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en:dydaktyka:krr:start [2018/02/27 14:03]
ligeza [Lectures 2018]
en:dydaktyka:krr:start [2024/07/12 10:07] (current)
ligeza [Artificial Intelligence - 2022-2023 [AIDA]]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Artificial Intelligence ======
 +====== Artificial Intelligence - 2022-2023 [AIDA]======
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Organization. Syllabus and how to pass the course.** [29.02.2024;​ Ali] {{{{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2024_based_on_2021_2022_i_krr_2020_.pdf |Introduction to AI'​2024}}}}
 +  - **Presentations:​ Gurobi. Grammatical Evolution.** [7.03.2024].
 +  - **Presentations:​ Grammatical Evolution. Definitions of AI. The AI-CI-ML Triangle. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving. Example problems. Japanese IQ Test. Generic Problem-Solving. SEND+MORE=MONEY ?**  [14.03.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - Presentations:​ **Military AI. On Edge: Neural Nets Devices.** [21.03.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​Easter Holidays</​fc>​ [28.03.2024]
 +  - Presentation:​ **Fuzzy Logic. Deep Learning.** [4.04.2024; Ali]
 +  - **AI Art. Prompt Engineering.** [11.04.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - **Natural Language Processing (LLM). Generative AI.** [18.04.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - **Federated Learning. Introduction. Medical Data. ** [25.04.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - **Affective Computing and Its Applications. Reinforcement Learning.** [9.05.2024; Ali]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​**Deep Learning. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning.**</​fc>​ [16.05.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​E-Learning:​ self-study. [[https://​artint.info/​|AI - Third Edition]]</​fc>​ [23.05.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - **Graph Neural Networks. Constraint Programming** [28.05.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - <fc #​00ff00>​**Self-Driving Cars.  Constraint Programming with MiniZinc.**</​fc>​ [6.06.2024; Ali]
 +  - ... <fc #​ff00ff>​Exam 0.</​fc>​ [13.06.2024;​ Ali]
 +__**Support 2024:**__
 +  * {{{{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2024_based_on_2021_2022_i_krr_2020_.pdf |Introduction to AI'​2024}}}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​selected_tools_for_grammatical_evolution_analysis_and_applications.pdf |Grammatical Evolution}}
 +  * [[https://​www.gurobi.com/​|Gurobi]]
 +  * [[https://​www.tutorialspoint.com/​artificial_intelligence/​artificial_intelligence_fuzzy_logic_systems.htm|Fuzzy Logic in AI]]
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​militaryai.pdf |Military AI}}
 +  * [[https://​docs.google.com/​presentation/​d/​11pU-mv5sqPZknyeJhqN7ccwGudM4CpADGkEoiDeYwrM/​edit#​slide=id.g2c694239e83_1_66|Natural Language Processing]]
 +  * [[ https://​youtu.be/​F_1TUdXoshY|Grammatical Evolution: Sztuczna Inteligencja nie musi być tajemnicza - on youtube by Jakub Skrzyński]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​shorts/​FJtFZwbvkI4|LLM:​ Word Embedding: Quick Explanation]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=wjZofJX0v4M&​t=28s|ChatGPT3:​ Transformers]]
 +  * [[https://​www.mdpi.com/​2076-3417/​14/​13/​5950|Model-Driven Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Function Identification with Grammatical Evolution]]
 +See also links below...
 +====== Artificial Intelligence 2023/​2024-winter [PSI+CS] ======
 +  - **Introduction to the course. Syllabus and how to pass the course. ​ Introduction to AI. Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. Example Problems. SEND+MORE=MONEY.** ​ [3.10.2023;​ali-PSI][5.10.2023;​ali-CS]
 +  - **Japanese IQ Test. Generic Problem Solving. SEND+MORE=MONEY ? Introduction to AI. Example Problems Core techniuqes. On Methods of Problem-Solving. The AI-ML-CI Triangle.** [10.10.2023;​ali-PSI][12.10.2023;​ali-CS]
 +  - **ABCD * 4 = DCBA. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Tools and examples of problem-solving. Logical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Towards a Taxonomy.** [17.10.2023;​ali-PSI][19.10.2023;​ali-CS]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​E-learning:</​fc>​** [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=cW9shEB8h5E|What is AI?]] [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=FWOZmmIUqHg&​t=1601s|AI - more advanced]] ​ [[http://​artint.info/​3e/​html/​ArtInt3e.Ch1.html|AI - the classics]] [24.10.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Prolog: syntax, terms, facts, clauses. Logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search. Deductive Data Bases.** [26.10.2023-CS;​ali]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​E-learning PSI: 31.10.2023:</​fc>​** ​ **Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Prolog: syntax, terms, facts, clauses. Logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search. Deductive Data Bases.** {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​prolog_1_2021.pdf |Prolog-1: Syntax, Variables, Terms, Clauses}} [[https://​www.metalevel.at/​prolog|Book:​ Chapters 0,1,2,3 + videos]] [31.10.2023-PSI] Więcej na stronie: [[https://​ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/​pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start#​programowanie_w_jezyku_prolog_-_wyklady_2020_2021|Kursy Prologu]]
