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en:dydaktyka:krr:start [2018/04/05 15:48]
ligeza [Lectures 2018]
en:dydaktyka:krr:start [2024/07/12 10:07] (current)
ligeza [Artificial Intelligence - 2022-2023 [AIDA]]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Artificial Intelligence ======
 +====== Artificial Intelligence - 2022-2023 [AIDA]======
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Organization. Syllabus and how to pass the course.** [29.02.2024;​ Ali] {{{{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2024_based_on_2021_2022_i_krr_2020_.pdf |Introduction to AI'​2024}}}}
 +  - **Presentations:​ Gurobi. Grammatical Evolution.** [7.03.2024].
 +  - **Presentations:​ Grammatical Evolution. Definitions of AI. The AI-CI-ML Triangle. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving. Example problems. Japanese IQ Test. Generic Problem-Solving. SEND+MORE=MONEY ?**  [14.03.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - Presentations:​ **Military AI. On Edge: Neural Nets Devices.** [21.03.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​Easter Holidays</​fc>​ [28.03.2024]
 +  - Presentation:​ **Fuzzy Logic. Deep Learning.** [4.04.2024; Ali]
 +  - **AI Art. Prompt Engineering.** [11.04.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - **Natural Language Processing (LLM). Generative AI.** [18.04.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - **Federated Learning. Introduction. Medical Data. ** [25.04.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - **Affective Computing and Its Applications. Reinforcement Learning.** [9.05.2024; Ali]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​**Deep Learning. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning.**</​fc>​ [16.05.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​E-Learning:​ self-study. [[https://​artint.info/​|AI - Third Edition]]</​fc>​ [23.05.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - **Graph Neural Networks. Constraint Programming** [28.05.2024;​ Ali]
 +  - <fc #​00ff00>​**Self-Driving Cars.  Constraint Programming with MiniZinc.**</​fc>​ [6.06.2024; Ali]
 +  - ... <fc #​ff00ff>​Exam 0.</​fc>​ [13.06.2024;​ Ali]
 +__**Support 2024:**__
 +  * {{{{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2024_based_on_2021_2022_i_krr_2020_.pdf |Introduction to AI'​2024}}}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​selected_tools_for_grammatical_evolution_analysis_and_applications.pdf |Grammatical Evolution}}
 +  * [[https://​www.gurobi.com/​|Gurobi]]
 +  * [[https://​www.tutorialspoint.com/​artificial_intelligence/​artificial_intelligence_fuzzy_logic_systems.htm|Fuzzy Logic in AI]]
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​militaryai.pdf |Military AI}}
 +  * [[https://​docs.google.com/​presentation/​d/​11pU-mv5sqPZknyeJhqN7ccwGudM4CpADGkEoiDeYwrM/​edit#​slide=id.g2c694239e83_1_66|Natural Language Processing]]
 +  * [[ https://​youtu.be/​F_1TUdXoshY|Grammatical Evolution: Sztuczna Inteligencja nie musi być tajemnicza - on youtube by Jakub Skrzyński]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​shorts/​FJtFZwbvkI4|LLM:​ Word Embedding: Quick Explanation]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=wjZofJX0v4M&​t=28s|ChatGPT3:​ Transformers]]
 +  * [[https://​www.mdpi.com/​2076-3417/​14/​13/​5950|Model-Driven Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Function Identification with Grammatical Evolution]]
 +See also links below...
 +====== Artificial Intelligence 2023/​2024-winter [PSI+CS] ======
 +  - **Introduction to the course. Syllabus and how to pass the course. ​ Introduction to AI. Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. Example Problems. SEND+MORE=MONEY.** ​ [3.10.2023;​ali-PSI][5.10.2023;​ali-CS]
 +  - **Japanese IQ Test. Generic Problem Solving. SEND+MORE=MONEY ? Introduction to AI. Example Problems Core techniuqes. On Methods of Problem-Solving. The AI-ML-CI Triangle.** [10.10.2023;​ali-PSI][12.10.2023;​ali-CS]
 +  - **ABCD * 4 = DCBA. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Tools and examples of problem-solving. Logical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Towards a Taxonomy.** [17.10.2023;​ali-PSI][19.10.2023;​ali-CS]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​E-learning:</​fc>​** [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=cW9shEB8h5E|What is AI?]] [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=FWOZmmIUqHg&​t=1601s|AI - more advanced]] ​ [[http://​artint.info/​3e/​html/​ArtInt3e.Ch1.html|AI - the classics]] [24.10.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Prolog: syntax, terms, facts, clauses. Logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search. Deductive Data Bases.** [26.10.2023-CS;​ali]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​E-learning PSI: 31.10.2023:</​fc>​** ​ **Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Prolog: syntax, terms, facts, clauses. Logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search. Deductive Data Bases.** {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​prolog_1_2021.pdf |Prolog-1: Syntax, Variables, Terms, Clauses}} [[https://​www.metalevel.at/​prolog|Book:​ Chapters 0,1,2,3 + videos]] [31.10.2023-PSI] Więcej na stronie: [[https://​ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/​pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start#​programowanie_w_jezyku_prolog_-_wyklady_2020_2021|Kursy Prologu]]
