Woman to shop-assistant in market. Excuse me. I am looking for device which allows to regulate temperature inside home. Yes Ma 'am please follow me. (after two minutes walking through market) Here we have various models of thermostats. This devices are dedicated to controll temperature along the time indoors. Let's take for example this model T1000 (allusion to Terminator :-). It has many facilities e.g. it allows you to set various themperature for several time periods. To set temperature the thermostat_setting must be filled with proper degrees number. Now let's take a look to time settings. Date is a combination of month and day. You can also select months for each season (in different Earth places particular seasons are in different time). This model also allows to define more time periods not only the seasons. You may specify special groups of days e.g. workdays and weekend. Then thermostat will know if today is workday or weekend. You may also specify various time periods relays on hours e.g. you may define business hours for time between 9 am and 5 pm. Relying on that thermostat operation can be distinguished during time e.g. operation can be during business hours or not during business hours. Thank you mister you are very kind. Now I know at least what is the name of device I am looking for.