 +  - **Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Prolog: syntax, terms, facts, clauses. Logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search. Deductive Data Bases.** [7.11.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Prolog: terms vs. lists. Basic operations on lists. Member vs. Select. ​ Append. Examples of applications.** [9.11.2023-CS;​ali][14.11.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Prolog: advanced list operations. Lists Ordering. Applications.Recursion,​ Iteration and Loops. Assert and Retract. Metapredicates;​ findall/3 and maplist/​1/​2/​3.** [16.11.2023-CS;​ali][21.11.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Graph Search Algorithms in AI: Tree Search vs. Graph Search. Blind Search DFS Implementation in Prolog.**[23.11.2023-CS;​ali][28.11.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **A Review of Graph Search Algorithms in AI: DFS, BFS, UC vs. Dijkstra. Implementation in Prolog - Examples. Extensions and Modifications.** [30.11.2023-CS;​ali][5.12.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Graph Search: Heuristics and Heuristic Methods. Greedy Search. The A* Algorithm. Examples in Prolog.** [7.12.2023-CS;​ali][12.12.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Automated Plan Generation. Robot Planning.** [14.12.2023-CS;​ali][19.12.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Hierarchical Task Networks. AND-OR plans.** ​ [21.12.2023-CS;​ali]  ​
 +  - **<fc #​9400d3>​ChatGPT-3:​ prezentacja</​fc>​** [9.01.2024-PSI;​gcz]
 +  - **Partially ordered plans. Hierarchical plans, HTN.AND-OR plans. Knowledge Compilation. Rule-Based Systems. BPMN.** ​ [4.01.2024-CS;​ali] ​
 +  - **Constraint Programming. MiniZinc.Prolog+clpfd.** [11.01.2024-CS;​ali]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​E-learning PSI. Przygotowanie do egzaminu. Constraint Programming. MiniZinc</​fc>​.** [16.01.2024-PSI;​ali]
 +  - Constraint Programming. [18.01.2024-CS;​ali]
 +  - **<fc #​ff0000>​Zero Exam</​fc>​ AI/​PSI** ​  ​[24.01.2024-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **<fc #​ff0000>​Zero Exam</​fc>​ AI/​CS** ​  ​[25.01.2024-CS;​ali]
 +<fc #​ff0000>​New:</​fc>​
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=R6lfzMjaU6A|Świetny i aktualny wykład o AI. Michał Kosiński, Stanford, 1.22h]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=ltHYWEGsDxY|LLM - a może krok dalej: sztuczny naukowiec? Dr Artur Dubrawski Carnegie Mellon University]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=4RixMPF4xis|AI vs ML: a position statement]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=5goKsiY7IXQ|9 AI Tools for Business]]
 +  * 
 +  * 
 +  * 
 +  * ----
 +Problems Solved by Students:
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​send_more_money_problem-m-kuczera-2023.pdf |SEND+MORE=MONEY by Małgorzata Kuczera: Watch, Learn and Follow!}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​send_more_money_-_jakub_grzyb.pdf |SEND+MORE=MONEY by Jakub Grzyb: Watch, Learn and Follow!}}
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=5xlqTmPrf1I|Archipelag AI (in Polish) by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​shorts/​ObMnw8woAog|Best 12 AI Tools as for 2023]]
 +  * [[https://​plato.stanford.edu/​entries/​artificial-intelligence/#​toc|AI - seriously: Stanford Encyclopedia]]
 +  * [[https://​plato.stanford.edu/​entries/​logic-ai/​|Logic in AI seriously: Stanford Encyclopedia]]
 +  * [[https://​tinyurl.com/​yauhjepn|Logical Foundations for AI]]
 +===== Artificial Intelligence - 2022-2023 [AIDA]=====
 +  - **E-Learning:​ Introduction to AI.** [2.03.2023]
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. The AI-CI-ML Triangle. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving.** [9.03.2023] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2021_based_on_krr_2020_-1.pdf |Introduction to Artificial Intelligence}}
 +  -  **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Tools and examples of problem-solving. Logical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Introduction to Prolog; First (3) examples.** [16.03.2023]
 +  - **Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Prolog: syntax, terms, facts, clauses. Logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search.** [23.03.2023]
 +  - **Prolog: terms vs. lists. Basic operations on lists. Member vs. Select. ​ Append. Examples of applications.**[30.03.2023]
 +  - Easter Holidays [6.04.2023]
 +  - **Prolog - continued; advanced operations of lists. Applications of lists. Examples.** ​ [13.04.2023]
 +  - **Intro to KRR in Prolog. Graph Search: Blind Methods. Modeling in Prolog.** ​ [20.04.2023]
 +  -  **Intro to KRR in Prolog. Graph Search: Blind Methods. ​ DFS as a basic method. Backtracking. Improving efficiency. ​ Modeling in Prolog.** [27.04.2023]
 +  - **Intro to KRR in Prolog. Graph Search: Heuristic Methods. Modeling in Prolog.** ​ [4.05.2023]
