% Figure 23.3 Two problem definitions for explanation-based generalization. % For compatibility with some Prologs the following predicates % are defined as dynamic: :- dynamic gives/3, would_please/2, would_comfort/2, feels_sorry_for/2, go/3, move/2, move_list/2. % A domain theory: about gifts gives( Person1, Person2, Gift) :- likes( Person1, Person2), would_please( Gift, Person2). gives( Person1, Person2, Gift) :- feels_sorry_for( Person1, Person2), would_comfort( Gift, Person2). would_please( Gift, Person) :- needs( Person, Gift). would_comfort( Gift, Person) :- likes( Person, Gift). feels_sorry_for( Person1, Person2) :- likes( Person1, Person2), sad( Person2). feels_sorry_for( Person, Person) :- sad( Person). % Operational predicates operational( likes( _, _)). operational( needs( _, _)). operational( sad( _)). % An example situation likes( john, annie). likes( annie, john). likes( john, chocolate). needs( annie, tennis_racket). sad( john). % Another domain theory: about lift movement % go( Level, GoalLevel, Moves) if % list of moves Moves brings lift from Level to GoalLevel go( Level, GoalLevel, Moves) :- move_list( Moves, Distance), % A move list and distance travelled Distance =:= GoalLevel - Level. move_list( [], 0). move_list( [Move1 | Moves], Distance + Distance1) :- move_list( Moves, Distance), move( Move1, Distance1). move( up, 1). move( down, -1). operational( A =:= B).