz 5 75 2011-05-17 75 2011-05-17 75 woraczkow admin Wit Oraczkowska 5 76 2011-05-17 76 2011-05-17 76 amat admin Andrzej Matios 6 77 2011-05-17 77 2011-05-17 77 kkisti admin Krzysztof Kistinow 6 78 2011-05-17 78 2011-05-17 78 lopyrc admin Lucjan Opyrchal 6 79 2011-05-17 79 2011-05-17 79 lkor admin Leopold Korbel 6 80 2011-05-17 80 2011-05-17 80 mmulla admin Mirosław Mullauer 6 81 2011-05-17 81 2011-05-17 81 zomiljańc admin Zbigniew Omiljańczyk 6 82 2011-05-17 82 2011-05-17 82 mde admin Marcin Derpa 6 83 2011-05-17 83 2011-05-17 83 gmaza admin Grzegorz Mazalis 6 84 2011-05-17 84 2011-05-17 84 zkrumi admin Zbigniew Kruminis 6 85 2011-05-17 85 2011-05-17 85 skalup admin Stefan Kalupczo 6 86 2011-05-17 86 2011-05-17 86 zkucha admin Zenon Kuchanna 6 87 2011-05-17 87 2011-05-17 87 kdryg admin Kamil Dryglok 6 88 2011-05-17 88 2011-05-17 88 lkisti admin Lech Kistinow 6 89 2011-05-17 89 2011-05-17 89 ddawydow admin Damian Dawydowycz 6 90 2011-05-17 90 2011-05-17 90 wminia admin Wincenty Miniacha 6 91 2011-05-17 91 2011-05-17 91 mka admin Maksymilian Karoz 7 92 2011-05-17 92 2011-05-17 92 mmiec admin Mikołaj Miecarz 7 93 2011-05-17 93 2011-05-17 93 cmatuszew admin Czesław Matuszewicz 7 94 2011-05-17 94 2011-05-17 94 eolendarc admin Ernest Olendarczyk 7 95 2011-05-17 95 2011-05-17 95 pkrzysztanow admin Patryk Krzysztanowicz 7 96 2011-05-17 96 2011-05-17 96 zdzi admin Zygmunt Dziopa 7 97 2011-05-17 97 2011-05-17 97 mkrzysztanow admin Mateusz Krzysztanowicz 7 98 2011-05-17 98 2011-05-17 98 adajczma admin Alojzy Dajczman 7 99 2011-05-17 99 2011-05-17 99 pobie admin Paweł Obierek 7 100 2011-05-17 100 2011-05-17 100 akucha admin Antoni Kuchanna 7 101 2011-05-17 101 2011-05-17 101 łkrzywie admin Łukasz Krzywiecki 7 102 2011-05-17 102 2011-05-17 102 fdziachcia admin Filip Dziachciarek 7 103 2011-05-17 103 2011-05-17 103 mkalup admin Marek Kalupczo 7 104 2011-05-17 104 2011-05-17 104 lmaza admin Lucjan Mazalis 7 105 2011-05-17 105 2011-05-17 105 sdzumy admin Sebastian Dzumyjło 7 106 2011-05-17 106 2011-05-17 106 aogrodowszc admin Adrian Ogrodowszczyk 8 107 2011-05-17 107 2011-05-17 107 posp admin Paweł Ospelt 8 108 2011-05-17 108 2011-05-17 108 bdajcz admin Bartosz Dajczman 8 109 2011-05-17 109 2011-05-17 109 rkarid admin Radosław Kariduła 8 110 2011-05-17 110 2011-05-17 110 amatuszewic admin Aleksy Matuszewicz 8 111 2011-05-17 111 2011-05-17 111 ek admin Edward Knab 8 112 2011-05-17 112 2011-05-17 112 akaz admin Albin Kazban 8 113 2011-05-17 113 2011-05-17 113 ddzobiń admin Dawid Dzobiński 8 114 2011-05-17 114 2011-05-17 114 pdybni admin Piotr Dybnicki 8 115 2011-05-17 115 2011-05-17 115 mmiżełow admin Mirosław Miżełowski 8 116 2011-05-17 116 2011-05-17 116 mdrociń admin Mikołaj Drocińska 8 117 2011-05-17 117 2011-05-17 117 dm admin Damian Mahl 8 118 2011-05-17 118 2011-05-17 118 ao admin Artur Ogor 8 119 2011-05-17 119 2011-05-17 119 dmiec admin Dariusz Miecarz 8 120 2011-05-17 120 2011-05-17 120 akuchann admin Adam Kuchanna 8 121 2011-05-17 121 2011-05-17 121 akisti admin Adam