 +  - **KRR continued. Graph Search: Heuristics and Heuristic Methods. The A* Algorithm.** [11.05.2023]
 +  - **<fc #​ff0000>​Constraint Programming;​ on-line</​fc>​** [[https://​upel.agh.edu.pl/​course/​view.php?​id=3038|UPEL]][18.05.2023]
 +  - **<fc #​ff0000>​Automated Design of Algorithms by  Thomas Stutzle.</​fc>​ Place: Room 3.27B D17** (Informatyka) [11:00 25.05.2023]
 +  - 2 student presentations. MiniZinc for CP. [1.06.2023]
 +  - [14-15.06.2023 - exam zero. Info by/on Upel/​Moolde]
 +{{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​thesis.pdf |Problog - a quick intro}}
 +==== Lectures 2022-2023 Winter [CSC/​PSI]====
 +  - Inauguracja Roku Akademickiego [4.10.2022] [<​del>​CSC</​del>/​PSI]
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. The AI-CI-ML Triangle. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving.** [6.10.2022-CSC][11.10.2022-ISI] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2021_based_on_krr_2020_-1.pdf |Introduction to Artificial Intelligence}}
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving. Problems Taxonomy and Problem-Solving Methods and Tools.** [13.10.2022-CSC][18.10.2022-ISI]
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Tools and examples of problem-solving. Logical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Introduction to Prolog; First (3) examples.** [20.10.2022-CSC][25.10.2022-ISI]
 +  - **Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Prolog: syntax, terms, facts, clauses. Logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search.** [27.10.2022 - CSC][15.11.2022-ISI]
 +  - **Prolog: terms vs. lists. Basic operations on lists. Member vs. Select. ​ Examples of applications.**[3.11.2022-CSC][22.11.2022-ISI]
 +  - <fc #​ff0000>​**E-Learning:​**[10.11.2022-CSC] and [8.11.2022-ISI] </fc>
 +  - **Prolog: advanced list operations. Append. Recursion vs. iteration. Examples of applications.** [17.11.2022-CSC][29.11.2022]
 +  - **Prolog: advanced list operations. Ordering. Applications.** [24.11.2022-CSC][6.12.2022-ISI]
 +  - **Graph Search: Blind Methods. Modeling in Prolog.** [1.12.2022][6.12.2022]
 +  - **Graph Search: Heuristic Methods. Modeling in Prolog.** [8.12.2022] [13.12.2022]
 +  - **Rule-Based Systems and Decision Trees. Expert Systems. DSS.** [15.12.2022][20.12.2022 - planned: on-line]
 +  - **Automated Planning. Modeling in Prolog.** [5.01.2023][3.01.2023]
 +  - **Constraint Programming.** [12.01.2023][10.01.2023]
 +  - **Constraint Programming. MiniZinc. Constraint Logic Programming. SWI-Prolog+clp(fd). Picat** [19.01.2023][**17.01.2023 ISI Exam 0 (na UPEL)**]
 +  - [26.01.2023] Exam 0 (on UPEL)
 +<fc #​ff0000>​**Support for Prolog:​**</​fc>​ [[pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Lectures on Prolog [slides 2021/2022] + Sets of Examples + interesting links]]
 +<fc #​ff00ff>​With Best Christmas Wishes 2022 - just for fun:</​fc>​
 +  * [[https://​github.com/​features/​copilot|Copilot:​ Your AI pair programmer]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=v6OB80Vt1Dk|AI in action: 5 Mind-blowing Artificial Intelligence Tools ]]
 +  * [[https://​openai.com/​blog/​chatgpt/​|OpenAI:​ ChatGPT]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=9B2R3vBOugE| ​ **Uwaga: ChatGPT, czyli dlaczego AI kłamie?​** ​  ]]
 +  * [[https://​openai.com/​dall-e-2/​|OpenAI DALL E 2]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=yPuP5Wbvh9s|Best 6 Ai Tools For Designers]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=kk_VoUr5uD4|10 Crazy AI Websites That Will Blow Your Mind!]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=SqqXLwlgbew|Time for GPT 4]]
 +===== Artificial Intelligence - 2021-2022 [AIDA]=====
 +  - **Introduction to AI and CSP/CP. A first note on MiniZinc** [2.03.2022; ALi]
 +  - **Introduction to CP and MiniZinc** [9.03.2022; ALi
 +  - **AI: 16.03.2022: E-lerning:​**
 +       * [[https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Artificial_intelligence|AI - a Quick Overview of the Domain]]
 +       * [[https://​www.google.com/​search?​client=firefox-b-lm&​q=10+top+10+AI+projects%3A+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJRGkAM2_cvA|Top 10 AI Applications/​Tools/​Projects...]]
 +       * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=z1PGJ9quPV8|Khanrad:​ First AI in 15 min.]]
 +       * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=unu3XHoIYoc&​t=631s|CoPilot:​ AI for Python Programming (in Polish)]]
 +       * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=xV6nRH4LxZY|AI and Consciousness]]
 +  - **MiniZinc - continuation**[23.03.2022;​ALi] ​ AWARIA UPEL --> zajęcia były na  Teams.
 +  - **MiniZinc: final examples. Practical applications:​ TSP, Nurse Rostering.** ​ [30.03.2022;​ALi]
 +  - **Constraint Programming:​ Theoretical Foundations. Constraint Propagation Algorithms.** [6.04.2022;​ALi]
 +  - <fc #​ff0000>​Logical Foundations of AI. Introduction to Logic Programming and Prolog.</​fc>​ [13.04.2022;​ ALi]
 +  - Easter Holidays - no break in lectures.
 +  - 20.04.2022
 +  - 27.04.2022
 +  - 4.05.2022
 +  - 11.05.2022
 +  - 18.05.2022
 +  - 25.05.2022
 +  - 1.06.2022
 +  - 8.06.2022 - Last meeting!
