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Prolog or there and backtrack again

Polska Wersja

This part of the Wiki is devoted to the Prolog language. It serves both as a research and didactic resource.

This wiki is created by the members of the HeKatE project, but also by other researchers and students. It is not related to HeKatE itself, or its development.

The wiki is english-only, and all of the pages are in the prolog namespace.

FIXME It is currently under construction — Grzegorz J. Nalepa 2006/11/14 17:33

Learning Prolog

The prolog_learning page contains info helpful in learing Prolog, e.g. tutorials, books.

The primary resource.

Teaching Prolog

The prolog_teaching page contains info helpful in teaching Prolog, e.g. courses at other universities.

It contains things that do not necessarily fit in the learing part.

Prolog Tools

Downloadable Prolog-related software, such as compilers, biblios, etc. see prolog_tools

Prolog Research

Advanced topics prolog_research

Prolog Examples

Some prolog_examples what can be done in Prolog.

News and Info

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