EIS : Regułowe wspomaganie decyzji
Joseph Giarratano and Gary Riley - Expert Systems. Principles and Programming
Thomson Course Technology 2005, 4th edition, ISBN 0-534-38447-1.
Peter Jackson - Introduction to Expert Systems
Addison–Wesley 1999, 3rd edition, ISBN 0-201-87686-8.
Ronald G. Ross - Principles of the Business Rule Approach
Addison-Wesley Professional 2003, 1st edition.
Barbara von Halle - Business Rules Applied: Building Better Systems Using the Business Rules Approach
Wiley 2001.
Adrian Giurca and Dragan Gasevic and Kuldar Taveter - Handbook of Research on Emerging Rule-Based Languages and Technologies: Open Solutions and Approaches
Information Science Reference 2009.
Antoni Ligęza - Logical Foundations for Rule-Based Systems
Springer-Verlag 2006.
Grzegorz J. Nalepa - Semantic Knowledge Engineering. A Rule-Based Approach
Wydawnictwa AGH 2011, 1st edition.
Jay Liebowitz - The Handbook of Applied Expert Systems
CRC Press 1998.
Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig - Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
Prentice-Hall 2009, 3rd edition.
Paul Browne - JBoss Drools Business Rules
Packt Publishing 2009.
[2015-10-13] Wprowadzenie do regułowej reprezentacji wiedzy cz. 1.
[2015-10-30] Wprowadzenie do regułowej reprezentacji wiedzy cz. 2.
[2015-10-27] Wprowadzenie do regułowej reprezentacji wiedzy cz. 3. i 4.
[2015-11-03] Wprowadzenie do środowiska Drools cz. 1.
[2015-11-10] Wprowadzenie do środowiska Drools cz. 2.
[2015-11-17] Hybrid Knowledge Engineering
[2015-11-24] Semantic Business Vocabulary and Business Rules
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