 +== Support for Lectures==
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2021_based_on_krr_2020_-1.pdf |Introduction to Artificial Intelligence}}
 +  - {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​cp:​constraint_programming_2020-1.pdf |MiniZinc Intro}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-logics-pc.pdf |Logic}}
 +  - [[pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Lectures on Prolog [slides 2021] + Sets of Examples + interesting links]]
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​search-blind-master.pdf |Graph Search: Blind Methods}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master.pdf |Graph Search: Heuristic Methods}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master-clp-est.pdf |Constraint Programming}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​rule-based-systems-krakow-2012.pdf |Rule-Based Systems}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​chapter18.pdf |Machine Learning}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​wcidm-2017-presentation-ligeza-final-full.pdf |Model-Based Reasoning}}
 +== Useful Links + Tools==
 +  * [[http://​www.hakank.org/​|***Hakank Links]]
 +  * [[https://​wiki.python.org/​moin/​PythonForArtificialIntelligence|***Python AI]]
 +  * [[https://​julialang.org/​|**Julia+AI]]
 +  * [[https://​juliabyexample.helpmanual.io/​|A Gentle Intro to Julia by Examples]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=g4sJ4ATqm1U|Constraint Solver in Julia]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=21_wokgnNog|ML/​DL with Julia]]
 +  * [[http://​www.minizinc.org/​|MiniZinc]]
 +  * [[http://​www.hakank.org/​minizinc/​|Hakank on MiniZinc]]
 +  * [[http://​www.swi-prolog.org/​|*SWI-Prolog]]
 +  * [[https://​www.metalevel.at/​|Prolog by Markus Triska including The Power of Prolog Handbook]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=N5NSBSkWzco|Constraint Logic Programming in SWI-Prolog]]
 +  * [[https://​logica.dev/​|*Logica]]
 +  * [[http://​picat-lang.org/​|*Picat]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=T0BwkW8QbP4|Constraint Programming in Picat]
 +  * [[http://​www.cs.ubc.ca/​~murphyk/​Bayes/​bnintro.html|*Bayes Networks]]
 +  * [[https://​dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/​problog/​|*Problog]]
 +  * [[https://​www.phil.cmu.edu/​tetrad/​current.html|*Causal Models: Tetrad IV]]
 +  * [[https://​potassco.org/​|*ASP:​ Answer Set Programming]]
 +  * [[http://​videolectures.net/​acai05_berthold_fl/​|*Fuzzy Logic]]
 +  * [[http://​www.francky.me/​doc/​course/​fuzzy_logic.pdf|Introduction to Fuzzy Logic]]
 +  * [[http://​dl.kr.org/​courses.html|Description Logics]]
 +  * [[https://​www.automl.org/​automated-algorithm-design/​algorithm-configuration/​smac/​|*SMAC]]
 +  * 
 +===== Artificial Intelligence - 2021-2022 [AI-CS-5 + PSI-ISI-3]=====
 +==== Lectures 2021 ====
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving. Info on Local Search Methods for Heuristic Optimization.** [5.10.2021; ALi] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2021_based_on_krr_2020_-1.pdf |Introduction to Artificial Intelligence}}
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving. Problems Taxonomy and Problem-Solving Methods and Tools.** [12.10.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Tools and examples of problem-solving. Introduction to Prolog; 3 examples.** [19.10.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - **Prolog: syntax, terms, logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search.** [26.10.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - **Prolog: basic operations on lists. Recursion vs. iteration. Examples of applications.** [2.11.2021; ALi]
 +  - **Prolog: advanced list operations. Examples of applications.** [9.11.2021; ALi]
 +  - **Graph Search: blind strategies. Implementation in Prolog.** [16.11.2021;​ALi]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​E-learning:​ Selected applications of Prolog.</​fc>​ [[https://​ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/​pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Selected lectures and examples]] [23.11.2021]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​E-learning:​Search:​ heuristic strategies. Implementation in Prolog.</​fc>​ [30.11.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​E-Learning:​ Knowledge Engineering. Rule-Based Systems, Automated Planning, Deductive Databasases (Q&​A).</​fc>​ [7.12.2021; ALi]
 +  -  <fc #008080> Planned in Room 429/C-2: Knowledge Engineering. Graph Search and  Automated Planning</​fc>​ [14.12.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - **On-line via Moodle VC: Graph Search: heuristic strategies. Implementation in Prolog.** [21.12.2021;​ ALi]
 +  -  **On-line via Moodle VC: Introduction to Constraint Programming**. [4.01.2022; ALi]
 +  - **Constraint Programming:​ Introduction to MiniZinc.** [11.01.2022;​ALi] Room 429/C-2
 +  -**Rule-Based Systems and Decision Trees. Machine Learning. Model-Based Reasoning.** [18.01.2022;​ ALi] Room 429/C-2
 +  - <fc #​ff0000>​Exam Zero</​fc>​ [25.01.2022;​ planned on Moodle via Internet]
 +   - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2021_based_on_krr_2020_-1.pdf |Introduction to Artificial Intelligence}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-logics-pc.pdf |Logic}}
 +  - [[pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Lectures on Prolog [slides 2021] + Sets of Examples + interesting links]]
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​search-blind-master.pdf |Graph Search: Blind Methods}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master.pdf |Graph Search: Heuristic Methods}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master-clp-est.pdf |Constraint Programming}}
