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Lukasz Habrzyk




  • a short report describing:
    • how to add semantic annotations to a webpage (standards, tools)
    • how to extract semantic information from XHTML, XML, other formats (standards, tools)
    • sample applications/websites (see e.g.: OpenCalaisGallery )




Semantic Annotation

Here is what we consider semantic annotations:

The information about what entities appear in a text and where they do. Actually, the references from the text to a semantic repository, containing further knowledge.


'Annotation' has two meanings in contemporary English (according to WordNet, similar in Merriam-Webster):

  • note, annotation, notation: a comment (usually added to a text);
  • annotation, annotating – the act of adding notes.

In linguistics (and particularly in computational linguistics) an annotation is considered a formal note added to a specific part of the text. There are a number of alternatives regarding the organization, structuring, and preservation of annotations. For instance, all the markup languages (HTML, SGML, XML, etc.) can be considered as schemata for embedded annotation. Contrary there are models suggesting that the annotations should be kept detached (non-embedded) from the content, i.e.

Semantic Annotations

We refer to semantic annotation at the same time as (i) a sort of meta-data and (ii) the process of generation of such meta-data.

While there could be an argument with respect to the name (it could well be „Entity annotation”) its nature is quite unambiguous: the named entities in the text are recognized and identified. The result is formally recorded and associated with the place in the text where the entity has been mentioned. The identity of the entity is „verbalized” via URIs which means that those can be easily linked to their descriptions within a semantic repository, as demonstrated below.

Although redundant, in accordance with the good NE recongnition tradition in the IE community, the types of the entities are also explicitly indicated via URIs to the respective (most specific) classes in the ontology.

Named Entities

Named entities (NE) are considered: people, organizations, locations, and others referred by name. Apples and bicycles are not considered NE, because those are not typically referred by name.

Within a wider interpretation, NE can be considered also some scalar values (numbers, amounts of money, dates) and addresses.

Couple of principle comments:

  • Named entities and words have different semantics – the former denote particulars (individuals), the latter – universals (concepts, classes, relations, attributes).
  • While the words require handling of lexical semantics and common sense, the understanding and managing of named entities requires more specific world knowledge.

What about words?

Words can also be formally marked up. One of the typical approaches is to annotate the respective word with some sort of a designator of the word sense used in the specific case. For instance, a designator could be „link-v2”, meaning that the second meaning (according to some register) of the word „link” is taken as a verb (it could well serve as a noun).

There are number of tough issues relared to the word meanings:

  • Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) - the process of guessing the meaning of the word used in this specific context. This is a very tough problem.
  • Formal definition of the meanings. While the first step is to distinguish and guess the sense, in which the word has been used, the next one is to define the meaning formally. There is no easy way to define „apple”, „know”, „synergy”, and even „house”, if you need a definition that helps one to answer „what is a house?”, „is this a house?”, etc.


Marking up content with RDFa

The following block of HTML shows a review of a video game.


<p><strong>Blast 'Em Up Review</strong></p>
<p>by Bob Smith</p>
<p>March 20, 2009</p>
<p>This is a great game. I enjoyed it from the 
opening battle to the final showdown with
 the evil aliens.</p>
<p>4.5 out of 5 stars</p>

Rendered HTML in browser:

Blast 'Em Up Review

by Bob Smith

March 20, 2009

This is a great game. I enjoyed it from the opening battle to the final showdown with the evil aliens.

4.5 out of 5 stars

To understand how to use RDFa, think about two concepts: entities (for example, a review) and properties of those entities (for example, the author of the review, the date of the review, the review itself, and the rating).

