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The KESE Workshop

KESE stands for Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering.

Aims and scope

Intelligent systems have been successfully developed in various domains based on techniques and tools from the fields of knowledge engineering and software engineering. Thus, declarative software engineering techniques have been established in many areas, such as knowledge systems, logic programming, constraint programming, and lately in the context of the Semantic Web and business rules.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:


AI in software/knowledge engineering:

  • Knowledge and experience management
  • Declarative, logic-based approaches
  • Constraint programming
  • Agent-oriented software engineering
  • Issues of maintenance
  • Bussiness Rules


Knowledge/software engineering in AI:

  • Engineering the Semantic Web
  • Database and knowledge base management in AI systems
  • Tools for intelligent systems
  • Evaluation of (intelligent) systems
  • Process models


The fourth workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE 2008) wants to bring together researchers and practitioners from both fields of software engineering and artificial intelligence. The intention is to give ample space for exchanging latest research results as well as knowledge about practical experience. The previous KESE Workshops were held at the KI-2007, KI-2006 and KI-2005.

More detailed information about KESE2008 will be available in 2008.



The KESE2008 workshop is organized together with the German AI Conference, the KI2008.

The deadlines are:

  • Paper submission deadline: June 6, 2008
  • Notification of paper acceptance: July 6, 2008
  • Camera ready copy submission: July 28, 2008

Previous events

This year we are having the fourth workshop. Below, you can find links to the previous events.


KESE2008 Workshop Chairs:

Program Committee

Program Committee (tentative):

  • K.-D. Althoff, University Hildesheim, Germany
  • J. Baumeister, University Wurzburg, Germany
  • J. Canadas, University of Almeria, Spain
  • U. Geske, FhG FIRST, Berlin, Germany
  • A. Giurca, BTU Cottbus, Germany
  • R. Knauf, TU Ilmenau, Germany
  • G. J. Nalepa, AGH UST, Krakow, Poland
  • F. Puppe, University Wurzburg, Germany
  • D. Seipel, University Wurzburg, Germany
  • G. Weiss, SCCH, Austria
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