 +  - **Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Prolog: syntax, terms, facts, clauses. Logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search. Deductive Data Bases.** [7.11.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Prolog: terms vs. lists. Basic operations on lists. Member vs. Select. ​ Append. Examples of applications.** [9.11.2023-CS;​ali][14.11.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Prolog: advanced list operations. Lists Ordering. Applications.Recursion,​ Iteration and Loops. Assert and Retract. Metapredicates;​ findall/3 and maplist/​1/​2/​3.** [16.11.2023-CS;​ali][21.11.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Graph Search Algorithms in AI: Tree Search vs. Graph Search. Blind Search DFS Implementation in Prolog.**[23.11.2023-CS;​ali][28.11.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **A Review of Graph Search Algorithms in AI: DFS, BFS, UC vs. Dijkstra. Implementation in Prolog - Examples. Extensions and Modifications.** [30.11.2023-CS;​ali][5.12.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Graph Search: Heuristics and Heuristic Methods. Greedy Search. The A* Algorithm. Examples in Prolog.** [7.12.2023-CS;​ali][12.12.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Automated Plan Generation. Robot Planning.** [14.12.2023-CS;​ali][19.12.2023-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **Hierarchical Task Networks. AND-OR plans.** ​ [21.12.2023-CS;​ali]  ​
 +  - **<fc #​9400d3>​ChatGPT-3:​ prezentacja</​fc>​** [9.01.2024-PSI;​gcz]
 +  - **Partially ordered plans. Hierarchical plans, HTN.AND-OR plans. Knowledge Compilation. Rule-Based Systems. BPMN.** ​ [4.01.2024-CS;​ali] ​
 +  - **Constraint Programming. MiniZinc.Prolog+clpfd.** [11.01.2024-CS;​ali]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​E-learning PSI. Przygotowanie do egzaminu. Constraint Programming. MiniZinc</​fc>​.** [16.01.2024-PSI;​ali]
 +  - Constraint Programming. [18.01.2024-CS;​ali]
 +  - **<fc #​ff0000>​Zero Exam</​fc>​ AI/​PSI** ​  ​[24.01.2024-PSI;​ali]
 +  - **<fc #​ff0000>​Zero Exam</​fc>​ AI/​CS** ​  ​[25.01.2024-CS;​ali]
 +<fc #​ff0000>​New:</​fc>​
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=R6lfzMjaU6A|Świetny i aktualny wykład o AI. Michał Kosiński, Stanford, 1.22h]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=ltHYWEGsDxY|LLM - a może krok dalej: sztuczny naukowiec? Dr Artur Dubrawski Carnegie Mellon University]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=4RixMPF4xis|AI vs ML: a position statement]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=5goKsiY7IXQ|9 AI Tools for Business]]
 +  * 
 +  * 
 +  * 
 +  * ----
 +Problems Solved by Students:
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​send_more_money_problem-m-kuczera-2023.pdf |SEND+MORE=MONEY by Małgorzata Kuczera: Watch, Learn and Follow!}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​send_more_money_-_jakub_grzyb.pdf |SEND+MORE=MONEY by Jakub Grzyb: Watch, Learn and Follow!}}
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=5xlqTmPrf1I|Archipelag AI (in Polish) by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​shorts/​ObMnw8woAog|Best 12 AI Tools as for 2023]]
 +  * [[https://​plato.stanford.edu/​entries/​artificial-intelligence/#​toc|AI - seriously: Stanford Encyclopedia]]
 +  * [[https://​plato.stanford.edu/​entries/​logic-ai/​|Logic in AI seriously: Stanford Encyclopedia]]
 +  * [[https://​tinyurl.com/​yauhjepn|Logical Foundations for AI]]
 +===== Artificial Intelligence - 2022-2023 [AIDA]=====
 +  - **E-Learning:​ Introduction to AI.** [2.03.2023]
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. The AI-CI-ML Triangle. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving.** [9.03.2023] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2021_based_on_krr_2020_-1.pdf |Introduction to Artificial Intelligence}}
 +  -  **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Tools and examples of problem-solving. Logical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Introduction to Prolog; First (3) examples.** [16.03.2023]
 +  - **Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Prolog: syntax, terms, facts, clauses. Logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search.** [23.03.2023]
 +  - **Prolog: terms vs. lists. Basic operations on lists. Member vs. Select. ​ Append. Examples of applications.**[30.03.2023]
 +  - Easter Holidays [6.04.2023]
 +  - **Prolog - continued; advanced operations of lists. Applications of lists. Examples.** ​ [13.04.2023]
