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misc:semantic_gap [2009/03/17 22:05]
gjn Document moved from semantic_gap
misc:semantic_gap [2017/07/17 10:08]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Semantic Gap ====== 
-The semantic gap in Software Engineering (a gap between a declarative design and sequential implementation) is a motivation for the [[hekate:​hekate]] project. 
-[[wp>​semantic gap|Genral description]] of the Semantic Gap. 
-Some Rule Based Systems [[http://​msdn.microsoft.com/​library/​default.asp?​url=/​library/​en-us/​dnmaj/​html/​aj1rules.asp|related]] info regarding the Semantic Gap. 
misc/semantic_gap.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/27 15:50 (external edit)
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