 +   - {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​cp:​constraint_programming_2020-1.pdf |MiniZinc Intro}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​rule-based-systems-krakow-2012.pdf |Rule-Based Systems}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​chapter18.pdf |Machine Learning}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​wcidm-2017-presentation-ligeza-final-full.pdf |Model-Based Reasoning}}
 +==== Introduction to AI 2021 - Selected labs ====
 +  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​intro2ai:​labs:​lab_prolog1|Logic programming 1]] [22.10.2021,​ WTA]
 +  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​intro2ai:​labs:​lab_prolog2|Logic programming 2]] [29.10.2021,​ WTA]
 +  - [[https://​gitlab.com/​agh-courses/​2021-2022/​computer_science_ai_intro/​lab-03-04-state-search|State Space Search]] [05.11.2021,​19.11.2021,​ MSL]
 +==== Podstawy Sztucznej Inteligencji 2021 - Wybrane laboratoria ====
 +  - [[pl:​dydaktyka:​psi:​labs:​lab_prolog|Reprezentacja wiedzy i programowanie w logice]] [22/​29.10.2021,​ WTA]
 +===== Lectures - 2021 - Summer [closed] =====
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Basic Practical Introduction to Constraint Programming and MiniZinc: 3 simple examples.** [4.03.2021; ALi] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​ai-constraint_programming_2021.pdf |Constraint Programming:​ Introduction to MiniZinc}} {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​minizinc-examples-4-03-2021.zip |MiniZinc Examples - 3.03.2021}}
 +  - **Introduction to Constraint Programming. Building simple CP models in MiniZinc. Abduction/​Constructive Abduction. CP/CSP/SAT vs. Constrained Optimization. MiniZinc by examples: map coloring, SendMoreMoney,​ SendMostMoney. Constraint Satisfaction vs. Optimization with Constraints. MiniZinc vs. Python and Prolog examples.** [11.03.2021;​ ALi] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​minizinc-examples-11-03-2021.zip |MiniZinc Examples - 11.04.2021}} {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​python_prolog-examples-11-03-2021.zip |Python+Prolog-examples-11-03-2021}}
 +  - **Backtracking Search and Linear Programming Models; CSP vs COpt. Production planning; using external data sets. Real numbers: loan and laplace. Simple production planning: sets, sets, arrays, program parametrization. Aggregation and quantification.** [18.03.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - **Modeling in MiniZinc: Sudoku, symmetry braking, knapsack, jobshop, cumulative and other applications in MiniZinc.** [25.03.2021;​ ALi]{{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​minizin-examples-25-03-2021.zip |MiniZinc Examples - 25.03.2021}}
 +  - Happy Easter! [1.04.2021]
 +  - **Real-World Examples of Constraint Programming. Introduction to Theory of CP. Constraint Propagation.** ​ [8.04.2021;​ALi]
 +  - **Constraint Programming. Backtracking Search and Constraint Propagation. Forward Checking. Arc Consistency. Tree-Structured Problems. Problem Decomposition. Nurse Rostering Problem.** [15.04.2021;​ALi] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master-clp-est.pdf |Constraint Programming}}
 +  - **AI- a Big Picture. Graph Search as a Model of Problem Solving. Blind Search.** [22.04.2021;​ALi]
 +  - **AI - Heuristic Search Methods. Heuristics and their Properties. Greedy Search and the A* Algorithm. Automated Planning. State-Space Modeling. Hill Climbing and Genetic Algorithms.** [29.04.2021;​ALi
 +  - **AI - Introduction to Rule-Based Systems. Foundations,​ Technologies,​ Tools and Applications.** [6.05.2021; KKl]
 +  - **AI - Semantic Web and Description Logics. Concepts, Ontologies, Technologies and Application Areas.** [13.05.2021;​ WTA]
 +  - AI - [20.05.2021;​ MAD]
 +  - AI - [27.05.2021;​ MSL]
 +  - Holidays [3.06.2021]
 +  - AI - [10.06.2021;​ ALi]
 +**Basic reference handbook:**
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​html/​ArtInt2e.html|The core Handbook: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​slides/​|Slides for the Handbook: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​online.html|Online Resources: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +== Lecture slides + supporting materials ==
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro.pdf |KRR-introduction}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-constraints.pdf |KRR-introduction-to-constraints}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-minizinc-1.pdf |MiniZinc-1}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-minizinc-2.pdf |MiniZinc-2}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master-clp-est.pdf |Constraint Programming}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​rule-based-systems-krakow-2012.pdf |Rule-Based Systems}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-logics-pc.pdf |Logic}}
 +  * [[pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Prolog]]
 +  - [[https://​www.youtube.com/​results?​search_query=MiniZinc| MiniZinc on Youtube]]
 +  - [[https://​sites.google.com/​view/​iclp-dc-2020/​autumn-school-on-logic-programming| Autumn School of Logic and Constraint Ptogramming 2020]]
 +  - [[http://​www.hakank.org/​minizinc/​ | Hakank'​s page on MiniZinc: Code Examples]]
 ====== Knowledge Representation and Reasoning ====== ====== Knowledge Representation and Reasoning ======
 //Systems Modelling and Data Analysis + Engineering of Intelligent Systems// //Systems Modelling and Data Analysis + Engineering of Intelligent Systems//
 +===== Lectures - 2020 =====
 +  - **Introduction to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Basic Practical Introduction to Constraint Programming and MiniZinc: 3 simple examples.** [25.02.2020;​ ALi]
