Podstawy i Metody Inżynierii Wiedzy 2009




Tematy projektów są przeznaczone dla studentów:

  • AiR 4. (2009) (AR)

oraz ew./dodatkowo:

  • InfStos 4. (lato 2009) (IS)
  • magistrantów (MS)
  • innych zainteresowanych (OT)


  • Tematy oznaczone znaczkiem :!::!: należy uznać za tematy o wysokim priorytecie
  • Tematy oznaczone znaczkiem :!: należy uznać za tematy o podwyższonym priorytecie
  • Tematy pozostałe też są ważne i też można dostać ocenę pozytywną, w tym, 5.0 i 6.0, są one jednak potencjalnie mniejszym wyzwaniem, lub mniej pilnie potrzebne
  • Tematy realizowane są indywidualnie chyba, że wskazano inaczej :-P
  • W wyjątkowej sytuacji, np. stopień złożoności tematu, waga dla HeKatE, niektóre tematy mogą być realizowane przez więcej niż jeden zespół 8-o
  • Uwaga: niektóre tematy mogą zależeć od realizacji innych, oznaczone jako 8-)

Kontynuacja tematów

Osoby, które zrealizują w sposób wyróżniający się, a także będą zainteresowane tematyką poruszaną w projektach, będą mogły kontynuować pracę w ramach tematyki pochodnej do MIW 2009 w ramach:

  • pracy magisterskiej w roku 2009/10
  • projektu Hekate, potencjalnie za wynagrodzeniem
  • stażu asystenckiego w KA


W zależności od projektu, może być wymagana znajomość:

  • Prologu
  • Knowledge Engineering Concepts: Rule-based, Expert Systems
  • Data representation and processing: XML-based technologies
  • Programming: Java, Eclipse
  • Modelling: UML, MVC


  • osoby zainteresowane tematami mogą sie dopisywać pod nimi w formacie
Z: Imie Nazwisko <email>
  • nie jest to równoważne rezerwacji tematu – tę osobiście zatwierdzam ja
  • oczywiście nie należy pod żadnym pozorem ingerować we wpisy innych osób! (a wiki i tak robi wersjonowanie…)

Tematy MIW09



How we could use Atlas for ARDplus, XTT2, design, integration and model translation.


:!: 8-o How decision rules can be represented, encoded in OWL rules in description logic, description logic programs, swrl?

Z: Wojciech Franczak <franczak@student.agh.edu.pl>

Z: Mariusz Sokołowski <mmarsokol@gmail.com>


:!: How we can use Drools to model rules for the SemWeb in RIF, SWRL (import/export).

How we can use Drools to import/export/model rules for/from CLIPS and Jess.

Z: Grzegorz Stopa <gregor@student.agh.edu.pl>




:!: 8-o Provide S5 presentations for the main HeKatE pages, e.g. XTT2 ALSV ARD Thermostat. Using the S5 plugin

Z: Piotr Jarmołowicz <mlr@op.pl>


:!: Extend the original S5 plugin for the S5 for better presentation including sensible support for LaTeX, pictures, tables, FullScreen browser mode :!: (bold, italic, underline, links etc.), ordered lists and other modes/plugins. evaluate Slidy

Z: Marcin Stachura <stan7@tlen.pl>


:!: Develop a synchronization plugin for Dokuwiki for disconnected work, that allows a developer to work and extend a disconected copy of the wiki, and then a back replication, possibly with merging.

Tools to consider unison rsync last resort? cvs http://kdiff3.sourceforge.net/ http://meld.sourceforge.net/

Z: Sebastian Pracuch <sebastian@pracuch.pl>


:!::!: 8-o How Dokuwiki can be used as a groupware solution for team and project management, communication and development?:

Z: Tomasz Gryzio murex4@wp.pl


Add Wiki plugin to display metamodels (UML class diagrams) from XMI code OR create wiki plugin to display them from UMLGraph notation.



  • Wiki with plugin

Z: Marcin Godlewski <godlewski.marcin@op.pl>


:!::!: Dokuwiki plugin for presenting paper statistics for given persons from number of existing sources, including the BPP the DBLP the CiteSeerX.

Explicitly describe the APIs of the above sites!

In the wiki one writes e.g.:

Nalepa Grzegorz|http://home.agh.edu.pl/gjn, BPP:2008, BPP:2008:LNCS, BPP:2008:IF, DBPL:2008

and gets

Nalepa Grzegorz142011

Z: Rafał Gibas coolgibas@gmail.com

Site: miw09_wiki_papers


HQed audit

:!::!: 8-o Test the new version of HQEd.