 +  - **Intro to KRR in Prolog. Graph Search: Blind Methods. Modeling in Prolog.** ​ [20.04.2023]
 +  -  **Intro to KRR in Prolog. Graph Search: Blind Methods. ​ DFS as a basic method. Backtracking. Improving efficiency. ​ Modeling in Prolog.** [27.04.2023]
 +  - **Intro to KRR in Prolog. Graph Search: Heuristic Methods. Modeling in Prolog.** ​ [4.05.2023]
 +  - **KRR continued. Graph Search: Heuristics and Heuristic Methods. The A* Algorithm.** [11.05.2023]
 +  - **<fc #​ff0000>​Constraint Programming;​ on-line</​fc>​** [[https://​upel.agh.edu.pl/​course/​view.php?​id=3038|UPEL]][18.05.2023]
 +  - **<fc #​ff0000>​Automated Design of Algorithms by  Thomas Stutzle.</​fc>​ Place: Room 3.27B D17** (Informatyka) [11:00 25.05.2023]
 +  - 2 student presentations. MiniZinc for CP. [1.06.2023]
 +  - [14-15.06.2023 - exam zero. Info by/on Upel/​Moolde]
 +{{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​thesis.pdf |Problog - a quick intro}}
 +==== Lectures 2022-2023 Winter [CSC/​PSI]====
 +  - Inauguracja Roku Akademickiego [4.10.2022] [<​del>​CSC</​del>/​PSI]
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. The AI-CI-ML Triangle. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving.** [6.10.2022-CSC][11.10.2022-ISI] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2021_based_on_krr_2020_-1.pdf |Introduction to Artificial Intelligence}}
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving. Problems Taxonomy and Problem-Solving Methods and Tools.** [13.10.2022-CSC][18.10.2022-ISI]
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Tools and examples of problem-solving. Logical Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Introduction to Prolog; First (3) examples.** [20.10.2022-CSC][25.10.2022-ISI]
 +  - **Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Prolog: syntax, terms, facts, clauses. Logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search.** [27.10.2022 - CSC][15.11.2022-ISI]
 +  - **Prolog: terms vs. lists. Basic operations on lists. Member vs. Select. ​ Examples of applications.**[3.11.2022-CSC][22.11.2022-ISI]
 +  - <fc #​ff0000>​**E-Learning:​**[10.11.2022-CSC] and [8.11.2022-ISI] </fc>
 +  - **Prolog: advanced list operations. Append. Recursion vs. iteration. Examples of applications.** [17.11.2022-CSC][29.11.2022]
 +  - **Prolog: advanced list operations. Ordering. Applications.** [24.11.2022-CSC][6.12.2022-ISI]
 +  - **Graph Search: Blind Methods. Modeling in Prolog.** [1.12.2022][6.12.2022]
 +  - **Graph Search: Heuristic Methods. Modeling in Prolog.** [8.12.2022] [13.12.2022]
 +  - **Rule-Based Systems and Decision Trees. Expert Systems. DSS.** [15.12.2022][20.12.2022 - planned: on-line]
 +  - **Automated Planning. Modeling in Prolog.** [5.01.2023][3.01.2023]
 +  - **Constraint Programming.** [12.01.2023][10.01.2023]
 +  - **Constraint Programming. MiniZinc. Constraint Logic Programming. SWI-Prolog+clp(fd). Picat** [19.01.2023][**17.01.2023 ISI Exam 0 (na UPEL)**]
 +  - [26.01.2023] Exam 0 (on UPEL)
 +<fc #​ff0000>​**Support for Prolog:​**</​fc>​ [[pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Lectures on Prolog [slides 2021/2022] + Sets of Examples + interesting links]]
 +<fc #​ff00ff>​With Best Christmas Wishes 2022 - just for fun:</​fc>​
 +  * [[https://​github.com/​features/​copilot|Copilot:​ Your AI pair programmer]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=v6OB80Vt1Dk|AI in action: 5 Mind-blowing Artificial Intelligence Tools ]]
 +  * [[https://​openai.com/​blog/​chatgpt/​|OpenAI:​ ChatGPT]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=9B2R3vBOugE| ​ **Uwaga: ChatGPT, czyli dlaczego AI kłamie?​** ​  ]]
 +  * [[https://​openai.com/​dall-e-2/​|OpenAI DALL E 2]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=yPuP5Wbvh9s|Best 6 Ai Tools For Designers]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=kk_VoUr5uD4|10 Crazy AI Websites That Will Blow Your Mind!]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=SqqXLwlgbew|Time for GPT 4]]
 +===== Artificial Intelligence - 2021-2022 [AIDA]=====
 +  - **Introduction to AI and CSP/CP. A first note on MiniZinc** [2.03.2022; ALi]
 +  - **Introduction to CP and MiniZinc** [9.03.2022; ALi
 +  - **AI: 16.03.2022: E-lerning:​**
 +       * [[https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Artificial_intelligence|AI - a Quick Overview of the Domain]]
 +       * [[https://​www.google.com/​search?​client=firefox-b-lm&​q=10+top+10+AI+projects%3A+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJRGkAM2_cvA|Top 10 AI Applications/​Tools/​Projects...]]
 +       * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=z1PGJ9quPV8|Khanrad:​ First AI in 15 min.]]
 +       * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=unu3XHoIYoc&​t=631s|CoPilot:​ AI for Python Programming (in Polish)]]
 +       * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=xV6nRH4LxZY|AI and Consciousness]]
 +  - **MiniZinc - continuation**[23.03.2022;​ALi] ​ AWARIA UPEL --> zajęcia były na  Teams.
