
Bimloq bibliography

<bibtex mode=“text”> @article{kkr2012tcci,

geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Krzysztof Kaczor and Krzysztof Kluza and Grzegorz Jacek Nalepa and \L{}ukasz \L{}ysik},
title =	 {Towards Rule Interoperability: Design of {D}rools Rule Bases Using the {XTT}2 Method},
journal =	 {Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence IV},
series =	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor =	 {Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh},
publisher =	 {Springer},
year = 	 2012,
note = 	 {submitted}


@incollection {gjn2011wikiheart,

geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author = 	 {Nalepa, Grzegorz J. and Bobek, Szymon},
title = 	 {Embedding the {HeaRT} Rule Engine into a Semantic Wiki},
booktitle = 	 {Semantic Methods for Knowledge Management and Communication},
series = 	 {Studies in Computational Intelligence},
editor =	  {Katarzyniak, Radoslaw and Chiu, Tzu-Fu and Hong, Chao-Fu and Nguyen, Ngoc},
publisher = 	 {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
isbn = 	 {978-3-642-23417-0},
pages = 	 {265-275},
volume = 	 {381},
year = 	 {2011}



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
address =	 {Krak\'{o}w},
author =	 {Antoni Lig\k{e}za and Tomasz Ma\'slanka and Krzysztof Kluza and Grzegorz J. Nalepa},
journal =	 {Automatyka: p\'o\l{}rocznik Akademii
                G\'orniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanis\l{}awa Staszica w Krakowie},
number =	 {2},
pages =	 {299--306},
title =	 {Modeling {BPMN} diagrams within {XTT2} framework: a critical analysis},
volume =	 {15},
year =	 {2011}



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author = 	 {Lig\k{e}za, Antoni},
title = 	 {{BPMN} -- a logical model and property analysis},
journal = 	 {Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services},
year = 	 {2011},
volume =	 {5},
number =	 {1-2},
pages =	 {57-67},
note = 	 {ISSN 1896-832}



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Krzysztof Kluza and Krzysztof Kaczor and Grzegorz
                J. Nalepa},
title =	 {Enriching Business Processes with Rules using the
                {Oryx BPMN} Editor},
booktitle =	 {Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 11th
                International Conference, ICAISC 2012: Zakopane,
                Poland, April 29--May 3, 2012},
year =	 2012,
editor =	 {Leszek Rutkowski and [et al.]},
series =	 {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
publisher =	 {Springer},
pages =	 {573-581},
volume =	 {7268},  
note =	 {to be published}



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Krzysztof Kaczor and Grzegorz Jacek Nalepa and
                \L{}ukasz \L{}ysik and Krzysztof Kluza},
affiliation =	 {AGH University of Science and Technology,
                Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland},
title =	 {Visual Design of {Drools} Rule Bases Using the
                {XTT2} Method},
booktitle =	 {Semantic Methods for Knowledge Management and
series =	 {Studies in Computational Intelligence},
editor =	 {Katarzyniak, Radoslaw and Chiu, Tzu-Fu and Hong,
                Chao-Fu and Nguyen, Ngoc},
publisher =	 {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
isbn =	 {978-3-642-23417-0},
keyword =	 {Engineering},
pages =	 {57-66},
volume =	 381,
url =		 {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23418-7\_6},
note =	 {10.1007/978-3-642-23418-7\_6},
year =	 2011



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Krzysztof Kluza and Grzegorz J. Nalepa and Marcin
                Szpyrka and Antoni Lig\k{e}za},
title =	 {Proposal of a Hierarchical Approach to Formal
                Verification of {BPMN} Models Using {Alvis} and
                {XTT2} Methods},
booktitle =	 {7th Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software
                Engineering (KESE2011) at the Conference of the
                Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence
                (CAEPIA 2011): November 10, 2011, La Laguna
                (Tenerife), Spain},
pages =	 {15-23},
year =	 2011,
editor =	 {Joaquin Canadas and Grzegorz J. Nalepa and Joachim