Check quality, test, update manual, code and funcionality audit, in wiki description and s5 presentation.

Z: Grzegorz Dydo-Rożniecki <grzegorz.rozniecki(at)gmail.com>

R: Damian Dudziński <damian.dudzinski(at)gmail.com>

Varda fix

:!: Fix, VARDA improve, extend, build better ui,

R: Paweł Płazieński <niver@student.agh.edu.pl>

Varda manual

:!: Write a manual for VARDA latex, wiki, s5?

Z: Tomasz Miklis tomasz.miklis@res.is


Research opensource web-based project management and team collaboration solutions.

Z: Tomasz Miklis tmiklis@gmail.com


:!::!: Search for tools and solutions for rule design and management for Drools.

Describe the default tools, including RuleFlow, and BRMS.

Model HeKatE cases in Drools.

Z: Rafał Gibas coolgibas@gmail.com



  • search for methods of describing rule vocabularies with UML (class diagrams?)
  • how such a vocabulary could be automatically generated from information/dependencies in use case diagrams

Jan Pollak <jasiekmk@gmail.com>


:!::!: Read the info available on MOF (see also Meta-Object_Facility). Analyze it, and make a concise sythesis, in the form of the in wiki report, possibly as/plus an S5 present. Specifically search for:

  • other related specifications, e.g. XMI
  • tool support
  • tutorials
  • case studies
  • success stories + criticism
  • future developments

Z: Adrian Stanula astanula@gmail.com



  • Analyze, describe, prepare a short tutorial as S5 for UMLgraph.
  • provide a simple Prolog API for genarating, and visualizing UML diagrams from Prolog, write a Prolog parser
  • research on existing approaches to representing UML in/with Prolog
  • Analyze, describe, prepare a short tutorial as S5 for LogTalk.
  • check first has anyone made some progress in the integration of these two!
  • provide menas for generating visualizations of UML diagrams from Prolog for LogTalk

Mariusz Sasko <msasko@gmail.com>


  • Look at the SBVR.
  • Prepare a concise desc/present.
  • look for the tool support for modelling!
  • provide a Prolog parser for SBVR with syntax checking, possibly use DCG, see here, and here also.
  • provide simple analysis of the SBVR knowledge base on top of the parser

Patryk Łuczyński <tapirat@gmail.com>


Translation the Extended Backus-Naur Form productions into an XML representation (investigate how EBNF can be represent in XML: XSet, EBNFML(?), some new ML? [if sb would need it I can propose my own simple idea :D]).



  • XSLT

Z: Rafał Dyrda <r.dyrda@gmail.com>


Translation the Extended Backus-Naur Form productions in XML format (chosen in investigation in EBNF2XMLrep) into raw metamodel (in XMI 2.1 [I can provide with a few examples]) by algorithm from 3rd chapter of Bridging grammarware and modelware.



  • XSLT




Z: Marek Siara siara@student.agh.edu.pl



  • search for on-line curricula in the area of E-Business and Web-Technologies
  • look for just curricula (topics, dependencies) as well as on-line courses in these areas
  • focus on EU, but with some research in the USA too
  • categorize w.r.t:
    • topic: EB,WT
    • area: USA, EU, EU-east/central
    • target: under/postgrad
    • availability

Read SciMag art and a study take a look at CMU OLI and MIT OCW.

Z: Piasecki Maksymilian


Hekate Case Telco

:!: Find, analyze, reverse engineer some telco billing/services systems. Model rules using the HeKatE process.


Z: Paweł Grzesiak p2grzesiak@gmail.com

Hekate Case KD

:!: Work on some cases description in natural language for knowledge discovery for ARD+.

  • take some RBS cases, startingt from the thermostat
  • build a number (6-8) of natural language descriptions for the case
  • reuse KD results

Z: Tomasz Maślanka maslanka(at)student.agh.edu.pl


Analyze how to design Drools rules with XTT2

Model HeKatE cases in Drools.

Z: Szymon Frenkel sfrenkel@student.bez-spamu.agh.edu.pl


:!: Analyze how to design CLIPS and Jess. rules with XTT2

Model HeKatE cases in Clips/Jess.

Z: Maciej Fabia mfabia@student.agh.edu.pl


Search for ready systems, cases, examples of RBS built with CLIPS and Jess.