Kistinow 9 122 2011-05-17 122 2011-05-17 122 mmat admin Mateusz Matios 9 123 2011-05-17 123 2011-05-17 123 aocie admin Aleksy Ociepko 9 124 2011-05-17 124 2011-05-17 124 wdziachcia admin Wawrzyniec Dziachciarek 9 125 2011-05-17 125 2011-05-17 125 aostwal admin Aureliusz Ostwald 9 126 2011-05-17 126 2011-05-17 126 pkorn admin Patryk Kornuta 9 127 2011-05-17 127 2011-05-17 127 fm admin Filip Mahl 9 128 2011-05-17 128 2011-05-17 128 pkor admin Paweł Korbel 9 129 2011-05-17 129 2011-05-17 129 wmi admin Wit Miśki 9 130 2011-05-17 130 2011-05-17 130 kmat admin Kacper Matios 9 131 2011-05-17 131 2011-05-17 131 dobie admin Dominik Obierek 9 132 2011-05-17 132 2011-05-17 132 ldzióbkiew admin Lech Dzióbkiewicz 9 133 2011-05-17 133 2011-05-17 133 emajczyn admin Ernest Majczyna 9 134 2011-05-17 134 2011-05-17 134 fol admin Fryderyk Olkis 9 135 2011-05-17 135 2011-05-17 135 wdrze admin Włodzimierz Drzewuś 9 136 2011-05-17 136 2011-05-17 136 bdeme admin Bartosz Demento 10 137 2011-05-17 137 2011-05-17 137 aosp admin Arkadiusz Ospelt 10 138 2011-05-17 138 2011-05-17 138 zmoj admin Zenobiusz Mojsza 10 139 2011-05-17 139 2011-05-17 139 hkarid admin Henryk Kariduła 10 140 2011-05-17 140 2011-05-17 140 amal admin Adam Malesz 10 141 2011-05-17 141 2011-05-17 141 tmajc admin Tadeusz Majcher 10 142 2011-05-17 142 2011-05-17 142 kkicmanow admin Karol Kicmanowski 10 143 2011-05-17 143 2011-05-17 143 ddziachcia admin Daniel Dziachciarek 10 144 2011-05-17 144 2011-05-17 144 jklobuchow admin Jakub Klobuchowski 10 145 2011-05-17 145 2011-05-17 145 mokszyń admin Mirosław Okszyński 10 146 2011-05-17 146 2011-05-17 146 jdzi admin Jarek Dziopa 10 147 2011-05-17 147 2011-05-17 147 jkrem admin Jakub Kremlik 10 148 2011-05-17 148 2011-05-17 148 mdajcz admin Marek Dajczman 10 149 2011-05-17 149 2011-05-17 149 eosiań admin Edward Osiański 10 150 2011-05-17 150 2011-05-17 150 wdryg admin Wawrzyniec Dryglok 10 151 2011-05-17 151 2011-05-17 151 akwatkow admin Alfons Kwatkowski 11 152 2011-05-17 152 2011-05-17 152 mkornut admin Mikołaj Kornuta 11 153 2011-05-17 153 2011-05-17 153 kogrodowszc admin Kamil Ogrodowszczyk 11 154 2011-05-17 154 2011-05-17 154 akazba admin Alfred Kazban 11 155 2011-05-17 155 2011-05-17 155 zdrociń admin Zenobiusz Drocińska 11 156 2011-05-17 156 2011-05-17 156 omuszenow admin Oskar Muszenowicz 11 157 2011-05-17 157 2011-05-17 157 rkrem admin Roman Kremlik 11 158 2011-05-17 158 2011-05-17 158 skasziń admin Sylwek Kasziński 11 159 2011-05-17 159 2011-05-17 159 jmata admin Juliusz Matańko 11 160 2011-05-17 160 2011-05-17 160 mdrocińsk admin Mirosław Drocińska 11 161 2011-05-17 161 2011-05-17 161 ldybni admin Lucjan Dybnicki 11 162 2011-05-17 162 2011-05-17 162 bkli admin Bogusław Klimos 11 163 2011-05-17 163 2011-05-17 163 jolendarc admin Jan Olendarczyk 11 164 2011-05-17 164 2011-05-17 164 pminia admin Przemysław Miniacha 11 165 2011-05-17 165 2011-05-17 165 tokienc admin Tadeusz Okienczuk 11 166 2011-05-17 166 2011-05-17 166 jmaże admin Juliusz Mażelis 12 167 2011-05-17 167 