 +  - **MiniZinc: final examples. Practical applications:​ TSP, Nurse Rostering.** ​ [30.03.2022;​ALi]
 +  - **Constraint Programming:​ Theoretical Foundations. Constraint Propagation Algorithms.** [6.04.2022;​ALi]
 +  - <fc #​ff0000>​Logical Foundations of AI. Introduction to Logic Programming and Prolog.</​fc>​ [13.04.2022;​ ALi]
 +  - Easter Holidays - no break in lectures.
 +  - 20.04.2022
 +  - 27.04.2022
 +  - 4.05.2022
 +  - 11.05.2022
 +  - 18.05.2022
 +  - 25.05.2022
 +  - 1.06.2022
 +  - 8.06.2022 - Last meeting!
 +== Support for Lectures==
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2021_based_on_krr_2020_-1.pdf |Introduction to Artificial Intelligence}}
 +  - {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​cp:​constraint_programming_2020-1.pdf |MiniZinc Intro}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-logics-pc.pdf |Logic}}
 +  - [[pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Lectures on Prolog [slides 2021] + Sets of Examples + interesting links]]
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​search-blind-master.pdf |Graph Search: Blind Methods}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master.pdf |Graph Search: Heuristic Methods}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master-clp-est.pdf |Constraint Programming}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​rule-based-systems-krakow-2012.pdf |Rule-Based Systems}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​chapter18.pdf |Machine Learning}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​wcidm-2017-presentation-ligeza-final-full.pdf |Model-Based Reasoning}}
 +== Useful Links + Tools==
 +  * [[http://​www.hakank.org/​|***Hakank Links]]
 +  * [[https://​wiki.python.org/​moin/​PythonForArtificialIntelligence|***Python AI]]
 +  * [[https://​julialang.org/​|**Julia+AI]]
 +  * [[https://​juliabyexample.helpmanual.io/​|A Gentle Intro to Julia by Examples]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=g4sJ4ATqm1U|Constraint Solver in Julia]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=21_wokgnNog|ML/​DL with Julia]]
 +  * [[http://​www.minizinc.org/​|MiniZinc]]
 +  * [[http://​www.hakank.org/​minizinc/​|Hakank on MiniZinc]]
 +  * [[http://​www.swi-prolog.org/​|*SWI-Prolog]]
 +  * [[https://​www.metalevel.at/​|Prolog by Markus Triska including The Power of Prolog Handbook]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=N5NSBSkWzco|Constraint Logic Programming in SWI-Prolog]]
 +  * [[https://​logica.dev/​|*Logica]]
 +  * [[http://​picat-lang.org/​|*Picat]]
 +  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=T0BwkW8QbP4|Constraint Programming in Picat]
 +  * [[http://​www.cs.ubc.ca/​~murphyk/​Bayes/​bnintro.html|*Bayes Networks]]
 +  * [[https://​dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/​problog/​|*Problog]]
 +  * [[https://​www.phil.cmu.edu/​tetrad/​current.html|*Causal Models: Tetrad IV]]
 +  * [[https://​potassco.org/​|*ASP:​ Answer Set Programming]]
 +  * [[http://​videolectures.net/​acai05_berthold_fl/​|*Fuzzy Logic]]
 +  * [[http://​www.francky.me/​doc/​course/​fuzzy_logic.pdf|Introduction to Fuzzy Logic]]
 +  * [[http://​dl.kr.org/​courses.html|Description Logics]]
 +  * [[https://​www.automl.org/​automated-algorithm-design/​algorithm-configuration/​smac/​|*SMAC]]
 +  * 
 +===== Artificial Intelligence - 2021-2022 [AI-CS-5 + PSI-ISI-3]=====
 +==== Lectures 2021 ====
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving. Info on Local Search Methods for Heuristic Optimization.** [5.10.2021; ALi] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2021_based_on_krr_2020_-1.pdf |Introduction to Artificial Intelligence}}
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Problem-Solving. Problems Taxonomy and Problem-Solving Methods and Tools.** [12.10.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Tools and examples of problem-solving. Introduction to Prolog; 3 examples.** [19.10.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - **Prolog: syntax, terms, logical foundations,​ operation, examples. Cut and fail. Backtracking search.** [26.10.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - **Prolog: basic operations on lists. Recursion vs. iteration. Examples of applications.** [2.11.2021; ALi]
 +  - **Prolog: advanced list operations. Examples of applications.** [9.11.2021; ALi]
 +  - **Graph Search: blind strategies. Implementation in Prolog.** [16.11.2021;​ALi]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​E-learning:​ Selected applications of Prolog.</​fc>​ [[https://​ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/​pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Selected lectures and examples]] [23.11.2021]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​E-learning:​Search:​ heuristic strategies. Implementation in Prolog.</​fc>​ [30.11.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - <fc #​ff00ff>​E-Learning:​ Knowledge Engineering. Rule-Based Systems, Automated Planning, Deductive Databasases (Q&​A).</​fc>​ [7.12.2021; ALi]