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Krzysztof Kaczor and Grzegorz J. Nalepa and
                {\L}ukasz {\L}ysik and Krzysztof Kluza},
title =	 {Visual Design of {Drools} Rule Bases Using the
                {XTT2} Method},
booktitle =	 {Semantic Methods for Knowledge Management and
pages =	 {57--66},
publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag},
year =	 2011,
editor =	 {Katarzyniak, Radoslaw and Chiu, Tzu-Fu and Hong,
                Chao-Fu and Nguyen, Ngoc},
volume =	 381,
series =	 {Studies in Computational Intelligence},
isbn =	 {978-3-642-23417-0},
OPTurl =	 {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23418-7_6},
note =	 {DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23418-7}



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Marcin Szpyrka and Grzegorz J. Nalepa and Antoni
                Lig\k{e}za and Krzysztof Kluza},
title =	 {Proposal of Formal Verification of Selected {BPMN}
                Models with {Alvis} Modeling Language},
booktitle =	 {Intelligent Distributed Computing V. Proceedings of
                the 5th International Symposium on Intelligent
                Distributed Computing -- IDC 2011, Delft, the
                Netherlands -- October 2011},
pages =	 {249--255},
publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag},
year =	 2011,
editor =	 {Frances M.T. Brazier and Kees Nieuwenhuis and Gregor
                Pavlin and Martijn Warnier and Costin Badica},
volume =	 382,
series =	 {Studies in Computational Intelligence}



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Krzysztof Kluza and Tomasz Ma\'slanka and Grzegorz
                J. Nalepa and Antoni Lig\k{e}za},
title =	 {Proposal of Representing {BPMN} Diagrams with
                {XTT2}-based Business Rules},
booktitle =	 {Intelligent Distributed Computing V. Proceedings of
                the 5th International Symposium on Intelligent
                Distributed Computing -- IDC 2011, Delft, the
                Netherlands -- October 2011},
pages =	 {243--248},
publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag},
year =	 2011,
editor =	 {Frances M.T. Brazier and Kees Nieuwenhuis and Gregor
                Pavlin and Martijn Warnier and Costin Badica},
volume =	 382,
series =	 {Studies in Computational Intelligence}



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
Author =	 {Grzegorz J. Nalepa and Krzysztof Kluza and Sebastian
Title =	 {Modeling and Analysis of Business Processes with
                Business Rules},
Booktitle =	 {Business Process Modeling: Software Engineering,
                Analysis and Applications},
Editor =	 {J.A. Beckmann},
OPTPublisher =	 {Nova Publishers},
Publisher =	 {Nova Science Publishers},
Series =	 {Business Issues, Competition and Entrepreneurship},
Year =	 2011,
ISBN =	 {978-1-61209-344-4},
Pages =	 {135--156},
Keywords =	 {business process, business rule}



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Nalepa, Grzegorz and Bobek, Szymon and Lig\k{e}za,
                Antoni and Kaczor, Krzysztof},
affiliation =	 {AGH University of Science and Technology,
                Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland},
title =	 {{HalVA} - Rule Analysis Framework for {XTT2} Rules},
booktitle =	 {Rule-Based Reasoning, Programming, and Applications},
series =	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor =	 {Bassiliades, Nick and Governatori, Guido and
                Paschke, Adrian},
publisher =	 {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
pages =	 {337-344},
volume =	 6826,
OPTurl =		 {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-22546-8\_27},
OPTnote =	 {10.1007/978-3-642-22546-8\_27},
year =	 2011


@article {ali2011widm,

geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Lig\k{e}za, Antoni and Nalepa, Grzegorz J.},
title =	 {A study of methodological issues in design and
                development of rule-based systems: proposal of a new
journal =	 {Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and
                Knowledge Discovery},
volume =	 1,
number =	 2,
publisher =	 {John Wiley & Sons, Inc.},
issn =	 {1942-4795},
url =		 {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/widm.11},
doi =		 {10.1002/widm.11},
pages =	 {117--137},
year =	 2011



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Lig\k{e}za, Antoni and Nalepa, Grzegorz J.},
editor =	 {Malgorzata Nycz, Mieczyslaw L. Owoc},
title =	 {Pozyskiwanie wiedzy i zarz\k{a}dzanie wiedz\k{a}},
chapter =	 {{HeKatE} rule design methodology overview},
publisher =	 {Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego},
year =	 2010,
series =	 {Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we
address =	 {Wroc\l{}aw},
pages =	 {58-68}