This is the HTML with RDFa markup:

<div xmlns:v="" typeof="v:Review">
   <p><strong><span property="v:itemReviewed">Blast 'Em Up</span>Review</strong></p>
   <p>by <span property="v:reviewer">Bob Smith</span></p>
   <p><span property="v:dtReviewed">March 20, 2009</span></p>
   <p><span property="v:description">This is a great game. I enjoyed it from the opening battle to the final showdown with the evil aliens.</span></p>
   <p><span property="v:rating">4.5</span> out of 5 stars</p>

This example contains three important properties:

  • xmlns. Occurs in the first line, and specifies the namespace where the vocabulary (a list of entities and their components) is specified. You can use the xmlns:v=" namespace declaration any time you are marking up pages for people, review, product, or place data. Be sure to use a trailing slash and # (xmlns:v="" ).
  • typeof: Occurs in the first line of this HTML block, and defines entities. Since this example contains a review, the entity is of type Review.
  • property: Used to label the properties of an entity. In the example, there are many properties of the review that are labeled: the reviewer, date of the review (dtReviewed), the review itself (description), and the rating (rating).

These three properties can be used in any HTML tags that open and close (div and span are two common choices). To mark up content using RDFa:

  1. Begin with a namespace declaration using xmlns
  2. Specify the type of content that is being marked up using typeof
  3. Label the properties using property.

Relationships between entities in RDFa

In the example below, we describe two entities: a review and a person.


<p><strong>Blast 'Em Up Review</p>
   <p>by Bob Smith, Senior Editor at ACME Reviews</p>
   <p>This is a great game. I enjoyed it from the opening battle to the final showdown with the evil aliens.</p>
   <p>4.5 out of 5 stars</p>

Rendered HTML in browser:

Blast 'Em Up Review

by Bob Smith, Senior Editor at ACME Reviews

This is a great game. I enjoyed it from the opening battle to the final showdown with the evil aliens.

4.5 out of 5 stars

In this example, the relationship between the two entities is that the person is the reviewer who created the review. The review and person entities each have their own set of properties. The properties of the person are their name (Bob Smith), job title (Senior Editor), and company (ACME Reviews). The properties of the review are the reviewer (an entity), the review itself, and the rating (4.5).

To convey the relationship between the review and the person, we use the rel property. Here is how this example looks with RDFa markup:

<div xmlns:v="" typeof="v:Review">
   <p><strong><span property="v:itemReviewed">Blast 'Em Up</span> 
   <p>by <span rel="v:reviewer">
      <span typeof="v:Person">
         <span property="v:name">Bob Smith</span>, <span property="v:title">Senior
         Editor</span> at <span property="v:affiliation">ACME Reviews</span>
   <p><span property="v:description">This is a great game. I enjoyed 
   it from the opening battle to the final showdown with the evil aliens.</span></p>
   <p><span property="v:rating">4.5</span> out of 5 stars</span></p>

The following two lines define the relationship between the two entities:

<p>by <span rel="v:reviewer">
   <span typeof="v:Person">

Here, by using rel instead of property, we define a relationship between the review and the person, namely that the writer of the review (the „reviewer”) is an entity (Person), with its own properties such as name, title, and org. „rel” without „typeof”

The final concept to understand in order to mark up your content with RDFa is that rel can exist without an explicitly labeled typeof. In these cases, the entity is implicitly defined. HTML Rendered HTML in browser


<p><img src="" /></p>
<p><strong>Bob Smith</strong></p>
<p>Senior editor at ACME Reviews</p>
<p>200 Main St</p>
<p>Desertville, AZ 12345</p>

Rendered HTML in browser:

Bob Smith

Senior editor at ACME Reviews

200 Main St

Desertville, AZ 12345

Here is the HTML with RDFa markup:

<div xmlns:v="" typeof="v:Person">
   <span rel="v:photo">
      <img src="" />
   <p><span property="v:name"><strong>Bob Smith</strong></span></p>
   <p><span property="v:title">Senior Editor</span> at <span property="v:affiliation">ACME Reviews</span></span></p>
   <span rel="v:address">
      <p><span property="v:street-address">200 Main St</span></p>
      <p><span property="v:locality">Desertville</span></p>
      <p><span property="v:region">AZ</span> </p>
      <p><span property="v:postcode">12345</span></p>

In this example there are two implicitly defined entities: the person's photo and their address. Since the address property always relates to an entity of type address, there is no need to explicitly include a line with typeof=„v:Address”. Similarly, a photo always relates to a URL pointing to an image, so there is no need to explicitly define a typeof property.




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