 +  -  <fc #008080> Planned in Room 429/C-2: Knowledge Engineering. Graph Search and  Automated Planning</​fc>​ [14.12.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - **On-line via Moodle VC: Graph Search: heuristic strategies. Implementation in Prolog.** [21.12.2021;​ ALi]
 +  -  **On-line via Moodle VC: Introduction to Constraint Programming**. [4.01.2022; ALi]
 +  - **Constraint Programming:​ Introduction to MiniZinc.** [11.01.2022;​ALi] Room 429/C-2
 +  -**Rule-Based Systems and Decision Trees. Machine Learning. Model-Based Reasoning.** [18.01.2022;​ ALi] Room 429/C-2
 +  - <fc #​ff0000>​Exam Zero</​fc>​ [25.01.2022;​ planned on Moodle via Internet]
 +   - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​artificial_intelligence_2021_based_on_krr_2020_-1.pdf |Introduction to Artificial Intelligence}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-logics-pc.pdf |Logic}}
 +  - [[pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Lectures on Prolog [slides 2021] + Sets of Examples + interesting links]]
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​search-blind-master.pdf |Graph Search: Blind Methods}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master.pdf |Graph Search: Heuristic Methods}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master-clp-est.pdf |Constraint Programming}}
 +   - {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​cp:​constraint_programming_2020-1.pdf |MiniZinc Intro}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​rule-based-systems-krakow-2012.pdf |Rule-Based Systems}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​chapter18.pdf |Machine Learning}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​wcidm-2017-presentation-ligeza-final-full.pdf |Model-Based Reasoning}}
 +==== Introduction to AI 2021 - Selected labs ====
 +  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​intro2ai:​labs:​lab_prolog1|Logic programming 1]] [22.10.2021,​ WTA]
 +  - [[en:​dydaktyka:​intro2ai:​labs:​lab_prolog2|Logic programming 2]] [29.10.2021,​ WTA]
 +  - [[https://​gitlab.com/​agh-courses/​2021-2022/​computer_science_ai_intro/​lab-03-04-state-search|State Space Search]] [05.11.2021,​19.11.2021,​ MSL]
 +==== Podstawy Sztucznej Inteligencji 2021 - Wybrane laboratoria ====
 +  - [[pl:​dydaktyka:​psi:​labs:​lab_prolog|Reprezentacja wiedzy i programowanie w logice]] [22/​29.10.2021,​ WTA]
 +===== Lectures - 2021 - Summer [closed] =====
 +  - **Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Basic Practical Introduction to Constraint Programming and MiniZinc: 3 simple examples.** [4.03.2021; ALi] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​ai-constraint_programming_2021.pdf |Constraint Programming:​ Introduction to MiniZinc}} {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​minizinc-examples-4-03-2021.zip |MiniZinc Examples - 3.03.2021}}
 +  - **Introduction to Constraint Programming. Building simple CP models in MiniZinc. Abduction/​Constructive Abduction. CP/CSP/SAT vs. Constrained Optimization. MiniZinc by examples: map coloring, SendMoreMoney,​ SendMostMoney. Constraint Satisfaction vs. Optimization with Constraints. MiniZinc vs. Python and Prolog examples.** [11.03.2021;​ ALi] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​minizinc-examples-11-03-2021.zip |MiniZinc Examples - 11.04.2021}} {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​python_prolog-examples-11-03-2021.zip |Python+Prolog-examples-11-03-2021}}
 +  - **Backtracking Search and Linear Programming Models; CSP vs COpt. Production planning; using external data sets. Real numbers: loan and laplace. Simple production planning: sets, sets, arrays, program parametrization. Aggregation and quantification.** [18.03.2021;​ ALi]
 +  - **Modeling in MiniZinc: Sudoku, symmetry braking, knapsack, jobshop, cumulative and other applications in MiniZinc.** [25.03.2021;​ ALi]{{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​minizin-examples-25-03-2021.zip |MiniZinc Examples - 25.03.2021}}
 +  - Happy Easter! [1.04.2021]
 +  - **Real-World Examples of Constraint Programming. Introduction to Theory of CP. Constraint Propagation.** ​ [8.04.2021;​ALi]
 +  - **Constraint Programming. Backtracking Search and Constraint Propagation. Forward Checking. Arc Consistency. Tree-Structured Problems. Problem Decomposition. Nurse Rostering Problem.** [15.04.2021;​ALi] {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master-clp-est.pdf |Constraint Programming}}
 +  - **AI- a Big Picture. Graph Search as a Model of Problem Solving. Blind Search.** [22.04.2021;​ALi]
 +  - **AI - Heuristic Search Methods. Heuristics and their Properties. Greedy Search and the A* Algorithm. Automated Planning. State-Space Modeling. Hill Climbing and Genetic Algorithms.** [29.04.2021;​ALi
 +  - **AI - Introduction to Rule-Based Systems. Foundations,​ Technologies,​ Tools and Applications.** [6.05.2021; KKl]
 +  - **AI - Semantic Web and Description Logics. Concepts, Ontologies, Technologies and Application Areas.** [13.05.2021;​ WTA]
 +  - AI - [20.05.2021;​ MAD]
 +  - AI - [27.05.2021;​ MSL]
 +  - Holidays [3.06.2021]
 +  - AI - [10.06.2021;​ ALi]
 +**Basic reference handbook:**