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
Author =	 {Weronika T. Adrian and Grzegorz J. Nalepa and
                Krzysztof Kaczor and Marta Noga},
Institution =	 {AGH University of Science and Technology},
Number =	 {CSLTR 2/2010},
Title =	 {Overview of selected approaches to rule
                representation on the {Semantic Web}},
Year =	 2010



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Grzegorz J. Nalepa and Weronika T. Furma\'nska},
title =	 {{Pellet-HeaRT}~-- proposal of an architecture for
                ontology systems with rules},
booktitle =	 {{KI 2010}: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 33rd
                annual German conference on {AI}: Karlsruhe,
                Germany, September 21-24, 2010},
pages =	 {143-150},
year =	 2010,
editor =	 {R{\"u}diger Dillmann and {et al.}},
volume =	 6359,
series =	 {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
address =	 {Berlin; Heidelberg},
publisher =	 {Springer-Verlag},
annote =	 {ISSN 0302-9743 ; 6359).  ISBN-10 3-642-16110-3 ;
                ISBN-13 978-3-642-16110-0}


@incollection {gjn2011tcci,

geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
Author =	 {Grzegorz J. Nalepa},
affiliation =	 {Institute of Automatics, AGH University of Science
                and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków,
title =	 {Loki~-- Semantic Wiki with Logical Knowledge
booktitle =	 {Transactions on Computational Collective
                Intelligence III},
series =	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor =	 {Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh},
publisher =	 {Springer},
pages =	 {96-114},
volume =	 6560,
url =		 {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17155-0_1},
note =	 {10.1007/978-3-642-17155-0_1},
year =	 2011



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Grzegorz J. Nalepa and Krzysztof Kluza},
title =	 {{UML} Representation for Rule-Based Application
                Models with {XTT2}-based Business Rules},
journal =	 {International Journal of Software Engineering and
                Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE)},
year =	 2012,
note =	 {accepted for publication}



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
Address =	 {Illmenau, Germany},
Author =	 {Krzysztof Kaczor and Grzegorz J. Nalepa and Szymon
Booktitle =	 {Crossing Borders within ABC. Automation, Biomedical
                Engineering and Computer Science: 55 IWK
                Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium:
                International Scientific Colloquium},
Editor =	 {Andrea Schneider},
Pages =	 {555-560},
Title =	 {Rule Modularization and Inference Solutions~-- a
                Synthetic Overview},
Year =	 2010



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
Address =	 {Karlsruhe, Germany},
Author =	 {Krzysztof Kluza and Grzegorz J. Nalepa and {\L}ukasz
Booktitle =	 {6th Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software
                Engineering (KESE2009) at the 32nd German conference
                on Artificial Intelligence: September 21, 2010,
                Karlsruhe, Germany},
Editor =	 {Grzegorz J. Nalepa and Joachim Baumeister},
Pages =	 {6-17},
Title =	 {Visual Inference Specification Methods for
                Modularized Rulebases. {O}verview and Integration
Year =	 2010



geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
Author =	 {Grzegorz J. Nalepa},
Journal =	 {Journal of Universal Computer Science},
Note =
Number =	 7,
Pages =	 {1006--1023},
Title =	 {Collective Knowledge Engineering with Semantic
Volume =	 16,
Year =	 2010


@incollection {gjn2010tcci-daal,

geistfund = 	 {BIMLOQ},
author =	 {Nalepa, Grzegorz J. and Furma\'nska, Weronika T.},
affiliation =	 {Institute of Automatics, AGH University of Science
                and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków,
title =	 {Integration Proposal for Description Logic and
                Attributive Logic~-- Towards {S}emantic {W}eb Rules},
booktitle =	 {Transactions on Computational Collective
                Intelligence II},
series =	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor =	 {Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh and Kowalczyk, Ryszard},
publisher =	 {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
pages =	 {1-23},
volume =	 6450,
url =		 {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17155-0_1},
note =	 {10.1007/978-3-642-17155-0_1},
year =	 2010



geistfund =	 {bimloq},
author =	 {Tomasz Ma\'slanka and Antoni Lig\k{e}za and
                Krzysztof Kluza and Grzegorz J. Nalepa},
title =	 {Proposal of the translation of {BPMN} model to the
                {XTT2} knowledge representation},
number =	 {CSLTR 1/2011},
institution =	 {AGH University of Science and Technology},
year =	 2011,
note =	 {in press},
file =	 {CSLTR-1_2011.pdf}



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