/* accept(Xs) :- The string represented by the list Xs is accepted by the NPDA defined by initial/1, delta/5, and final/1. */ accept(Xs) :- initial(Q), accept(Xs,Q,[]). accept([X|Xs],Q,S) :- delta(Q,X,S,Q1,S1), accept(Xs,Q1,S1). accept([],Q,[]) :- final(Q). initial(q0). final(q1). delta(q0,X,S,q0,[X|S]). delta(q0,X,S,q1,[X|S]). delta(q0,X,S,q1,S). delta(q1,X,[X|S],q1,S). % Program 17.3: An interpreter for a nondeterministic pushdown automaton (NPDA) % Program 17.4:An NPDA for palindromes over a finite alphabet