% % Implementation by Marcin Ziółkowski % % Copyright (C) 2006-9 by the HeKatE Project % % PlNXT has been develped by the HeKatE Project, % see http://hekate.ia.agh.edu.pl % % This file is part of PlNXT. % % PlNXT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % PlNXT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with PlNXT. If not, see . % :- module(nxt_actions_sockets,[ nxt_actions_connection_open/0, nxt_actions_connection_close/0, nxt_actions_motor_forward/2, nxt_actions_motor_backward/2, nxt_actions_motor_get_speed/2, nxt_actions_motor_stop/1, nxt_actions_motor_rotate/3, nxt_actions_touch_sensor/2, nxt_actions_sound_sensor/2, nxt_actions_light_sensor/2, nxt_actions_light_sensor_LED/2, nxt_actions_ultrasonic_sensor/2 ]). /** NXT Mindstroms - Actions Sockets. @authors: API: Piotr Hołownia Definitions: Marcin Ziółkowski Motors: 'A', 'B', 'C'. Sensors ports: 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4'. */ :- use_module(library(socket)). :- dynamic nxt_actions_sockets/2. %% nxt_actions_open_connection % % Opens connection. nxt_actions_connection_open :- tcp_socket(Socket), tcp_connect(Socket, '':2056), tcp_open_socket(Socket, ReadFd, WriteFd), assert(nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd)), write_canonical(WriteFd, 'nxt; open'), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, _), write_canonical(WriteFd, 'shortrep'), flush_output(WriteFd). %% nxt_actions_close_connection % % Closes connection. nxt_actions_connection_close :- nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), write_canonical(WriteFd, 'nxt; close'), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, _), write_canonical(WriteFd, 'bye'), flush_output(WriteFd), close(ReadFd), close(WriteFd), retractall(nxt_actions_sockets(_,_)). %% nxt_actions_motor_forward(+Motor,+RotSpeed). % % Rotates motor forward at specified speed. nxt_actions_motor_forward(Motor,RotSpeed) :- Speed is RotSpeed / 9, nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('motor; setForward;', Motor, A), string_concat(A, ';', B), string_concat(B, Speed, C), write_canonical(WriteFd, C), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, _). %% nxt_actions_motor_backward(+Motor,+RotSpeed). % % Rotates motor backward at specified speed. nxt_actions_motor_backward(Motor,RotSpeed) :- Speed is RotSpeed / 9, nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('motor; setReverse;', Motor, A), string_concat(A, ';', B), string_concat(B, Speed, C), write_canonical(WriteFd, C), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, _). %% nxt_actions_motor_get_speed(+Motor,-RotSpeed). % % Gets speed of the motor. nxt_actions_motor_get_speed(Motor,RotSpeed) :- nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('motor; getRotationCount;', Motor, A), write_canonical(WriteFd, A), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, Speed), RotSpeed is Speed * 9. %% nxt_motor_stop(+Motor). % % Stops motor. nxt_actions_motor_stop(Motor) :- nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('motor; stop;', Motor, A), string_concat(A, '; false', B), write_canonical(WriteFd, B), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, _). %% nxt_actions_motor_rotate(+Motor,+Speed,+Angle). % % Rotates motor at specified speed. % Forward if Angle is positive, backward if Angle is negative. % Motor will stop, when specified revolution (Angle in degrees) is reached. nxt_actions_motor_rotate(Motor,RotSpeed,Angle) :- Speed is RotSpeed / 9, nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('motor; goTo;', Motor, A), string_concat(A, ';', B), string_concat(B, Speed, C), string_concat(C, ';', D), string_concat(D, Angle, E), string_concat(E, '; false', F), write_canonical(WriteFd, F), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, _). %% nxt_actions_touch_sensor(+Port,-Value). % % Gets touch sensor reading. % Returns 1 if pressed, 0 otherwise. nxt_actions_touch_sensor(Port,Value) :- nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('sensor; setTouch;', Port, A), write_canonical(WriteFd, A), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, _), nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('sensor; getValue;', Port, B), write_canonical(WriteFd, B), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, Value). %% nxt_actions_sound_sensor(+Port,-Value). % % Gets sound sensor reading. nxt_actions_sound_sensor(Port,Value) :- nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('sensor; setSound;', Port, A), write_canonical(WriteFd, A), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, _), nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('sensor; getValue;', Port, B), write_canonical(WriteFd, B), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, Value). %% nxt_actions_light_sensor(+Port,-Value). % % Gets light sensor reading. nxt_actions_light_sensor(Port,Value) :- nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('sensor; setLight;', Port, A), write_canonical(WriteFd, A), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, _), nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('sensor; getValue;', Port, B), write_canonical(WriteFd, B), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, Value). %% nxt_actions_light_sensor_LED(+Port,+Setting). % % Sets the LED on if Setting is activate or off if passivate. nxt_actions_light_sensor_LED(Port,Setting) :- write('Light sensor LED connected to port '), write(Port), write(' has been set to: '), write(Setting), write(' state. '),nl. %% nxt_actions_ultrasonic_sensor(+Port,-Value). % % Gets ultrasonic sensor reading. nxt_actions_ultrasonic_sensor(Port,Value) :- nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('sensor; setSonar;', Port, A), write_canonical(WriteFd, A), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, _), nxt_actions_sockets(ReadFd, WriteFd), string_concat('sensor; getSonarValue;', Port, B), write_canonical(WriteFd, B), flush_output(WriteFd), read_line_to_codes(ReadFd, Value).