2011-05-17 167 pkrumi admin Paweł Kruminis 12 168 2011-05-17 168 2011-05-17 168 zmiec admin Zdzisław Miecarz 12 169 2011-05-17 169 2011-05-17 169 ekaz admin Ernest Kazban 12 170 2011-05-17 170 2011-05-17 170 eokienc admin Edward Okienczuk 12 171 2011-05-17 171 2011-05-17 171 skor admin Sylwek Korbel 12 172 2011-05-17 172 2011-05-17 172 rkniec admin Robert Kniecień 12 173 2011-05-17 173 2011-05-17 173 jostw admin Jacek Ostwald 12 174 2011-05-17 174 2011-05-17 174 gdon admin Gwidon Doncow 12 175 2011-05-17 175 2011-05-17 175 sostab admin Stanisław Ostabski 12 176 2011-05-17 176 2011-05-17 176 sdawydow admin Szymon Dawydowycz 12 177 2011-05-17 177 2011-05-17 177 dkli admin Dionizy Klimos 12 178 2011-05-17 178 2011-05-17 178 akarid admin Anzelm Kariduła 12 179 2011-05-17 179 2011-05-17 179 amiec admin Adrian Miecarz 12 180 2011-05-17 180 2011-05-17 180 aolszani admin Adrian Olszanicki 12 181 2011-05-17 181 2011-05-17 181 kospal admin Karol Ospalec 13 182 2011-05-17 182 2011-05-17 182 emullaue admin Eryk Mullauer 13 183 2011-05-17 183 2011-05-17 183 wosiań admin Wincenty Osiański 13 184 2011-05-17 184 2011-05-17 184 ddzióbkiew admin Dominik Dzióbkiewicz 13 185 2011-05-17 185 2011-05-17 185 akwatkowsk admin Apolinary Kwatkowski 13 186 2011-05-17 186 2011-05-17 186 zkicmanow admin Zenobiusz Kicmanowski 13 187 2011-05-17 187 2011-05-17 187 mkucerm admin Mateusz Kucermann 13 188 2011-05-17 188 2011-05-17 188 skwatkow admin Stanisław Kwatkowski 13 189 2011-05-17 189 2011-05-17 189 wk admin Wit Knab 13 190 2011-05-17 190 2011-05-17 190 amałan admin Arkadiusz Małaniak 13 191 2011-05-17 191 2011-05-17 191 smajcz admin Szymon Majczyna 13 192 2011-05-17 192 2011-05-17 192 fdrociń admin Fryderyk Drocińska 13 193 2011-05-17 193 2011-05-17 193 kmojseow admin Krzysztof Mojseowicz 13 194 2011-05-17 194 2011-05-17 194 pkalup admin Patryk Kalupczo 13 195 2011-05-17 195 2011-05-17 195 aol admin Aleksy Olkis 13 196 2011-05-17 196 2011-05-17 196 akonwieg admin Aureliusz Konwiego 14 197 2011-05-17 197 2011-05-17 197 wdajcz admin Wincenty Dajczman 14 198 2011-05-17 198 2011-05-17 198 amas admin Adrian Masłyj 14 199 2011-05-17 199 2011-05-17 199 jkucerm admin Jan Kucermann 14 200 2011-05-17 200 2011-05-17 200 lkrzysztanow admin Lucjan Krzysztanowicz 14 201 2011-05-17 201 2011-05-17 201 amatuszewic admin Arkadiusz Matuszewicz 14 202 2011-05-17 202 2011-05-17 202 zkasziń admin Zygmunt Kasziński 14 203 2011-05-17 203 2011-05-17 203 sdzobiń admin Szymon Dzobiński 14 204 2011-05-17 204 2011-05-17 204 dolendarc admin Dawid Olendarczyk 14 205 2011-05-17 205 2011-05-17 205 tkli admin Tomasz Klimos 14 206 2011-05-17 206 2011-05-17 206 akazigrotow admin Adrian Kazigrotowski 14 207 2011-05-17 207 2011-05-17 207 kobiere admin Kamil Obierek 14 208 2011-05-17 208 2011-05-17 208 akicmanow admin Antoni Kicmanowski 14 209 2011-05-17 209 2011-05-17 209 amist admin Augustyn Mistler 14 210 2011-05-17 210 2011-05-17 210 dobiere admin Damian Obierek 14 211 2011-05-17 211 2011-05-17 211 zkaz admin Zenobiusz Kazban 