 +  - **Introduction to Constraint Programming. Building simple CP models in MiniZinc. Abduction/​Constructive Abduction. CP/CSP/SAT vs. Constrained Optimization. MiniZinc by examples: map coloring, sendMoreMoney,​ SendMostMoney,​production planning; using external data sets. ** [3.03.2020; ALi]
 +  - **Backtracking Search and Linear Programming Models; cryptoarithmetic examples vs. linear programming optimization. MiniZinc and Python examples. Modeling Sudoku, production optimization,​ knapsack, jobshop and other applications in MiniZinc.**[10.03.2020;​ ALi]
 +  - **<fc #​ff0000>​Uwaga:​ Zajęcia odwołane 11.03.2020 godz. 10:00 do 24-czy-25(?​).03.2020! Attention: Lectures/​classes cancelled until March 24-or-25-th(?​),​ 2020! See: [[https://​www.agh.edu.pl/​aktualnosci/​info/​article/​agh-zawiesza-zajecia-dydaktyczne/​|AGH - Decision/​Decycja]]</​fc>​**
 +  - **<fc #​4682b4>​Constraint Programming Tools: MiniZinc. Examples of application.</​fc>​** [17.03.2020;​ Online class (use slides 2 below; start from page 47 and continue untill the end; Also lin 3 below); ALi]
 +  -  **<fc #​4682b4>​Logical background for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Syntax and Semantics of Propositional Calculus.</​fc>​** [24.03.2020;​ALi]
 +  - **<fc #​6495ed>​Logical background for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Inference Tasks and Theorem Proving.</​fc>​** [31.03.2020;​ ALi]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​Logical background for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Principles of Propositional Calculus. Syntax, Semantics, Logical Implication. Truth Tables. Functionally Complete Systems; NAND, NOR. </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 7.04.2020;​ALi]
 +  -  **<fc #​ff00ff>​Logical background for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Logical Equivalent Transformation Rules. ​ Implicants and Implicents. CNF and DNF.  </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 21.04.2020;​ALi]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​Logical Inference Rules. Theorem Proving. Resolution and Dual Resolution. Semantic Tableau. Fitch System. Unicorn again. </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 28.04.2020;​ALi]
 +  - **<fc #ff00ff> In Search for Models: Satisfiability Verification. Decision Trees, Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams. The SAT Problem and SAT Sovers. </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 5.05.2020; ALi]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​First-Order Predicate Calculus and Resolution Theorem Proving: Towards Logic Programming and Prolog </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 12.05.2020; ALi]
 +  -  **<fc #​ff00ff>​Logic Programming and Prolog. Constraint Programming,​ Rule-Based System and Automated Planning in Prolog. </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 19.05.2020; ALi]
 +  - Decision Trees, Decision Tables, Rule-Based Systems
 +  - Graph-Search and Planning
 +  - Constraint Problem Solving; Constraint Logic Programming
 +  - Abduction, Abductive Reasoning, Model-Based Reasoning, Consistency-Based Reasoning, Diagnostic Systems.
 +  - Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems vs. Probabilistic Models
 +  - Invited presentations...
 +  - Final Examination.
 +**Basic reference handbook:**
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​html/​ArtInt2e.html|The core Handbook: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​slides/​|Slides for the Handbook: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​online.html|Online Resources: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +**Support materials/​Lecture slides:**
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro.pdf | Introduction to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​knowledge_representation_and_reasoning_2020.pdf | Introduction to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: updated 2020}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2020-intro-minizinc.pdf | Introduction to KRR and Constraint Programming. Introduction to MiniZinc through examples}}
 +  - [[https://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-2.4.3/​en/​index.html|MiniZinc Tutorial: use Sections 2.1, 2.2., 2.3]]
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-logics-pc.pdf |Introduction to Propositional Logic. Syntax and Semantics. Inference and Theorem Proving.}}
 +  -  - {{:​pl:​dydaktyka:​logic:​logic_for_computer_science_2020.pdf | An Introduction to Logic}}
 +  - {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​logic:​logic_for_computer_science_2020-2.pdf | Propositional Calculus: Syntax, Sematics, Equivalence,​ CNF, DNF }} 
 +  - {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​logic:​logic_for_computer_science_2020-3.pdf | Propositional Calculus: Theorem Proving}}
 +  - {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​logic:​logic_for_computer_science_2020-4.pdf | Propositional Calculus: Model Analysis: Decision Trees, OBDD, and SAT}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​logic_for_computer_science_2020-prop-prof-3-28-04-2020.pdf |Propositional Calculus for KRR:  Theorem Proving, Inference Rules, Resolution, Dual Resolution, Semantic Tableau, Fitch, Unicorn [28.04.2020]}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​logic_for_computer_science_2020_prop-sat-4-23-04-2020.pdf |Propositional Calculus for KRR: Search for Models, Decision Trees, Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, SAT; SAT-Solvers and DIMACS format; Unicorn - final solution.}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​logic_for_computer_science_2020-fopc-14-05-2020.pdf |First-Order Predicate Calculus for KRR. Resolution and Dual Resolution Method.[Update:​ 14-05-2020]}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​resolution-example-fol-cesar-logicexample.pdf |Example of Resolution Theorem Proving: Marcus and Caesar [Lecture on 12-05-2020]}}
