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en:dydaktyka:ggp:gdl [2019/06/27 15:49] external edit
en:dydaktyka:ggp:gdl [2021/01/12 01:05] (current)
msl [Fluents]
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 </​code>​ </​code>​
-Here '':​-'' ​reprenst ​implication ''<​-''​. ''&''​ is a logical and. In natural language the first line means: "if M and N represent cells' indexes, then there is a fluent for cell with (M, N) coordinates,​ telling there is a cross in it". If we didn't use rules, we could write all the fluents by hand:+Here '':​-'' ​represents an implication ''<​-''​. ''&''​ is a logical ​"and". In natural language the first line means: "if M and N represent cells' indexes, then there is a fluent for cell with (M, N) coordinates,​ telling there is a cross in it". If we didn't use rules, we could write all the fluents by hand:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
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-Rules in GDL have one special feature: they can recurse, but they can't loop forever. ​ [[http://​www.inf.tu-dresden.de/​content/​institutes/​ki/​cl/​study/​winter09/​ggp/​kapitel2.pdf|More details here]].+Rules in GDL have one special feature: they can recurse, but they can't loop forever. ​ [[http://​www.inf.tu-dresden.de/​content/​institutes/​ki/​cl/​study/​winter09/​ggp/​kapitel2.pdf|More details here]].
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en/dydaktyka/ggp/gdl.1561643397.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:49 by
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