15 212 2011-05-17 212 2011-05-17 212 bdiemjańc admin Bogusław Diemjańczuk 15 213 2011-05-17 213 2011-05-17 213 smaza admin Stanisław Mazalis 15 214 2011-05-17 214 2011-05-17 214 skł admin Stanisław Kłagz 15 215 2011-05-17 215 2011-05-17 215 jmałan admin Juliusz Małaniak 15 216 2011-05-17 216 2011-05-17 216 wospal admin Władysław Ospalec 15 217 2011-05-17 217 2011-05-17 217 pmoj admin Przemysław Mojsza 15 218 2011-05-17 218 2011-05-17 218 amatio admin Arkadiusz Matios 15 219 2011-05-17 219 2011-05-17 219 jostab admin Jakub Ostabski 15 220 2011-05-17 220 2011-05-17 220 nmist admin Norbert Mistler 15 221 2011-05-17 221 2011-05-17 221 ddreh admin Daniel Dreheim 15 222 2011-05-17 222 2011-05-17 222 akazigrotowsk admin Adam Kazigrotowski 15 223 2011-05-17 223 2011-05-17 223 wdajczma admin Władysław Dajczman 15 224 2011-05-17 224 2011-05-17 224 jdan admin Jan Danius 15 225 2011-05-17 225 2011-05-17 225 wdzobiń admin Władysław Dzobiński 15 226 2011-05-17 226 2011-05-17 226 zkalup admin Zygmunt Kalupczo 16 227 2011-05-17 227 2011-05-17 227 mkł admin Maciej Kłagz 16 228 2011-05-17 228 2011-05-17 228 lkonwieg admin Leopold Konwiego 16 229 2011-05-17 229 2011-05-17 229 jmajcz admin Juliusz Majczyna 16 230 2011-05-17 230 2011-05-17 230 kdzierzaw admin Krystian Dzierzawiec 16 231 2011-05-17 231 2011-05-17 231 morzy admin Maksymilian Orzysyk 16 232 2011-05-17 232 2011-05-17 232 wmat admin Wincenty Matroś 16 233 2011-05-17 233 2011-05-17 233 wosp admin Władysław Ospelt 16 234 2011-05-17 234 2011-05-17 234 lmuszenow admin Leopold Muszenowicz 16 235 2011-05-17 235 2011-05-17 235 amulla admin Ambroży Mullauer 16 236 2011-05-17 236 2011-05-17 236 amata admin Aleksy Matańko 16 237 2011-05-17 237 2011-05-17 237 pdamien admin Piotr Damieniak 16 238 2011-05-17 238 2011-05-17 238 rdzumy admin Robert Dzumyjło 16 239 2011-05-17 239 2011-05-17 239 hdziewiaktows admin Henryk Dziewiaktowska 16 240 2011-05-17 240 2011-05-17 240 fdrocińsk admin Fryderyk Drocińska 16 241 2011-05-17 241 2011-05-17 241 aospal admin Anatol Ospalec 17 242 2011-05-17 242 2011-05-17 242 nkl admin Norbert Klera 17 243 2011-05-17 243 2011-05-17 243 amączarc admin Antoni Mączarczyk 17 244 2011-05-17 244 2011-05-17 244 aospel admin Albert Ospelt 17 245 2011-05-17 245 2011-05-17 245 jdawydow admin Jacek Dawydowycz 17 246 2011-05-17 246 2011-05-17 246 sokszyń admin Stefan Okszyński 17 247 2011-05-17 247 2011-05-17 247 mmatro admin Maciej Matroś 17 248 2011-05-17 248 2011-05-17 248 jdaniu admin Jerzy Danius 17 249 2011-05-17 249 2011-05-17 249 wkniec admin Wit Kniecień 17 250 2011-05-17 250 2011-05-17 250 jobernikow admin Jakub Obernikowska 17 251 2011-05-17 251 2011-05-17 251 pmatylo admin Piotr Matylowic 17 252 2011-05-17 252 2011-05-17 252 ddiemjańc admin Dawid Diemjańczuk 17 253 2011-05-17 253 2011-05-17 253 jdro admin Jakub Drojok 17 254 2011-05-17 254 2011-05-17 254 jkł admin Jerzy Kłagz 17 255 2011-05-17 255 2011-05-17 255 rdrin admin Rafał Dringos 17 256 2011-05-17 256 2011-05-17 256 adajłow admin Anzelm Dajłowski 