Build extra sensors from the Extreme NXT Book (available for us!)

warning: requires some hardware and experience!

Z: Paweł Konas <pawelkonas@gmail.com>


:!: Take the PlNXT API. FIXME Make a code and functionality audit.


:!: Take the PlNXT API. Build tutorial and demo cases.

Z: Łukasz Bandała feanaro666@gmail.com





  • a short report describing:
    • how to add semantic annotations to a webpage (standards, tools)
    • how to extract semantic information from XHTML, XML, other formats (standards, tools)
    • sample applications/websites (see e.g.: OpenCalaisGallery )

Z: Lukasz Habrzyk lukasz.habrzyk@gmail.com


  • RDF Stores - investigate the tools' functionality & possibilities
  • importing data from Relational Databases into RDF Triple Stores → examples, applications
  • importing data from various sources (spreadsheets, databases, other…) into RDF Triple Stores

R: Dawid Molenda <dawid@molenda.info>


  • research on SPARQL,
  • provide a presentation,
  • look for language support
  • other tools
  • look for/build Prolog API, e.g. SeRQL

R: Sławomir Widlarz <swidlarz@gmail.com>




Venn_diagrams Euler_diagram visualization in Prolog for DL/ALSVfd.

  • Look for batch tools for plotting, e.g. Ploticus GNUplot
  • work on ideas/scenarios, what and when visualize
  • provide a Prolog API

Knowikis cases


:!::!: Work on the translation of XTT2 to SWRL using XSLT.

miw08_xtt_rif xttml2rif

Z: Michał Lesiak <mikelik@o2.pl>


Read on the Mercury language. Describe concepts, examples, compare to Prolog and Haskell.


R: Michał Kołodziej <kolodziej.michal@gmail.com>

SPOOL, future topics

NOT for MIW2009.


build a sockets-based interface for plnxt serial module


  • look at OMG pages for all specifications related to decision/production rules, bussiness rules, e.g. Production Rules Representation, SBVR, etc.
  • analyze how advanced, developed these specs are
  • describe them
  • research for current and possible tool support
  • using these methods and tools, try to model HeKatE rule cases, e.g. Termostat, or CashPoint


Reprezentacja i przetwarzanie wiedzy w wiki, rozwinięcie i kontynacja: miw08_semantic_wiki

  • reprezentacja faktów i reguł w tekście w połączeniu z językiem naturalnym:

<fact>Frank is a male<clause>male(frank)</clause></fact>

  • podobnie reguły,
  • dodatkowe wejście: fakty tymczasowe?

Igor Wojnicki 2009/01/05 16:49


Try to investigatae if/how LLVM could be used to as/to model the Warren_Abstract_Machine

Related work: FIXME

Z: Sławomir Widlarz <swidlarz@gmail.pl>

XTT I/O Library

A library of predicates providing basic I/O including:

  • file I/O
    • reading
    • writting
  • GUI I/O
    • text input/output
    • 2D graphics

Environment: XPCA and SWI-Prolog. For XTT I/O see: iw2009-xttenvi

Igor Wojnicki 2009/01/05 16:51


Implement a bug/issue tracking system for Dokuwiki, that includes CVS SubVersion support.

For examples see CVStrac Trac, RT.


Source code syntax highlighting in Wiki for grammars in EBNF notation.



  • wiki plugin for EBNF notation syntax highlighting


Design and implement sensible refactoring capabilities for VARDA.


Research opensource web-based project management and team collaboration solutions.


Search for ready systems, cases, examples in the area of bizrules, expert systems, control systmes., etc.

Built a catalogue.


Dokuwiki plugin for rendering BibTeX in the wiki pages, including citing!

Extended the last year plugin. FIXME


Analyze possibilities, uses, applications of http://swoogle.umbc.edu/ http://sparql.cs.umbc.edu/ http://ebiquity.umbc.edu/ look for/describe related tools.


Read the info available on MDA (see also Model-driven_architecture). Analyze it, and make a concise sythesis, in the form of the in wiki report, possibly as/plus an S5 present. Specifically search for:

  • specifications
  • tutorials
  • case studies
  • tool support
  • success stories + criticism
  • future developments

Game Cases

Design ARD and XTT for same classical games, e.g. Snake_(video_game), think of Game_of_life and other board games. How it would be possible to represent knowledge?

Igor Wojnicki 2009/01/13 09:51

Grzegorz J. Nalepa 2009/01/13 23:10


Tutoriale XSL/T:

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