% Figures 16.6, 16.7, 16.8, 16.9 combined, with small improvements % An expert system shell :- op( 900, xfx, ::). :- op( 800, xfx, was). :- op( 870, fx, if). :- op( 880, xfx, then). :- op( 550, xfy, or). :- op( 540, xfy, and). :- op( 300, fx, 'derived by'). :- op( 600, xfx, from). :- op( 600, xfx, by). :- op( 900, fy, not). % Program assumes built-in operator: op( 700, xfx, is) % Top-level driving procedure expert :- getquestion( Question), % Input user's question ( answeryes( Question); % Try to find positive answer answerno( Question) ). % If no positive answer then find negative answeryes( Question) :- % Look for positive answers to Question markstatus( negative), % No positive answer yet explore( Question, [], Answer), % Trace is empty positive( Answer), % Look for positive answers markstatus( positive), % Positive answer found present( Answer), nl, write('More solutions? '), getreply( Reply), % Read user's reply Reply = no. % Otherwise backtrack to 'explore' answerno( Question) :- % Look for negative answer to question retract( no_positive_answer_yet), !, % Has there been no positive answer? explore( Question, [], Answer), negative( Answer), present( Answer), nl, write('More negative solutions? '), getreply( Reply), Reply = no. % Otherwise backtrack to 'explore' markstatus( negative) :- assert( no_positive_answer_yet). markstatus( positive) :- retract( no_positive_answer_yet), !; true. getquestion( Question) :- nl, write( 'Question, please '), nl, read( Question). % explore( Goal, Trace, Answer): % find Answer to a given Goal. Trace is a chain of ancestor % goals and rules. % 'explore' tends to find a positive answer to a question. % Answer is 'false' only when all the possibilities have been % investigated and they all resulted in 'false' explore( Goal, Trace, _) :- copy_term( Goal, Copy), % Make copy of Goal with variables renamed member( Copy by Rule, Trace), % Similar ancestor goal? instance_of( Copy, Goal), % Ancestor goal as general as Goal? !, fail. % Abandon Goal because of cycle! explore( Goal, Trace, Goal is true was 'found as a fact') :- fact :: Goal. explore( Goal, Trace, % Assume only one rule about each type of goal Goal is TruthValue was 'derived by' Rule from Answer) :- Rule :: if Condition then Goal, % Rule relevant to Goal explore( Condition, [Goal by Rule | Trace], Answer), truth( Answer, TruthValue). explore( Goal1 and Goal2, Trace, Answer) :- !, explore( Goal1, Trace, Answer1), continue( Answer1, Goal1 and Goal2, Trace, Answer). explore( Goal1 or Goal2, Trace, Answer) :- exploreyes( Goal1, Trace, Answer) % Positive answer to Goal1 ; exploreyes( Goal2, Trace, Answer). % Positive answer to Goal2 explore( Goal1 or Goal2, Trace, Answer1 and Answer2) :- !, not exploreyes( Goal1, Trace, _), not exploreyes( Goal2, Trace, _), % No positive answer explore( Goal1, Trace, Answer1), % Answer1 must be negative explore( Goal2, Trace, Answer2). % Answer2 must be negative explore( not Goal, Trace, Answer) :- !, % Assuming no variables in Goal explore( Goal, Trace, Answer1), invert( Answer1, Answer). explore( Goal, Trace, Goal is Answer was told) :- useranswer( Goal, Trace, Answer). % User-supplied answer exploreyes( Goal, Trace, Answer) :- explore( Goal, Trace, Answer), positive( Answer). continue( Answer1, Goal1 and Goal2, Trace, Answer) :- positive( Answer1), explore( Goal2, Trace, Answer2), ( positive( Answer2), Answer = Answer1 and Answer2 ; negative( Answer2), Answer = Answer2 ). continue( Answer1, Goal1 and Goal2, _, Answer1) :- negative( Answer1). truth( Question is TruthValue was Found, TruthValue) :- !. truth( Answer1 and Answer2, TruthValue) :- truth( Answer1, true), truth( Answer2, true), !, TruthValue = true ; TruthValue = false. positive( Answer) :- truth( Answer, true). negative( Answer) :- truth( Answer, false). invert( Quest is true was Found, (not Quest) is false was Found). invert( Quest is false was Found, (not Quest) is true was Found). instantiated( Term) :- numbervars( Term, 0, 0). % No variables in Term % useranswer( Goal, Trace, Answer): % Generate, through backtracking, user-supplied solutions to Goal. % Trace is a chain of ancestor goals and rules used for 'why' explanation useranswer( Goal, Trace, Answer) :- askable( Goal, _), % May be asked of the user freshcopy( Goal, Copy), % Variables in Goal renamed useranswer( Goal, Copy, Trace, Answer, 1). % Do not ask again about an instantiated goal useranswer( Goal, _, _, _, N) :- N > 1, % Repeated question? instantiated( Goal), !, fail. % Do not ask again % Is Goal implied true or false for all instantiations? useranswer( Goal, Copy, _, Answer, _) :- wastold( Copy, Answer, _), instance_of( Copy, Goal), !. % Answer to Goal implied % Retrieve known solutions, indexed from N on, for Goal. useranswer( Goal, _, _, true, N) :- wastold( Goal, true, M), M >= N. % Has everything already been said about Goal? useranswer( Goal, Copy, _, Answer, N) :- end_answers( Copy), instance_of( Copy, Goal), !, % Everything was already said about Goal not