18 257 2011-05-17 257 2011-05-17 257 gkor admin Grzegorz Korbel 18 258 2011-05-17 258 2011-05-17 258 pocie admin Paweł Ociepko 18 259 2011-05-17 259 2011-05-17 259 zkrzywie admin Zbyszek Krzywiecki 18 260 2011-05-17 260 2011-05-17 260 aorzy admin Aleksy Orzysyk 18 261 2011-05-17 261 2011-05-17 261 ak admin Augustyn Knab 18 262 2011-05-17 262 2011-05-17 262 loraczkow admin Lech Oraczkowska 18 263 2011-05-17 263 2011-05-17 263 oklobuchow admin Olgierd Klobuchowski 18 264 2011-05-17 264 2011-05-17 264 eklobuchow admin Emil Klobuchowski 18 265 2011-05-17 265 2011-05-17 265 eminia admin Eryk Miniacha 18 266 2011-05-17 266 2011-05-17 266 lokienc admin Leopold Okienczuk 18 267 2011-05-17 267 2011-05-17 267 dogrodowszc admin Dominik Ogrodowszczyk 18 268 2011-05-17 268 2011-05-17 268 bm admin Bogdan Mahl 18 269 2011-05-17 269 2011-05-17 269 gmist admin Gwidon Mistler 18 270 2011-05-17 270 2011-05-17 270 sobernikow admin Stefan Obernikowska 18 271 2011-05-17 271 2011-05-17 271 jmiżełow admin Jan Miżełowski 19 272 2011-05-17 272 2011-05-17 272 dkrem admin Daniel Kremlik 19 273 2011-05-17 273 2011-05-17 273 ldon admin Lucjan Doncow 19 274 2011-05-17 274 2011-05-17 274 wdziewiaktows admin Witold Dziewiaktowska 19 275 2011-05-17 275 2011-05-17 275 kdan admin Kajetan Danius 19 276 2011-05-17 276 2011-05-17 276 hkucha admin Herbert Kuchanna 19 277 2011-05-17 277 2011-05-17 277 łmas admin Łukasz Masłyj 19 278 2011-05-17 278 2011-05-17 278 kmatylo admin Konrad Matylowic 19 279 2011-05-17 279 2011-05-17 279 horaczkow admin Herbert Oraczkowska 19 280 2011-05-17 280 2011-05-17 280 akrzysztanow admin Artur Krzysztanowicz 19 281 2011-05-17 281 2011-05-17 281 wminiach admin Wacław Miniacha 19 282 2011-05-17 282 2011-05-17 282 wkor admin Władysław Korbel 19 283 2011-05-17 283 2011-05-17 283 hmata admin Herbert Matańko 19 284 2011-05-17 284 2011-05-17 284 wkucerm admin Waldemar Kucermann 19 285 2011-05-17 285 2011-05-17 285 pmojseow admin Przemysław Mojseowicz 19 286 2011-05-17 286 2011-05-17 286 smatylo admin Stefan Matylowic 20 287 2011-05-17 287 2011-05-17 287 ediemjańc admin Emil Diemjańczuk 20 288 2011-05-17 288 2011-05-17 288 fkonwi admin Feliks Konwiego 20 289 2011-05-17 289 2011-05-17 289 ddan admin Daniel Danius 20 290 2011-05-17 290 2011-05-17 290 ddrehei admin Dionizy Dreheim 20 291 2011-05-17 291 2011-05-17 291 dociepk admin Damian Ociepko 20 292 2011-05-17 292 2011-05-17 292 wkalup admin Witold Kalupczo 20 293 2011-05-17 293 2011-05-17 293 kdrze admin Krzysztof Drzewuś 20 294 2011-05-17 294 2011-05-17 294 wmiśk admin Włodzimierz Miśki 20 295 2011-05-17 295 2011-05-17 295 fodlanie admin Feliks Odlaniecka 20 296 2011-05-17 296 2011-05-17 296 rdrociń admin Radosław Drocińska 20 297 2011-05-17 297 2011-05-17 297 edamien admin Ernest Damieniak 20 298 2011-05-17 298 2011-05-17 298 akers admin Anatol Kerszak 20 299 2011-05-17 299 2011-05-17 299 kosp admin Kajetan Ospelt 20 300 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 300 akor admin Antoni Korbel 20 318 