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en:dydaktyka:planning:pddl2 [2017/04/23 16:09]
msl [4 First Puzzle: Bruce Willis Has a Problem]
en:dydaktyka:planning:pddl2 [2019/06/27 15:49] external edit
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 ====== - Extending Planning Domains with Fluents ====== ====== - Extending Planning Domains with Fluents ======
-This class covers usage of the PDDL 2.1 main feature --- so called ''​fluents''​. Student is expected to understand ​it's notion ​and use it to solve some popular logical puzzles.+This class covers usage of the PDDL 2.1 main feature --- so called ''​fluents''​. Student is expected to understand ​the new construct ​and use it to solve some popular logical puzzles.
 ===== - Preliminaries ===== ===== - Preliminaries =====
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 ===== - Tools ===== ===== - Tools =====
-Please ​download {{ :en:​dydaktyka:​planning:​metric-ff-lab.zip ​|source code of PDDL 2.1 solver}}. The package includes also some examples we will refer to during ​the class. Please run to terminal and switch to the root folder of the package and then try:+Please ​clone [[https://​gitlab.com/​agh-krr/​pddl ​|repository with the PDDL 2.1 solver]]. The package includes also ''​pddl''​ files in the ''​lab2''​ directory, related to this class. Please run to terminal and switch to the root folder of the package and then try:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-./ff -o ./examples/hanoi/problem.pddl -f ./examples/hanoi/instance.pddl+./ff -o ./lab2/hanoi/domain.pddl -f ./lab2/hanoi/problem.pddl
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-If command failstry to recompile ​the solver (you can refer to [[pddl#​automated_solving_of_problems_written_in_pddl|the analogical section of the previous class]]).+ 
 +Replace ''​ff''​ with appropriate onee.g. ''​ff-macos''​ on macOS. In case, none of the binaries works for you, you can build the planner according ​to the instruction in the repo's ''​README.md''​.
 ===== - Example: Hanoi ===== ===== - Example: Hanoi =====
-The new solver supports some new statements. Please check the files: ''​./​examples/hanoi/problem.pddl''​ i ''​./​examples/hanoi/instance.pddl''​. The new things include:+The new solver supports some new statements. Please check the files: ''​./​lab2/hanoi/domain.pddl''​ i ''​./​lab2/hanoi/problem.pddl''​. The new things include:
   * ''​(:​requirements :​fluents)''​ --- informs solver that we want to use fluents   * ''​(:​requirements :​fluents)''​ --- informs solver that we want to use fluents
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 <code bash> <code bash>
-./ff -o ./​examples/​hanoi/​problem.pddl -f ./​examples/​hanoi/​instance.pddl -s 0+./ff -o ./​examples/​hanoi/​domain.pddl -f ./​examples/​hanoi/​problem.pddl -s 0
 </​code>​ </​code>​
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 {{ youtube>​BVtQNK_ZUJg }} {{ youtube>​BVtQNK_ZUJg }}
-Please watch fragment of the Die Hard 3 movie above. The puzzle depicted there belongs to a quite popular family of "water pouring'"​ puzzles. The ''​./​examples/​jugs''​ folder contains a model of a [[http://​www.riddleministry.com/​riddles/​water-puzzle-19-13-7/​1246/​|very similar problem]]. ​+ 
 +Please watch fragment of the Die Hard 3 movie above. The puzzle depicted there belongs to a quite popular family of "water pouring'"​ puzzles. The ''​./​lab2/​jugs''​ folder contains a model of a [[http://​www.riddleministry.com/​riddles/​water-puzzle-19-13-7/​1246/​|very similar problem]]. ​
 ==== Assignments ==== ==== Assignments ====
-  - Fill missing lines of the ''​problem.pddl'',​ so you can solve ''​instance.pddl''​ in 16 steps. +  - Fill missing lines of the ''​domain.pddl'',​ so you can solve ''​problem.pddl''​ in 16 steps. 
-  - Remodel the problem so it would us only one action+  - Remodel the problem so it would use only one action
   - Modify the problem to include the fountain and help Bruce Willis!   - Modify the problem to include the fountain and help Bruce Willis!
Line 60: Line 63:
 {{ youtube>​7yDmGnA8Hw0 }} {{ youtube>​7yDmGnA8Hw0 }}
-Watch two first minutes of the movie above. ''​./​examples/​zombie-escape''​ folder contains file related to this puzzle. Then check the assignments and save yourself! ​+\\ 
 +Watch two first minutes of the movie above. ''​./​lab2/​zombie-escape''​ folder contains file related to this puzzle. Then check the assignments and save yourself! ​
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   - Fill missing lines of the ''​problem.pddl'',​ so you can solve ''​instance.pddl''​   - Fill missing lines of the ''​problem.pddl'',​ so you can solve ''​instance.pddl''​
-  - Remodel the problem so it would us only one action+  - Remodel the problem so it would use only one action
   - Solve the similar [[http://​www.learn4good.com/​games/​puzzle/​boat.htm|problem of missionaries and cannibals]]   - Solve the similar [[http://​www.learn4good.com/​games/​puzzle/​boat.htm|problem of missionaries and cannibals]]
en/dydaktyka/planning/pddl2.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/14 11:32 by msl
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