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en:dydaktyka:csp:lab3 [2018/03/17 18:22]
msl [Constraint Programming: Practical Use Case]
en:dydaktyka:csp:lab3 [2019/03/21 14:30]
Line 30: Line 30:
 int_search(rows,​ first_fail, indomain_min,​ complete); int_search(rows,​ first_fail, indomain_min,​ complete);
 int_search(rows,​ first_fail, indomain_median,​ complete);</​code>  ​ int_search(rows,​ first_fail, indomain_median,​ complete);</​code>  ​
-    - Read about the [[http://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-lib/doc-annotations-search.html|different strategies]]. Select one according to your taste.+    - Read about the [[https://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-2.2.0/en/lib-annotations.html?​highlight=annotation#​search-annotations|different strategies]]. Select one according to your taste.
     - Compare solving time of the problem using different stragies.     - Compare solving time of the problem using different stragies.
     - Don't worry, be happy.     - Don't worry, be happy.
-===== Warming Up: Packing Problem ====== 
-First we will deal with a simple problem that is strictly related to the real problem we are interested in. The packing problem is a problem of fitting n-dimensionals ​solids in the n-dimensional container. We will discuss the simple case --- packing squares into a rectangle.+===== Packing Problem ====== 
 +The packing problem is a problem of fitting n-dimensional ​solids in the n-dimensional container. We will discuss the simple case --- packing squares into a rectangle.
 {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​square_packing.png?​nolink&​300|}} {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​square_packing.png?​nolink&​300|}}
Line 45: Line 46:
     - Fill the missing constraints (don't use global constraints,​ just simple arithmetic),​ so the model can be solved for small ''​n'' ​     - Fill the missing constraints (don't use global constraints,​ just simple arithmetic),​ so the model can be solved for small ''​n'' ​
   * **Stage 3:**   * **Stage 3:**
-    - Replace your constraint with [[http://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-lib/doc-globals-packing.html#​Ipredicate-diffn-po-array-bo-int-bc-of-var-int-cl-x-cm-array-bo-int-bc-of-var-int-cl-y-cm-array-bo-int-bc-of-var-int-cl-dx-cm-array-bo-int-bc-of-var-int-cl-dy-pc|the global constraint diffn]]+    - Replace your constraint with [[https://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-2.2.0/en/lib-globals.html?highlight=diffn|the global constraint diffn]]
     - Tip --- you may have to introduce a new array parameter to the model     - Tip --- you may have to introduce a new array parameter to the model
   * **Stage 4:**   * **Stage 4:**
     - Add redundant constraints     - Add redundant constraints
-    - Tip 1 --- how is the packing related to the scheduling, e.g. [[http://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-lib/doc-globals-scheduling.html#​Ipredicate-cumulative-po-array-bo-int-bc-of-var-opt-int-cl-s-cm-array-bo-int-bc-of-var-int-cl-d-cm-array-bo-int-bc-of-var-int-cl-r-cm-var-int-cl-b-pc|the cumulative constraint]]?​+    - Tip 1 --- how is the packing related to the scheduling, e.g. [[https://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-2.2.0/en/​predicates.html?highlight=cumulative|the cumulative constraint]]?​
     - Tip 2 --- scheduling is a kind of packing where time is one of the dimensions     - Tip 2 --- scheduling is a kind of packing where time is one of the dimensions
     - Tip 3 --- {{:​en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​cumulative.png?​linkonly|this picture satisfies ''​cumulative''​ constraint, but it doesn'​t satisfy packing constraint}}     - Tip 3 --- {{:​en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​cumulative.png?​linkonly|this picture satisfies ''​cumulative''​ constraint, but it doesn'​t satisfy packing constraint}}
Line 57: Line 58:
     - Tip --- to force the search order, you have to put the variables in a specific order to the array and then use ''​input_order''​ search annotation.     - Tip --- to force the search order, you have to put the variables in a specific order to the array and then use ''​input_order''​ search annotation.
     - Tip 2 --- you can put the ''​height''​ and ''​width''​ in one array (e.g. ''​[height,​ width]''​),​ and squares'​ coordinates in the second (e.g. ''​[x[n],​ y[n], x[n-1], y[n-1], ..., x[1], y[1]''​). Then use [[http://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-lib/​doc-annotations-search.html#​Iannotation-seq_search-po-array-bo-int-bc-of-ann-cl-s-pc|''​seq_search''​ annotation]] to combine two search procedures ​     - Tip 2 --- you can put the ''​height''​ and ''​width''​ in one array (e.g. ''​[height,​ width]''​),​ and squares'​ coordinates in the second (e.g. ''​[x[n],​ y[n], x[n-1], y[n-1], ..., x[1], y[1]''​). Then use [[http://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-lib/​doc-annotations-search.html#​Iannotation-seq_search-po-array-bo-int-bc-of-ann-cl-s-pc|''​seq_search''​ annotation]] to combine two search procedures ​
-    - Tip 3 --- you can achieve a specific order using array comprehensions,​ but of course you can also try built-in function like [[http://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-lib/doc-builtins-array.html#​Ifunction-array-bo-dd-dd-E-bc-of-var-dd-T-cl-reverse-po-array-bo-dd-dd-E-bc-of-var-dd-T-cl-x-pc|''​reverse''​]] or [[http://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-lib/doc-builtins-sort.html#​Ifunction-array-bo-dd-dd-E-bc-of-var-dd-T-cl-sort_by-po-array-bo-dd-dd-E-bc-of-var-dd-T-cl-x-cm-array-bo-dd-dd-E-bc-of-float-cl-y-pc|''​sort_by''​]].+    - Tip 3 --- you can achieve a specific order using array comprehensions,​ but of course you can also try built-in function like [[https://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-2.2.0/en/lib-builtins.html?highlight=reverse|''​reverse''​]] or [[https://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-2.2.0/en/​mzn_search.html?​highlight=seq_search|''​sort_by''​]].
   * Evaluate the new search procedure with the more difficult instances (bigger ''​n''​)) ​   * Evaluate the new search procedure with the more difficult instances (bigger ''​n''​)) ​
Line 92: Line 93:
   ["area = " ++ show(width) ++ " * " ++ show(height) ++ " = " ++ show(area)]   ["area = " ++ show(width) ++ " * " ++ show(height) ++ " = " ++ show(area)]
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-<wrap lo>​{{:​en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​csp_packing.zip|Here}} is a complete model for <​del>​lazy</​del>​ overworked people. </​wrap>​ 
-===== Real Problem: Port Scheduling ​ ===== 
-==== Short Description ==== 
-The real problem we have to deal with is much less abstract --- we have to schedule coal loading in the Australian port. The problem is a relaxed version of a real problem, the University of Melbourne had to deal with. 
-==== Schedule ==== 
-During the first class student is expected to finish the ''​A''​ stage, which is nothing more than packing problem with a plot. During the second class student should finish the model. In case there is no enough time, student is encouraged to work on the problem at home between the classes. 
-==== Materials ==== 
-  - Please download and extract {{:​en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​portschedule.zip|the data}}. 
-    - ''​handout.pdf''​ contains the detailed description of the problem 
-    - ''​portschedule.mzp''​ is a MiniZincIDE project. There are numerous helpful comments inside. ​ 
en/dydaktyka/csp/lab3.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/30 12:50 by msl
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