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 318 trener18 admin \tTrener#18\t \tKorbel\t 18 301 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 301 trener1 admin \tTrener#1\t \tNazwisko#1\t 1 302 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 302 trener2 admin \tTrener#2\t \tKorbel\t 2 303 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 303 trener3 admin \tTrener#3\t \tKorbel\t 3 304 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 304 trener4 admin \tTrener#4\t \tKorbel\t 4 305 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 305 trener5 admin \tTrener#5\t \tKorbel\t 5 306 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 306 trener6 admin \tTrener#6\t \tKorbel\t 6 307 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 307 trener7 admin \tTrener#7\t \tKorbel\t 7 308 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 308 trener8 admin \tTrener#8\t \tKorbel\t 8 309 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 309 trener9 admin \tTrener#9\t \tKorbel\t 9 310 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 310 trener10 admin \tTrener#10\t \tKorbel\t 10 311 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 311 trener11 admin \tTrener#11\t \tKorbel\t 11 312 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 312 trener12\t admin \tTrener#12\t \tKorbel\t 12 313 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 313 trener13 admin \tTrener#13\t \tKorbel\t 13 314 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 314 trener14 admin \tTrener#14\t \tKorbel\t 14 315 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 315 trener15 admin \tTrener#15\t \tKorbel\t 15 316 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 316 trener16 admin \tTrener#16\t \tKorbel\t 16 317 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 317 trener17 admin \tTrener#17\t \tKorbel\t 17 319 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 319 trener19 admin \tTrener#19\t \tKorbel\t 19 320 2011-05-17 300 2011-05-17 320 trener20 admin \tTrener#20\t \tKorbel\t 20 \. -- -- TOC entry 1841 (class 2606 OID 17887) -- Dependencies: 1548 1548 -- Name: fth_match_set_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_match_set ADD CONSTRAINT fth_match_set_pkey PRIMARY KEY (mset_id); -- -- TOC entry 1839 (class 2606 OID 17872) -- Dependencies: 1547 1547 -- Name: fth_matches_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_matches ADD CONSTRAINT fth_matches_pkey PRIMARY KEY (mts_id); -- -- TOC entry 1847 (class 2606 OID 17958) -- Dependencies: 1552 1552 -- Name: fth_notes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_notes ADD CONSTRAINT fth_notes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (nt_id); -- -- TOC entry 1837 (class 2606 OID 17857) -- Dependencies: 1546 1546 -- Name: fth_players_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_players ADD CONSTRAINT fth_players_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pl_id); -- -- TOC entry 1835 (class 2606 OID 17839) -- Dependencies: 1544 1544 -- Name: fth_roles_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_roles ADD CONSTRAINT fth_roles_pkey PRIMARY KEY (rol_id); -- -- TOC entry 1843 (class 2606 OID 17907) -- Dependencies: 1549 1549 -- Name: fth_stats_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_stats ADD CONSTRAINT fth_stats_pkey PRIMARY KEY (sts_id); -- -- TOC entry 1831 (class 2606 OID 17815) -- Dependencies: 1542 1542 -- Name: fth_teams_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_teams ADD CONSTRAINT fth_teams_pkey PRIMARY KEY (tm_id); -- -- TOC entry 1845 (class 2606 OID 17927) -- Dependencies: 1550 1550 -- Name: fth_transfers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_transfers ADD CONSTRAINT fth_transfers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (trf_id); -- -- TOC entry 1833 (class 2606 OID 17823) -- Dependencies: 1543 1543 -- Name: fth_users_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_users ADD CONSTRAINT fth_users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (usr_id); -- -- TOC entry 1855 (class 2606 OID 17888) -- Dependencies: 1838 1547 1548 -- Name: fth_match_set_mset_match_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_match_set ADD CONSTRAINT fth_match_set_mset_match_fkey FOREIGN KEY (mset_match) REFERENCES fth_matches(mts_id); -- -- TOC entry 1856 (class 2606 OID 17893) -- Dependencies: 1548 1836 1546 -- Name: fth_match_set_mset_player_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_match_set ADD CONSTRAINT fth_match_set_mset_player_fkey FOREIGN KEY (mset_player) REFERENCES fth_players(pl_id); -- -- TOC entry 1857 (class 2606 OID 17898) -- Dependencies: 1548 1542 1830 -- Name: fth_match_set_mset_team_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_match_set ADD CONSTRAINT fth_match_set_mset_team_fkey FOREIGN KEY (mset_team) REFERENCES fth_teams(tm_id); -- -- TOC entry 1853 (class 2606 OID 17873) -- Dependencies: 1547 1542 1830 -- Name: fth_matches_mts_guest_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_matches ADD CONSTRAINT fth_matches_mts_guest_fkey FOREIGN KEY (mts_guest) REFERENCES fth_teams(tm_id); -- -- TOC entry 1854 (class 2606 OID 17878) -- Dependencies: 1830 1547 1542 -- Name: fth_matches_mts_host_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_matches ADD CONSTRAINT fth_matches_mts_host_fkey FOREIGN KEY (mts_host) REFERENCES fth_teams(tm_id); -- -- TOC entry 1864 (class 2606 OID 17959) -- Dependencies: 1832 1552 1543 -- Name: fth_notes_nt_usr_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_notes ADD CONSTRAINT fth_notes_nt_usr_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (nt_usr_id) REFERENCES fth_users(usr_id); -- -- TOC entry 1851 (class 2606 OID 17858) -- Dependencies: 1542 1830 1546 -- Name: fth_players_pl_tm_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_players ADD CONSTRAINT fth_players_pl_tm_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pl_tm_id) REFERENCES fth_teams(tm_id); -- -- TOC entry 1852 (class 2606 OID 17863) -- Dependencies: 1546 1832 1543 -- Name: fth_players_pl_usr_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_players ADD CONSTRAINT fth_players_pl_usr_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pl_usr_id) REFERENCES fth_users(usr_id); -- -- TOC entry 1858 (class 2606 OID 17908) -- Dependencies: 1547 1549 1838 -- Name: fth_stats_sts_match_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_stats ADD CONSTRAINT fth_stats_sts_match_fkey FOREIGN KEY (sts_match) REFERENCES fth_matches(mts_id); -- -- TOC entry 1859 (class 2606 OID 17913) -- Dependencies: 1549 1836 1546 -- Name: fth_stats_sts_player_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_stats ADD CONSTRAINT fth_stats_sts_player_fkey FOREIGN KEY (sts_player) REFERENCES fth_players(pl_id); -- -- TOC entry 1860 (class 2606 OID 17918) -- Dependencies: 1830 1549 1542 -- Name: fth_stats_sts_team_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_stats ADD CONSTRAINT fth_stats_sts_team_fkey FOREIGN KEY (sts_team) REFERENCES fth_teams(tm_id); -- -- TOC entry 1861 (class 2606 OID 17928) -- Dependencies: 1550 1542 1830 -- Name: fth_transfers_trf_buyer_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_transfers ADD CONSTRAINT fth_transfers_trf_buyer_fkey FOREIGN KEY (trf_buyer) REFERENCES fth_teams(tm_id); -- -- TOC entry 1862 (class 2606 OID 17933) -- Dependencies: 1836 1550 1546 -- Name: fth_transfers_trf_player_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_transfers ADD CONSTRAINT fth_transfers_trf_player_fkey FOREIGN KEY (trf_player) REFERENCES fth_players(pl_id); -- -- TOC entry 1863 (class 2606 OID 17938) -- Dependencies: 1830 1550 1542 -- Name: fth_transfers_trf_seller_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_transfers ADD CONSTRAINT fth_transfers_trf_seller_fkey FOREIGN KEY (trf_seller) REFERENCES fth_teams(tm_id); -- -- TOC entry 1849 (class 2606 OID 17843) -- Dependencies: 1544 1834 1545 -- Name: fth_user_roles_urol_rol_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_user_roles ADD CONSTRAINT fth_user_roles_urol_rol_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (urol_rol_id) REFERENCES fth_roles(rol_id); -- -- TOC entry 1850 (class 2606 OID 17848) -- Dependencies: 1545 1832 1543 -- Name: fth_user_roles_urol_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_user_roles ADD CONSTRAINT fth_user_roles_urol_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (urol_user_id) REFERENCES fth_users(usr_id); -- -- TOC entry 1848 (class 2606 OID 17824) -- Dependencies: 1542 1543 1830 -- Name: fth_users_pl_tm_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fth_users ADD CONSTRAINT fth_users_pl_tm_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (usr_tm_id) REFERENCES fth_teams(tm_id); -- -- TOC entry 1880 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 5 -- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres -- REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO PUBLIC; -- Completed on 2011-06-19 17:45:17 -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete --