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en:dydaktyka:csp:port_scheduling [2019/03/27 15:37]
msl created
en:dydaktyka:csp:port_scheduling [2020/03/22 18:53] (current)
msl [Constraint Programming vs Real Life Problem] updates the repository link
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 ====== Constraint Programming vs Real Life Problem ====== ====== Constraint Programming vs Real Life Problem ======
-This lab has been been planned for two meetings ​and consists ​of two checkpoints:​ +This lab has been planned for two meetings of moderately demanding work.  
- +We will try to solve so-called port-scheduling problem, concerning coal transport in an Australian port. 
-  - Basic CSP model of an almost "​real-life"​ optimization problem +Problem skeleton is available at [[https://​gitlab.com/​agh-krr/​2019-2020/​port-schedule|gitlab repository]] and consists of several files:
-  - Optimizing model to get optimal solution +
- +
-===== Problem ===== +
- +
-We will try to solve so called port-scheduling problem, concerning coal transport in an Australian port. +
-Problem skeleton is available at [[https://​gitlab.com/​agh-krr/​2018-2019/​port-schedule|gitlab repository]] and consists of several files:+
   * ''​README.md''​ --- basic readme concerning the problem   * ''​README.md''​ --- basic readme concerning the problem
   * ''​data''​ directory containing data ''​.dzn''​ files   * ''​data''​ directory containing data ''​.dzn''​ files
en/dydaktyka/csp/port_scheduling.1553697454.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/27 16:00 (external edit)
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