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​html/​ArtInt2e.html|The core Handbook: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​slides/​|Slides for the Handbook: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​online.html|Online Resources: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +== Lecture slides + supporting materials ==
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro.pdf |KRR-introduction}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-constraints.pdf |KRR-introduction-to-constraints}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-minizinc-1.pdf |MiniZinc-1}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-minizinc-2.pdf |MiniZinc-2}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master-clp-est.pdf |Constraint Programming}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​rule-based-systems-krakow-2012.pdf |Rule-Based Systems}}
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-logics-pc.pdf |Logic}}
 +  * [[pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Prolog]]
 +  - [[https://​www.youtube.com/​results?​search_query=MiniZinc| MiniZinc on Youtube]]
 +  - [[https://​sites.google.com/​view/​iclp-dc-2020/​autumn-school-on-logic-programming| Autumn School of Logic and Constraint Ptogramming 2020]]
 +  - [[http://​www.hakank.org/​minizinc/​ | Hakank'​s page on MiniZinc: Code Examples]]
 ====== Knowledge Representation and Reasoning ====== ====== Knowledge Representation and Reasoning ======
 //Systems Modelling and Data Analysis + Engineering of Intelligent Systems// //Systems Modelling and Data Analysis + Engineering of Intelligent Systems//
 +===== Lectures - 2020 =====
 +  - **Introduction to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Basic Practical Introduction to Constraint Programming and MiniZinc: 3 simple examples.** [25.02.2020;​ ALi]
 +  - **Introduction to Constraint Programming. Building simple CP models in MiniZinc. Abduction/​Constructive Abduction. CP/CSP/SAT vs. Constrained Optimization. MiniZinc by examples: map coloring, sendMoreMoney,​ SendMostMoney,​production planning; using external data sets. ** [3.03.2020; ALi]
 +  - **Backtracking Search and Linear Programming Models; cryptoarithmetic examples vs. linear programming optimization. MiniZinc and Python examples. Modeling Sudoku, production optimization,​ knapsack, jobshop and other applications in MiniZinc.**[10.03.2020;​ ALi]
 +  - **<fc #​ff0000>​Uwaga:​ Zajęcia odwołane 11.03.2020 godz. 10:00 do 24-czy-25(?​).03.2020! Attention: Lectures/​classes cancelled until March 24-or-25-th(?​),​ 2020! See: [[https://​www.agh.edu.pl/​aktualnosci/​info/​article/​agh-zawiesza-zajecia-dydaktyczne/​|AGH - Decision/​Decycja]]</​fc>​**
 +  - **<fc #​4682b4>​Constraint Programming Tools: MiniZinc. Examples of application.</​fc>​** [17.03.2020;​ Online class (use slides 2 below; start from page 47 and continue untill the end; Also lin 3 below); ALi]
 +  -  **<fc #​4682b4>​Logical background for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Syntax and Semantics of Propositional Calculus.</​fc>​** [24.03.2020;​ALi]
 +  - **<fc #​6495ed>​Logical background for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Inference Tasks and Theorem Proving.</​fc>​** [31.03.2020;​ ALi]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​Logical background for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Principles of Propositional Calculus. Syntax, Semantics, Logical Implication. Truth Tables. Functionally Complete Systems; NAND, NOR. </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 7.04.2020;​ALi]
 +  -  **<fc #​ff00ff>​Logical background for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Logical Equivalent Transformation Rules. ​ Implicants and Implicents. CNF and DNF.  </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 21.04.2020;​ALi]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​Logical Inference Rules. Theorem Proving. Resolution and Dual Resolution. Semantic Tableau. Fitch System. Unicorn again. </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 28.04.2020;​ALi]
 +  - **<fc #ff00ff> In Search for Models: Satisfiability Verification. Decision Trees, Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams. The SAT Problem and SAT Sovers. </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 5.05.2020; ALi]
 +  - **<fc #​ff00ff>​First-Order Predicate Calculus and Resolution Theorem Proving: Towards Logic Programming and Prolog </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 12.05.2020; ALi]
 +  -  **<fc #​ff00ff>​Logic Programming and Prolog. Constraint Programming,​ Rule-Based System and Automated Planning in Prolog. </​fc>​** [On-Line via UPEL; 19.05.2020; ALi]
 +  - Decision Trees, Decision Tables, Rule-Based Systems
 +  - Graph-Search and Planning
 +  - Constraint Problem Solving; Constraint Logic Programming
 +  - Abduction, Abductive Reasoning, Model-Based Reasoning, Consistency-Based Reasoning, Diagnostic Systems.
 +  - Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems vs. Probabilistic Models
 +  - Invited presentations...
 +  - Final Examination.
 +**Basic reference handbook:**
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​html/​ArtInt2e.html|The core Handbook: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​slides/​|Slides for the Handbook: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +  * [[https://​artint.info/​2e/​online.html|Online Resources: Artificial Intelligence 2E]]
 +**Support materials/​Lecture slides:**
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro.pdf | Introduction to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​knowledge_representation_and_reasoning_2020.pdf | Introduction to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: updated 2020}}
 +  -  {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2020-intro-minizinc.pdf | Introduction to KRR and Constraint Programming. Introduction to MiniZinc through examples}}
 +  - [[https://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-2.4.3/​en/​index.html|MiniZinc Tutorial: use Sections 2.1, 2.2., 2.3]]
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-logics-pc.pdf |Introduction to Propositional Logic. Syntax and Semantics. Inference and Theorem Proving.}}
 +  -  - {{:​pl:​dydaktyka:​logic:​logic_for_computer_science_2020.pdf | An Introduction to Logic}}
 +  - {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​logic:​logic_for_computer_science_2020-2.pdf | Propositional Calculus: Syntax, Sematics, Equivalence,​ CNF, DNF }} 
 +  - {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​logic:​logic_for_computer_science_2020-3.pdf | Propositional Calculus: Theorem Proving}}
 +  - {{ :​pl:​dydaktyka:​logic:​logic_for_computer_science_2020-4.pdf | Propositional Calculus: Model Analysis: Decision Trees, OBDD, and SAT}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​logic_for_computer_science_2020-prop-prof-3-28-04-2020.pdf |Propositional Calculus for KRR:  Theorem Proving, Inference Rules, Resolution, Dual Resolution, Semantic Tableau, Fitch, Unicorn [28.04.2020]}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​logic_for_computer_science_2020_prop-sat-4-23-04-2020.pdf |Propositional Calculus for KRR: Search for Models, Decision Trees, Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, SAT; SAT-Solvers and DIMACS format; Unicorn - final solution.}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​logic_for_computer_science_2020-fopc-14-05-2020.pdf |First-Order Predicate Calculus for KRR. Resolution and Dual Resolution Method.[Update:​ 14-05-2020]}}
 +  - {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​resolution-example-fol-cesar-logicexample.pdf |Example of Resolution Theorem Proving: Marcus and Caesar [Lecture on 12-05-2020]}}
 +  - [[http://​home.agh.edu.pl/​~ligeza/​wiki/​prolog:​course|Prolog - support materials]] + {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​prolog.zip |Prolog - collection of simple examples (presented online on 19.05.2020)}}
 +**__<fc #​9400d3>​New:​ Screencast from on-line lectures: video+sound (Use Google Chrome or try your browser):</​fc>​__**
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EVlkWpYLU99Km70CgTtCjfEBiE85X1_4hB_4UKuE5ziAzQ?​e=EBv795|Propositional Calculus: Syntax, Sematics, Equivalence,​ CNF, DNF+examples (1.5h in English)|via MS Office OneDrive?​AGH]])
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EdRc1zg3KiRJuyeIwiZ0cLMBaAqJOh6KFDLWwmen6VKRTw?​e=HtJwJc|Propositional Calculus: ​ Theorem Proving, Inference Rules, Resolution, Dual Resolution, Semantic Tableau, Fitch (1.5h in English)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH ​  ]]
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​Eeuq3OyXKStKohoJt-pAJyUB-8gqlxoioZ2ggSHGfdCC0g?​e=bzS6Nz|Propositional Calculus: ​ Theorem Proving, Inference Rules, Resolution, Dual Resolution, Semantic Tableau, Fitch (1.5h in Polish)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH]]
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EUVqjBrvUdBFpLnZdwtnSe4BPSHx2galcih4-IHLfkanzg?​e=Tmkl0C|Propositional Calculus for KRR:  Theorem Proving, Inference Rules, Resolution, Dual Resolution, Semantic Tableau, Fitch, Unicorn (1.5h in English; 28.04.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH]]
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EZlU2VmoUq5Fp2GfU_ia04oBrLMIAunP0KijBvIsYvrqyA?​e=X56Lkc|Propositional Calculus for KRR: Search for Models, Decision Trees, Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, SAT; SAT-Solvers and DIMACS format; Unicorn - final solution.(1.5h in English; 5.05.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH) ]]
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​ER1H77kSGCZNg2Y8n88sd84B7dTu4nNy3EmG_MkheLhEhw?​e=lWBkha|First-Order Predicate Calculus for KRR. Resolution and Dual Resolution Method.(1.5h in English; 12.05.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH)]]
 +  * [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EefXQ0sT9uBOsrcFaeNEGZcBfh5S7UY-ltEhaw84V3iE8g?​e=EFscHo|Introduction to Prolog (0.3hh in English; 19.05.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH)]]
 +  *  [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EX6JFaSfDqlKvcGM1ZGf4u0BEarEUw7zS_gyInHnXXGqQw?​e=kHKrWf|Introduction to Prolog: Lists, member/2, append/3, select/3. (0.3hh in English; 19.05.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH)]]
 +  *  [[https://​aghedupl-my.sharepoint.com/:​v:/​g/​personal/​ligeza_agh_edu_pl/​EZ3B9ijWzK1OifcQWhNdrFABdDXa3Z72pwn_x_hqQBQhTQ?​e=xNhCc1 | Prolog: by examples. Simple Knowledge-Baseds QA Systems, Constraint Programming,​ Rule-Based Systems, Meta Programming,​ Graph Search ​ and Automated Planning (1.3hh in English; 19.05.2020)| via MS Office OneDrive/​AGH)]]
