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kese:kese8 [2012/07/21 21:02]
kese:kese8 [2019/06/27 15:50]
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-====== The 8th Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE2012) a.k.a KESE8 ====== 
-===== Aims and Scope ===== 
-{{:​kese:​kese_logo.png |The KESE logo (c) 2008 by WTF}} 
-Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) have been successfully developed in various domains based on techniques and tools from Knowledge Engineering (KE). The classic KE approach to system modelling uses mostly symbolic logic-based symbolic knowledge representation methods, which are more specific from Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a broad sense, that has recently included computational intelligence techniques. Since most of the implementations of today KBS are software based, Software Engineering (SE) methods and tools play an important role in their development. Moreover, recent developments in SE emphasize the importance of the use of formalized symbolic representations in the software development process. ​ 
-This stimulates the synergy between KE methods and SE methods and tools. Thus, declarative software engineering techniques have been established in many areas, such as knowledge systems, logic programming,​ constraint programming,​ and lately in the context of the Semantic Web, business rules as well as business processes. 
-The eight workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE8) is held at the  
-[[http://​www2.lirmm.fr/​ecai2012/​|ECAI 2012]] (THE European Conference on Artificial Intelligence) organized by [[http://​www.eccai.org/​|European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence]] in Montpellier,​ France, 
-and wants to bring together researchers and practitioners from both fields of software engineering and knowledge engineering,​ as well as the Semantic Web community. The intention is to give ample space for exchanging latest research results as well as knowledge about practical experience. Moreover the workshop endeavors to promote the use of KE techniques in SE problems, where significant benefits can be derived from their use. The general goal of the workshop is to show how the KE techniques can provide practical solutions in SE issues. On the other hand, the influence of SE methods and tools on the practical design of KBS within KE. 
-The principal focus of the Workshop is on methods of Knowledge Engineering rooted in the symbolic logic-based representations and their novel applications in Software Engineering. Moreover, a synergistic use and development of these KE methods together with recent formalized and declarative SE methods, including Model-Driven Architecture and Development,​ ontological modelling as well as Business Process modelling is emphasized. Finally, the studies of the impact of these SE methods on the classic KE development processes are welcomed.  ​ 
-The previous KESE Workshops were held at the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) since 2005 and on the Spanish AI Conference (CAEPIA) in 2011. 
-See the [[start|KESE workshop series]] page for more information. ​ 
-===== Topics of Interest ===== 
-Topics of the workshop are generally related to the applications of symbolic KE techniques in SE as well as the use of KE in the SE practice. 
-Specific topic the areasinclude but are not limited to:  
-  * Knowledge and software engineering for the Semantic Web 
-  * Ontologies in practical knowledge and software engineering 
-  * Business Rules design, management and analysis 
-  * Business Processes modelling in KE and SE 
-  * Practical knowledge representation and discovery techniques in software engineering 
-  * Agent-oriented software engineering 
-  * Knowledge base management in KE systems 
-  * Evaluation and verification of KBS 
-  * Practical tools for KBS engineering 
-  * Process models in KE applications 
-  * Software requirements and design for KBS applications 
-  * Declarative,​ logic-based,​ including constraint programming approaches in SE 
-**Call for Tool Presentations** 
-We are also strongly interested in tool presentations,​ so we regularly encourage the submission of tool presentation papers, i.e., system descriptions that clearly show the interaction between knowledge engineering and software engineering research. 
-===== KESE 8 schedule =====  
-KESE8 is the Workshop number 17 in the official [[http://​www2.lirmm.fr/​ecai2012/​index.php?​option=com_content&​view=article&​id=80&​Itemid=84|ECAI'​2012]] 
-**Tuesday morning, 28th August 2012** 
-**Session 1. 9:00 – 11:10.** Chair: Grzegorz J. Nalepa 
-(full and tool talks are 15 min + 10 min discussion) 
-   * //KESE8 Opening// 
-   * Reinhard Hatko, Joachim Baumeister and Frank Puppe. //​CoverageCity:​ Test Coverage for Clinical Guidelines//​ (full) 
-   * Isabel María Del Águila and José Del Sagrado. //​Metamodeling of Bayesian networks for decision-support systems development//​ (full) 
-   * Adrian Giurca, Ingo Schmitt and Daniel Baier. //​Can Adaptive Conjoint Analysis perform in a Preference Logic Framework?//​ (full) 
-   * Toader Gherasim, Giuseppe Berio, Mounira Harzallah and Pascale Kuntz. //​Problems impacting the quality of automatically built ontologies//​ (full) 
-   * Joachim Baumeister, Jochen Reutelshoefer,​ Volker Belli, Albrecht Striffler, Reinhard Hatko and Markus Friedrich. //​KnowWE - A Wiki for Knowledge Base Development (Tool Presentation)//​ 
-**Coffee Break. 11:10 - 11:40.** 
-**Session 2. 11:40 – 13:20.** Chair: Joachim Baumeister 
-(full talks are 15 min + 10 min discussion; ​ 
-short talks are 10 min + 5 min discussion) 
-   * Krzysztof Kluza, Krzysztof Kaczor and Grzegorz J. Nalepa. //​Overview of BPMN Model Equivalences. Toward normalization of BPMN diagrams//​ (full) 
-   * Krzysztof Kaczor and Grzegorz J. Nalepa. //​Critical evaluation of the XTT2 rule representation through comparison with CLIPS//​ (full) 
-   * Martina Freiberg and Frank Puppe. //​Template-based Extensible Prototyping for Creativity- and Usability-Oriented Knowledge Systems Development//​ (short) 
-   * Antoni Ligeza, Weronika T. Adrian and Krzysztof Kaczor. //​Collaborative Knowledge Engineering for Improving Local Safety in Urban Environment//​ (short) 
-   * Lorina Negreanu and Irina Mocanu. //​Modeling Service Requests in a Multi-Agent System//​ (short) 
-   * //KESE8 Closing// 
-===== Important Dates ===== 
-  * 19 Feb 2012: 1st call for papers sent 
-  * <​del>​28 May 2012</​del>:​ workshop paper submission deadline 
-  * **4 June, 2012 --new extended deadline-- ** //​([[http://​www.easychair.org/​conferences/?​conf=kese8|submit your abstract]] by 1 June, 2012)// ​ 
-  * 28 Jun 2012: notification on workshop paper acceptance 
-  * <​del>​07</​del>​ 10 Jul 2012: camera ready papers 
-  * 22 Jul 2012: workshop proceedings to be sent to workshop chair 
-  * ** 28 Aug 2012, Tuesday: Workshop date** 
-===== Call for Papers ===== 
-The official KESE8 CfP: {{:​kese:​kese8-cfp.txt|Call for Papers}} 
-The KESE 8 {{:​kese:​kese8-flyer.pdf|flyer}} is available. 
-===== Submission Details ===== 
-Papers should be formatted according to the ECAI format. The length of each paper should not exceed 8 pages (including figures and references),​ see: http://​people.cs.kuleuven.be/​~luc.deraedt/​ecai2012-style.zip 
-All papers must be submitted in PDF. Please submit your paper via EasyChair ([[http://​www.easychair.org/​conferences/?​conf=kese8]]). 
-===== Organization ===== 
-The one-day workshop will be held with presentations of accepted papers. The submitted papers will be reviewed by three members of the program committee. At least one author of each accepted paper must register and present the contribution. A comfortable time slot for discussions will be given. Accepted contributions will appear as CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org). 
-===== Workshop organizers ===== 
-  * G. J. Nalepa, AGH UST Krakow <​gjn@agh.edu.pl>​ 
-  * J. Cañadas, University of Almeria <​jjcanada@ual.es>​ 
-  * J. Baumeister, University Würzburg <​joba@uni-wuerzburg.de>​ 
-===== Program Committee ===== 
-  * Isabel María del Águila, University of Almeria, Spain 
-  * Klaus-Dieter Althoff, University Hildesheim, Germany 
-  * Joachim Baumeister, University Würzburg, Germany 
-  * Joaquín Cañadas, University of Almeria, Spain 
-  * Jesualdo Tomás Fernández-Breis,​ University of Murcia, Spain 
-  * Adrian Giurca, BTU Cottbus, Germany 
-  * José M. Juarez, University of Murcia, Spain 
-  * Jason Jung, Yeungnam University, Korea 
-  * Rainer Knauf, TU Ilmenau, Germany 
-  * Pascal Molli, University of Nantes - LINA, France 
-  * Grzegorz J. Nalepa, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland 
-  * José Palma, University of Murcia, Spain 
-  * Alvaro E. Prieto, Univesity of Extremadura,​ Spain 
-  * José del Sagrado, University of Almeria, Spain 
-  * Dietmar Seipel, University Würzburg, Germany 
-  * Rafael Valencia-García,​ University of Murcia, Spain 
-===== Venue ===== 
-See [[http://​www2.lirmm.fr/​ecai2012//​|ECAI 2012 site]] 
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