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prolog:jpl:jpl [2008/07/31 21:25]
sebi deb-based distribution information
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-====== JPL ====== 
-[[http://​www.swi-prolog.org/​packages/​jpl/​|JPL]] is a library using the SWI-Prolog foreign interface and the Java jni interface providing a bidirectional interface between Java and Prolog that can be used to embed Prolog in Java as well as for embedding Java in Prolog. In both setups it provides a reentrant bidirectional interface. 
-===== Installing SWI-Prolog with JPL in Linux ===== 
-Notice: Based on first-hand experience, the use of standard ''​swi-prolog''​ packages in Debian-based distributions is **not** recommended,​ due to the following: 
-  * ''​swi-prolog''​ is absent in Debian Etch whatsoever (packages can be found in unstable and testing branches though), 
-  * JPL is not included in Debian/​Ubuntu packages (probably due to licensing issues, see below), 
-  * the standard package name (''​pl''​) has been changed to ''​swi-prolog'';​ that is known to break some things, including XPCE. 
-With the above in mind, the following options are available: 
-  * use the stable RPM package available at the [[http://​www.swi-prolog.org/​dl-stable.html|SWI-Prolog download page]] (RPM-based distros only), 
-  * install from source (coming soon), 
-  * [[rpm2deb|convert the RPM package to DEB]] (in this case, rather harmless) or use the converted package, 
-  * use binary packages compiled from the source (coming soon). 
-Alternatively,​ you can use the repository packages and install JPL as standalone. For now, posts #6 and #7 in [[http://​ubuntuforums.org/​showthread.php?​t=447728|this discussion]] should provide some insight. 
-===== Installing SWI-Prolog with JPL in Mac OS X ===== 
-Installation and testing instructions for Mac OS X can be found [[macosx|here]]. 
-===== Testing ===== 
-The following can be used to test whether JPL is working properly. 
-===== Packages ===== 
-The following SWI-Prolog with JPL packages are available: 
-  * Debian Etch FIXME 
-  * Ubuntu 8.04 FIXME 
-  * :?: Mac OS X  FIXME  
-For DIY: 
-  * //Patches vs. original debian/​ubuntu packages// FIXME 
-  * build dependencies! FIXME 
-====== Specs ====== 
-Some insight plus specs: 
-  * jpl is supposed to work with sun jdk only! (as stated by Jan W.) 
-  * the main reason [[http://​bugs.debian.org/​cgi-bin/​bugreport.cgi?​bug=449437|why jpl is not enabled]] in standard debian/​ubuntu is the fact, that sun jdk is not free 
-  * so compilation of jpl is disabled in debs by a debian patch, BUT removing the patch does not result in a working packages! why? 
-  * we assume, that the packages built will use the standard sun-jdk packages, as generated by the [[http://​packages.debian.org/​etch/​java-package|java-package for etch]] (and hardy) 
-  * working with jdk 1.5 is a must! 
-  * working with jdk 1.6 should also be tested and reported! use [[http://​packages.debian.org/​lenny/​java-package|java-package from lenny]] 
-  * it should be tested using current swi versions from both [[http://​packages.debian.org/​lenny/​swi-prolog|testing]] and [[http://​packages.debian.org/​sid/​swi-prolog|sid]]! 
-  * check what changed (java package and swi vers) in intrepid ibex 
-  * some main problems with jpl include a proper location and config. (paths, env vars) for //jpl.so// and //jpl.jar// 
-  * I assume we get OS X instructions completely free too :-) 
-  * in the future we might consider testing with openjdk, icedtea, classpath,​gcj,​ whatever... but not now. 
- --- //​[[gjn@agh.edu.pl|Grzegorz J. Nalepa]] 2008/07/05 10:44// 
-Some demo projects to test: 
-  * [[pl:​miw:​miw08_ruleruntimeg_2]] 
-  * [[pl:​miw:​miw08_prolog_javasockets]] 
-  * [[pl:​miw:​miw08_ruleruntimeg]] 
-  * [[pl:​miw:​miw08_mindstormsapi]] 
- --- //​[[gjn@agh.edu.pl|Grzegorz J. Nalepa]] 2008/07/05 11:04// 
prolog/jpl/jpl.1217532347.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:59 (external edit)
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