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Working with lists in Prolog

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1. List notation

A list is an ordered collection of items. An element can be any Prolog structure (term).

We denote the list:

[2,4,6, ala, has, a, cat]

Each list consists of:

  • head , which is always the 1st list element, and
  • tail , which is always a list

The head and tail are separated by the operator | (vertical bar), e.g .:

? - [X | Y] = [a, b, c, d].
X = a
Y = [b, c, d];

The decomposition and structuring of lists is mainly carried out by the unification mechanism. For example:

? - [X, Y | Z] = [a, b, c, d].
X = a
Y = b
Z = [c, d];
? - [X, Y, a] = [Z, b, Z].
X = a
Y = b
Z = a;


Please check the following unification:

? - X = [a, b, c].
? - [X | Y] = [a, b, c].
? - [[a, b], c] = [X, Y].
? - [a(b), c(X)] = [Z, c(a)].
? - [X | Y] = [a].

Selecting an Item:

third([A, B, C | Rest], C).

Define a predicate that compares 2 selected list items, e.g. 3 and 4.

Example of use:

? - compare([a, b, c, d]).
? - compare([a, b, c, c]).

Define a predicate that replaces 2 selected list items, e.g. 3 and 4.

? - replace ([a, b, c, d], X).
X = [a, b, d, c]

2. List membership

belongs(X, [X | _]).
belongs(X, [_ | Ytail]) :- belongs(X, Ytail).


Add the predicate belongs to your program.

Check and think about the operation of the following:

? - belongs(c, [a, b, c, d]).
? - belongs(x, [a, b, c, d]).
? - belongs(X, [a, b, c, d]).
? - belongs(x, a).
? - belongs(X, a).

3. Counting items

list_length([], 0).
list_length([_ | Tail], Length):-
       list_length(Tail, X),
       Length is X + 1.


Add the predicate list_length to the file.

Check and think about the operation of the following:

  ? - list_length ([a, b, c], X).

4. Recursive list analysis

(source: LearnPrologNow))

a2b([], []).
a2b([a | Ta], [b | Tb]): -
   a2b(Ta, Tb).


Add the predicate a2b to the file.

Check and think about the operation of the following:

  ? - a2b([a, a, a], [b, b, b]).
  ? - a2b([a, a, a, a], [b, b, b]).
  ? - a2b([a, s, d], [b, s, d]).
  ? - a2b([a, a, a, a], X).
  ? - a2b(X, [b, b]).
  ? - a2b(X, Y).

Note: this predicate does “something interesting” only for lists starting with 'a' and 'b'!

5. Merging lists

list_merge([], X, X).
list_merge([X | L1], L2, [X | L3]): -
list_merge(L1, L2, L3).


Add the predicate list_merge to the file.

Check and think about the operation of the following:

? - list_merge([a, b], [c, d], X).
? - list_merge([a, b], X, [c, d]).
? - list_merge([a, b], X, [a, b, c, d]).
? - list_merge(A, B, [a, b, c, d, e]).
? - list_merge([1,2,3], [a, b, c], X).
? - list_merge([1,2,3], [a (e), b (f), c (d, g)], X).
? - list_merge(Before, [5 | After], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]).
? - list_merge(_, [A, 5, B, _], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]).
? - list_merge(A, [x, x, x | _], [a, b, x, x, c, x, x, x, d, e]).

Note: add and test the predicate:

belongs(X, L) :- list_merge(_, [X | _], L).

Define a predicate that checks if the Item is the last element of the List:

last(Item, List).

With and without the use of “list_merge”.

6. Adding items

list_add(X, L, [X | L]).

In practice, an additional predicate would not be needed here.


Add the predicate list_add to the file.

Check and think about the operation of the following:

? - list_add(a, [c, d], X).
? - list_add([a, b], [c, d], X).

7. Deleting items

list_remove(X, [X | Remainder], Remainder).
list_remove(X, [Y | Tail], [Y | Rest]) :-
list_remove(X, Tail, Rest).


Add the predicate list_remove to the file.

Check and think about the operation of the following:

? - list_remove(a, [a, b, a, c, a, a], X).
? - list_remove(a, [a, b, c, d], X).
? - list_remove(c, [a, b, c, d], X).
? - list_remove(c, X, [a, b, c, d]).
? - list_remove(1, X, [a, b, c, d]).

Please find all solutions (;).

Note: add and test the predicate:

list_insert(X, L, Large) :- list_remove(X, Large, L).

Note: add and test the predicate:

belongs2 (X, L) :- list_remove(X, L, _).

8. Lists containment

list_contains(S, L) :-
         list_merge(_, L2, L),
         list_merge(S, _, L2).


Add the predicate list_contains to the file.

Check and think about the operation of the following:

? - list_contains(a, [a, b, c]).
? - list_contains([a], [a, b, c]).
? - list_contains(X, [a, b, c]).
? - list_contains([X], [a, b, c]).
? - list_contains([X, Y], [a, b, c]).
? - list_contains([X, Y, Z], [a, b, c]).

9. List permutations

permutation([X | L], P) :-
      permutation(L, L1),
      insert(X, L1, P).
permutation2([], []).
permutation2(L, [X | P]) :-
      list_remove(X, L, L1),
      permutation2(L1, P).


Add the predicate permutation to the file.

Check and think about the operation of the following:

? - permutation([a, b, c], X).
? - permutation2([a, b, c], X).

10. Reversing Lists

list_reverse([], []).
list_reverse([H | T], L): -
     list_reverse(T, R), list_merge(R, [H], L).


Add the predicate list_reverse to the file.

Check and think about the operation of the following:

? - list_reverse([a, b, c, d], X).
? - list_reverse([a, b, c, d], [d, c, b, a]).

11. Lists and strings

A string in Prolog may be represented by:

  • an atom - difficult to process,
  • a list of ASCI codes of characters,
  • a list of one-letter atoms.

List representation increases the string processing possibilities.

Useful predicate:

write_string([H | T]) :-
     put(H), write_string(T).

Another situation: An example of using the built-in predicates name and append to transform strings. Predicate plural (Noun, Pl) - converts an English regular noun from singular to plural.

plural(Noun, PL) :-
      name(Noun, L),
      name(s, T),
      append(L, T, NL),
      name(PL, NL).


Check and think about the operation of the following:

? - write('ala').
? - write('ala has a cat').
? - write("ala").
? - write("ala has a cat").
? - X = 'a', put(X).
? - X = 'ala', put(X).
? - X = "a", put(X).
? - put(65), put(66), put(67).

Add the predicates write_string and plural to the file.

Check and think about the operation of the following:

? - write_string("ala has a cat").
? - permutation ("abc", X), write_string(X), nl, fail.
? - list_insert("", "abcdefgh", Z), write_string(Z), nl, fail.
? - plural(day, PL).

If you want to know more...

  1. More lists problems in Polish, but you can get the idea… 8-)
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