wastold( Goal, _, _), % There was no explicit answer Answer = false. % It follows Answer must be negative % Ask the user for (more) solutions useranswer( Goal, _, Trace, Answer, N) :- askuser( Goal, Trace, Answer, N). askuser( Goal, Trace, Answer, N) :- askable( Goal, ExternFormat), format( Goal, ExternFormat, Question, [], Variables), % Get question format ask( Goal, Question, Variables, Trace, Answer, N). ask( Goal, Question, Variables, Trace, Answer, N) :- nl, ( Variables = [], !, % Introduce question write( 'Is it true: ') ; write( 'Any (more) solution to: ') ), write( Question), write('? '), getreply( Reply), !, % Reply = yes/no/why process( Reply, Goal, Question, Variables, Trace, Answer, N). process( why, Goal, Question, Variables, Trace, Answer, N) :- showtrace( Trace), ask( Goal, Question, Variables, Trace, Answer, N). process( yes, Goal, _, Variables, Trace, true, N) :- nextindex( Next), % Get new free index for 'wastold' Next1 is Next + 1, ( askvars( Variables), assertz( wastold( Goal, true, Next)) % Record solution ; copy_term( Goal, Copy), % Copy of Goal useranswer( Goal, Copy, Trace, Answer, Next1) ). % More answers? process( no, Goal, _, _, _, false, N) :- freshcopy( Goal, Copy), wastold( Copy, true, _), !, % 'no' means: no more solutions assertz( end_answers( Goal)), % Mark end of answers fail ; nextindex( Next), % Next free index for 'wastold' assertz( wastold( Goal, false, Next)). % 'no' means: no solution format( Var, Name, Name, Vars, [Var/Name|Vars]) :- var( Var), !. format( Atom, Name, Atom, Vars, Vars) :- atomic( Atom), !, atomic( Name). format( Goal, Form, Question, Vars0, Vars) :- Goal =.. [Functor|Args1], Form =.. [Functor|Forms], formatall( Args1, Forms, Args2, Vars0, Vars), Question =.. [Functor|Args2], !. % If formatting failed due to structural difference format Goal after itself format( Goal, _, Question, Vars0, Vars) :- format( Goal, Goal, Question, Vars0, Vars). formatall( [], [], [], Vars, Vars). formatall( [X|XL], [F|FL], [Q|QL], Vars0, Vars) :- formatall( XL, FL, QL, Vars0, Vars1), format( X, F, Q, Vars1, Vars). askvars( []). askvars( [Variable/Name|Variables]) :- nl, write( Name), write( ' = '), read( Variable), askvars( Variables). showtrace([]) :- nl, write('This was your question'), nl. showtrace( [Goal by Rule | Trace]) :- nl, write( 'To investigate, by '), write( Rule), write( ', '), write( Goal), showtrace( Trace). % instance-of( T1, T2) means: instance of T1 is T2; that is % term T1 is more general than T2 or equally general as T2 instance_of( Term, Term1) :- % Instance of Term is Term1 copy_term( Term1, Term2), % Copy of Term1 with fresh set of variables numbervars( Term2, 0, _), !, Term = Term2. % This succeeds if Term1 is instance of Term freshcopy( Term, FreshTerm) :- % Make a copy of Term with variables renamed asserta( copy( Term)), retract( copy( FreshTerm)), !. nextindex( Next) :- % Next free index for 'wastold' retract( lastindex( Last)), !, Next is Last + 1, assert( lastindex( Next)). % Initialise dynamic procedures lastindex/1, wastold/3, end_answers/1 :- assert( lastindex( 0)), assert( wastold( dummy, false, 0)), assert( end_answers( dummy)). % Displaying the conclusion of a consultation and 'how' explanation present( Answer) :- nl, showconclusion( Answer), nl, write( 'Would you like to see how?'), nl, getreply( Reply), ( Reply = yes, !, show( Answer) ; true ). showconclusion( Answer1 and Answer2) :- !, showconclusion( Answer1), write( ' and '), showconclusion( Answer2). showconclusion( Conclusion was Found) :- write( Conclusion). % 'show' displays a complete soltuin tree show( Solution) :- nl, show( Solution, 0), !. % Indent by 0 show( Answer1 and Answer2, H) :- !, % Indent by H show( Answer1, H), tab( H), write(and), nl, show( Answer2, H). show( Answer was Found, H) :- % Indent by H tab( H), writeans( Answer), % Show conclusion nl, tab( H), write( ' was '), show1( Found, H). % Show evidence show1( Derived from Answer, H) :- !, write( Derived), write(' from'), % Show rule name nl, H1 is H + 4, show( Answer, H1). % Show antecedent show1( Found, _) :- % Found = 'told' or 'found as fact' write( Found), nl. writeans( Goal is true) :- !, write( Goal). % Omit 'is true' on output writeans( Answer) :- % This is negative answer write( Answer). means( why, why) :- !. means( w, why) :- !. means( yes, yes) :- !. means( y, yes) :- !. means( no, no) :- !. means( n, no) :- !. % Note: getreply should not be called with the argument instantiated getreply( Meaning) :- read( Reply), means( Reply, Meaning), !; % Reply means something? nl, write('Answer unknown, try again please!'), % Handle bad reply nl, getreply( Meaning). % Try again member( X, [X|_]). member( X, [_|L]) :- member( X, L). numbervars( Term, N, Nplus1) :- var( Term), !, % Variable? Term = var/N, Nplus1 is N + 1. numbervars( Term, N, M) :- Term =.. [Functor | Args], % Structure or atomic numberargs( Args, N, M). numberargs( [], N, N) :- !. numberargs( [X | L], N, M) :- numbervars( X, N, N1), numberargs( L, N1, M).