Modeling your processes

Signavio Process Editor

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In pairs or groups (max. 4 people), prepare the models depicting selected processes in your company. This can be software production process or some processes (e.g., going to Erasmus at the university) according to the regulations. If the whole process is large, the models do not have to cover the whole high-level process (especially in the case of software production) but should be representative and contain various BPMN elements and structures.

The sources of knowledge:

  • If you work for a company and you have some specific software production process, you can describe it and model this process (unless breaking the NDA).
  • You can find some description on the internet and use it to model the process. These can be:
    • plan-driven (waterfall) or value-driven approach (agile) of software development process,
    • the university or some public office procedures describing the process.
  • You can just think about your team software development life cycle. Divide it into some phases or split into subprocesses and share tasks among the group members. Then, each group member should describe his/her part of the process.

Try to model the processes in a group so that you could share your insight with group members. Remember about decomposing models and following best practices.


After the class, you should deliver a group report containing:

  • textual description of the process (allowing to validate a model according to your description) [~0.5-1 page description per each group member],
  • screenshots of your models and separate model files as attachments [at least 1 process model for each group member].

Report assessment

Report assessment will be divided into several categories:

  1. the consistency of descriptions and models,
  2. comprehensibility of the models,
  3. correct use of notation,
  4. use of complex structures and various elements of BPMN,
  5. following the guidelines and best practices.
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