% Native - a simple shell for use with Prolog % knowledge bases. It includes expanations. % fixed for SWI Prolog by GJN 12.2005 :-dynamic(known/3). :-op(900,xfy, :). main :- greeting, repeat, write('> '), read(X), do(X), X == quit. greeting :- write('This is the native Prolog shell.'), nl, native_help. do(help) :- native_help, !. do(load) :- load_kb, !. do(solve) :- solve, !. do(how(Goal)) :- how(Goal), !. do(whynot(Goal)) :- whynot(Goal), !. do(quit). do(X) :- write(X), write(' is not a legal command.'), nl, fail. native_help :- write('Type help. load. solve. how(Goal). whynot(Goal). or quit.'),nl, write('at the prompt.'), nl. load_kb :- write('Enter file name in single quotes (ex. ''birds.nkb''.): '), read(F), consult(F). solve :- retractall(known), prove(top_goal(X),[]), write('The answer is '),write(X),nl. solve :- write('No answer found.'),nl. ask(Attribute,Value,_) :- known(yes,Attribute,Value), % succeed if we know its true !. % and dont look any further ask(Attribute,Value,_) :- known(_,Attribute,Value), % fail if we know its false !, fail. ask(Attribute,_,_) :- \+ multivalued(Attribute), known(yes,Attribute,_), % fail if its some other value. !, fail. % the cut in clause #1 ensures % this is the wrong value ask(A,V,Hist) :- write(A :V), % if we get here, we need to ask. write('? (yes or no) '), get_user(Y,Hist), % get the answer asserta(known(Y,A,V)), % remember it so we dont ask again. Y = yes. % succeed or fail based on answer. % "menuask" is like ask, only it gives the user a menu to to choose % from rather than a yes on no answer. In this case there is no % need to check for a negative since "menuask" ensures there will % be some positive answer. menuask(Attribute,Value,_,_) :- known(yes,Attribute,Value), % succeed if we know !. menuask(Attribute,_,_,_) :- known(yes,Attribute,_), % fail if its some other value !, fail. menuask(Attribute,AskValue,Menu,Hist) :- nl,write('What is the value for '),write(Attribute),write('?'),nl, display_menu(Menu), write('Enter the number of choice> '), get_user(Num,Hist),nl, pick_menu(Num,AnswerValue,Menu), asserta(known(yes,Attribute,AnswerValue)), AskValue = AnswerValue. % succeed or fail based on answer display_menu(Menu) :- disp_menu(1,Menu), !. % make sure we fail on backtracking disp_menu(_,[]). disp_menu(N,[Item | Rest]) :- % recursively write the head of write(N),write(' : '),write(Item),nl, % the list and disp_menu the tail NN is N + 1, disp_menu(NN,Rest). pick_menu(N,Val,Menu) :- integer(N), % make sure they gave a number pic_menu(1,N,Val,Menu), !. % start at one pick_menu(Val,Val,_). % if they didn't enter a number, use % what they entered as the value pic_menu(_,_,none_of_the_above,[]). % if we've exhausted the list pic_menu(N,N, Item, [Item|_]). % the counter matches the number pic_menu(Ctr,N, Val, [_|Rest]) :- NextCtr is Ctr + 1, % try the next one pic_menu(NextCtr, N, Val, Rest). get_user(X,Hist) :- repeat, write('> '), read(X), process_ans(X,Hist), !. process_ans(why,Hist) :- write_list(4,Hist), !, fail. process_ans(_,_). % Prolog in Prolog for explanations. % It is a bit confusing because of the ambiguous use of the comma, both % to separate arguments and as an infix operator between the goals of % a clause. prove(true,_) :- !. prove((Goal,Rest),Hist) :- prov(Goal,[Goal|Hist]), prove(Rest,Hist). prove(Goal,Hist) :- prov(Goal,[Goal|Hist]). prov(true,_) :- !. prov(menuask(X,Y,Z),Hist) :- menuask(X,Y,Z,Hist), !. prov(ask(X,Y),Hist) :- ask(X,Y,Hist), !. prov(Goal,Hist) :- clause(Goal,Body), prove(Body,Hist). % Explanations how(Goal) :- clause(Goal,Body), prove(Body,[]), write_body(4,Body). whynot(Goal) :- clause(Goal,Body), write_line([Goal,'fails because: ']), explain(Body). whynot(_). explain(true). explain((Head,Body)) :- check(Head), explain(Body). check(H) :- prove(H,[]), write_line([H,succeeds]), !. check(H) :- write_line([H,fails]), fail. write_list(_,[]). write_list(N,[H|T]) :- tab(N),write(H),nl, write_list(N,T). write_body(N,(First,Rest)) :- tab(N),write(First),nl, write_body(N,Rest). write_body(N,Last) :- tab(N),write(Last),nl. write_line(L) :- flatten(L,LF), write_lin(LF). write_lin([]) :- nl. write_lin([H|T]) :- write(H), tab(1), write_lin(T). flatten([],[]) :- !. flatten([[]|T],T2) :- flatten(T,T2), !. flatten([[X|Y]|T], L) :- flatten([X|[Y|T]],L), !. flatten([H|T],[H|T2]) :- flatten(T,T2).