 +  - [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​~ligeza/​wiki/​prolog:​course|Prolog - support materials]] + {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​prolog.zip |Prolog - collection of simple examples (presented online on 19.05.2020)}}
 +**__<fc #​9400d3>​New:​ Screencast from on-line lectures: video+sound (Use Google Chrome or try your browser):</​fc>​__**
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EVlkWpYLU99Km70CgTtCjfEBiE85X1_4hB_4UKuE5ziAzQ?​e=EBv795|Propositional Calculus: Syntax, Sematics, Equivalence,​ CNF, DNF+examples (1.5h in English)|via MS Office OneDrive?​AGH]])
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EdRc1zg3KiRJuyeIwiZ0cLMBaAqJOh6KFDLWwmen6VKRTw?​e=HtJwJc|Propositional Calculus: ​ Theorem Proving, Inference Rules, Resolution, Dual Resolution, Semantic Tableau, Fitch (1.5h in English)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH ​  ]]
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​Eeuq3OyXKStKohoJt-pAJyUB-8gqlxoioZ2ggSHGfdCC0g?​e=bzS6Nz|Propositional Calculus: ​ Theorem Proving, Inference Rules, Resolution, Dual Resolution, Semantic Tableau, Fitch (1.5h in Polish)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH]]
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EUVqjBrvUdBFpLnZdwtnSe4BPSHx2galcih4-IHLfkanzg?​e=Tmkl0C|Propositional Calculus for KRR:  Theorem Proving, Inference Rules, Resolution, Dual Resolution, Semantic Tableau, Fitch, Unicorn (1.5h in English; 28.04.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH]]
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EZlU2VmoUq5Fp2GfU_ia04oBrLMIAunP0KijBvIsYvrqyA?​e=X56Lkc|Propositional Calculus for KRR: Search for Models, Decision Trees, Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, SAT; SAT-Solvers and DIMACS format; Unicorn - final solution.(1.5h in English; 5.05.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH) ]]
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​ER1H77kSGCZNg2Y8n88sd84B7dTu4nNy3EmG_MkheLhEhw?​e=lWBkha|First-Order Predicate Calculus for KRR. Resolution and Dual Resolution Method.(1.5h in English; 12.05.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH)]]
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EefXQ0sT9uBOsrcFaeNEGZcBfh5S7UY-ltEhaw84V3iE8g?​e=EFscHo|Introduction to Prolog (0.3hh in English; 19.05.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH)]]
 +  *  [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EX6JFaSfDqlKvcGM1ZGf4u0BEarEUw7zS_gyInHnXXGqQw?​e=kHKrWf|Introduction to Prolog: Lists, member/2, append/3, select/3. (0.3hh in English; 19.05.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH)]]
 +  *  [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EZ3B9ijWzK1OifcQWhNdrFABdDXa3Z72pwn_x_hqQBQhTQ?​e=xNhCc1 | Prolog: by examples. Simple Knowledge-Baseds QA Systems, Constraint Programming,​ Rule-Based Systems, Meta Programming,​ Graph Search ​ and Automated Planning (1.3hh in English; 19.05.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH)]]
 +Auxiliary support and internet sources:
 +  * [[https://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-2.4.3/​en/​index.html|The Official Handbook of MiniZinc]]
 +  * Some thesis (useful simple introduction to MiniZinc; in polish): {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​praca_inzynierska_-_lukasz_sumara-wersja-zlozona.pdf |MiniZinc - wprowadzenie}}
 ===== Lectures 2018 ===== ===== Lectures 2018 =====
-  - Introduction to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Basic Practical Introduction to Constraint Programming and MiniZinc [27.02.2018;​ ALi] +  - **Introduction to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Basic Practical Introduction to Constraint Programming and MiniZinc: 3 simple examples.** ​[27.02.2018;​ ALi] 
-  - Introduction to Constraint Programming. Building CP models in MiniZinc [6.03.2018; ALi] +  - **Introduction to Constraint Programming. Building ​simple ​CP models in MiniZinc.*** [6.03.2018; ALi] 
-  - +  - **Backtracking Search and Linear Programming Models; cryptoarithmetic examples vs. linear programming optimization. MiniZinc and Python examples.** [13.03.2018] 
 +  - **Examples of model building in MiniZinc. Arrays, conditional expressions,​ Boolean constraints and higher-order programming. Job shop model.** [20.03.2018;​ Ali] 
 +  - **Knapsack model and Cumulative constraints. Practical applications of Constraint Programming. Some theory: Constraint propagation.** [27.03.2018;​ Ali]  
 +  - [3.04.2018 - Easter breake] 
 +  - **Techniques for Constraint Propagation** [10.04.2018;​ ALi] 
 +  - **Knowledge Representation with Logic. Propositional Calculus.** [17.04.2018;​ ALi] 
 +  - **Reasoning in Propositional Calculus. Resolution Method. Introduction to SAT.** [24.04.2018;​ ALi] 
 +  - [1.05.2018 - Holidays] 
 +  - **SAT: problems, techniques, tools and example applications.** [8.05.2018; invited presentation] 
 +  - **Knowledge Representation with Logic. First-Order Predicate Calculus.** [15.05.2018;​ ALi] 
 +  - **Logic Programming and Prolog.** [22.05.2018;​ ALi] 
 +  -  **Rule-Based Systems and Planning.** [29.05.2018;​ ALi] 
 +  - Individual work: Preparation for the exam. [5.06.2018; ALi] 
 +  - **Exam - zero** ​ 15:30-17:00 [12.06.2018;​ ALi] 
 +  - Exams: 27.06.2018 - 11:00, and 4.07.2018- 14:00 Room 429/322 C-2 [ALi] 
 ---- ----
Line 13: Line 456:
 **Lectures: Tuesdays, C-2, Room 429, 15:​30-17:​00** **Lectures: Tuesdays, C-2, Room 429, 15:​30-17:​00**
 +** Preparation for exam 2018 - main focus ** {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-exam-preparation-2018.pdf |List of topics}}
 ---- ----
 == Lecture slides + supporting materials == == Lecture slides + supporting materials ==
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro.pdf |KRR-introduction}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-constraints.pdf |KRR-introduction-to-constraints}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-minizinc-1.pdf |MiniZinc-1}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-minizinc-2.pdf |MiniZinc-2}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master-clp-est.pdf |Constraint Programming}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​rule-based-systems-krakow-2012.pdf |Rule-Based Systems}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-logics-pc.pdf |Logic}} 
 +  * [[pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Prolog]]
 ---- ----
Line 113: Line 563:
 The following classes will focus on modelling of discrete optimization and constraint satisfaction problems. Student will learn how to represent correctly different problems using constraint programming techniques.  ​ The following classes will focus on modelling of discrete optimization and constraint satisfaction problems. Student will learn how to represent correctly different problems using constraint programming techniques.  ​
-  ​[[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​intro|Constraint Programming 101]], 28.02.2017 +  ​* Lab 1. [[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​intro|Constraint Programming101]] 
-  ​[[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab1|Constraint Programming:​ Basic Problems]], 06.03.2017 +  ​* Lab 2. [[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab1|Constraint Programming:​ Basic Problems]] 
-  ​[[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab2|Constraint Programming:​ Basic Techniques]], 13.03.2017 +  ​* Lab 3. [[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab2|Constraint Programming:​ Basic Techniques]] 
-  ​[[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab3|Constraint Programming: ​Practical Case]], 21.03.2017, 28.03.2017+  ​* Lab 4. [[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab3|Constraint Programming: ​Search Modeling]]
 == Automated Planning == == Automated Planning ==
Line 122: Line 572:
 The following classes will cover automated planning problems. Student will learn how to represent planning problems using constraint programming and dedicated tools. The following classes will cover automated planning problems. Student will learn how to represent planning problems using constraint programming and dedicated tools.
-  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​planning:​intro|Automated Planning: 101]], 03.04.2017 +  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​planning:​intro|Automated Planning: 101]] 
-  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​planning:​pddl|Automated Planning: PDDL]], 10.04.2017 +  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​planning:​pddl|Automated Planning: PDDL]] 
-  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​planning:​pddl2|Automated Planning: Fluents]], 24.04.2017+  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​planning:​pddl2|Automated Planning: Fluents]]
 == Probabilistic Programming == == Probabilistic Programming ==
Line 130: Line 580:
 This part of the course will present probabilistic programming --- a new programming paradigm meant to model domains uncertainty and imperfect knowledge. This part of the course will present probabilistic programming --- a new programming paradigm meant to model domains uncertainty and imperfect knowledge.
-  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​intro|Probabilistic Programming:​ 101]], 15.05.2017 +  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​intro|Probabilistic Programming:​ 101]] 
-  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​lab1|Probabilistic Programming:​ Diagnosis and Prediction]], 29.05.2017 +  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​lab1|Probabilistic Programming:​ Diagnosis and Prediction]] 
-  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​lab2|Probabilistic Programming:​ Probabilistic Graphs and Decision Theory]], ​05.06.2017+  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​lab2|Probabilistic Programming:​ Probabilistic Graphs and Decision Theory]] 
 +==== Projects ==== 
 +There are three projects to choose from: 
 +  - fox-geese-corn --- simple planning problem.  
 +  - gangs-wars --- problem about optimal ordering of tasks. Quite simplebut it's very difficult to find the optimal solution 
 +  - port-scheduling --- almost real-life problem about scheduling coal deliveries in an Australian port.  
 +All the project are available via [[https://​gitlab.com/​agh-krr|gitlab]]. 
 +The test assignment is an obligatory project, that everyone has o finish before starting working on the one real projects.  
 +Instructions,​ how to do the projects are included in the ''​README.md''​ files. 
 +The deadline is simply last class in the semester. 
 +While grading I will check: 
 +  - if the model is correct; 
 +  - if the model allows to quickly find a good solution; 
 +  - if the model is comprehensible;​ 
 +  - what was your work hygiene (how often did you commit, did you contact in case of a problem, etc.)
 +PS yes, you can do projects in pairs.
en/dydaktyka/krr/start.1519736596.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/27 16:00 (external edit)
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