 +Auxiliary support and internet sources:
 +  * [[https://​www.minizinc.org/​doc-2.4.3/​en/​index.html|The Official Handbook of MiniZinc]]
 +  * Some thesis (useful simple introduction to MiniZinc; in polish): {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​praca_inzynierska_-_lukasz_sumara-wersja-zlozona.pdf |MiniZinc - wprowadzenie}}
 ===== Lectures 2018 ===== ===== Lectures 2018 =====
Line 11: Line 439:
   - **Knapsack model and Cumulative constraints. Practical applications of Constraint Programming. Some theory: Constraint propagation.** [27.03.2018;​ Ali]    - **Knapsack model and Cumulative constraints. Practical applications of Constraint Programming. Some theory: Constraint propagation.** [27.03.2018;​ Ali] 
   - [3.04.2018 - Easter breake]   - [3.04.2018 - Easter breake]
-  - Techniques for Constraint Propagation [10.04.2018;​ ALi] +  - **Techniques for Constraint Propagation** [10.04.2018;​ ALi] 
-  - Knowledge Representation with Logic. Propositional Calculus [17.04.2018;​ ALi] +  - **Knowledge Representation with Logic. Propositional Calculus.** [17.04.2018;​ ALi] 
-  - Reasoning in Propositional Calculus. Resolution Method. Introduction to SAT. [24.04.2018;​ ALi]+  - **Reasoning in Propositional Calculus. Resolution Method. Introduction to SAT.** [24.04.2018;​ ALi]
   - [1.05.2018 - Holidays]   - [1.05.2018 - Holidays]
-  - SAT: problems, techniques, tools and example applications. [8.05.2018; invited presentation]+  - **SAT: problems, techniques, tools and example applications.** [8.05.2018; invited presentation] 
 +  - **Knowledge Representation with Logic. First-Order Predicate Calculus.** [15.05.2018;​ ALi] 
 +  - **Logic Programming and Prolog.** [22.05.2018;​ ALi] 
 +  -  **Rule-Based Systems and Planning.** [29.05.2018;​ ALi] 
 +  - Individual work: Preparation for the exam. [5.06.2018; ALi] 
 +  - **Exam - zero** ​ 15:30-17:00 [12.06.2018;​ ALi] 
 +  - Exams: 27.06.2018 - 11:00, and 4.07.2018- 14:00 Room 429/322 C-2 [ALi] 
 ---- ----
Line 21: Line 456:
 **Lectures: Tuesdays, C-2, Room 429, 15:​30-17:​00** **Lectures: Tuesdays, C-2, Room 429, 15:​30-17:​00**
 +** Preparation for exam 2018 - main focus ** {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-exam-preparation-2018.pdf |List of topics}}
 ---- ----
 == Lecture slides + supporting materials == == Lecture slides + supporting materials ==
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro.pdf |KRR-introduction}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-constraints.pdf |KRR-introduction-to-constraints}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-minizinc-1.pdf |MiniZinc-1}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-2017-intro-minizinc-2.pdf |MiniZinc-2}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​master-clp-est.pdf |Constraint Programming}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​rule-based-systems-krakow-2012.pdf |Rule-Based Systems}} 
 +  * {{ :​en:​dydaktyka:​krr:​krr-logics-pc.pdf |Logic}} 
 +  * [[pl:​dydaktyka:​pp:​start|Prolog]]
 ---- ----
Line 122: Line 564:
   * Lab 1. [[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​intro|Constraint Programming:​ 101]]   * Lab 1. [[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​intro|Constraint Programming:​ 101]]
-  * Labs and 3.[[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab1|Constraint Programming:​ Basic Problems]] +  * Lab 2. [[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab1|Constraint Programming:​ Basic Problems]] 
-  * Lab 4. [[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab2|Constraint Programming:​ Basic Techniques]] +  * Lab 3. [[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab2|Constraint Programming:​ Basic Techniques]] 
-  * Lab 5. [[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab3|Constraint Programming:​ Search Modeling]]+  * Lab 4. [[en:​dydaktyka:​csp:​lab3|Constraint Programming:​ Search Modeling]]
 == Automated Planning == == Automated Planning ==
Line 142: Line 584:
   - [[en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​lab2|Probabilistic Programming:​ Probabilistic Graphs and Decision Theory]]   - [[en:​dydaktyka:​problog:​lab2|Probabilistic Programming:​ Probabilistic Graphs and Decision Theory]]
 +==== Projects ====
 +There are three projects to choose from:
 +  - fox-geese-corn --- simple planning problem. ​
 +  - gangs-wars --- problem about optimal ordering of tasks. Quite simple, but it's very difficult to find the optimal solution. ​
 +  - port-scheduling --- almost real-life problem about scheduling coal deliveries in an Australian port. 
 +All the project are available via [[https://​gitlab.com/​agh-krr|gitlab]].
 +The test assignment is an obligatory project, that everyone has o finish before starting working on the one real projects. ​
 +Instructions,​ how to do the projects are included in the ''​README.md''​ files.
 +The deadline is simply last class in the semester.
 +While grading I will check:
 +  - if the model is correct;
 +  - if the model allows to quickly find a good solution;
 +  - if the model is comprehensible;​
 +  - what was your work hygiene (how often did you commit, did you contact in case of a problem, etc.)
 +PS yes, you can do projects in pairs.
en/dydaktyka/krr/start.1522936138.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/27 16:00 (external edit)
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