% Figure 16.3 A knowledge base for identifying faults in an electric % network such as the one in Figure 16.2. :- op( 200, xfy, [:, ::]). :- op( 185, fx, if). :- op( 190, xfx, then). :- op( 180, xfy, or). :- op( 160, xfy, and). :- op( 140, fx, not). % A small knowledge base for locating faults in an electric network % If a device is on and not working and its fuse is intact % then the device is broken. broken_rule :: if on(Device) and device( Device) and (not working(Device)) and connected( Device, Fuse) and proved( intact( Fuse)) then proved( broken( Device)). % If a unit is working % then its fuse is OK. fuse_ok_rule :: if connected( Device, Fuse) and working( Device) then proved( intact( Fuse)). % If two different devices are connected to a fuse and % are both on and not working then the fuse has failed. % NOTE: This assumes that at most one device is broken! fused_rule :: if connected( Device1, Fuse) and on( Device1) and (not working( Device1)) and samefuse( Device2, Device1) and on( Device2) and (not working( Device2)) then proved( failed( Fuse)). same_fuse_rule :: if connected( Device1, Fuse) and connected( Device2, Fuse) and different( Device1, Device2) then samefuse( Device1, Device2). device_on_rule :: if working( Device) then on( Device). fact :: different( X, Y) :- not (X = Y). fact :: device( heater). fact :: device( light1). fact :: device( light2). fact :: device( light3). fact :: device( light4). fact :: connected( light1, fuse1). fact :: connected( light2, fuse1). fact :: connected( heater, fuse1). fact :: connected( light3, fuse2). fact :: connected( light4, fuse2). askable( on(D), on('Device')). askable( working(D), working('Device')).