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sidebar [2013/01/21 12:18]
esimon created
sidebar [2019/06/27 15:49] (current)
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 +====== AIwiki ======
 +===== Menu =====
 +  * [[pl:​start|Strona Główna]]
 +===== Dla Studentów =====
 +===== HeKatE =====
 +  * [[pl:​hekate:​start|Projekt HeKatE]]
 +  * [[pl:​hekatedev:​start|Rozwój HeKatE]]
 +===== Public =====
 +  * [[kese:​start|The KESE workshop]] //(EN only)//
 +  * [[pl:​Mindstorms:​start|Mindstorms]] //​(archive)//​
sidebar.1358767089.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/27 16:00 (external edit)
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